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Cassie runs her fingers through my hair then grabs it in a tight grip, her other hand still squeezing my balls, as she grinds her pussy hard against my thigh.  I grunt and twitch as each time her sex rubbed she would pull against my hair and scrotum.  In her eyes, which panned over my chest and shoulders and face hungrily, the reflected flame of the nearby lamp flickers.

“Grab my tits.”  She whispers.  “Grab my tits, boy.”


“You may obey her.”  Rosa says softly.

“Thank you my Lady.”

My hands glide through the water until they find and are filled with Cassie’s soft breasts.  Smaller than Colly’s, far bigger than Rosa’s, they fit into the cup of my large hands beautifully.

“Hahhhh!”  She sighs loudly and pushes into me as I take hold of her supple tits.  Again I feel her nipples against my palm stiff from arousal and the cold water around us.  “Yes!  Ohhh yes boy.  Squeeze them.  Let me feel it.”  I squeeze hard, far harder than Rosa enjoyed, the results are immediate.  “OHHH!  Yes Quin!  Gods yes!”  She rides my leg faster and harder.

“Pah!”  I gasp as she suddenly lets go of my nuts to bring both hands around the back of my neck.

“Grngh!  Rrngh! Mmm!”  She growls as each firm rub brought her close and closer to orgasm.  With some solid footing beneath my heel I move my leg in time with her rhythm, easing up when she does and pushing back hard when she needs it.  As I do this I fondle and massage her big tits, the wet skin slipping easily through my grasping fingers.  “Hmmm!  Fuck yes!  Mmm!  That’s a good boy.  Rrrrmmm!”  She swallows. “Harder!”  I turn my hands and take her plump nipples between thumb and knuckle.  Taking a cue from how she handled my sack I pinch and pull in equal measure.  So hard that it had to have hurt just a little.  “RRRNNNGHHHH!”  All at once Cassie’s legs clutch tightly around my meaty thigh.  Her face reddens, her nostrils flare, her cheeks quiver, and she stares at me so intensely it nearly flays the flesh from my bones.  “HRRRRNNNGHHH!!!”  The regular grinding gets more erratic as her whole body starts to buck.  I watch her through the entire rise and fall of what was a long and powerful climax.  And when it was over, she lets out a high moan and collapses into my chest.  “Ohhhh.”  She sighs, her hands running up and down my pecs.

While I kiss her head Rosa pets it.  “That was incredible.”  I whisper as I wrap my arms around her.  “You are beautiful.”

“Ohhh Quin.”  She hums as she relishes her glow and the comforting embrace.  “You are the first man to give me orgasm.”

“I am honored.”  I chuckle.  “And if you think my leg is something just wait until you feel the rest of me.”

“Ooooo!”  She shivers with anticipation.  Beneath the surface one of Cassie’s hands had found my rock hard manhood and was stroking it again.  “Lady Rosa.  Permission to suck your boy’s cock.”

“Not tonight my dear.”  Rosa playfully pinches Cassie’s nose.

“I will stop before he cums.  I swear.”

“Not tonight.”  She says again with just a hint of authority coming through.

“Yes Lady Rosa.”  She sighs, her grip on my dick letting go but her hand remains.  With her hand flat she continues to rub the front of my shaft and balls.  “I just wished to feel what it was like.”

“Well, uh…”


I glance up behind me to see my Lady looming over me larger than life.  “Um, respectfully my Lady, mine is not the only cock she might suck.”

“Atta boy Quin!”  Cassie pushes back up with a slap to my chest.

Rosa giggles pats my cheeks with her fingers.  “Here I thought jealousy might be an issue.”

“No my Lady.”  I smile.  “May I share you Lady?  May I share you with Miss Cassie?”

“Is that what you want?”

I look to Cassie who was staring back at me with eager, nay desperate, anticipation.  She urges me with a nod, her eyes pleading.

“Tonight it is.”  I answer.  “As you’ve said, she should know what she’s getting involved with here.”  I turn my head to kiss her hand.  “Besides, just because I must be chaste for weeks on end does not mean you should be.  I wish to share you my Lady.  With Miss Cassie.”

Rosa strokes me and hugs my chest.  “You spoil me my love.  You spoil me rotten.”

I take the praise as there was some truth in it.  Another facet of truth however was the fact that I very much wished to see Rosa with another woman.  And I also wanted very much for Cassie and Rosa to form a deeper bond.  Though she would be marrying me if things went well for us, we all knew that this partnership was a threesome and a not a duo.  Reaching down I take Cassie’s hand from my member and gently move it across to Rosa’s bare leg.  And in that moment a transformation happens.  All her sass, all her gusto, all her lively aggression…melts and is carried away in the slow current.  In the beat of a heart Cassie had gone from horny vixen to blushing virgin.  She looks to me seeking direction.

“May I help her my Lady?”

“Of course my boy.  Be her guide.  Be my hand.  Be my will.”  With that my Lady leans back to prop herself up with outstretched arms.  It was only then I notice that Danae had scampered off to let the humanoids have their bath time fun.

“Yes my Lady.”

In one smooth motion I twist and glide from between Rosa’s legs.  Taking Cassie by her tapered waist I pull her into the space I had vacated.  Wrapping an arm around her I press against her back skin on skin, my right pec flush against her left shoulder blade and my erection rubbing against her hip.

Bringing my mouth to her ear, my cheek against her soft, pleasant smelling hair, I whisper.  “You must be gentle with the Lady.”

Rosa smiles as her pointy ears perk up at my words.  “I am a delicate Lady.”

“You are a goddess!”  Cassie whispers as she gazes up at Rosa.  My heart swells with joy as I sense the exact same awe that I held for my Lady in her as well.  It was gratifying to see another worship her as I did.

Keeping my right arm around her waist I glide my left hand along her left arm until her hand was in mine.  Taking control of it I run it up Rosa’s shapely calf.  I could not feel that warm, supple flesh of my Lady it instead run across Cassie’s palm and fingers.

“So soft.”  She says at a hush, more to herself than anyone.  “She is so soft.”

My smile grows.  Cassie’s first crush, her first forbidden love, was toward another woman.  Never had she the opportunity to touch female flesh so tenderly and so erotically.  And as a submissive toward the fairer sex neither had she the chance to grovel before a beautiful Lady who would accept it.  This moment was as powerful for her what as that night in the stable where I rubbed my new slaves feet and secretly kissed them after she fell asleep was to me.  From experience I knew Cassie would never be the same.

“Talk to her.”  I breathe across her ear.  “Worship her.”

“Oh Lady Rosa.”  She brings her right hand from the opposite leg to join the left.  Her two hands gently clutch to the calf and very softly massage it.  She was scared to do more.  She felt unworthy of even this.  The ‘girl’ part of her had taken over.  This was the power of submission and dominance.  Cassie had groped me and stroked me and ridden me to wild delight, but all of that paled in comparison to simply touching this one lovely calf.  She bows her head and kisses Rosa’s knee.  “Your body is…beyond even my dreams.”

“Good.  Good.”  I say with a kiss to her earlobe.  “Join me.  Submit to the Lady.”  My arm tightens around her, my hand guides hers higher up my Lady’s thigh.  “Worship herrrr.”

“Yessss.”  She sighs.  “I worship you Lady Rosaaaa.”

“Mmmmm.”  I hum as I share in reflected glow of that wonderful submissive bliss that was shining over Cassie for the first time.  My cock quivers at her hip, as hard as forged steel.  Using my shoulder to direct her, my head remaining alongside hers to steer, I guide her in closer and closer to petal soft skin of Rosa’s inner thigh.

“Ohhhhh.”  She mewls meekly just before her lips meet flesh.  Closing her eyes she kisses my Lady’s inner thigh, just above the knee, as if it were true loves first kiss.  “Mmmmm.”

“Gooood girrrrl.”  I breathe into her ear then softly kiss her shoulder.  “Goooood girrrrl.”

Chapter 88 



Hot stuff! But as per usual the cutoff hits right as we get to my favorite part. I must be patient 😔