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Despite all of the build up there is a moment of doubt, of hesitation, of crumbling confidence.  Until my Lady speaks again that is.  Rosa looks back over her shoulder, her pointed ears tilted up to hear the silence of nothing happening, then says.  “Let her out my dear.  Now is the time to reveal her.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”

Cassie surprises me by suddenly reaching out and grabbing me around the back of the neck with both hands.  After our combat training I instinctual expected her to haul my head down as she drove her knee up into my skull.  It took every submissive fiber of discipline to hold trust and not react to defend myself.  That trust is rewarded by Cassie pulling me forward into a clinch and out from between the two urns, then turning me to her left and driving me back into the high step that ran around all the sides of the pool.  As my heels hit bottom wall of the pool I am forced down onto my ass.  Letting go of my neck she slaps a hand dead center of my chest, her fingers splayed wide, and shoves me back so that am bent back over the next step behind me.  The one lamp was directly behind me, lighting up her naked flesh, the other directly across from us to silhouette her shapely body.  I stare up at her, stunned, as a grin slowly widens across her full lips.

“I much prefer wrestling the boy to the man.”  She laughs.  Leaning in, her hand hard against my chest, she leers down over me.  “Boy knows his place is beneath a woman.  Don’t you boy?”

“Um.  Y-Yes Miss Cassie.”

“He he he.”  Her hand snaps up to take a tight hold on my chin.  “I enjoyed beating you today.  Forcing you down beneath me.  Watching you struggle.  Seeing that moment of surrender in your eyes.”  She leans in close.  “Whose boy are you?”

“Lady Rosa’s.”

“You belong to a woman?”

“Yes!  I belong to my Lady.  I am hers.”

“Woman over man.  As it should be.”

“Yes Miss Cassie.”  I whisper.  “Woman over man.  As it should be.”

She closes her eyes, savoring my words like a fine wine, before opening them again.  Pushing off she comes to stand at her full height, hands on her hips.  With a shove of her foot she pushes my left knee wide.  With that same foot she then does the same to the right so that I sat with my legs splayed wide and my caged manhood exposed in the center like a bullseye.  Her gaze licks up and down my body, lingering at my groin each time it got near.

“He he he.”  She laughs a wicked laugh.  “Look at it.  So cute.  So tame.  So small and harmless.”

As if trying to stand up for its own pride my dick makes another attempt to swell, to the exact same result.  When this leather’s natural give hit its end there was nowhere else to go.  The only effect my attempted erection gives is for the codpiece to grip more snugly around my balls.

Still with the same foot she raises it and slides it down my inner thigh until the pad of her food pushes firmly into my cage, not enough to hurt but certainly enough to seize my whole and undivided attention!  With impressive balance she stands on one leg as her other foot begins to rub up and down the length of my cock.  Rub…rub…rub.


“What’s the matter, boy?”  She leans forward, her heavy tits hanging free.  “Something the matter?”

“Mmm.”  I shake my head.  “No Miss Cassie.”


“You sure?”

I meet her gaze.  “Yes Miss Cassie.”

She smiles.  “Eyes down, boy.”  She jiggles her swaying breasts.  “Watch the bouncing boobies, boy.”

“Yes Miss Cassie.”


Oh gods!  As if the arousal of the situation and all of this naked female flesh wasn’t powerful enough!  Now I was being stroked!  It was only then that I felt another incredible characteristic of the exotic leather.  While there was zero room to expand inside of it the material was still supple and pliable.  A hard shell would have protected me from the feel of the strokes but through this special leather I could feel everything except the direct sensation of skin against skin.  I could feel the shape of the ball of her foot, I could feel her foot flex and move, I could even feel the way her toes were massaging my shaft.  All the while my eyes are affixed to her big, beautiful tits as the swung and bounced hypnotically in front of me.


“Ohhh.”  I breath as my cock is driven wild by her foot and her thick, nubile body.  “Oh!”  I gasp as all at once she pulls away.

“Ha!”  She looks at my crotch.  “Nothing?  Nothing at all?”


“What’s the matter, boy?”  She cups her tits and squeezes them as her hips sway back and forth.  “Don’t you find me attractive?  Don’t you like women like me?”

“I find you attractive Miss Cassie.”

“Coulda fooled me.”  She says with an evil glint.  “How you gonna do your husbandly duties if you can’t even get hard baby?  How you gonna satisfy your new wife if you can’t get it up?”

My fists ball and my hips buck as down below my bound arousal rages.  “I can get hard Miss Cassie.”

She jumps onto me!  Landing so that she straddled my left leg, her right knee up tight to my hip, she reaches down and grabs my cock and balls.  Taking a handful of my hair with her other hand she pulls me in and mashes my face into soft, pillowy breast.

“Suck it.”  She commands.  “Suck it, boy.”

My lips open, my tongue swirls around her nipple, and I begin to suck at her fleshy teat with a fiery lust.  The passion from below given nowhere else to escape come up and through my mouth.  I lap and slather and suck her big titty like wild man.

Rub, rub, rub, rub.

Her fingers and thumb have my penis pinched and was rubbing it in a hard milking motion.  Through the leather I could feel the bumpy texture of the hedgehogs back.

“Come on.  Come on boy.  Get hard for me.”  She teases.  “Don’t you like breasts?  Hm?”  She switches me to the other side where I orally assault that boob as I had the first.

“Hnngh!  Mmmm!”

“Such passion.”  She trills.  “And yet…nothing?”  Her milking stops and she gives my full package a hard squeeze.  “Still flaccid big man?”  She shakes her chest back and forth, slapping her now wet titties across my face.  After another squeeze she sighs.  “Nope.  Still nothing.”  She pushes off to stand over me again.  “Still small.”

I sit panting and staring up at her, my lust at a fever pitch and only getting hotter.  Oh how satisfying just a single good hard flex of my cock would feel right now.  The simple pleasure of letting the blood flow freely and feeling my penis harden to its virile max would be as an orgasm right now.  Instead all of that potent manly energy is directed back inside of me.  It was sweet ECSTASY!  Coursing through my flesh was natural sexual furor mixed one to one with that heady mental bliss of bondage, the erotic burning so hot so as to keep the wings of Morpheus at bay.  I grip my legs and try to remain focused.

“Go ahead.”  Cassie says as she watches me struggle.  “Touch yourself.  Rub that little hog, boy.”  She winks.  “Maybe it needs a man’s touch.”  Before I can respond she snaps.  “Rub it!”

“Yes Miss Cassie.”

Grabbing myself I start to rub.  Because I wasn’t free I couldn’t wrap my hand around my dick.  And because I was forced in a downward bend I was forced to stroke in a sort of petting motion.  Honestly it looked more like the way a woman might pleasure herself than a man.  An observation not lost on Cassie.

“Isn’t that cute.”  She laughs.  “That’s it, boy.  Rub that little hog for me.”  She leans back and mimics my motion over her pussy.  Her fingers do not make actual contact, merely brushing across her moist pubes.  Like me Cassie had her orders.  Any orgasms we were going to have were still many weeks in the future.  “Just like that.”  She huffs, as hot and aroused as I was and equally frustrated by the lack of direct satisfaction.  “Little side to side action now.  Ohhh, ohhhh, that’s it baby.  Ohhhh.  Flick that hog.  That’s it.”

“Mmmm!”  A whimper escapes me.

“Stop!”  Cassie barks.  Bending over she leans in to within a few inches of my dick.  She flicks my dick and checks the straps.  “Pff.  The mighty big man, contained by just a scrap of leather.”

Breathing heavy I look down at myself.  For all my efforts and all my sweet suffering…no change.  It wasn’t fatter, longer, or different in any way.

“Why you’re no threat at all, are you?”


“You couldn’t do anything with that soft cock.  Even if you wanted to.”


“Tsk, tsk, tsk.”  She taps at my tip.  “You can do better than that, can’t you?  Can’t you Quin?”

I wet my mouth and swallow hard.  “I’ll try Miss Cassie.”

She chuckles.  “We shall see.”

Standing up again she turns around and leans forward to leave me staring straight at her ripe, plump ass.  Thanks to the light behind me I am also treated to a perfect view of her dripping pink slit.  So juicy!  So full and ready!  She was just as horny as I was.  Gods what she would feel like right now.

“You like my body baby?”  She wriggles her wide hips from side to side as she peers back over her shoulder.  “You like my ass?  So big and so round?”

I nod.  “Y-Yes Miss Cassie.”

She switching from swaying to bouncing up and down her big cheeks actually clap as they jiggle ever closer.  “Yeah.  You like it.  You want that ass, don’t you boy?”

“Yes Miss Cassie.”

“All you gotta do is get that little hog up, boy.”  Reaching back around her sides she spreads her pussy lips to reveal more moist pink.  It was a most unladylike display.  But Cassie was no lady.  “You like my pussy?  So hot and so wet for you?  You want to fuck that sweet little cunt?  Huh?”

“Yes Miss Cassie!  Yes!”

“Then come on.  Show me.  Show me your power, BOY.”

And with that she falls back to land square on my dick.  Her big, soft ass cheeks engulfs my package and with no time to prepare she starts to grind her ass up and down on my hedgehog.

“Oh!”  I gasp and grab her ass with both hands.

“Did I say you could touch me?”  She scolds.  “Hands on your head, boy!”

“Yes Miss Cassie!”  I do as I am told and lay hands over my head as Cassie’s fine, full ass grinds, grind, grinds against my cock.


“Come on.”  She growls with rising frustration.  “Get it up!  Come on boy!”

“Mmmmm!”  My natural procreating instincts boil as my still small cock strains to try to enter the fertile pussy that teased so close to it.

Grind, grind, grind.

“Nothing?  Really?”  She urges me.  “I told you get hard boy.  GET HARD, NOW!”

“MMMMM!”  My every submissive urge surges as I try with all my might to obey the dominant woman.

Grind, grind, grind, grind.

“Get it up!  Get it up boy!  GET IT UP!”

My hips begin to thrust in time with her grinding.  With every fiber of my power I strain against my confinement.  It was so tight, so tight!  But I just…couldn’t…break it.  “Ohhhhh!  I…caaan’t!”

“Cassie.”  Rosa’s soft yet authoritative voice warns.

The next thing I knew Cassie was up and off of me.  With a slap of her ass and a tilt of her head she concedes defeat.  “Your boy is secure Lady Rosa.  That dick ain’t goin nowhere until you let it out.”

Rosa’s face brightens.  “Good!”

Cassie spins to look at me, an amused smirk across her lips and a lewd fire in her eyes.  “He is controlled.  Impotent.  Caged.  Completely at the mercy of women.  As a good man ought to be.”

After a few deep, gulping breaths I nod.  “Yes Miss Cassie.”

She laughs, her tits bouncing beautifully as she does.  “Damn right.”

Rosa pats her leg.  “Come here my boy.”  Eager to obey I scramble across the empty pool on hands and knees and hug to my Lady’s smooth, soft leg.  She pets my hair.  “Good boy.  Did you have fun?”

“Yes my Lady.”  I say, gazing up at her.

“She wasn’t too rough?”

“No my Lady!  No.  I enjoyed it.”

“Good.”  She pats her other leg.  “Come here girl.”  In a flash Cassie is her on her knees.  Like a well heeled bitch she too comes to kneel at the Lady’s side.  “Good girl.  Did you have fun?”

“Yes!  Oh yes Lady Rosa!”  She kisses Rosa’s hand.  “Thank you!  Ohhh thank you.”

“You are welcome my dear.”  Cassie and I look across to each other, the Lady’s huge cock suspended in the air between us, and we smile.  “Thank each other.”

“Thank you Miss Cassie.”

“Thank you Quin.”

“Good boy.  Good girl.”  We each are rewarded with head pats.  “Now let’s you get you dirty pets clean.”

Chapter 102



I hope Rosa gets some attention here. She's the only one allowed to cum after all :D


Potential Typo: "Rosa looks back over her shoulder, her pointed her tilted up to hear the silence of nothing happening, then says" -> "her pointed ears tilted up"