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“Hey roomie.”  Comes a whisper that brings me to the surface of my shallow slumber.  “How ya doin?”

“Mmmmm.”  I groan as the piercing hallway light splashes across my darkened room.  Framed in the doorway is the silhouette of my roommate, her long blond hair glowing like a halo.  “Ohhh, I’ve been better Sasha.”  My normally honey sweet voice is little more than a raspy croak.  “This flu is kicking my ass.”

“Aww.”  She enters the room and mercifully partially closes the door behind her so the light was no longer hitting my face.

I squint through dry, aching eyes to see that she was carrying a little tray with some soup, bread, water and juice on it.  She sets the tray on my night stand and pulls my computer chair closer to sit at my bedside.

“Ohhh, you didn’t need to that.”

“Are you kidding Martina?  The way you looked after when I had Covid you think I’m just going to let you lay in here and suffer alone?”  She lays a hand across my brow.  “God, you look almost as white as me.”

“Oh sure, kick a girl when she’s down.”

She snickers.  “Fever’s coming down a little.”  She turns and begins to stir the soup.  “I’m glad you’re resting but you need some sustenance too.”

“Ohhh, nooo!”  I weakly protest.  “No food.  No.”

She sighs and sets the spoon down.  “Okay, but you have to drink something.  Deal?”


With her help I tuck an extra pillow behind me so as to sit up a little.  Once I am settled she passes me the tall glass of OJ which I half empty in a single long drink.  The juice burned going down but oh did I need it.  “Mmm.”  I smack my lips and hand her back the glass.


“Mmm, yeah.  Thank you Sasha.”  I look to my bedside clock.  “Oh wow, it’s 8 o’clock already.  I’ve slept the whole day away.”

“Well you needed it.”

“Hey.  Weren’t you and Cameron going out tonight?”

“We still are.”  She says.  “We’re hitting a late show then maybe a pub.  I’ll be heading out in an hour or so, unless you need to me to stay.”

“Go.  Have fun.”  I give her limp wave.  “Let me die in peace.”

She chuckles then sits silent a moment, her green eyes looking up and down the inert lump that was my body.  I could tell something was on her mind.  It doesn’t take long to find out what.  “So?”


She laughs.  “So!  Is it Man Flu?”

“Mmm?  Oh.  I…I don’t know.”  I say.  “I’ve been so out of it I never even…checked.”  Reaching under the covers I reach for my crotch.  Indeed, when my hand finds my panties, I feel not the smooth mound of my cooch but a protruding bulge I’d never felt there before.  “Yep.  It’s Man Flu.”

“Oh my God.  Really?”  Sasha titters.  “It’s been on the news but…wow!  So it’s really real then.”

“It’s real alright.”  I say as I start to feel along my flaccid shaft.  The stroke of my hand across the soft fabric felt…nice.

“Um…can I see it?”


“What!?  Can you blame me?  I’m curious.  You can’t tell me you’re not.”

She wasn’t wrong.  “Yeah, let’s have a look at it then.”

I push down my blankets.  The outside air felt like a winter wind as it washes over my feverish tan flesh.  With anybody else I might have been bashful but Sasha and I had seen each other’s tits plenty of times.  Besides, it wasn’t my breasts that she was looking at.  Like me her eyes were focused lower.  The blankets roll past my panties to reveal that strange though harmless side effect of this new flu that was beginning to afflict women the world over.

“Oh damn!”  Sasha gasps.  “It’s true!  It’s real!”

“Yep.  I got a dick.”  I say, raising my head to get a better view.  “How long does it last?”

“Couple of days I read.”  Sasha says, then impatiently adds.  “Come on, let’s see it.”

I might have teased her but my curiosity was as intense as hers.  Hooking my thumbs into the waist of my panties I lift my ass and push them down.  As the waistband rolls over the penis, my penis, sorta stretches and rolls with it until it all at once flops back again giving it the appearance that it had jumped out on its own.  And then, there it was.  Sprouting out from my thick, trimmed black bush to just…lie there across my thigh.  Shaft, head, foreskin, balls, I had the set.  A perfectly healthy set of male genitalia.

“Daaamn!”  Sasha’s eyes bulge.  “Martina!  You’re huge!”

Despite shock of it all I cannot help but laugh.  “THAT’S the first thing you say?”

My roomie blushes.  “Well…it’s kinda hard not to notice.  I never read that this flu gave you a big one.  Damn!”

“It doesn’t.”  I say.  “My whole family is blessed that way.  My brother was something of a living legend in high school.”

“Jesus!  I can see why.”

I begin to feel around and discover that my testes were extremely sensitive.  Even just a little squeeze made me flinch.  No wonder guys went down so hard to a nut shot.  I feel lower and…  “Yep.  No pussy.  God this is weird!”  I say.  “I’m gonna have to learn to pee with this thing.”

“What does it feel like?  Like, can you…feel things?”

“Oh yeah.”  Slide my hand across my dick.  “Everything feels right.  I mean, as far as I know.”

Sasha rolls her chair down the bed so that she sat level with my new organ.  She couldn’t tear her wide green eyes off of it.  “Can…can I touch it?”

“Sasha!”  I chuckle despite my swimming head.  “What would Cam say?”

“I just want a touch.  It’s not like you see something like…this everyday.”

“Ohhh.”  I let my hand fall to my side and melt back into my pillows.  I was too weary to argue.  Besides, I would have asked to do the same.  “Fine.  Go ahead.”

“I’ll be gentle.”  She whispers.  Slowly, as if she were afraid to scare it off, Sasha reaches out and very gingerly wraps her fingers around the spongy shaft then turns it so that it pointed straight up.  “Look at that.  You’re whole knob is above my hand, and you’re totally soft.”

“Sasha…ohhhh.”  Whatever I was going to say is interrupted by my roommate’s hand beginning to massage the fleshy member in its grip.

“You’re almost as long as Cam already, and definitely thicker.”  She takes in a sharp breath as the cock swells.  “Martina!  Are you getting hard!?”

“Mmm.”  I swallow.  “I can’t help it.  Your hand feels good.”

Sasha giggles.  “It’s just that easy, huh?”

“Uh huh.”  I nod.  “It’s…different.  It’s different.  Oh wow, no wonder guys get excited so fast.”  Instead of letting go my roomie begins to stroke and squeeze.  “Sasha…ohhh, what are you doing?”

“Let’s see how big this thing gets.”  She grins.  “You just lay there and let nurse Sasha take care of everything.”

“Sasha…Sasha, we shouldn’t…ohhhh wow.  Ohhhh wow!”

“Feel good?”

“Mmm.”  I nod.

“Want me to stop.”

“Mmm.”  I shake my head.  “What about Cam?”

“What Cameron doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”  She says, a devilish twinkle in her eyes as she strokes, strokes, strokes.  “Besides, he loves a bit of girl on girl action.”

“Yeah but…”


Together we watch in amazement as the soft, flabby flesh steadily swells and lengthens and begins to stiffen.  It is not long before it stretches way past Sasha’s grip and fills out so that her slender white fingers and thumb cannot even reach full around the girth.  While I was from a family of well endowed men I hadn’t actually been with one myself so even I was impressed to see a true schlong in the flesh.  DAMN!  I was packing!

If I was impressed Sasha was downright awestruck.  Her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open, she continues to stroke in stunned silence.  Her grasp light she strokes the full length up and down and up and down.  The sensation as her fingers and palm caress over the fat knob, which was being revealed more every second as the foreskin peeled down from it, was unbelievably intense!  It was as sensitive as my clit but with WAY more surface area to stimulate.

“Mmmm.” I moan softly, the pleasure beginning to override the aches and pains.  “Oh that feels…amazing.”

“Martina…oh my God.  You are massive.  I’ve never seen a cock this big.”

“Me neither.”

“I…I wonder what it…”  Her whispered voice trails off.

Two strokes later her hand stops mid-shaft and grips it hard.  My cock flexes back against the pressure, fully hard with snaking veins bulging along the sides.  Something washes over Sasha, a sort of firm determination as if some great decision had been made.  The very next moment her lips were around my knob!

“OHHH!”  My eyes roll back as my roommates warm, wet mouth envelopes the tip of my hot, hard dick.  “Oh Sasha!”  I grab her head, my fingers burying themselves in her silky blond hair.

“Mrrmmm.”  She growl with raw lust as her lips stretch around my huge knob.  “Mmmmm!”

I knew we shouldn’t be doing this.  No matter how much we told ourselves it wouldn’t sex never failed to change things.  Our friendship.  Her relationship with Cameron.  These things would not be the same if we continued on the way we were going.  Yet now that it was begun neither of us could do a thing to stop it.

“Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  With growing hunger Sasha starts to bob up and down on the first few inches of my cock as her hands, both of them now, work the rest of my shaft.

“OHHH GOD!”  I moan as pleasures fresh yet familiar course out from my dick and balls to the rest of my body.  The feelings were recognizably sexual yet so completely different.  With my pussy there was a sort of overall glow that warmed my whole groin but with this dick it was all right there and raw as hell.  It was no wonder some guys came so fast!  “Hohhhh!”  I take a handful of her hair as her head bobs.

“Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  Sasha slurps off the top and swirls her tongue around the crown before flicking at the hole.  Fuck that felt good!  A trick I’d have to remember the next time I was with a guy.  “Holy shit.  I love this cock.”  She huffs through hard breaths.  “Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  Back she goes again, sucking my cock with wild abandon.

“Yeah.  Oh yeah.  Oh my God that’s good.”  I moan.

She lets go of my shaft to suck me with her mouth alone, but those hands do not go idle.  Her right reaches up to fill itself with one my large breasts as the other find my balls to juggle between her fingers.  “Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  Her green eyes bore into mine as her lust grows with each passing second.  Her nostrils flare, her body greedy for air but her mind unwilling to let go of the thing filling her maw.  “Mmm!  Mmm!  MMM!”

“Yeah!” I gasp as her hand squeezes my tit and pinches at the nipple.  “Ohhhh!”

Again I see a decisive look come over her.  “Mmmm!”  Impaling her mouth back onto my member she strains to take me further.  At least six full inches disappear through her taut wet lips until I am left trembling by the sensation of entering her throat!  “GLLLCHHH!!!”  She gags and damn near retches my long pole punches through gag reflex. She slips up off of me, drool streaming from her panting lips.  “Ohhh my God.”  She pants and looks at me in wonder.  “I have to.  I have to try it.  I’ll never forgive myself if I let this chance pass.”  After a long lick up my dick she announces.  “I’m fucking this monster.”

I was far too caught up in the moment to protest.  My balls tingled with this strange, mind-bending pressure that just NEEDED to be released.  God damn, no wonder guys were so horny all the time.  The drive for sex was no more powerful but far more urgent.  Even through the haze of illness all I wanted was an orgasm.

Sasha lets go of me and stands up.  Not bothering with anything else she reaches under her skirt and pulls down her panties.  My cock twitching with a life of its own I lay still and watch as she crawls onto my bed and straddles me.  She leans over me, hand sinking into the pillows beside my head, and gazes down into my eyes.  Her other hand reaches down beneath her skirt to find my cock.  When she does she quickly centers it on her wet pussy.

“Oh yes.  Oh yes.”  She huffs as she rubs my knob up and down slit.  I reach up to feel her lithe body through her fuzzy pink sweater.  Once more she presses my tip to her entrance…then pushes her weight down onto me.  Her mouth an O and her eyes gleaming they widen together as my fat cock begins to penetrate.  “Ohhhh fuuuuck!”

“Ohhhhh wow!”  I croak as that warm, wet enveloping feeling I’d experienced with her mouth happens again but even better!  No teeth, no straining jaw, no pesky gag reflex, her tight tunnel accepts my penis like a finely made glove.  It was INCREDIBLE!  “Ohhhh!”

“Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck your big!”  She repeats as if I a trance as inch after inch of thick cock fills her pussy.  “Ohhh my God it’s big!”

“Ohhhh Sasha!”  Surging with an instinct I’d never felt before my body acts on its own.  I grab Sasha’s slender waist and thrust up into her.

“OOOHHHH FUCK!”  She cries out.  Her body trembles as her face grimaces as in pain.  “NNNGHHH!”


“MMMM.  You’re…stretching…meeee.  Fuck!”  She groans, her closed, and says through hard panting breaths.  “Holy shit.  Holy fuck.  You are so fucking deep.  Jesus fucking Christ…you’re splitting me in two!”


She lays a hand on my chest.  “Wait…just wait.  Oh my God…let me…mmmm…oh my God I’m full. I’m so fucking full.”

“What’s it like?”  I whisper.

“So fucking good.  Holyyy shit.”  She slowly opens her eyelids, the eyes within glazed with an overwhelmed ecstasy I found myself envious of.  I’d had some good sex in my day but no guy had ever made me look like that.  She takes a few long, deep breaths and I very subtly feel her super tight tunnel start to relax around me.  “The stretch is incredible.  The feeling of fullness, so deep,…ohhhhh God!”  She strokes my sweaty cheek and kisses my on the lips!  Sasha and I had never kissed before.  “Slow…let’s go easy.”

I nod and pet her long hair.

“Mmmm.”  She leans forward.  “NNNGHHH!”  She rocks back again.

“Ohhhh Sasha!”  I moan.  “Your pussy is so tight!  Oh, it’s feels so good.”

“Mmmm…NNNNGHHH!”  Again she rocks forward then back, taking another half inch of me in the process.   “GNNGH!”  Her whole body shudders as she buries he face into my neck.  “FUCK!”

I hug her, my hands rubbing up and down her back.  Her fuzzy sweater tickled both my palms and my bare torso.  “Go slow.”  I whisper.  “Let’s make it last.”

“God Martina.  You are wrecking my cunt!”

“Pbbt!  Sasha!”

She rises up to stare deeply into my eyes.  “It’s true!  It’s true!”  Her expression goes taut as her pussy flexes hard around my cock.  “FUUUUCK!”


She holds it for a few seconds then relaxes and with heroic determination she pushes back again to take another inch.  “FUCK!  FUCK!”  She cries.  “Fuck…that’s all I can take!  MMMMMM FUUUUUCK!”  Reaching between her legs she fumbles around to feel my base.  “Jesus…I can’t even take it all.”  Pushing up she kneels tall over me and peels out of her sweater.  Having breasts as perky and small as hers she rarely wore a bra, tonight being no exception.  Her smooth, soft body was fair and white with the exception of her little bubblegum pink nipples.  She tosses her sweater to the floor and arches her back.  “Shiiiit.  A girl could get used to this.”

Deep down I felt for poor Cameron.  But not bad enough to stop.  My hands slide up her firm tummy to rub and fondle her tiny titties.  I’d always wondered what little ones felt like, now I knew.  Pretty fucking good!

“You just lay there.”  She smiles a lust drunk smile as her vagina adjusts to its new guest.  Taking my hand she brings it to her lips to kiss the palm.  “Let nurse Sasha look after everything.”

I let my arms fall limply to my sides, my hands falling to either side of my head, and follow her direction.  I was far too tired to be an active partner in this, but I certainly could lay here and enjoy the moment.

Looking like some sort of naughty school girl in just her thigh high stockings and skirt my beautiful blond roomie starts to ride.

“Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhhh!  Ohhhhhhh!”  With each DEEP thrust a lusty moan is pushed from Sasha’s open lips.  “Ohhhh yessss!”

“Mmmmm.”  I coo weakly as the feeling of her tight sex swallowing my penis is bliss itself.  “You feel soooo goooood.”

“Ohhh!  Ohhh!  Ohhh!”  Her twisting, undulating body slowly but surely rides faster.  In her voice I hear that every pussy filling stroke was easier and better than the last.  “Hmmmm.”

In the fog of my Man Flu everything had a hazy dreamlike quality.  I lay still, a smile on my face, as I watch my roommate ride me.

“Ohhh!  Ohhh!  Oh Martina.  God you are tearing me up.”  She lets out a hard gasp. “I’m getting close already.  Fuck.  Ohhh fuck.”

“Mmmmm.”  I hum softly.  “Let me see you cum.”

“Hmmm!  Hrmmm!  Fuck…mmmmm!”  Faster she rides me, her juicy cooch taking my girth easily now.  “Yeah!  Yeah!  Wreck this fucking cunt!  YES!”  Like a perfectly fit piston my cock drives in and out and in and out of her hot gripping tunnel.  “Fuck!  I’m cumming!  I’m fucking….GNNNNNGHHHH!!!”   She grabs my tits hard and bites her lips as her green eyes bug out.  Her face contorts, her pussy hotter and wetter than ever, as her whole body tightens and quakes.  In silent full body spasms my sexy friend cums harder than I had!  Her fair, nubile body jerks and shudders, her pussy clenching in hard rhythmic pulses, as pussy juice rolls down over my balls.  And when she does at last gives voice to her ecstasy it is in a high whimpering mewl.   “Ohhhhhmmmmmm!”

I slide my hands behind my head and smile warmly up at her as I watch her go off on my cock.  Damn.  I liked my seven inch dildo just fine but witnessing this spectacle already had me planning a trip to the kink store.

As she comes down the other side of her climax her shoulders slump and her head flops forward.  The riding stops as the thunder of her orgasmic lightning continues to roll through her flesh.

In a mousy squeak she looks at me in shock and awe and says.  “Ohhh wow!”

I pinch one of her pert, pink nips.  “Was it good?”

She laughs.  “Good!  GOOD!  Oh my God!”

Swiping my hand back and forth over her tit, enjoying how her stiff nipple rubbed across my splayed fingers, I say.  “I’m getting tired.”

“Mmm.”  She nods.  Taking my wrist she pins it back beside my head, her other hand doing the same on the other side, and starts to ride me again.  “Mmmm!  Ohhh God!”  She groans.  “God that never gets old.”

I gaze up into her eyes as I rock my hips along with her.

“Fuuck!  Martinaaa.  Ohhhhh.”

 The breath of her groans wash over my smiling face.  Sasha was a good friend, my best friend, and it felt really good to give her so much pleasure.

“Mmmm…mmmmm!”  After a few minutes her lilting tone was rising once again.  “Oh my God!  Aren’t you gonna cum?”

I giggle.  “You first.”


“Mm hm.”  I nod.

“Not like I…gotta…choice.  Hmmm!  Hmmmm!  HMMM!”  She rides me fast and hard.  With my thrusts joining in on the rhythm there had to be eight inches of cock gliding in and out on each stroke.  That look she made on each inward thrust, that lewd look of a hunger fully satisfied, filled me with such prideful joy.  I was doing this to her.  It was my cock making her feel this good.  “Ohhhh Martina!”

Her hot, gripping cunny had me feeling pretty fucking good too.  I was learning that there was NOTHING so good and so satisfying and driving your cock deep into someone.  I was in her, inside of her, touching her in places nobody had before.  That pressure in my nuts was ready to explode!  My cock flared so big and hard, the flesh hugging around it feeling so damn good.

Sasha makes her O face again and down below her pussy spasms and squirts once more.  As her body trembles, her little tittles jiggling to the tremors, I too am sent over the edge.  Too late do I even think about that fact that we weren’t using protection!

I ram hard up into her, this final deepest thrust at last going balls deep, and my fevered mind goes white with ecstasy as I paint her insides white with hot semen.

“GNNNGHHHH!!!”  I groan and shake, my big boobs bouncing, as I fill my bestie up.  I cum and cum and CUM!

“OHHHHHHH!!!”  She howls in orgasmic delight as she feels my member throb inside of her.

Together we grunt and buck through the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever felt.

And then…it was done.

Sasha flops down at my side.  My long, wet, cum streaked log slipping out of her still spasming cunt as she goes.  She grabs at her snatch and curls into a fetal position, her flesh trembling with aftershocks.  “Ohhhhh fuck.”

I look down at my huge, glossy, softening member with more than little pride then turn on my side and take Sasha in my arms.  I kiss her head and stroke her long hair.  “That…was…incredible.”

“Ohhh Martinaaa.”  She croons weakly.  “Ohhhhhh.”

Suddenly it was me nursing her, not from suffering but from overwhelming pleasure.  I pet her and kiss her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.  But only for a while.

“I’m sorry.”  I kiss her forehead.  “I’m so tired.”

She looks up at me, her face aglow with a sheen of sex sweat.  “Ohhh.  My poor little sickie.”  She sits up and towels my sweaty body off with my nightie that hung nearby.  As she moves I notice cum dripping from her freshly stretched pussy.  I don’t know how much I’d blown inside of her but the way it felt as it happened, it was a lot!  Slipping from the bed she pulls the blankets up around my neck to tuck me in then feeds me another drink of orange juice.  “You sleep Martina.  Sleep as long as you like.  I’ll be right here if you need me.”

“But…you were going out.”

Sasha smiles.  “And leave my best friend here to suffer alone?  Not on my watch.”  Her smile grows.  “Besides…I think I’m feeling a touch of flu coming on myself.”

The End


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