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Winona pulls the harness to the cushion beside me then takes my hands and pulls me to my feet.  Pulling me right into her body she hugs me and gives me another sweet kiss.

“Mmmmm.”  I smile as she pulls away.

When she steps back to take a long up and down look at me she bites her bottom lip in transparent desire.  It felt so good to be looked at like that.  To be genuinely desired for what I was.  Always being small and effete I had grown up seeing derision in women’s eyes as they silently measured me against the tall and rugged masculine ideal.  Sure, even I had to admit that I looked damn good right now in my pretty dress but I’d already seen Winona look at me just like that in my regular clothes, dressed up for our date, and even in my work clothes and apron.  She was attracted to me as me, regardless of the wrappings, just as much as I was hot for her.

“Damn baby girl.”  She whispers.

Taking the sides of my borrowed yellow shirt she slowly pulls it up over my tummy.  I raise my arms to allow her to pull it off of me, which she does.  I’d been shirtless for less than two seconds when Winona drops the garment and pulls me into her again.  Her head down low she kisses and sucks at my chest and shoulders.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh at the feeling of her lips and hands on my body.

She finishes with a kiss to my breast then pulls away again.  With barely contained excitement she pulls my skirt all the way down to the ground then has me lift one foot at a time so that she can toss it to the side.  Squatted down in front of me she steals a moment to kiss the bulge in my panties.  I giggle as my caged member twitches against its now tight confines in response.  To think that just a few minutes ago it was so small that it slipped out.  Winona stands, her hands tracing up the sides of my silky polka dot legs and then along my arms as she goes which sets me to shivering all over.  In just my cage, panties and nylons I felt more naked than naked as I stood trembling before her.

In a comfortable silence I stand and let myself be admired while I admire her smoking hot fully clothed body right back again.  It was comfortable because I knew she had control.  With another lover I would have felt the need to fill the quiet with a flirtatious comment or press the action.  But with Winona I could just relax and let her be our guide.  I absolutely LOVED that.

Grabbing my plump bottom she yanks me into her yet again for yet another kiss, this one harder and deeper, which we both enjoy very much.  Against my cage and legs I feel her cock swell free as my clitty strains with impotent lust.  Next she turns to the cuffs.  Starting with the left one, the one that read ‘Good’, she feeds the strap through the buckle then cinches it tight, but not too tight.  Although with how generously padded the lining was it would have been difficult to make it too tight.  She secures the buckle and tugs against it to see how it fit around my slender wrist.  It fit perfectly.

“How does it feel?”  She asks.

“Good.”  I say softly as I stare up at her without even a glance toward my arm.  God she was beautiful.  She glances at me and smiles at my fawning gaze.  I darn near swoon right there.

She steals another kiss and whispers.  “You’re a silly boy.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I whisper back.

From the left to the right she does the same with my other wrist.  So enraptured by her I can’t even tear my eyes away to watch it this time.  All I could think about was her having me bound and making love to me.  If it was up to me she would have thrown me down right here and had me.  But it wasn’t up to me.  And I was happy to wait as she was clearly having fun, as was I, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t hit her full force with fiercest ‘fuck me’ eyes that I could muster in the meantime.


“Y-Yes Daddy.”

She chuckles and pinches the tip of my nose.  “I see what you’re doing Sprout.”

I giggle but keep on gazing, even adding a flutter of my big blue eyes.  Ignoring my silent pleas Winona continues.  Kneeling down in front of me she affixes the ankle cuffs in the same manner that she had the wrists.  She feels around them and slips two fingers along my ankles to make double sure nothing was squeezing or cutting off circulation.  Feeling ever more naughty I very subtly push my hips forward until my bulge ‘accidentally’ boops against her forehead.  One brow rises as she looks up in pretend annoyance.  I smile a big innocent smile and I get quick flick to my cage for the insolence.

“Ooo!”  I hoot as her nail ricochets off the protective plastic shell.


“He he he.  Yes Daddy.”  My mischievous grin grows as I verrrry slowly start to push my bulge back toward her the moment her attention was busy elsewhere so that I might boop her again.

Chomp!  In a lightning quick strike she bites my balls!

“OOOOOOO!!!”  I would have leapt had she not had my right testicle between her pearly whites.  My panties and hose provide little armor against her gleaming bared teeth.  “Mmmmm!”  She ever so gradually squeeeezes harder.  “Oooommmm!”  Her eyes glimmer with amusement as she watches me squirm.  “HAH!”  I gasp when she suddenly lets me go.  After a stunned moment I blurt out.  “Fuck me!”

She points with a stern finger.  “Behave!”

“Mmm!”  I nod rapidly.  “Y-Yes’m.”

“You better.”  She gives my nut a healing smooch.  “Brat.”

With my obedience secured, at least for the moment, Winona stands and takes up the harness.  My hands gripping at my sides I sort of shuffle my weight from foot to foot excitedly.

Nuzzling into my neck Winona kisses me and whispers.  “Be still now baby girl.”

“Yes Daddy.”

Her nose caresses along the front of my neck until she gets to other side for another soft kiss.  She then stands straight and wraps the collar of the harness around my neck.  She leans in and has me rest my head against her as she works the buckle at the back of my neck.  Just like with my wrists and ankles but taking even more care to ensure she didn’t pull it too tight Winona secures the collar as the rest of it dangles down my front.  Once it was on she pulls back and takes a look.

Flicking the steel ring at the front of my neck with her index fingers she asks.  “Still good?”

“Mmm.” I nod eagerly.  “Good.  Feels k-kinky.”

“This is so hot.”  She says.  “Let’s try it out.”

Grabbing a couple of the clips she hooks one onto my right wrist then brings my hand up to my neck and secures the other end to the loop on my collar.  She then swiftly does the same with my other wrist.  When she steps back again she leaves me with my wrists bound to my neck with very little room to move.

“Can you escape?”  She asks with genuine curiosity.

“Mmm.”  The steel on steel clinks as I tug against my bonds.  “N-No way.”

“Can you reach the clips?”

I bend my wrists as much as I can to try to feel along the snap hooks that were holding me.  While I could feel release with the tips of my fingers I couldn’t actually get a proper grip to open them.  “Mmm.” I shake my head no.  Reaching around the back of my neck I come nowhere close to reaching that buckle.  What I could reach with my flexible joints though were the buckles on the cuffs.  With some difficulty I would be able to release them in this position, but only because my hands were so close together.

“How ya doing baby?”


Her face lights up.  I could tell that she didn’t want to pressure me into this but that it really made her happy to see me enjoying something that she was really interested in exploring.  It excited me all the more to know that we’d be exploring this stuff together.  She glides in for another kiss…and another…and another.  So lost was I in our smooching I am surprised to discover my cuffs released when the kissing stops.  Staying right up close to me she feeds my hands through some of the straps then has me hold my arms out to the sides as she wraps the corset around my midriff.  At the front of it were sexy criss-crossing laces that could be undone if desired but it was the twin buckles at the back that were more for opening and closing the garment.  Keeping me in a close hug Winona rests her mouth on my shoulder as she peers down my back to snug the belts through their buckles.  This time she cinches it quite snugly.  Tight, but hardly uncomfortable.

Once more she steps back to check out the overall picture.  “Daaamn baby girl.”  She shakes her hand in a ‘too hot to touch’ sort of motion.  “How you got hips like that?  Huh?  DAMN!”

I laugh as I peer down my body see how the corset like belt had drawn in my tummy and flanks to give me a very alluring feminine shape.  Wow!  Add an hourglass body like this with my makeup and a dress over top of me and I think even straightest bro-dudes would be turning their heads.  I’d been teased so much for how I looked but right now, right here, with the right person, I felt like the luckiest guy in all the world to have a pretty figure like this.  Though the harness was designed for raunchy kink I actually quite liked how the laces looked down the front.  To my eyes it gave it a touch of class.

After straightening out a couple of the straps that crossed my chest Winona attaches my cuffs to the steel rings on the sides of the belt to test it again.

“Still good?”

I wriggle and yank against my bonds.  Unlike at the neck there was no buckle or latch in reach.  “C-Can’t get out.”

“Beautiful.”  She lightly gropes my titty.  “Lookin fine baby.”

“Thank you.”  I smile.

She bends down to finish the job.  Looping the final two straps around my upper thighs she buckles them tight.  Again she tests the loops here.  Bring my arms right down to my sides she clicks them in and steps back.

I twist and pull with the same results as before.  “I c-can’t get away.”

“No.  You can’t.”  She says.  “Mmmm, you are allll mine.”

“Mmmm.”  I smile harder.

She traces a finger up my leg then up and across my belly button.  “You look so good.  I think I wanna look good too.”  Reaching around she grabs my ass and gives it swat.  “Why don’t you go wait for me on the bed baby girl.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

While I walk about a little, my wrists still glued to my legs, she goes to her dresser to find something to wear.  Something that she keeps hidden from me but I do catch a little glimpse of black lace.

“Just be a minute.”  She says as she strides to the washroom, her hips swaying seductively.  Just before closing the door she looks back over her shoulder and winks.  “I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”


I sit down on the bed to wait for her.  I giggle and tug at my cuffs.  This was all so kinky and fresh and exciting!  As the quiet and still of the room sets in around me my buoyant mood is suddenly shackled with leaden weights.  I look at the door then the window.  What if somebody came in right now?  What if they saw me?  What if they tried to…do something to me?  Piercing my jubilant spirits comes thoughts, memories, of a different time.  A time when people whom I should have been able to trust bound me just like this, my arms down along my sides, just so that they could laugh at me and humiliate me.

“Mmm.”  More insistently I pull at my cuffs and start to twist my hands to see if I could maybe reach a buckle or release.  Just knowing that I could escape if I needed to would have been enough to put me back at ease.  “Mmmm!”  No use.  It was no use.  No matter how much I twisted and turned I couldn’t escape.  I was trapped!

I squeeze my eyes closed and try to push the invasive thoughts out of my head but it only makes it worse as the empty room is quickly populated by all my worst fears by my careening imagination.  I open my eyes again and scan about for something to ease my rising panic.  Everything had been just fine while Winona was in the room and I just had to last the couple of minutes that she was out of sight.  The closest thing I could find to succor was Brutus poking around in the closet but it was no use. I knew he couldn’t help me if something happened.

“Mmm!”  Frantic now I pull at my bonds with real strength.  The stout leather does its job though and I get nowhere.  What had been fun just moments ago was suddenly a nightmare.  A nightmare that no amount of kinky arousal or playful ‘Daddy’-‘baby girl’ role play could assuage.  “MMM!”

My eyes snap to the washroom door.  Embarrassed at my weakness I nonetheless find myself on my feet and hurrying towards it.  Jamming my face into the corner where the door met the frame I whisper.  “Yellow.”

“Sprout?”  Winona’s voice is the flash of a lighthouse beacon on a foggy night.

“Yellow!”  I cry.  “Y-Yellow!  Y-Y-Yellow!  RED!”

“Oh geez!”  The very next moment the door swings wide and I am pulled into Winona’s strong arms.  She was topless and on the toilet seat I could see the sexy black lingerie that she’d been hoping me to surprise me with.  A surprise I just spoiled.  Closing my eyes I lean into her and bury my face into her shoulder.  Hurriedly Winona unclasps my cuffs from the harness then wraps her arms around me once more.  Nuzzling my hair she kisses me.  “I’m here.”

“S-Sorry.”  I say softly.

“It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  She kisses me again.  “I got you baby.”

In mere moments all that irrational fear and anxiety drain out of me again as if by some mind healing magic from FoF.  In my girlfriend’s warm embrace my breath slows, my muscles relax, and my spirit settles.  “Whoooo.”

“What happened?”

“I was ok-k-kay…until I-I was alone.”  I take another calming breath.  “I’m ok-kay n-now.”

She strokes my cheek and smiles that understanding smile of hers.  “Scary, huh?”

“Mmm.”  I nod.

“That’s why I didn’t like it.”  Another sweet kiss.  “Need to stop?”

“NO!”  I blurt too loudly to which we both laugh.  “He he he.  I mean, no.  N-No way.”  I hold my arms up, a snap hook dangling from each wrist.  “You c-can do it again…I w-want you to d-do it again…just…l-leave the d-door open this t-time?”

Her heart melts like it always did when I showed my vulnerable side to her.  Beaming happily she pets me and strokes me and gives me a little kiss to my cheek.  “Sure baby.  If that’s what you want.”

I beam right back at her, more in love with her than ever.  “Y-Yes please.”

Chapter 101 


Arkend Foss

just call it 100 part 1 lol

clay william

101 on how to strech your boyfriend on the next chapter I guess ;)