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Tender nips rasped erotically raw along the tamami floor I am literally crawling on elbows and knees following after my minuscule, masculine Master and admiring his perfect ass as he takes me to my bed.  I can honestly say that I had never been more ready to be fucked as I was right now.  This man, this gorgeous and vivacious and hung mystery man, had me at his mercy like no man before him.

Strangely his diminutive stature did not detract one iota from the arousal I was feeling.  If anything it added to it.  Pyushun was something different.  Something rare and special, unique even.  I’d come to Japan for new experiences and this certainly qualified.  I was already certain that he would be like no lover before or after.  More crucially though, his size made him safe.  Never before had I felt so secure with a partner that I’d just met.  Had this been a human man turned up on my porch for a one night stand I would have been at least a little scared, no matter how charming he might be or turned on I might be.  But tiny Pyushun could not overpower me.  He could not force me.  That potential threat was simply off the table.  He was a straight up stud and a very dangerous man, yet needed my compliance and cooperation for anything to happen between us.  And holy hell did that make this hot!

And it was even more than that.  Pyushun and I inhabited different worlds.  And that meant freedom.  Freedom from gossip, freedom from judgment, and freedom from a ruined reputation.  Who might he tell about us?  Nobody that I would ever meet socially in my big world.  He could slap my ass and call me a whore and nobody would be the wiser.  I could kiss his feet and call him Daddy and I wouldn’t bump into him and his new girlfriend at the konbini a few months from now.  What happened between us, stayed between us.  We could be as kinky as we like.  We could be each others dirty little secret.  The dirtier the better!

And even more than that!  Pyushun was just a good time.  Dashing and daring, fearlessly romantic and unapologetically manly, yet fun-loving and never taking himself or the situation too seriously.  His swaggering body was that of an Olympian, his swaying manhood that of a pixie scale stallion, his resolute confidence that of the capable warrior that he was, yet it was his vivacious personality that shone most brightly.  I wasn’t simply attracted to him.  I genuinely liked him.

He leads me to my already rolled out futon with its crumpled bedding.  This morning I’d gotten lazy and hadn’t put it away like I usually did, which was a stroke of luck as I didn’t want anything to slow us down now.  He looks at the bed then gives me the side eye.

“Sorry Sir.”  I whisper meekly.  “It’s usually not so messy.  I didn’t know that I would have company.”  Sir?  Yes, that would do.  Short and to the point…just like him.  I wasn’t quite feeling Master or Daddy, and Sir just rolled off the tongue.  “Allow me, Sir.”

I hold my hand out to create a sort of ramp for him to easily climb from tatami level to near the top of the three and half inch thick futon.  He gives an approving nod of his head and walks on, still leading me by the hair like his favorite bitch.  The fact he was literally stepping on me to get into my bed was not lost on me.

“Thank you for stepping on me Sir.”  I say, not quite believing the words coming out of my own mouth.  The fact that he couldn’t understand me meant that nothing was off limits.  “Thank you for letting me be your slut tonight.”  I am blushing at my own words, yet loving them too.  “Slut.  Fuckin slut.  I’m your pretty slut, Sir.  Your nasty, wanton slut.”  Gah!  I couldn’t get enough of it!

Halfway up the bed he stops and turns to me.  “Slut?”  He says, having heard the unfamiliar term so many times in a row.  He wouldn’t have heard that word on a sitcom.

I nod my head so quickly he nearly is yanked from his spot.  I touch my chest.  “Slut.”  I tap his broad chest with my finger.  “Sir.”

“Slut.”  He strokes my cheek with heart melting softness, then pats his chest firmly.  “Sir.”

“Yes!  Yes!  Yes Sir.”

Through my wide eyes, yielding tone, and submissive posture the main gist of the meaning gets through loud and clear.  My little stud stands taller, his chest thrust high and his huge brown eyes twinkling with playful power.  I could only imagine the ego rush it must be to tame a giant.  “Lil.  Slut!”

I smile.  “Pyushun, Sir.”

With a whipping twirl of his arm he wraps the lock of hair he held me by around his hand to take an even firmer grip.  Setting his feet he bends his arm, bicep bulging, and pulls me closer.  The next thing I knew his warm flesh was pressed against my lips.  Keeping the strand of hair taut with one hand he strokes my opposite cheekbone with the other.  So close to my eyes to be a blur I close my eyes and let his touch and mine guide the way.  Through my sensitive lips I can feel the shape of his body, the contours of his shoulders and pecs, and even the tiny ridges of his six pack abs.  Opening my lips partially I give his torso a soft, sucking kiss.  He says something to me, something soft and romantic, as he guides me lower.

When I feel his arousal slice over my bottom lip I purse my lips tight.  In one smooth stroke he enters me.

“Hmmm.”  I sigh softly as his cock glides in until his balls rest on my lower lip.  “Mmmmm.”

“Hahhh.”  He sighs back at my first firm suck.

I am treated with a kiss to my nose and a pet of my brow.  My eyes still closed I pour my whole attention into giving him the best fucking head he’d ever received.

To my surprise his one inch length gave me a lot to work with.  Had he not been so hung for his size it might have been tricky but his plus-sized mini-member was long enough to extend well past my lips and teeth when he was at full hilt to allow my tongue flick and dance around his end.  Both the girth and incredible hardness reminded me of a stout, round toothpick just with a softer, blunter tip.  It is enough to get a little neck action going as I bob forward and back on his steel hard manhood.

“Rrrmmm.”  He groans, his dick flexing, as he lays a hand over the top of my nose and starts to fuck my mouth.

“Mmm!  Mmmm!”  I moan lustily.  My left hand grabs one of my tits as my right slips down between my legs to rub my desperate clit.  So caught up was I in Pyushun’s scale that my wet pussy felt like it was a mile away.  “Mmmm.”

He fucks, I suck.  With my lips pursed in a tight kiss I am able to maintain a very nice pressure on his thrusting schlong.  I loved the way his shaft tickled sliding in and out.  I loved how he would grab and slap my plump lips like they were a nice fat ass.  I loved his tiny growls and peeps of pleasure as I gave him head.  And I loved how he could go as hard and as deep as he wanted without any annoying gag reflex or choking on my part.  Having a man able to throw his full, virile power at me unrestrained made me feel like a true slut like on those dirty X-rated VHS movies my old boyfriend used to bring over from time to time.  I was having the time of my life.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  I suck him off faster as his abs bounce off my puckered lips.  I was already seriously impressed with little man’s stamina and he was showing no signs of letting up.

“Slut.”  He grunts.  “Lil.  Slut.”

“Shlrp!”  Opening my lips I suck him in deeper so that I had not only his cock but his sack as well in my mouth!  Grabbing my nose, his knees against my lips and feet on my chin, he clings to my face as I slather his balls with fast flicking tongue.  Huge for his scale they nevertheless felt like a couple of plump tobiko roe to my probing tongue.  Wayyyy back at my cunny I slip a finger into my drooling hole.  “Ohmmm!”


After enjoying that for a time he slips back down to stand again while explore what other new joys we could do that would have been impossible to do with others of our own kind.

Turning my head back and forth, and keeping my teeth slightly apart, I am able to let his shaft run the full length of my mouth side to side.  Pulling back a bit I do it again but at his tip.  The way he shudders tells me he liked it!

I curl my tongue tight and hold it folded like a taco shell and let him fuck it.  I could only imagine how great all that slippery, wet, firm, textured flesh must have felt against his penis.  Like an enormous pussy?  Or something else entirely?  Either way he loved that too.  After a few furious minutes he pulls out and swoons back a step before flicking the tip of my tongue with his spongy knob.  I swear I feel a minute streak of precum paint down my tongue.  I swallow it with glee.  He is still as hard as oak and eager to go.  God damn.  My mini-man was no minute man, that was for sure.

Not everything we try works though.  Getting really adventurous Pyushun grabs my nose as an anchor then hops up and slips feet first through my lips!  The next thing I knew I had my lover in my mouth up past his waist.  I could feel him wriggling and his legs kicking around as he tried to twist into someway that might be sexy.  I slap and swipe my tongue over her muscular legs, tonguing his ass and balls and cock, then make the near fatal mistake of sucking hard!  Only Pyushun’s quick reflexes allow him to stop himself with his elbows before he sucked right into my throat.  His fluttering feet probes too deep causing me to suddenly and violently begin to cough and sputter.  Out onto the blankets he goes rolling, soaked with spit from his armpits down.

I look at him.  He looks at me.  And we laugh.  Oh how we laugh.

Looking as offended as a man could look with a huge smile on his face he gets to his feet and starts to wipe the slick, dripping spittle from his skin.  I watch him, admiring his athlete’s physique and ever-last boner, giggling away.  He shake his sloppy hands then suddenly points at me.  “Slut!”

I titter.  “Yes Sir?”

He then points at his sopping figure, clearly expecting me to do something about his dampness.

“Yes Sir.”  I lean forward an dutifully lick and suck the saliva from his delicious flesh.  As I do he smiles and pets my eyebrow for my happy obedience.  “Mmmm.”

Pyushun was such a ray of sunshine in my comfortable yet gray life.  Honestly I could not remember having a better time in bed.  This was such a blast.  It was dominance and submission and exploration and erotic play and friendship and a budding new romance all rolled into one.  In a word, it was FUN!

Part 6 


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