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I'm not 100% sure yet but I might just leave this story here.  I had some more plans for it but to do the things I want to do with it is going to take at least a few chapters.  Plus I don't think there's much interest in it.  But we'll see what Chloe has to say about it.
As mentioned in my last update I think my next few shorts are going to be
Man Flu style one and done stories so I don't get bogged down by too many ongoing stories at once.  No matter what though, this was fun.  I do love exploring new kinks/ideas.  And on the bright side, at least I got to the main sex scene!  😄


Reaching into my lips my mini Master swipes a handful of spit and pulls it out to bring it directly to his his one inch schlong.  Taking hold he starts to pump his cock in hard, fast strokes as his hard body flexes.  With his free hand he pushes down on my now, directing to me to get a low as I possibly could in front of him.  I knew an incoming facial when I saw it.  Flattening out as low as I could get myself I turn my head to press my cheek down into the mattress.  Gazing up at him like the diminutive dominant god that he was I open my mouth and await my prize.

My efforts do not go unnoticed.  Pyushun’s broad chest and gleaming spirit swell as big as his prodigious erection.  He gives my nose a sort of ‘good girl’ pat as he steps forward, his tiny hand a blur as it pumps his hard cock.

“Mmm.”  His features harden as his orgasm nears.  His bright smile becomes a savage grimace, his bright eyes burning with powerful virility.  The dangerous warrior hiding behind that dashing smile was right there at the surface.  If I were another man I would be frightened of him.  As the woman sharing a bed with him I melt into a puddle.  The sounds of my own masturbation are bounce off the walls as two fingers thrust in and out of my wet cunny at the same furious speed with which Pyushun jerked his rod.  “Hah!”

“Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmmmm!”  I mewl both in rising pleasure and to beg him to bust his load on me.  “Mmmm!”

“Orrmm.”  My high, feminine moans reach welcoming ears.  From hard to soft his expression cracks as the ecstasy of orgasm overwhelms him.  His taut body heaves and he rises up on his tip toes, a moment later I feel a hot squirt streak across my top lip.  “GNNNGH!”

“Ohhhh!”  I shudder as the sight of his hard orgasm triggers mine.  Pressed tight to the bed I stay as still as I can for him my ecstasy rages through me.  “Pyushuuun!”

“Hnngh!  Hnngh!”  He groans as he streaks my lips with his load.  By raw volume it was the tiniest load I’d ever felt, but adjusted for scale and damn!  Little man’s nut would have put all my other lovers to shame.  Still lost in my own climax I hungrily lick his spunk from my lips.  His semen was sweet, mild, with a honeyed aftertaste like a ripe persimmon.  Damn again!  I didn’t mind taking a load but this was the first time I can truthfully say it tasted legitimately good.  If they made Pyushun flavored ice cream I’d be the first in line.  Greedy for more I extend my tongue and let him wipe and squeeze every last drop onto my tastebuds.

“Ohhh Pyushun.”  I sigh as our shared orgasm peters to an trembling finale.  My wet fingers slip from my sex.  “That was amazing.”

He gazes into my eyes, or eye really as he stood so close, and pets my cheek with incredible tenderness.  He kneels and gives me kiss, my huge lips covering his entire face in the process though neither of us gave a damn.  Standing back up he pets me again as if to say, good girl.

“Mmm.”  I smile in satisfaction and snuggle closer, assuming from previous experience that with his lust slaked our night was over.  But he wasn’t done with me yet.

Taking my soft earlobe in his firm grip he tugs.  I follow without resistance.  He leads me to my pillow and has me lay flat on my back.  Standing at the side of my head he leans in to kiss me one more time just above the eyebrow then in one easy hop leaps to the center of my chest.  I look down at his playful grin and wonder what was coming next.  All at once he turns to his left, snaps his feet together, stands to his full five inches, spreads his arms wide, then lets himself fall face first until…plap!  He lands face down in my breast.

“Ha ha ha ha!”  I laugh at the cheesy theatrics of what was essentially a full body titty grope.  Clinging to my boob with both arms and legs he rides out the jiggling of my laughter.  I slip a hand behind my head and settle in to get comfy as Pyushun lives out every guys fantasy of having their way with a big set of tits.  In this case the tits were bigger than him!  “Mmmm.”  I sigh as his body squeezes and rubs against my already excited titty.

“Slut!”  He slaps my breast and shimmies around to find my perky nipple.

“Yes Sir.”  I whisper.  “I’m your slut.”

With him splayed over my breast at my nip he licks and sucks and chews at the nubby tip.  His tiny mouth couldn’t even get the nipple in, never mind the areola, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.  God did it feel good and I find quite quickly that my sexual desire had been rekindled.  Wanting to let Pyushun have his way I tuck my free hand beneath my bum, despite how much I wanted to either grope my other breast or flick my button.  As he slurps and sucks my nipple I relax and watch his oh so cute butt and balls wiggle around.

“Hmmm.”  I hum as I let the good feelings carry me away.  Closing my eyes I focus completely on my breast, feeling his firm body against the supple flesh.  I cut everything else away to restrict my sensations to just that boob and that firm body.  “Mmm?”  My eyes snap open as I feel something poke me.  I look down.  “Are you hard again?  Already?”

He doesn’t understand me of course but I get my answer when he stands up and I see his big schlong rock hard and ready to go once more.  Size, stamina and a speedy recovery?  What a legend!  With a leap and a twirl he jumps from one breast to…plap!  Belly flop onto the other.

“Ha ha ha ha!  Are you having fun down there?”  He laughs and rolls around over my boob.  “Ohhhh.”  I moan as his silliness quickly shifts back in more serious foreplay.  “Mmmmm!”  My hand escapes my butt, but I jam it back under again.  No Lil, let him lead the way.  With a wicked smile he stares up at me and opens his mouth wide, his bright teeth bared.  “Mmm.”  I mewl as my eyes widen.  “HAH!”  I then gasp as he CHOMPS down my tender nipple.   “Yes!”

“RRRR!”  Biting down he pulls at it like tough chunk of meat then gives a little shake of his head.  He lets it go and gives it squeeze and pet to rub away the sting, all tied off with another sweet kiss…and a slap!

“Oh!  Oh my God.”  I huff.

He chimes with laughter as he back away from the nipple that he’d just lit up like a Christmas tree.  He waltzes back across my stomach, his tiny feet sinking a half inch into my soft tummy fat as he dances for me.  His body weaves and glides seductively with all the natural grace he’d shown during his sword display earlier.  This too was a display, but with a completely different kind of sword.  His huge cock waving in front of him it is seamlessly worked into the dance.  And it was hard to miss how that dance kept creeping lower and lower down my stomach.  The burning look in his eyes, the desire on his face, I could see where this was heading.  My pussy clenches and throbs with anticipation.

Pyushun kneels down then leaps into the air in a graceful backflip.  I watch him twist through the air until…he was gone.  Disappeared between my legs.

“Pyushun?  What…?  Oh…oh!”  I let out a hard breath his face rub against my dewy petals as he lapped at my juices.  It tickled!  It tickled delightfully!  “Oooo!  Oh my!”

His lust getting the better of him he doesn’t eat me out for long and starts to push at my inner thighs to direct me.  I was only too happy to let him guide me.  Some more oral would have been nice but this was even nicer.  I just LOVED when the mood took hold of man so strongly that he just had to fuck me right there and then.  I still wasn’t sure how this was going to work but by his God and mine we were going to find a way.

For entry to even be possible I have to give him some help.  Moving to his direction I shimmy back into a half laying, half sitting position so that my pussy was as low to the mattress as possible.  When he has me right where he wants me he rustles my pubes and gives me another ‘good girl’ pat.  Grabbing a handful of jet black hairs in one hand he holds his cock with the other and slips so easily between moist pink lips that were half his height.  I don’t feel much of his inch long penis and there was not way he could be feeling much either yet both of us let out long breath of pleasure.  He was inside of me and that’s what mattered.

Reaching out to either side he pulls my legs in closer.  Closer.  He pulls them right in until they were smashed tight together leaving him occupying the little triangle where crotch met legs.  As I didn’t have that big thigh gap that the skinny gals had it left him squished right in there.  Looking like some inept explorer who had wandered into fleshy quicksand he was enveloped by me right to his armpits.  Judging by his smile he couldn’t have been happier.  The position was odd but it had the dual benefit of holding my pussy as tight as possible while also allowing the flesh of my inner thighs support Pyushun’s body and keep it tight to mine.  Sinking his elbows in and taking handfuls of skin for leverage my little lover begins to fuck me.

“Ohhhh Pyushun.”  I sigh as I can just feel his rock hard cock sliding in and out of my slit as his body wriggles along my pussy lips.  It all felt great but hardly fulfilling in itself, but ohhh the way his pecs and sternum rubbed up and down and up and down against my clit was just wonderful.  His ant-like size to strength was being used to great effect.  “Ohhhh.”

Seeing and hearing my pleasure gets that sexy cocksure smirk back on his face again.  While he could never be my biggest he was determined to be my best.

Again I pour my focus down, down, down into his scale of being until my whole world consisted just the area that he could reach.  I concentrate on the way his Adonis body writhes and thrusts against my pussy and dial in on the hard inch thrusting in and out of me.  With a cunny big enough to swallow him whole, with ease, his rod doesn’t exactly plunge straight in and out but sort of jabs around at a different angle each time.  It tickled, it teased, and it enflamed my wanton lust wildly.  Not having the satisfying girth and length to fill me it left me completely at the mercy of my clitoris to find release.  This simultaneous teasing of my slit and grinding of my clitty had my engine revving to the red line!

“Oohhhh.”  I moan.  “Ohhh Pyushun!”

He slaps the soft flesh of my inner thigh, sounding not unlike a tiny ass spank, and rams into me harder and faster.  “Slut!”

“MMM!  YES!”  His hard tone and naughty word gives me a shot of dopamine every bit as good as a seven inch dick.  “Yes baby!  Ohhh yes!”

My hips start to tilt in time with his powerful thrusts.  It was tough keeping my legs held out straight as all this grinding and rubbing was going on.  It was double tough containing my motions as the climactic tension builds.  But in holding myself in check I found myself even more at his mercy.  Barring reaching in and taking over, which I would never do to him, I was being forced to let him entice my orgasm out in his own way and in his own time.  But the frustration was what made it magical.  It felt INCREDIBLE to be so in the hands of a man like this.

“Please Sir.”  I plead in a submissive way that I’d never dared to show a lover before.  “Can I cum?  Pleeease!”

“Slut!”  He spanks me again.

“OHHH GOD YES!”  Unable to contain my hands any longer I grab my tits and start to squeeze them and pinch them with all the vigor I would have unleashed on my vagina had I been able.  “MMMM!”

Fucking a giantess was no easy thing for Pyushun.  Encased to the shoulders in warm flesh he was working up a heck of sweat!  His little face was a pink as a plum blossom and his heaving chest was soaked with sweat and my nectar.  But on he went rubbing, rubbing, rubbing my button ever faster and ever harder.

“Ohhhh!”  Desperate for more I pinch my plump nipples and pull them. “Ohhhh!  Please Sir!  Ohhhh God!”

Nothing I could do could hurry this which was driving my lust crazed cunny mad.  Yet gradually the pressure builds.  It builds with patience, with power, with sexual charisma and with god like endurance.  Had Pyushun not had the stamina of a marathoner he never could have coaxed the release from me.  As it was though that glorious never fade cock of his just kept going.

“MMM!  MMMM!  MMMMM!”  I mewl in high whimpering tone as it take all I had not to curl up and rub myself out.  “MMMMMM!”

“Lil!”  He strokes my pubes then grabs a handful like an aggressive lover would when taking a blowjob.  “Slut!”

“Yes Sir!  Ohhhhh!  Sir!  Pleeeease!”

My legs start to tremble.  My torso starts to jerk and twitch.  My pussy glows hot on the very precipice of bliss.  Like an over inflated balloon it would take so little now for me to just…POP!

“Lemme cum, lemme cum, lemme cum!”  I beg, literally beg, with beseeching, desperate eyes.  “Please Sir!  Can I cum?  PLEEEASE!”

Her rams so deep his hips actually enter my slick wet slit.  “SLUT!”

I take that as a yes.

“OHHHHHHHHH!!!”  I howl as my pint sized lover rides me over the edge into a king sized orgasm.  “OHHH GOD!!!”  Bucking and wailing I cum for my little lord as hard as I had with any human man.

Grabbing two firm handfuls of my pubic hair Pyushun shocks me by tucking his knees to his chest then all at once…plunging his entire lower body into my hard cumming cunt!

“OHH FUUUCK!”  The sudden sensation of having my cunny stuffed with something it could really bear down on takes me to heady new heights of rapture as one head spinning climax makes way for an even better one.  “OHHH PYUSHUUUN!!!”  Unable to contain myself any longer I thrash and flail as waves of pure, sweet ecstasy course through me as like a gymnast on the rings he clings to my hair as his taut body curls and thrusts in and out of my pulsating pussy.  “OHHHHHH!!!”

When I at last shudder to the end of my long, hard orgasm I just…collapse.  Arms flop to the side, legs fall open, and my glowing sex lets go all at once.  Pyushun slips out of me and onto the covers.  I couldn’t see him but I could hear his gasping, gulping breaths.  He’d conquered his giant, but my little champion had given me his all.

“Ohhh Pyushun.”  I whisper.  Sitting up I look down at him splayed out between my legs.  His face red, his body soaked, he was spent as I’d ever seen a man.  Spent in every way but one.  His eyes were tired, his flesh fatigued, but his manhood still stood strong.  I scoop him up in my hand and bring him to my pillow where I gently lay him beside me.

Through panting breaths he looks over at me with cutest, brightest, proudest smile in all Japan.

“Your turn Sir.”  I kiss his wet chest.  Holding him down with left hand I take the index finger and thumb of my right and rub his inch long erection.  He lays for me, still and happy, as he watches me jerk him off.  Not needing to hold back any longer on my account it is not long until his body is thrusting to my rhythm and I can sense his energy build.

“Lil.”  He whispers as I watch the moment take hold of him.

“Pyushun.”  I gaze into his eyes, biting lightly at my bottom lip, as I bring him to release.  As I feel him tighten I swiftly dip in to wrap my lips around his hard cock once more to taste the sweet treat of his cummy load.  “Mmmmm.”  I moan softly as I suck him harder than any woman of his kind ever could.

“NNNNGHH!”  He groans.  Clinging tight to my nose he trembles under me as I suck his tiny, big cock dry.



Great lil' story! :) Def got a lot of threads going, your output has been prodigious these past months