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The new chapter and choice up for the Plus gang so here's last month's chapter for my beautiful Readers.  ❤


Morgan pushes up and off of you.  You watch her ass sway and her cock swing as she leaves you trembling on the sofa.  Despite that incredible sight your gaze drops to the throbbing organs between your legs.  Never in your life had you seen your dick shrivel so fast and your balls pull tight in full retreat from the overwhelming orgasmic pleasure they’d just been savaged by.  Fuck!  The aftermath of your super orgasm was so…weird!  It was not the usual gentle post-coital warmth but the swirling ashes after a nuclear blast.  Nothing hurt or felt out of place but dear God was it drained, drained of both pleasure and semen.  With the way you were feeling and looking over the massive load you had just splurt all over yourself you had no doubt in your mind that there wasn’t one single sperm left inside of your testes.

“That was magic.”  You huff.  “You did magic!”

“I’m not a monster.”  Morgan says as she returns carrying a little yellow 4 ounce snack cup and a folded cloth.  “I’m a witch.  The dick and pussy between my legs is a dead giveaway.”

“A witch?”

“Don’t be scared.  I’m one of the good ones.  A white witch.”  She touches her snow white hair as she straddles your legs again to sit down on your thighs.  Her fat cock slaps down over your withering wang to eclipse it completely.  “If you see others like me though keep your guard up.  Hold this.”  She places the folded cloth in your hand then commences to open the plastic container.  Scrapping it along your belly she scoops with the fingers of her other hand to collect as much of your fresh gooey load as possible.  “Magic is all about tapping into the essence of life and potential life.  No life, no magic.  Some witches are not satisfied with seed alone.  They will eat your very soul Ashe.”

“My soul?”  You whisper.  This was all so much to take in.

“The genitals and the peculiar eye color are telltale signs of a witch.  The hair color is easily masked though so it can be difficult to see if they are white, gray, or black.”  Unfolding the cloth in your hand she reveals a trio of tiny dried leaves, each from a different plant.  She brings them to her mouth and whispers something then crushes the leaves together between her fingers to let the powder fall into the warm semen inside the container.  “This will keep it potent for a week or more.”


“So that I can draw upon it.”  She says.  “The magic contained will be most efficacious on its source, you, but I can use it elsewhere as well.”

She puts the top on the container and seals it tightly then takes the cloth to clean her hand and then your body.  You sit still watching her swipe away every bit of sticky mess as from your chest, stomach, and even the tip of your shrunken dick with such a no nonsense directness yet carefulness that elicited old memories of how your exasperated mother used to lick her thumb and scrub a smudge from your face when you were little.  Your mother…that you would never see again.  You were dead to her now, as she was to you.  She would never know what really happened to you.  She would never know that you survived that incident.  Back in the real world she would mourn you and live through her greatest nightmare, outliving her only son.  You close your eyes as the grief washes over you once more.

A warm palm cups your cheek.  “Stay with me Ashe.”

You open your eyes to see Morgan looking down at you, genuine concern in her violet eyes.  “Sorry.”

“I know it is difficult.  Your world was soft.  You are soft.  It will take time.”  She strokes your face.  “The dreams will be worse.”  She lays the cloth down and taps the lid of the container.  “With this I can give you something to help you sleep without them tonight.  I cannot do it often but tonight I think it would be for the best.”

You nod.  As if getting to sleep wouldn’t be hard enough with the images, smells and sounds of what you’d experienced today rattling around in your head, you shudder to think of what horrors your subconscious was brewing up for you once you did.  God!  All that death!  Sitting up you bury your face into a breast and wraps your arms around her warm body then let out quavering gasp.  “Help me!”

She stiffens up initially before slowly relaxing…then wrapping her strong arms around your head and shoulders to hold you close.

“Listen to me.  You’re going to get through this.”  She whispers.  “It shouldn’t have happened.  You didn’t deserve it.  But you are too strong to let this break you.  You hear me Ashe?”

“I hear you.”  You repeat back, even if you didn’t believe it.

“Just hold it together, anyway you can.”  She says as a hand begins to stroke your back.  “The scars will form in time.  I’ll be here to get you through until then but I need you to be tough.  Tougher than you’ve ever been.  This world is not for the weak.  Stay close, stay strong.  Don’t you give up Ashe and I won’t give up on you.  You’ve got plenty of living left to do, you hear me?”

You take a long, deep breath then let it out slowly as Morgan’s caring words find a receptive heart.  You could have been dead.  You could be, right now, huddled up freezing and alone in some dark hidey hole.  Things could always be worse.  Life had kicked you down but it had not quite defeated you.  Not yet.  Not with her offering you a hand back up.

“I won’t.  I won’t give up on you Morgan.”  Your eyes squeeze tight as you hug her with all you had.  “I promise.”

She hugs you back then slaps your back.  “I think you’re gonna make it kid.”  Taking your shoulders she pushes you back so that she could look down into your eyes.  “Let’s get you to bed.  A fresh start after a good night’s sleep will…”



“Wait…I’m…I’m not tired.”  You say as you very softly feel along the edge of her firm abs, then lower your voice to add.  “You said that…I could do you next.”

“I did.  But I think I might have been expecting too much too soon.  It has been some time since I had a cute man to entertain me.  I was impatient.”  She runs her fingers along the curve of your jaw.  “It’s okay Ashe.  I’ll take care of myself tonight.  Maybe tomorrow.”

“No.  I want to help.”  You plead and press into her, your stomach sandwiching her thick cock and big balls between you.  “Please?”

She grins.  “Say that again.”

“Please.”  You say.  “I’d like to help you Morgan.  I want to help you.”

“You sure?  I don’t like a tease Ashe.”

“I’m sure!  I’m sure.”  You say.  “Please Morgan.  Let me help you.”

“Mmm.”  Her fingers glide down your neck and over your chest.  “I suppose…if you could just sit there pretty for me, that would help quite a bit.”   Her hand gently swipes left across your pec then right over the other before sliding back up.  Her four fingertips caress across your slightly parted lips.  “Unless you feel up to more?”

Mesmerized by her glimmering gaze you nod obediently.  “I want to do more.”

“Have you ever been with an older woman before Ashe?”

You shake your head no.

“But you wanted to.”

You nod yes.

“A man of good taste.”  She says.  “Tell me Ashe, how would you like to help me?”

“Anyway you wish.”

“Mmm.”  She tilts her head.  “What if I said that I wanted you to suck my big, fat cock.  Would that scare you?”

You shake your head no.

“No?”  She tilts her head the other way.  “Have you ever sucked a cock before Ashe?”

You shake your head no.

“Would you like to?”  Back and forth her fingers tickle the edges of your lips.  “Would you like to suck a woman’s cock Ashe?”

Your deeper instincts, libido chief among them, bypass your thinking mind to take control of your head.  You nod.

“Mmmm.  Is that right?”  She croons.  “You want to wrap those sweet lips around my big dick?”

You nod.

With very light pressure of her index finger against your bottom lip she opens your mouth wide.  “I like the thought of being your first.”  A crooked smile slowly grows, her violet eyes, locked firmly on your mouth, narrow.  Then all goes still.

All of a sudden she is in motion.  Pushing back again she comes to stand over you, your knees between hers.  You gaze up on her long, powerful body in awe before your eyes settle back down on the schlong swinging in front of you.  Your dick was big, but hers made it seem tiny by comparison.  Already thicker and longer than your impressive eight incher hers wasn’t even fully hard yet.  Before you could even wonder how to begin Morgan reaches down and forcefully grabs your head and pulls you forward.  The moment you open your lips to gasp thick cock meat is rammed through to fill your maw.


“Open wide.  Wider.”  With her thumb she pushes down on your chin to pry your jaw wider.  “I’m gonna get bigger than this.  That’s it.”  She feeds another girthy inch into you.  “Now suck it Ashe.  Don’t get fancy.  Just suck the fucking thing.”

“Mmmm!”  You didn’t even have time to grapple with the fact that in the past three seconds you’d gone from someone who’d never sucked a dick to one who has.  With her order of ‘just suck the fucking thing’ still echoing in your ears…you suck the fucking thing.  Silently you begin to suck in long, hard sucks.  Morgan’s semi-soft penis squishes between your lips and stretches as you pull back on it only to gobble forward again.  You suck her cock in the ways you liked to be sucked, hard and steady, without all the messing around kissing and tongue flicking.  Morgan wasn’t the type for messing about.  It was straight to the good stuff with her.  As you again and again take long draws down the first few inches of her hardening shaft you realize how much you adored the way she talked to you and handled you.  This was a woman who had been formed in a world without the luxury of erotic preening and pretense and the usual song and dance between prospective lovers.  She had no time for frivolities which, to your ‘real’ world sensibilities, made her all the more dominant.

“Use your hand.”  She says.  “Pull the foreskin back.  Stroke it.  Come on now, work it Ashe.”

“Hrm.”  You follow her orders, bringing your right hand to grip her shaft.  You pull the foreskin back leaving the entirety of her warm, spongy glans to swell in your mouth.  Wrapping your lips tight you suck the huge knob while your hand strokes her further down.  Fuck!  She was still growing!

“Open!  Don’t get lazy on me kid.  You’re almost there.”

“Mmm!”  You force your mouth as wide as it had ever gone, and then a bit more.  She was so…fucking…BIG!  She started this big but as you blew her she just kept growing and growing and growing!  How damn big was she!?  From where you were, impaled on it, you could tell that it was minimum a foot long but you would have bet anything it was more.

“Not bad for a first timer.”  She grabs your head on both hands and starts to fuck your mouth.  “You got potential.”

“HRM!”  Your eyes bulge as she at last flexes to her full, glorious hardness!  Your jaw strains to its limit as it felt like you were trying to swallow baseball bat from the fat end first.

“Shit kid!  You got a nice mouth.”  She winks.  “You can take the girth, but what about the length?”

“Grm?”  On the very next stroke she PULLS hard and THRUSTS deep in the same motion.  Her massive knob rams to the rear of your throat…then straight on through!  “GHLLLGCHH!!!”  Part choking, part gagging your body heaves as your throat is stretched by thick cock.  Before she pulls out you let go of her dick so that you could hold onto her hips with both hands.  With your body rebelling against you you hold tight and force yourself to keep her as deep as you could.

“Halfway.”  She holds you there firm enough for you to feel she was pushing for more but light enough so as not to force it.  “Not bad kid.  Not bad!”

You desperately wished to take more but starved of air with tears streaming from your eyes and the steadily growing instinct to retch growing by the second it was a battle you weren’t going to win.  You hold out as long as you can but defeat could not be denied forever.  She was just too big!

You pull back to the strange sensation of a wet anaconda leaving your throat, gliding across your tongue, then slipping through your lips.  To your absolute shock her huge dong, as it leaves your saliva dripping lips, springs upward instead of slumping down as you expected.  For something so huge to stand firm and erect like some great fleshy obelisk was a miracle to behold.  The top half of that straight, smooth pillar glistened with spit, the half that had been inside of you.  God damn!  You took half of that monster!?  You even impressed yourself, especially for your first time.

“HAH!”  You gasp then start panting hard as your lungs greedily gulped every bit of oxygen they could snatch.  “Fuck!”

“Don’t stop.”  She grabs your wrists and brings both your hands to her titanic member.  “Keep pumping.”

“Yeah.”  You huff as you start stroking her in a top over bottom two-handed stroke, your saliva now acting as lube.

“That’s it.  Fuck kid, you have no idea how good it is to have a man again.”  She swats your hands away, grabs the back of your head and the middle of her shaft, then feeds her cock back into your mouth.  “Ohhhh fuck.  Suck it.  Suck it!  Fuuuck.  Harder.”

“Mmm!”  Wrapping your lips tight you suck her dick as hard as you could.  The pace and rhythm was all in her court now however as she takes hold of your head again and starts to ream your mouth like it was a pussy.  With a sense of how much you could take Morgan stays inside of your limits in order to build up to a nice, steady, fast pace.  “Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  You begin to moan as her shaft pulls and pushes through your tight lips.  Things were stirring inside of you.  Feelings erotic but not purely sexual.  Your dick was down for the count, and would be for some time, but this was pleasing you on some other level you’d never felt before.  To have this beautiful older woman dominating you and using you like this was…perfection.

“Is there anything as hot as man with a cock in his mouth?”  Morgan pets your hair.  “If there is I haven’t seen it.”


“Ohhh, just like that Ashe.  Fuck.  Just like that.  What a pretty little thing you turned out to be.”  Her eyes rolls.  “Ohhhhh.  My lucky lad.”


As you take her dick you gaze up her tall body, marveling at her fit figure and how amazingly her big tits bounced as she face fucked you.  Gorgeous.

“If you wanna touch them, touch them.”  Grabbing your hands off her legs she brings them up and slaps them down on her big, soft breasts.  Hand over your head you take a hold, massaging and fondling her big titties as she continued to make your mouth her personal fuck hole.  Down below her big, heavy balls swing to the rhythm of her body.  One hand on your head, the other coming fingers through her long white hair, body rocking to the hard pace she was setting, she looked like some rodeo rider astride a bucking bronco.  On her usually stoic expression you could see the signs of pleasure peeking through.  Pleasure you were giving her.  A scrunch of her brow, a twitch of her cheeks, a tremble of her full lips, all little signs that she was feeling it.  Seeing the effect you were having on her felt nice.  “Fuuuck Ashe.  That’s it.  Suck that cock like you need it.”

“Mmmm!”  You suck with all you had.  Ignoring the screaming muscles of your poor stretched out jaw you provide Morgan with the best hole you could.

For the next few minutes you once more achieve that wonderfully peaceful sense of now, this time a bit more focused.  This time even the smell of must and mold and smoke, even the sight of the fraying furniture and peeling paint on the walls, even the groan of the cold wind above and the crackle of burning wood, all it fades to leave just her.  Morgan.  Standing over you, a tower of female power.  Her eyes locked on yours as her orgasm neared.  Her tits in your hand and her cock in your mouth.  And in that moment, you were happy.

All of a sudden her cock was out.  Grabbing your hair she pulls you lower and to the side as she strokes her dick furiously.  Brows furrowed, eyes blazing, she grunts.  “Keep it open.”

Eyes upturned you open your mouth wide to accept your first facial.

“NNNGHHH!  FUCK!”  She lets a deep groan and a moment later a hot, heavy splatter of jizz paints your face from hair to chin, a goodly portion of it falling into your open mouth.  As it oozed across your tongue you try not to cringe at the strange new flavor assaulting your palate.  As best you can you stay still and take your facial like a champ.  “RRRRMMM!”  She growls as she milks wad after wad of pungent witch seed over you.

It gets everywhere!  Warm and gooey and wonderful!  Soon you are blinded, your eyes stinging from semen.  Your nostrils are blowing cum bubbles, your mouth fills with it enough to gargle, and your lips slathered in the stuff.

“Swallow.”  She whispers.  Without hesitation you close your mouth and gulp it down, then open up again and extend your tongue to show her you’d done it.  Your only reward to get the last few drops squeezed out onto your tongue.  This too you swallow.  “Ohhhh.  Damn Ashe!  That was your first time?”

“Yeah.”  You nod, jizz dripping from your cheeks and chin down over your shoulders and chest.

“I’m impressed.”  She rustles your hair and plants a kiss to the crown of your head.  Holding there a moment she whispers.  “You done good Lucky.  Thanks for that.”

“Thank you.”  You whisper back.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes.  I…I loved it.”  Every word, the truth.  You’d just given your first blowie and loved every second of it.

“I get luckier and luckier.”  She then chuckles as you blindly feel around.  “Damn you are a cute one.”  The towel used before is put into your hands.  “Clean yourself up kid and lets hit the sack.  We’re moving on in the morning.  Could be a long day.  You’ll need all the rest you can get.”

“Okay Morgan.”  Burying your face in the towel you start to clean yourself off.  “Whatever you say.”

After receiving and giving an orgasm you felt a hell of a lot better about things, more relaxed at the very least.  With a bit of the magical aid you were promised you actually believed that you might get a bit of blessed shut-eye this night.

“You can sleep here if you want.”  Morgan says as she stretches her fit physique and gives her softening cock a final flick.  “I’ll be next door in one of the beds.  Feel free to join me if you want.”  She goes to step away but pauses.  Looking back down at you she gives your hair one last stroke and pat.  “Let me get that spell ready.”  She takes up the container of your cum and heads for the candle lit table beside the entrance.

You look down at the old ratty sofa.  Sleeping in the same room as the fire might be nice, but there was NO WAY you were going to sleep alone tonight if you could help it.

Chapter 6 


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