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Barefoot and naked, except for the tightly cinched kitchen apron of course, I stand at the counter preparing lunch with my ears perked for the slightest indication that Amos might be heading my way.  If that happened my only hope would be a mad dash for the washroom but as it was across the room and I’d have to pass right by the door to get there Winona’s huge father would almost certainly see my pale white fanny streaking across the room.  My heart is beating like a scared bunny’s even though I had a grin plastered to my face and occasionally giggle in giddy anticipation.  I felt like I did that time my face was mashed into Winona crotch in the truck as I hid from Amos.  The chance of getting caught was such a heady thrill!

I let out a sigh of relief as I hear Amos echo through the garage.  “See you after lunch.”

“Have a good one Pops.”  Winona calls back.

A few seconds later there is the slam of a car door followed by the thrum of an engine.  Yes!  Winona and I were alone.

With my bare ass exposed to the room I do my absolute best to play it cool as I stand at the counter chopping carrots.

When the door swings open I don’t look as I knew I would burst out laughing if I did.  Instead I just focus on the task in hand.

“Honey!  I’m ho…”  Winona’s voice cuts off mid-word as she sees what awaited her.  I bite my lips so as not to giggle.  For a few heartbeats there is silence followed by a loud SLAM of the door swung shut behind her.  Again, silence for a long electric moment.  Then I hear the clomp, clomp, clomp of Winona’s steel-toed work boots slowly approach me from behind.

A shiver of aching anticipation runs up my body causing gooseflesh to raise every fine hair on my body.  With a casual tone that impressed even myself I say.  “How’s your day g-going dear?”  No response.  Instead she leaves me to squirm under her silent treatment.  Closer and closer she comes until…  “Hah!”  I gasp as suddenly she presses right up against my back.  Against the tender naked skin of my back and butt and upper hamstrings I feel the coarse cotton weave of her coveralls.  Her breasts push against my shoulder blades, the cold brass of the zippers that ran across her breast pockets makes me tremble.  And between my bare buttocks I feel a now familiar bulge nestle in, right at home.  Her taller, wider, heavier frame looms over and around me to pin my hips to the counter.  Try as I might to resist it the experience overwhelms me, forcing me to set down the knife before I hurt myself.  “Ohhh!”

“Mmm.”  Winona jams her lips into the curve where neck meets shoulder and nuzzles hard.  Three long, sucking kisses grace my neck, each one a bit higher than the last until her nose is buried in the hair behind my ear.  At the same time her hands slip along my flanks, below my armpits, to slide right in under the front bib of the apron and grab my pec-titties.  “What’s for lunch?”  She whispers as she peeks over me at the plates and bowls I’d just prepared for us before kissing back down my neck and across my shoulder.

“Ohhh…um…soup and v-v-veggies and…oh…turkey and ch-cheese sandwiches.”  The way she was touching me already had me breathing heavy and sets my skin to tingling from head to each of my ten curling toes.  “Ohhh.”

“Sounds…yummyyy.”  She croons between two lingering smooches behind my left shoulder.  “But Daddy wants a bit more than soup and turkey sandwiches.”

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh.  Winona holds me there with her weight as her softly sucking lips pass back the way they came and her groping hands explore chest and sides.  Bringing a hand up suddenly she lifts the short length of hair that hung from the back so that she could snoozle into the shorthairs at the back of my neck.  “Oh!”

“Oh baby girl.”  She whispers.  “You drive me crazy.”  Her hands glide down my bare arms then over my hands where she interlocks her fingers through mine and holds my hands firmly to the counter.  Holding me there she kisses my neck and down my spine.  “I’m gonna eat you up.”

“Hmmm!”  I moan and press my bum back against her growing cock.  My own dick was already as stiff as the carrot on the cutting board in front of me, tenting my apron as it was squashed between my body and the drawers.  In a sudden motion Winona’s face was alongside my own again and in the next second she had my earlobe pinched in a nibbling bite.  “OH!  Daddyyy!”

Another flurry of motion.  This time her hands let go of mine and swoosh back up my slender arms.  Her left arm loops down to hold me around the chest, her hand clutching my right titty, while her right hand comes up to find my mouth.  She lightly drags the tips of her fingers back and forth across my tender bottom lip as the harsh citrus smell of the soap they used in the shop crawls up my nostrils.  When her middle digit does find the center it finds my lips pursed and parting for it.  I wrap my lips around her finger and suck it with all the passion I would give to her cock.  As my suction pulls her finger in she pushes until she was two knuckles in.  Her finger had the sudsy bitterness of soap but I couldn’t have cared less.  I begin to suck and tongue at her middle finger hungrily.  As her finger thrust in and out her palm presses up against my chin, forcing my head up to lay back against her shoulder.  The arm around my chest tightens, the grip on my boob squeezes hard.

My fun little joke of wearing just the apron was going EXACTLY how I hoped it would!

“Mmmm!”  I moan lewdly as I give head to her finger, the whole time my pelvis rocks to rub her arousal with my bare booty.  Opening my mouth wide I lap at it as I let out a breathy gasp.  “HAHH!”

“He he he.  Ohhh you sexy bitch.”  She nips at my ear.  “This plump ass is driving me wild!”  Caught up in the moment she pulls her hand from my mouth, shifts her hips to the side, and then…  Smack!  She lays a stiff spank across my right bubble buttock.  Not hard, not enough to hurt in anyway, but definitely enough to feel.

“OHHH!”  I moan in erotic bliss as a pleasant light glow of a perfectly spanked butt cheek begins to set in.  It was everything I hoped it would be!  “Ohhhhhh Daddy!”

Right away I could feel something was wrong though.  The arm around my body had loosened.  The hand on my pec had let go.  And the rest of her had gone still.

“Oh Avery.  Oh Avery.”  She whispers, very much NOT in a Daddy voice anymore.  “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry!”

“What’s the matter?”  I try to turn to look at her, completely confused as to what had happened to upset her.

“I didn’t mean to…hit you.  Shit.”  She hugs me hard.  Taking my head in her hand she presses her lips into my hair and whispers loudly.  “I’m sorry baby.  I got carried away.  I’m so sorry.”

It takes a second and then I remember.  Back in my room.  When we talked about spanking, an activity she sometimes threatened and one I was very much interested in exploring.  But back there she cut it off at the bud.  She had said, ‘I’m not sure I can do that for you Sprout.’  It was that comment the precipitated our first argument.  It was because of my brother and how he treated me that made Winona not want to strike me, as if a hurtful slap and a playful spank where somehow the same.

“I’m sorry Avery.”  She says again as she holds me with all her strength, as if I might slip away forever if she let go for a second.

I wrap my arms around her left arm and squeeze it tight to my body.  “Winona.  I liked it.  I really liked it!”

“I know, but…”  She sighs.  “I love you so much!”

“I love you too!”  I say softly.  “I want you spank me.  It’s ok-kay.  It’s okay.”  I pet her arm.  “It’s okay Winona.”

“I don’t want to hurt you Sprout.  Not in anyway.”

“I’ll let you know if it hurts.”  I assure her.  “If it r-really hurts.  I promise I will.”

“I don’t know Avery.”

“Just…trust me?”

Her tense body relaxes.  “I do trust you.”

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it.  “I trust you too.  That’s why this is fun.”

“Aw geez Sprout.”  She nuzzles me and kisses me again.  For a long moment we just stay there in our front to back embrace, savoring the other’s warmth.

“Hey.  I th-think I thought of a good safe word.”  I say at last.


“Apron!”  I giggle.  “What d-do ya think?”

She laughs and she presses her nose back into my neck to rub it back and forth.  “I’ll think about it.”

“Okay.”  I smile.  “Um, Daddy?”

“Yes baby girl?”

I wiggle my tush against her.  “C-Can we…k-keep going?”

“Mmmm.”  I feel her power and confidence come flooding back to her.  “Oh yes.”  She nibbles at my neck.  “It’s lunch time…and Daddy’s hungry!”

Chapter 83



Potential Typo: "Taking my head in her hand she presses my lips into my hair and whispers loudly." -> "her lips into my hair"