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I just wanted to pop in to inform you all that I just published my first ebook on kindle!  I decided to go with Panty Raid as the first one.  I was pretty pumped about it and wanted to share the news.  😄

As of right now Panty Raid is still available here at the Reader Plus level though that will be changing shortly.  After that it will be in the Archives.

If interested in an ebook version of this story you can find it HERE.

If you do end up purchasing it and you enjoy it I'd be ever so grateful if you considered giving it a 5 star review as I've heard it can really help the books visibility.

Love ya all!




I couldn't find it searching for 'futa' or 'grimbous' which is a bit odd, but I just clicked the link and bought it now. Congrats on your first published book!


Ah I think it autocorrects grimbous to grimbos, which is also not a word for no reason. Odd. Also I could find it searching for 'futanari' just not 'futa', so you might want see if there is some sort of tagging system to fiddle with. Or just swap/sprinkle the word futa into the description or some such. I'm not super familiar with the system but covering both 'futa' and 'futanari' seems pretty important if you can swing it.


Congratulations~ This is an exciting step forward, and I hope it leads more people to discovering your wonderful stories.