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With Cassie’s supple body pressed against mine, her cheek resting on my shoulder as she continued to kiss my neck softly, I close my eyes and lay still to await my Lady’s attention.  I could feel her moving at my side and it is only as I hear the rustle of fabric that I realize that she was undressing.  When I feel her bare bum press to my hip I knew that the Lady was now as naked as her two submissive.  Moving silently and gracefully she sets to work.

I feel her weight leave the mattress then hear the rope uncoil to spill to the floor.  As quiet as the fresh breeze I hear the dry hiss of rope sliding against rope.  A teasing lick of cool crosses my left foot and lower leg, the palpable sensation of my Lady’s limited sight finding my shape, followed quickly by a soft, warm palm sliding down my inner ankle.  She pushes the folded end of our special rope beneath my ankle to then coil the twinned cord around my leg.  Just the touch of that unique supple texture was enough to force a sigh from my lungs.  With masterful ease the Lady ties that particular knot she used that would hold strong yet never tighten nor loosen.  At the corner the mattress is pulled up as Rosa guides the ropes beneath to the metal frame which supported us.  Pulling the rope taut she ties it off to corner post before letting the mattress return to its natural shape.  As attentive as ever when we played with bondage she checks and double checks her knots before moving on.  Pulling the remainder of the long, dense rope with her she then does exactly the same with the other leg.

As Rosa does her thing it soon dawns on me that Cassie’s cozy cuddle was not simply about warmth.  In the past Rosa had always liked to keep a hand or some other part of her touching me at all times as she did her thing.  I’d come to recognize it as an anchor and a comfort blanket it one, reminding me in a bodily way that my Lady was there and that I was safe.  With Cassie providing her boy with the physical contact that I needed, in a full body embrace no less, it did give Rosa a bit more freedom to work apart from me for short periods.  Not that she ever left me absent of her touch for long, but the constant physical contact was not as necessary with her girl at my side.  It was such a tiny detail and one I would have never thought about myself yet one that made an incredible difference.  It was this kind of awareness of my needs that made my Lady the best in the world.

For her part Cassie continues to hold to me, sharing her warmth and her love with tenderness and care.  Either by training or simply through picking up on the sacred trust that was flowing back and forth right now between Dominant and submissive, Cassie remains respectfully quiet so that I could savor this moment to its fullest.

Rosa’s warm hand and cooling sight glides up my leg, along my side, then up my outstretched arm as she moves from ankle to wrist.  Encircling my right wrist the rope is drawn snug, but never so tight as to pinch or cut off circulation, then knotted firmly.  This time the other side is not affixed to the frame but to one of the stout wooden pillars built into the wall that acted as the massive bed’s headboard.  It would have taken a draft oxen to pull that post from the wall, my isolated arm would have no hope of even budging it.  Rosa was binding me for real tonight.  Escape would be impossible.

“Ohhhh!”  I hear myself moan.

“I’m here.”  Cassie whispers and clutches tighter to my side.  “I’m here, boy.”

“Good girl.”  Rosa coos.  “Good boy.”

I open my eyes to see my queen of a Lady at the side of the bed gazing down upon this undeserving mortal man.  The fact she could not truly see me but instead looked straight through me made me feel all more insignificant to her greatness.  Towering over me her body, lithe and nubile, was divine in it’s erotic beauty.  Her breasts, small yet perfect, and pert aroused nipples beckoned for a mouth as loudly as her long, thick cock which slumped heavily between her fine, smooth legs.  Kissing the tips of her slender fingers she finds my lips and passes the kiss on.  Eagerly I kiss them back and try to suck on them, but she pulls them away with a smile.

“Tonight I offer you to Morpheus.”  She boops my nose.  “Cupid will have to wait, Master.”

“Yes, my Ladyyy.”

Bewitched by her power and beauty I cannot tear my eyes from her as she slowly glides around the bed to stand at my other side.  When she finds my waiting arm I stretch it out further, eager for the bliss that hovered so near.

“Mmm.”  She bows and kisses my palm.  “Good boy.”  She then gently touches Cassie’s shoulder and whispers.  “Move to the other side, my dear.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Moving smoothly and carefully Cassie rises just as much as she must to drag her soft body across me to snuggle to my cooler opposite flank.  Just the brush of her super soft belly across my achingly rigid manhood might have been enough to set me off if my ingrained obedience hadn’t stepped in to deny the spilling of my seed.

“He’s already close.”  Rosa returns to the bed, kneeling in the space Cassie had just left, and lays a hand on my chest.  “He will not be with us for very long.”

Cassie hugs me, hard, and kisses my temple.  Into my ear she whispers.   “I love you, Quin.”

“Love…youuuu.”  I whine, my own voice receding even as I spoke.  “My Lady…pleeease.”

She settles herself hard against my side, her tail wrapping around my thigh for maximum contact between us.  “Yes, my Master.”

Reaching across me she pulls the remaining length of vermilion rope to my left side then, as calm as ever and with a serene smile that sets my heart to ease, she binds my last limb.  Her work done Rosa lounges across me, using Cassie’s body as one might use a pillow on a sofa, and with a gentle hand she softly strokes my hair.

“I am here.  Cassie is here.  You are safe.  You are loved.  You are loved!”


“Try your bonds, my boy.”  She says as refreshing cooling magic settles across my face.  “Test them.”

One limb at a time I give a small pull, each time I feel the rope holding me give not one inch.  A bit harder I pull, first both my legs and then both my arms, and while the weave of the cord digs into my skin as the bed creaks against my effort again there is no movement.  At last, all my muscular limbs pulling together, I heave against my bindings with all my great strength and for my struggle I receive…nothing.

It was at that very moment it happens.  As I gaze up at my horned Lady and feel the impotence of my own insignificant power contrasted against her omnipotent feminine might I am suddenly…floating.

The evening sky, the forest breeze, the room around me, the bed below me, even the ropes around my wrists and ankles, all of it melts away to leave me adrift in the clouds of my sweet bliss.  I can barely even feel myself.  I too had melted away with the world.  Just another wisp of cloud drifting among the rest.

In a dizzying contrast, for every sensation I lost however I gained threefold in the realm of the person to person sensual.  My spirit may have evaporated but my skin still crackled, alive to the faintest touch of body on body.  Cassie’s silky hair against my shoulder felt like a flowing river, the fuzz of her crotch against my hip was forest, the soft weight of her breast against my ribs a all encompassing quilt and the tickle of her breath washing across my neck a blustering autumn wind, I could FEEL her like never before.  Even the oh so subtle shape of her nipple mashed to my side stood out like a campfire in the night.  And my Lady!  Ohhhhh, my glorious Lady.  She shone over me like a goddess!  I could feel them, I could smell them, I could taste them on the air.

Swaddled in this warm womanly love I soar!  In these skies there were no bills to pay, no work to do, no battles to fight, and no past nor future to worry me.  In this heavenly realm I had no power to muster, no agency to direct, no decisions weighing on me, no responsibilities to bear, and no will of my own to trouble my empty mind.  It was so peaceful here.  So quiet.  All of that incessant noise…silent at last.  The weight of my world was now Hers to bear.  My Lady.  My Lady!  So powerful!  So powerful!  OHHH GODS!  My Lady!  MY LADY!

I was gone.  My Lady had me now.  She held all that was left of me.  Nothing left for me.  All for her.  ALL FOR HER.  YESSSS!  Body, mind, soul, existence, all of it, belonged to her in this floating eternity.

Total surrender.  Total  helplessness.  Total trust.  Total submission.  Total, glorious, boundless FREEDOM!

Chapter 118 



Super hot! I like the language choices surrounding Rosa's domming becoming overtly numinous on occasion too. I think it's always there in any good futa or femdom stuff, as it seems to be the obvious shape of the desire to be "rightly and totally overwhelmed and possessed by a loving beautiful ideal".


Couple potential typos, lovely chapter as always: "as I hear the rustle or fabric that I realize" -> "rustle of" "the ropes beneath to the to the metal frame" -> extra "to the" "In that past Rosa had always" -> the past? wasn't sure if "that" was intentional wording