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“That’s it baby.”  Rosa coos.  “Show her the way.”  She plays her fingers through Cassie’s bangs.  “You are doing so good dear girl.”

“Mmm.”  Cassie hums through another lingering kiss to Rosa’s soft inner thigh.  “Thank you Lady Rosa.”

I slide my hand up my Lady’s smooth outer thigh to lift bunched up hem of her dress that lay across her upper legs to reveal meaty cock and beefy balls that were so at odds with the rest of Rosa’s small, lithe body.  Cassie pauses mid kiss and pulls in a hard hissing breath through her nose at the sight of it as, for a moment, she just stares.  Not yet hard but on its way and already bigger than me.  If my manhood looked a fine entree to her Rosa’s was an entire banquet.  Some men might have felt lesser or even emasculated to be shown to be so much smaller than another, especially a petite woman, but my subby soul only glowed with even more pride than if that mighty member was between my legs for I was her boy and she my Lady.  Her superiority to me in all ways was as right and natural as autumn following summer.  Not only did not mind that Cassie saw that too, I wanted her to see it.  As her willing and loving boy my Lady’s grandeur only lifted me with her even as it set me in my place below her.

I switch from her left cheek to her right so I could enjoy the sight as well, as I do so the hand I held around her waist slides up to fill my grip with a breast.  “It is as incredible as it looks.”  I whisper into her ear.  “Her cock…her pussy…her ass, they like nothing you’ve ever felt.”  As I talk I continue to guide her forward, but by switching sides and changing angles my hard cock slides from her hip and across her buttock to between her legs.  And as I press Cassie forward…I completely by accident enter her hot, wet pussy!

“HOH!  OH FUCK!”  Cassie gasps.  Before I can even react she pushes back against me to take me to the hilt.  “Ohhhhhh yessss!”

“Mmmm.”  I hum as her warm pussy grips around my rod.  She wasn’t as hot as my Lady and certainly not as tight but she felt wet and wonderful!

“What is happening?”  Rosa says.

“I am…inside of her my Lady.”

“You do NOT have permission.”

“Sorry my Lady.  It was not on purpose.”

“Please make him fuck me Lady Rosa.”  Cassie kisses her leg.  “Please make him fuck me while you take my mouth.  Ohhhh he feels amazing!  A real cock is so much better than…mmmmm.”  In a futile attempt to hold me inside of her cunny clenches hard, making my exit feel that much better.  I would have loved to ravish her, but ONLY with my Lady’s say-so.  “Ohhhh.”  She mewls in disappointment.

“He is conserving his vitality.”  Rosa pets her.  “Besides, we want no accidents before nuptials have been decided.”  Her fingers dance through the rich brown hair at Cassie’s crown.  “If and when the time comes…”  She laughs.  “…I will have you two breeding like spring hares.”

“Yes my Lady!”  I say as at the same time Cassie says.  “Yes Lady Rosa!”

“Fear not my dear.”  Rosa croons.  “By hand and by tongue my boy will put to rest what he has roused in you just now.”

Cassie looks back at me with a saucy grin.  “I would expect no less from him.”

“Naughty boy.  Poking our guest without permission.”  Rosa says with a sigh.  “You were meant to rest tonight, but this cannot be left unpunished.”  The twinkle in her blind eyes told me this was what she once called ‘funishment’.  Tired though I might be funishment was MUCH preferable to rest.  As if I could relax with all this going on anyway.  “Now ask Miss Cassie if you might have the honor of pleasuring her my boy.  Ask her nicely.”

“May I pleasure you by mouth and hands Miss Cassie?  Please?”

“Oh you better be good, boy, because you ‘roused’ me a whole lot just then.”

“Yes Miss Cassie.”

“I’m gonna enjoy this…boy.”

I smile and bow my head at her sudden use of her dominant voice.  There was something in her emphasis of the word ‘boy’ that just made land harder.  With Rosa the word wrapped me in swaddling love.  With Cassie it was gut punch to my ego.  “Yes Miss Cassie.  I shall do my best Miss Cassie.”

“I expect no less.”

“You horny little subs.”  Rosa giggles.  “First things first.”

“The Lady takes precedent.”  I say.

“Always.”  Cassie agrees, our connected gaze growing deeper as our joyful obedience aligns.

“Continue my boy.”  Rosa leans back again.  “Show her.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I return to take Cassie’s soft, naked body in my arms again, this time taking extra care that there would be no more errant penetration, as both of us turn our full attention to the Lady sitting over us.  Reaching past her I reach out and gently grip Rosa’s thick shaft.  Together we glide closer, together.  “Open your mouth.”  I whisper while at the same time cupping the side of Cassie’s head with my other hand to steer it.  Her eyes widen as the big penis draws closer, her lips part just as I had asked.  “Wider.  Good girl.  That’s a good girl.”  As an extension of Rosa’s will I felt I should express her care and positivity. Plus it just felt nice to say nice things.  “You’re so beautiful Cassie.”  She shoots a warm glance my way before returning her gaze to the awaiting penis.  Shifting to her right I slide my hand around to the back of her head.  Rosa’s semi-flaccid dick in one hand and Cassie’s head in the other I push left closer to right until mouth meets cock.

“Mrrmm!”  Cassie groans as her lips wrap around the sheathed shape of Rosa’s knob.

“That’s it.”  I whisper and stroke her long hair.  “Now start to suck.  Not too hard now.  That’s it…that’s it…good girl.”

“Hmmmm.”  Ohhh that blissful glaze over the eyes.  She was finding her way into that zone we submissives lived to find.  I was envious of it but not in a jealous, petty way.  I was so happy for her and happy for my role in her joy.  “Hmmmm.”

“Just stay there and suckle a time.”  I kiss her cheek gently.  “The Lady enjoys a good suckle.  Especially to start.”

Following her instruction wonderfully I watch her cheeks and lips begin to pull and puff in a slow, rhythmic suckle.

I look up.  “How is she my Lady?”

“Mmm.”  Rosa sighs, her eyes closed as she savored the feeling of Cassie’s mouth.  “She is doing fine.  You are an excellent guide my boy.”

“Thank you my Lady.”  I bring my hand away from the shaft and bring Cassie’s up to take its place.  She does not hesitate to take a grip.  “Not as hard as you do with me.  Gentle.  The Lady is not to be handled roughly.”

“Mmmm.”  She hums obediently.

“Good girl.  I’m proud of you Miss Cassie.”


“My Lady will start to get big soon.”  I rub at the cheek muscle that I knew would soon be straining.  “Your jaw will tire.”

“Hmmmm.”  She opens her mouth wide to take in a little more of Rosa’s growing schlong.

I lick my lips and swallow the excess saliva gathering in my watering mouth.  Gods, seeing Cassie’s full lips stretched around my Lady’s cock had my already hard manhood quivering with power.  In a reversal of the dinner we’d shared suddenly I was audience being torn up by horny desires and Cassie the lucky sub servicing the Lady.  I now sympathized for Cassie’s past plight.  Gah!

Refocusing on my duty reach under Cassie to find her other hand resting upon a pair of stones.  I bring them up to find another pair.

“With the testes you must be extra gentle.”  I say.  “Caress them.  Fondle them.  With as much care as you might handle a newborn.”  My cock sucking apprentice listens and obeys.  With FAR more tenderness than she’d shown mine Cassie carefully massages Rosa’s heavy balls.  “Good girl!  You’re doing soooo good.”


“Oh Quin.”  I look up to see Rosa looking back in my direction with such a humbling love pouring out of her.

Feeling very proud I kiss her knee and return to my work.  “Open up.”

“Hahh.”  Cassie steals a breath as her lips pop off of Rosa’s cock.  “Gods she’s big!”  She gasps as she gawks at the huge member in her hand.

“She prefers it to be called beautiful or lovely or something softer.”

“I’m sorry.”

“She is a Lady.”

“I understand.”  She looks up at the Mistress and says.  “It is incredible!”

“Thank you my dear.”

I take her hand, the one on Rosa’s shaft, and move it higher up.  “Take a hold here and pull the foreskin down.”  Cassie obeys and unsheathes Rosa’s fat, swollen knob.  “Good girl.  She’s getting hard now.  You’ll be able to start to go faster now.”

Cassie nods.  “Thank you Quin.”

“Of course Miss Cassie.”  With that I push Cassie’s mouth back onto Rosa’s cock, making her take a couple of extra inches this time.


“Ooo!”  Rosa jerks.  “Easy there my boy.  And careful of the teeth my girl.”


“Sorry my Lady.”

Rosa smiles and pets my hair.  “You’ve done wonderfully my boy.  Wonderfully.”

“Thank you my Lady.”

“I will take her in hand now.”  Her hand slides from my head to Cassie’s.  “You have a job to do for our dear Miss Cassie.”

As Rosa takes control of Cassie I fade back.  “Yes my Lady.”

Chapter 89 



Potential Typo: "as I do so the hand I held around her waste slides up to fill my grip" -> "waist"