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“Not happening.”  I say for the dozenth time as I finish my makeup.  Standing straight I look into the little beauty mirror and check my work.  “You’re going to go back in there and he’ll be gone.”  I walk to the closet where I kept my clothes folded and stacked and start to go through them.  “Five inch men do not exist.”  I pause.  “Well, they do exist.”  My last boyfriend among that lot.  “You know what I mean!”  I pull my selections out from the pile.  “You really have lost it Lil.  Now you’re talking to yourself!”

I don’t get fully dolled up like I might for a special night on the town since it appeared we were heading outdoors but I do make an effort.  A tasteful application of makeup, my hair held to one side in a banana clip, with some dangling pink hoop earrings and a clean, brightly colored blouse, black knee length skirt, bust lifting bra, and sensible flat soled shoes was the whole package.  It was not ‘date’ nice but ‘grabbing a coffee’ with a cute guy nice.

As I go through the process I realize how much I had missed this ritual this past year.  If nothing else my imaginary Pyushun had given me an excuse to perform it again.  I stroll back into the office to discover that the miniature was very much real.  I’m not sure if that brought relief or more concern as it related to my questionable sanity.

He turns to look at me.  With a gasp he brings hand to his chest, his mouth wide, as if his breath had just been taken away.  The little charmer!

“What do you think?”  I give him a spin.  “Will this do?”

He beams and fans himself as he swoons.  I giggle.  What a ham.  Despite this surreal situation I cannot deny that it is a heck of an ego boost to have guy that hot react like that to me.

“Oh stop.”  I wave then motion for the door.  “After you.”  He nods and hops from the desk.  “Ah!”  I startle as, for him, it was like jumping from the roof of a three story building!  My concern is unnecessary though as those strong legs of his catch his weight with ease.

Pyushun glances up at me…and smirks.  A impish little smirk.

“Hey!”  I close my legs and tighten my skirt around them.  “You cad!”  Maybe a skirt was not the best choice after all.

He laughs that jolly, jingling laugh of his then starts for the door.  To my surprise he moves much faster than a human of his size would, each of his swift leaping strides were many times his own height.  He bounds across the threshold onto the deck and turns to wait for me, standing like a patient gentleman.  It was only then, after seeing his inhuman gait, that I start to have some deeper reservations.  What did I really know about this creature?  Was he drawing me from my home for some nefarious reason?  Was he some sort of magical elf come to steal my soul?  I mean, I knew that magic wasn’t real but…neither were men like him.

In the end it was that dashing smile the draws me forward.  I was weak for it and for him.  I felt like some Cinderella who had drawn the eye of the handsomest prince in the land.  And until that stroke of midnight when everything came crashing back to reality I decide there and then that I would quit doubting and just enjoy myself tonight no matter how odd the circumstance.  Pausing at the desk I take up one of the blossoms and bring it up to pinch into my hair clip so that it sat just above and behind my ear.  His warming smile tells me that he liked that.  Walking like a real lady I join him on the deck.

He gives me a bow then hurries to close the sliding door for me.  It takes him considerable effort but considering that the door was the size of an office building compared to him the feat is seriously impressive.

“Whoo!”  I hoot and flex an arm.  “A little Hercules!”

He stands proudly and puffs his chest forward, flexing all of those wonderful muscles for me.  Ohhh baby!  Another wave of libidinous impulses wash through my body.

“Ahem.”  I motion him forward.  “Shall we?”

He gives me another grand bow then skitters to the edge of the deck in a series of short steps followed by a great arching leap off of it to land over six feet away.  I hurry to catch up.

We walk through the grass side by side, me at my steady gait with him bounding along at my side.  He was speaking to me in that peeping language of his as we went, occasionally motioning to a tree or a bird.  I hadn’t a clue what he was saying but it felt nice to know he was trying.

“It is a lovely evening.”  I say, doing my best to blindly follow his conversation.  “Yes, that is a pretty bird.”

He leads me to the back corner of the yard and down a hidden path tucked behind a dense bush that I’d never noticed before.  I glance once behind me at the house, wondering if I ought to head into the forest by myself with this stranger.  But once more his beauty beckons me forward.  We continue along the path as it angled down toward the stream that ran through the property.  The lower we get the more I start to notice the same little green plant sprouting here, there, and everywhere.

“Wasabi.”  I say.  “It must have gone wild from the old crops.”

He replies to me then makes an exaggerated surprised face and holds his mouth.

I chuckle.  “I think it’s spicy too.”

Not long after that we come to soupy section, where the earth became squishy and squelchy.  I wasn’t sure if it was by nature or by design but there just so happened to be a series of flat stones along the path that allowed me to keep my feet dry.  He jumps from stone to stone, possibly guiding me on which ones to use, and follow on the ones he indicates.

It is only a couple of minutes until we come our destination which turns out to be a massive flat topped boulder half buried in the slope and overlooking the stream.  In one mighty leap he springs to the top of it.  I look up at him and say.  “I can’t jump that high!”

He smiles and waves me around to the other side of the stone.  There I see that thanks to a sloped section and some handholds it was fairly easy to get to the top.  I climb the boulder.  When I reach to the top of it Pyushun grabs one of my fingers and pulls.  While the pull was far stronger than I might have expected it is nowhere near enough to actually aid my ascent.  I accept the help anyway.

“Thank you.”  I say as I crawl up.  “Hah!”  I stop as I see on the upper face of the stone a ring of plum blossoms already there.  In the center is a trio of bundles wrapped in large leaves.  Beside the bundles is teensy lantern, a tiny pack, a sheathed sword no bigger than the ones you’d find in a cocktail, and some sort of harp like instrument with strings so fine that I could barely see them.  “What is all this?”

He smiles brightly and slaps his chest.

“You did this?  For tonight?  For us?”  He circles around to the far side of the items and gives me another bow, his arm extending in an invitation for me to make myself comfortable.  Careful to keep my legs tight together to avoid any flashing I sit in a sort of part lounging way and make myself as comfortable as I could.  I look around the quiet glade.  There were towering trees all around, a green canopy above, and song of gently flowing water filling the still, quiet air.  “This is lovely Pyushun.”  I look back to the flowers and bundled leaves.  “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

I swear I damn fall in love with the man just by the adoring he looks up at me.  Easy Lil!  Easy!  I try to settle myself but…gah!  Why did have to be so HOT!?

“Um…a sword.”  I point.  “Are you a soldier or something?”  I raise my fists and mimic a fight.  “You a fighter?”

His big eyes light up in understanding.  He moves to the weapon.  Hooking his toe beneath the scabbard he flicks it up into his hand.  Keeping the blade safely sheathed he shows off a few moves, his masterful motions controlled, efficient, yet flowing like mercury.  It was reminiscent of a samurai demonstration I’d watched once with one important difference.  Pyushun’s deft technique, and even his occasional flashy flourishes done to impress me, had the hard edge of real world experience to it.  Every thrust and slice a killing strike, ever parry and ballet like twist a near scrape with death.  He was trained in the blade not for show or tradition, but to actually fight.  Even to my inexpert eye it was the difference between the half hearted prowling of a well fed house cat and the keenly focused hunting of a feral bobcat.  Once more my pussy twitches as I watch his demonstration.  Lord help me.  A great smile, a sense of humor, killer good looks, and he could fight too?  Could this guy get any more attractive?

“Woah!”  I clap when the short show comes to an end.  “You’re really good, aren’t you?”

He lays the weapon back down then lifts his arms to me with an expectant look.

“Me?’  I say.  “Oh, I’m just a teacher.  Um.”  I think a moment.  “Teacher.”  I touch my lips then hold out my hand again and again, trying to convey the passage of learning from me to a number of students.  “I teach English.  That is my language.  I am an American.”

I don’t think anything I say gets through but Pyushun is captivated by my attempted nonetheless.  I try twice more and, bless him, he really tries to understand.  Walking to me knee he places a hand on it smooth as could be as he watches and listens and engages without interruption.

Eventually I give up and shake my head.  “Of course you’re a good listener too.”

He smiles and pats my knee then returns to his spot across from me.  He leans back and slaps his belly then points to me then brings his fingers to his lips.

“Yeah.”  I rub my stomach.  “I could eat.”

With a brisk nod he steps forward and unties the bundles one at a time.  Within the first he reveals a ball of sticky rice blended with various foraged herbs, vegetables and mushroom.  In the second there is an assortment of cubed apples and yam, already cooked and smelling delicious.  The final one he opens with a showman’s flourish of his arms to display a bevy of tiny, roasted fillet’s of some sort of river minnow.  Again the aroma that is releases sets my mouth to watering even more.

“And he can cook!”  I laugh.  “Now I know I’m dreaming.”

He laughs along with my laughter.  Drawing his sword he gives it a twirl then touches the tip with a finger.  He peeps and exaggerates a pain to his finger demonstrating to me that it was sharp.  I cock my head, unsure of what he was saying.  It all makes sense though when he spin and plunges the blade half deep into one of the yam cubes.  He then steps back and indicates that I could use it.

“Thank you.”  I pinch the handle of his sword between finger and thumb and, using it like a toothpick on a cheese platter, pop the morsel into my mouth.  It was cooked enough to be soft but not mushy though had cooled to the ambient temperature.  As I chew an wonderful earthy flavor spreads across my palate.  “Mmm!  Delicious!”

He makes the funniest little popping sound with his lips, clearly a happy sound, then moves to the globular rice ball that was high as his waist.  Tearing off a piece of the leaf that had wrapped it he scoops a couple of grains of rice and a little fleck of mushroom onto it then chows it down, his cheeks bulging as he chews the oversized bite.

I giggle.  That one bite told me so much about him.  He was being on his best behavior but table graces did not come naturally to him.  Beneath his gentlemanly facade was a man of action who when he ate, he ate.  That part about him reminded me of a linebacker that I’d dated for a time back in college.  I tear a bit of leaf off as well and copy his motion to try the rice.  The way the other elements had been cut so small meant that each bite was packed with all the flavors the dish had to offer and gave it a nice consistent feel in the mouth.  It was hardly gourmet fare but it couldn’t have been better for a lovely picnic in the woods.

“Mmm.”  I look at the chunk that I’d taken compared to his then scan across the rest of the meal.  It was about the amount I would find in a train station bento box but for Pyushun this feast looks like it could have fed him for a month or more.  “So much!  You did this all for me?”

He says something back, damned if I know what.  After so many meals by myself just hearing a voice reply to mine felt nice.  He invites me to try the fish, which I do.  Using the sword I prick one of the fillets and eat it in one bite.  To my great surprise it has a tangy sour that mixed with the smoky charred bits.  Something in the preparation of that dish had been fermented or pickled but it subtle enough to be impossible to pinpoint.  Whatever he’d done, it tastes awesome!

“Wow.”  I point at the minnows.  “Okay.  That’s the best.  Mmm!”

Again he brightens at seeing me happy.  I’d been with some nice guys but never one that was so attentive to my joy.  It really meant a lot to Pyushun to see his date enjoying herself.  I suppose, if you were going to screw up the courage to ask out a giant you would really want to make sure the date went well.

Together we share food and stories under the slowly dimming light.  He will talk then I will talk, neither of us understanding the meaning of the words we offer but understanding the emotion behind them.  With our hands and expressions and tone of voice we convey what we can.  I tell him of Texas and teaching and the life of an expat.  He tells me of many things in return, all of his stories action packed and full of laughter.  Again the details are missing but his life of a daring adventurer comes through loud and clear.

Somewhere along the way size is forgotten and language didn’t matter.  Somewhere along the way everything else boils down to the most basic elements of boy meets girl.

When the meal was finished I shift to lay on my side, elbow on the stone with my head propped up by my hand.  Throughout the dinner he had migrated ever so gradually closer to me and when I am done shifting I find him at my elbow.  His wide, walnut eyes gazing into mine…he runs a hand down the soft skin of my forearm.  The contact is the brush of a feather yet it sends shudders through my body.  When I do not pull away and continue to hold his gaze his grip on my arm tightens just a little.  “Lil.”  He says as his hand caresses me.  He says more, his words honeyed.  Their sweet sounds find a receptive ear.

“It’s been a lovely night.”  I say softly.  “The loveliest I’ve had yet in Japan.”  I bring my other hand close to him and lightly tap his free hand with my index finger.  He picks up on my invitation and holds it, his other hand leaving my arm to stroke my finger.  My middle finger slides in and gently brushes along the underside of his firm arm and down the lean muscles of his back.  As my finger feels his back my eyes ogle the front.  What a body!  His gaze smoldering with that same animal lust that burned inside of me still locked on mine he brings my fingertip to his lips…and presses a soft, lingering kiss onto it.   “Ohhh.”  I sigh softly as those fires of desire roar through my flesh.

He then steps away!

As he backs away from me he lets my finger slip slowly through his hands.

“What?  Wh-What are you doing?”  I ask breathlessly.  What I wanted to say, to scream, was ‘TAKE ME!’.

With that natural grace and cocksure swagger he returns to the center of the boulder.  Picking up the lantern he gives it a vigorous shake.  A moment later it begins to glow like a firefly, a moment after that it brightens to emit a soft yellow light that pushes back the evening gloam in a radius of five or so feet.  He sets down the lantern, shoulders his pack, cleans his sword, sheathes it, then slips it into his belt, then picks the lantern back up again.  Standing proud he extends his arm and offers his hand.

“Date’s over, huh?”  I say.  “That’s it?”

He smiles.  I sigh.

“Alright.”  I give him my finger and guides me back to the edge of the stone.

We walk back along the same trail, his tiny lantern illuminating our path enough to keep our steps sure.  He talks to me and I follow along quietly.  Back on my feet the little fantasy I’d entered back at the boulder evaporates as it was impossible to ignore our massively disparate scale.  Back there I’d wanted him to take me, to claim me, to fuck me.  If he was the adventurer I thought him to be I wanted to be his next daring conquest.  What was I thinking!?  How in the hell would that even work?  What would I do with him?  What would he do with me?  The desire was there, it was the sheer physics of it that failed us.  Damn Lil, you really lost yourself there.  Silly girl.

Back on the deck and I am resigned that our lovely evening was drawing to a close.  It hadn’t ended the way I wanted but it had been a wonderful night regardless.  One I would not soon forget.

He opens the door for me, of course he does.  What a gentleman.  I step into the office to turn on the light and he remains on the deck.  I then turn around to say my goodbye.

Pyushun looks up at me like a romantic dreamer gazing at the moon.  So pretty.  So damn pretty.  That long hair, those cute pointed ears, those full beckoning lips.  It was more than the night air that was moist right now.

He reaches for me, indicating he wanted me closer.  I kneel down and lower my face to look him in the eyes.  Careful not to enter he closes his eyes, leans across the threshold and kisses me on the upper lip.  It tickled it was so small.  I kiss him back, carefully, my lips covering his entire face and neck.  When I pull back we both giggle at the strangeness of it.

I sigh again, joyful yet yearning for more.  I pull back then rise to my feet.  “Am I ever going to see you again?”

He does not answer, he just continues to gaze.

“I had a wonderful time.”  I smile.  “Just wonderful.  The best.”

He bats his eyes.

I place my hand on the door.  “If you, um, ever want to do that again…or just watch TV together…anything, I, um…I’d like that.”

Still no reply.  Not that I would have understood it but it wasn’t the back and forth I’d grown accustomed to.  Wasn’t he at least going to tell me good night?


“Lil.”  He says warmly.  He looks to the sliding door rail in front of him, the border between inside and out, then looks back up at me with the hottest, naughtiest, pantie dampening ‘fuck me’ look I’d ever seen!  “Lil.”

“Oh.  Oh?  OH!”  My eyes widen as his carnal meaning pierces through the barrier.  A great date, a nice first kiss…we were now hovering in that tenuous ‘will she, won’t she’ few seconds just before a date ends.  He was waiting for an invitation in!  I nearly miss my mark as I note his left leg beginning to step back and his mouth opening to bid me farewell.  “Um!”  I blurt.  He stops, his head tilts.  I smile and step the the side.  “Um…would you like to come in?”

Part 4 



Just noticed, only 4 posts to go before you reach 1000!! :D


😲 Woah! I had no idea it was that many. It seems that I must enjoy this writing thing. 😁