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“Ohhh.”  Rosa sighs after a load worthy of almighty Jupiter himself.  “I needed that.”

Hot, fresh jizz streams down my face and I assume Cassie’s as well.  It was hard to tell mid-kiss and with Lady semen stinging my eyes.  Grabbing my head in both hands Cassie kisses me so hard I worried one of us might split a lip.  Undeterred by a busted lip I kiss her back just as hard.  “Hah!”  She gasps as our passionate smooch parts with a loud smack of our lips.  Breathlessly we stare at each other for a few minutes then both begin to laugh.

“You got a little on your…er, well…everywhere!”  I chuckle.

“Look whose talking.”  She flicks a gooey drip from the tip of my nose.  “You are a mess, boy.”  Taking her cummy finger tip she slips it through my lips and pulls.  I suck her digit clean and taste the signature spunk of my Lady.  I do one better by then licking my messy lips.  Cassie’s eyes flare then she does the same.  “Mmmm.”

“Sounds like I hit my mark.”  Rosa giggles.  Slipping into the water she glides right in between us, her small and slender body filling the space just perfectly.  She surprises Cassie with a swift slurp of her long demon tongue.  The way her eyes widened I could tell she was already thinking about the things that tongue could do to her.  My Lady treats me with a lick as well before she grabs both of us and pulls the whole group under the water.

Beneath the dark surface we grope and hug and kiss and frolic before bursting back to the surface laughing and hooting.  Feeling the two women’s soft flesh against mine as we played was a special treat in itself.  Not once, not twice, but three times Cassie ‘accidentally’ grabs and yanks on my still hard cock.  The last time Rosa catches her and interposes herself between us.


“Sorry Lady Rosa.”

“Kiss my hand.”

Cassie smiles.  Taking Rosa’s delicate hand in both of hers she bows her head and presses her lips to the brand that signified the Lady as my slave.  “Apologies Lady Rosa.”

“Obedience will be an issue with you. I can already tell.”

“I’ll be good.”  She chuckles.

“You better be.”  Rosa presses back into me, her butt cheeks swaddling my hard cock between them, as her other hand reaches back and up along my neck.  “You may be a bit rough for me my dear but if you truly become mine my boy will not hesitate to mete out my punishments.  And he can handle a naughty girl like you.  Can’t you baby.”

“I look forward to it my Lady.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”  Cassie bows again, this time her flickering eyes locked on mine as if daring me to punish her.  “I will behave.”

“Good.”  Rosa says brightly and pats Cassie’s head.  “Good girl.”  Pulling my head down she gives me an over the shoulder kiss.  “Good boy.”

By her tone alone it was clear our playtime had come to an end.  She had a man to get to bed and, as fun as this was, I was ready for it.  We bathe each other, Cassie and I cleaning my Lady followed my me cleaning Cassie then Cassie cleaning me.  It was still fun and very pleasurable but the focus now was on actually bathing.  We dry and we dress then together we head back to the villa under the clear, crisp glory of the twinkling heavens.  Rosa is gripped to my left arm.  Cassie I hold around the shoulders in my right.  All of us clutched together moving as one happy whole.

“You cannot stay?”  Rosa asks when we get to the door.

“No.”  Cassie sighs.  “As much as I would wish.”  She squeezes my hand.  “Until a genuine proposal is offered my parents will not have it.  They will already be displeased that I stayed this late.”

Rosa comes around to hug her and kiss her cheek.  “Patience.”

“I know.”  She whispers.  “Hahhh.”  She looks up at the stars.  “This harvest will feel a lifetime.”  She kisses Rosa.  She kisses me.  And we kiss her back.  “I had the best time tonight.  The very best time.”

“As did we my dear.”

“It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”  I say.  “I look forward to meeting ‘Miss Cassie’ again.”

“Mmm.”  Cassie looks me up and down then wink.  “The feeling is mutual, boy.”

We chuckle and hug once more.  “Need an escort home?”

“No.  Go.”  She pats my broad chest.  “Be with your Lady and rest.”

“Sleep well Cassie.”

“You too Quin.  I hope we didn’t wear you out too bad.”

More hugs, more kisses, and finally goodbyes.  With my arm around Rosa I watch Cassie’s swaying hips disappear into the night.

“I wish she could stay.”  I say softly.

“As do I.”  Rosa replies, then pulls me for the door.  “Come along my boy.”  I am lead back to our room where Rosa turns completely from Lady to slave girl.  Soft and attentive she undresses her master and then herself before guiding me gently into bed.  She crawls in under the covers beside me, her hot body pressed tight to mine.  “Do you need anything Master?”

“No.”  I let out a long breath as my weary muscles relax.  “Ohhh, what a day.”

She sidles up higher so that she could cradle my head to her bosom.  “My champion.”  She whispers as she begins to stroke my hair.

“Oh Rosaaa.”  I sigh as I melt to her heat and tender touch.  “I had fun tonight.  Both with the guys and definitely with the girls.”

She coos soothingly.  “That’s good my love.”

“I almost burst.”  I whisper.  “I almost disobeyed.”

“Oh oh.”  She boops my nose.  “Naughty boy.”

I smile.  “But I didn’t.  I was good.”

“Yes you were.”

“It was close though.  When you commanded Miss Cassie to cum…my penis thought you were talking to him.  As Cassie said, it is going to be a loooong harvest.”

She giggles softly and nuzzles my hair.  “You nearly came from my command alone?  You are a marvel my pet.  The truest boy.”  She kisses my head.  “I have something that will help contain your enthusiasms.”

“What is it?”

“A surprise.  One you have earned.”  She croons.  “Would you like a suckle tonight my precious one?”

“Mmmm.  Not tonight.  Could you just…”  I cuddle closer.  “…hold me?”

“Of course my love.”  Her arms tighten around me.  “Now sleep.  Sleep.  Sleep.”  With each word she pets my hair.  “Sleeeep.”  As she holds me and strokes me she very quietly begins to hum a familiar lullaby.

Chapter 93 



Couple maybe small typos: "“Good.” Rosa says bright and pats Cassie’s head." -> "says brightly" ? "She whisper as she begins" -> "She whispers"