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I had never fallen asleep faster and once out I sleep HARD.  No tossing and turning, no hazy half-consciousness either in or out, and no dreams either.  One moment I am being sung to by Rosa and the next I am opening my eyes as the growing morning light rouses me.  What a sleep!  Working, training, leading, learning and subbing for two needy women sure had a way of wearing a guy out.  Sitting up in bed I stretch my achy muscles and take a big invigorating breath.  I felt absolutely fantastic.  Fantastic and ravenous for another day just like the last.  This harvest season was going to challenge me, and I dreaded what was coming at the end of it, but already I knew that I would miss this rhythm once it was gone.

Very gently I lean over and kiss one of the horns poking up out from the bundle of blankets beside me and whisper.  “I love you.”  Then carefully slipping from the covers so as not to wake my bedmate I tip toe about the room to gather work clothes then creep out the door.

Once downstairs I get dressed then head out to the front of the house.  I step out and take a great breath of the fresh morning air.  The robins had begun their morning chorus and in the distance I could hear the trumpeting cry of a rooster celebrating the rising Sol Invictus.  The sky above is a pale azure with fiery streaks of orange where the the sun god’s radiance touched the wispy clouds.

Doing my best to ignore Mercury’s unblinking gaze and my grumbling stomach I go through some position training as I wait for Cassie.  While I knew that my main focus had to be on my combat training I saw no harm in sneaking in some submissive reps when time allowed.  Not only did it help to loosen up my joints and focus my mind, but it just felt good for its own sake.  And after last night I was still bubbling over with excess horny energy and I need to direct it somewhere.  Already I was understanding why Rosa would be denying me orgasms until the fight.  After a few weeks of this I would be a caged lion!

It is not too long before I hear the now familiar footfalls of my potential fiance.

Unhurriedly I take a breath and attend to coming out of my ‘slave’ state before breaking my Kneel Up pose to turn my head to greet Cassie.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning to you.”  She says as she approaches with a warm smile.

I rise to my feet and move to meet her.  After handling each other the night before it comes far more natural to us to simply slip into each other’s arms.  As my hands slide around her wide hips her hands come up under my arms to slide up my back.  She lets out a soft sigh and relaxes into my embrace, enjoying the feeling of having my strong arms around her voluptuous body as much as I was.  As I look down into her eyes and she looks back up into mine I take a second just to appreciate the moment.

It was so different with her.  The man that met Rosa was truly still a boy in ways beyond my current submissive label.  Honestly, back then, the fact that Rosa was a beautiful woman was far more intimidating to me than either her Amazon or Demon halves.  Beyond my mother I was a stammering, bumbling, doofus around the opposite sex.  I was ready to embrace my manhood, desperate for it, but unsure of how to proceed.  But then Fortuna gave me her.  And Rosa took me by the hand and with her gentleness and patience and experience had guided me through that phase to where I was now.  In a very real way I was a completely different man than that awkward virgin who had fallen completely in love with the forbidden slave girl a few short weeks ago.  Thanks to my Lady’s guidance, now, with Cassie, I could hold her and admire her and meet her as an equal.

Leaning down I kiss her softly on the lips. The softness only lasts a second though as she presses herself, lips and bosom, hard back against me.  “Mmmmm.”  When our kiss parts I smile and tease at her long side bangs.  “We missed you last night.”  I kiss the tip of her nose.  “I missed you.”

Her fingers clutch into my back.  “Oh Quin.  I wanted to stay.  I wanted to.”

“I know.”  I whisper.  “I know.”

She lays her head against my chest and holds me tight.  I wrap my arms around her and hold her back.  “Hahhh.  Last night was…incredible.”  She gives me a hard squeeze and pulls away enough to look up at me again.  “My parents know.”


“Not the details of course.  But…when I came home late…Quin, I cannot hold that much happiness inside of me.”  She says.  “I cannot hide my joy.  They know that my heart has been claimed.  They must know we’ve fooled around.  Marriage is being spoken of openly now.  And I am not stopping them.”

After a moment I nod.  “Good.  Let it be out there.”

Her smile returns, brighter than ever.  “They wish to meet your family before the dowry is decided, prayer offered, and the ceremony arranged.”

“Then I will go and fetch my mother when harvest is over, if that is what it takes.”  I say, then add with a grin.  “Rosa and I do pretty well on the road.”  I turn, keeping her in my arms, and look back at my grand, if faded, villa.  “I would like my mother to visit and see her son’s new life.  She must be worried about me by now.”

“Mmm.”  Cassie rubs my chest and looks at the villa as well.  “We will have the place looking like a palace by then.”

“I’d like that.”  I kiss her head.  “I should go.  Are you training with us tonight?”

She lets out a nervous huff, her eyes wide.  “I am!”  Reaching down she grabs my ass by both cheeks.  “You think I’m gonna miss a chance to get my hands on you?”

I chuckle.  “This is going to be interesting.”

“Don’t worry.”  She says.  “I’ll take it easy on you.”

I lower my head and say in my soft-boy voice.  “Thank you Miss Cassie.”

“Don’t you tease me boy!”  She slaps my butt.  “Now get to work you slut.”

We laugh, we kiss, and then I jog off to join the boys for breakfast.  I find my crew looking as stiff and sore as I felt rolling out of bed, with the exception of the granite faced Toke of course, but to a man they are ready for the field and eager for the training that would follow.  Some of the old heads laugh at us, making quips about how soft our generation was compared to theirs, but they are made to eat those words later in the day.  It doesn’t even take us an hour to work the kinks out and soon we are moving with Legion like efficiency.  Working as one the wheat is mowed flat before our clean slicing sickles of the cutters then gathered and laid in a neat row down the center of our wake by the others.  When the cutters tired the roles would switch and our unit would carry on without interruption.  Though moving in concert toward a shared goal there is also a healthy competition among the team with each man trying to better the efforts of the man next to him, just like we’d done in training.  The ethic and camaraderie from those grueling hours on the platform were spreading to other parts of our lives.  By midday we were by far the fastest team going, though I knew our weed to wheat ratio could improve.  Could and would.  We’d already come so far in such a short span of time I had every faith that we’d only get better yet.

When the wagon rolls in for lunch break we had all more than earned our bread through toil and sweat.  When we turn to watch it roll up we see that the boss was onboard to take a tour of his workers.

“By Ceres’ left tit.”  Horatius says as he hops down off the wagon.  “You men are putting the others to shame!”

“Damn right, Dad!”  Lucas says proudly grabbing a Hispanian with each arm and slapping their shoulders.  “Hardest working crew on the farm.”

“Hello Sir.”  As the others gather around the wagon for water and grub I step forward and take his forearm in a hearty shake.  “We’re doing our best for you.”

“I see that.”  He holds my arm tightly and keeps shaking it longer than normal as he stares into my eyes.  “You tryin to impress me or something?”

“Yes Sir, I am.”  I say.  “If I’m to deserve a man’s daughter’s hand in marriage I aim to give him no other choice but to say yes when the time for askin comes around.”

He nods his approval at my bold words then shakes my hand one more time and slaps my arm.  “Grab yourself some chow then come walk with me Quintus.”


“Hard work will go a long way around here.”  He says.  “But if a man ain’t honest he’s got no chance with me.”

I swallow hard.  “Honest?”

“You’ve been keeping secrets.”  He says bluntly as he lets go of my arm.

“Secrets?  I don’t know what you’re…”

“Choose your words careful, son.”  He warns, his voice sharpening as his hard eyes bore into mine.  “Go get your grub and think about what you want to say to me.  I’ll be waiting over yonder for ya.”

“Uh, yes Sir.”  I nod and turn the join my crew at the back of the wagon as my mind scrambles.  Gods!  I had secrets on top of secrets.  Which one did Horatius know!?

Chapter 94


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