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After another dreamy snuggle I am released from my bondage but not from my Mistress’ arms.  Still swimming in a post-coital high that I’d never seen the like of Winona continued to stroke me and pet me and just touch me in any way she could.  For another man it would have been overbearing and even clingy but for this happy fella I wallow in every blessed second of her attention.  I loved what a big fuss she made over me.  It made me feel like I was really something special in a way that words could not.  For my part I just hold onto her as if she were a great big teddy bear and let her do her thing.

“Alright sticky boy.”  She tears my shredded nylons a bit more and pats my bum.  “Let’s clean up.”


Without letting me slip from her grasp she rolls out of bed and pulls me along with her.  She takes my hand in hers and together we walk to the washroom laughing and making goo-goo eyes at each other the whole way.  Once inside she turns me towards her and holds me by the shoulders as she gives me a look up and down, then smiles and kisses me.  Obediently I stand still as she begins to loosen straps and remove cuffs.

“How you feeling Sprout?”

“Amazing!”  I peep.  “I feel all tingly and happy.”  My description, though succinct, was true.  Though the incredible just fucked feeling in my butt went far beyond a mere tingle.  “Ohhh I f-feel great.”

“Me too.  That was SO fun!”  She says as she unfastens the snug belt to let my slender physique return to its natural shape.  “Bondage is SO much better with someone who can handle it and really roll with it.  Mmm!  Power is such an aphrodisiac.”

“I’ll t-take your word for it.”  I say in my baby girl voice.  “I liked being helpless.”

She laughs pinches my chin.  “Don’t sell yourself short Sprout.  You are more powerful than you could imagine.  Especially when you’re helpless.”  Pulling the harness off of me she holds it out between finger and thumb like a soiled cloth and carefully lays it over the toilet seat.  “Gonna have to clean that.”

“I’ll d-do it.”  Before she could object I add.  “You s-said it was mine.  My present.  I think a s-sub ought to look after his or her own stuff.”

“I’m not gonna argue.”  She looks down at my lower half to see me dangling out of the remnants of the pantyhose.  “Not sure I liked the ripping though.  I thought I was going to like it but…that was before I met you.”

“I thought it was f-fun.”  I grin.  “M-Maybe you c-could do my shirt next time?”

“Mmm”  She hums a non-answer.  She pulls the nylons off of me then wads them in a ball and tosses them in the little trash can under the sink.  “They sure looked nice on ya.”  Turning back to me she again gives me a good once over, checking my skin for chafes or abrasions.  There were imprints in my fair flesh where the straps held me and my tushie had a very slight fading pink glow but otherwise I was good as new, if a bit gooey in places.

“Come on.”  Taking my hands she pulls me along with her into the shower.

We hoot and holler as the cold water blasts us, each of us trying to hide behind the other as the water takes its own sweet time getting up to temperature.  Once it does get steamy we can relax and enjoy the rest.  She cleans me and I clean her, when we’re not in each other’s arms smooching that is.  Her hands feel amazing on my body, lathering me and scrubbing away our dried fluids.  Her body feels amazing in my hands as I soap and swipe her skin clean.  Running my hands over her flesh really made me appreciate the lean, firm physique that was hiding just beneath a thin layer of soft fat.  That strength she demonstrated from time to time didn’t come from nowhere.  It came from all American muscles.  If she ever wanted to I had no doubt that she could become one hell of an athlete.  I especially enjoyed the way the muscles of her back felt as I ran my fingers over her soaring raven tattoo.

With my hands exploring every inch of her it was bound to come across the scar at her lower left back.  When my hands swipe away the suds and I see the four inch long streak of pinkish-white that stood out from the smooth tan all around it I touch the spot very gently with my fingertips.  Reactively Winona reaches back to pull my hand away.

“Leave it.”  She snaps.

“S-Sorry.”  I say softly and return to cleaning her.

After a moment she sighs.  Taking my hand again she returns it to where it had been and whispers.  “It’s okay.”

The hissing water pouring over us I stand and oh so tenderly stroke my fingers back and forth over the old wound.  “It l-looks bad.”

“It was bad.”  She says, her voice so low the shower nearly drowns it.  “Almost killed me.”

“Oh!”  I gasp.

“You remember what I told you about Russell?  About his first girlfriend?”

“The one who w-would h-h-hurt him?”

“Yeah.”  She huffs.  “Things didn’t go so well when I found out.  Things didn’t go so well at all.”

“Oh no.”

“Don’t feel bad for me.  She’s carrying worse than this.”  She turns around and puts her arms around me.  “It would have been okay but unfortunately she had a brother too.  Nasty mother fucker.  It got bad.  Real bad.”  Her face flinches as the dark memory plays out in her mind.  “Pops had to come get me.  If the doc hadn’t of been visiting the Rez that day…well, I probably wouldn't be here showering with the sexiest babe on Ehkolie.”

“No.”  I pull her in tight and hug her with all my strength.

She hugs me back.  “Wasn’t so bad though.  Nobody fucked with Russell after that.  Plus it gave me this bad ass scar.”

“It’s n-not b-bad ass.”  I whisper.  “It’s st-stupid.”

“Ha!”  She gives me a squeeze.  “You’re probably not wrong.”  I look up at her as she smiles back down on me.  She pets my hair and kisses me.  “It’s okay.  That all happened a long time ago.”


She takes my head and kisses it.  “I’m just gonna finish my hair.”

“Okay.”  I say again.

Stepping out of the shower I towel off as she washes her long black hair.  By the time she is stepping out I am sitting on the toilet seat scrubbing way the little splotches of spooge that had gotten onto my harness.  Towel over her head as she dries her hair then turns and ‘accidentally’ smacks me across the cheek with her soft cock.  While soft the hot water and washing had it a hefty chub.  “Hey!”  I giggle and give the foreskin a little chomp.

“OW!”  She lets the towel fall over her shoulders as she rubs her dick with an affronted yet smiling expression.  “Careful with the goods!”

We laugh and joke as we finish up.

“You worked up an appetite in me Sprout.”  She says as we walk from the washroom with arms around each other.

“I’ll m-make us something.”

“That’d be awesome.”  She says.  “I’m starvin.”

I stop midstride, causing her to stop with me, and say.  “You’re not the only one!”

There on the bed among all the smears and smudges and puddles stood a little orange fuzzball happily lapping up our mess.  We look at each other in disgust and horror and cry out as one.  “EWWW!”

Chapter 110 



Cat do be wilding


Potential typos: "She says unfastens the snug belt to let my slender physique return to its natural shape" -> "unfastening the" ? "from the smooth tan all around it I spot to touch it very gently with my fingertips." -> "I start to touch it" ? "well, I probably would be here" -> "wouldn't be" "Towel over her head as she dries her hair the turns and" -> "then turns"