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I want to interject with a quick apology.  I let this story get away from me then let it drag on way too long.  I know it's a dud of an ending but I HAVE to bring this one to an conclusion now.  I am writing against my muse and it is slowing EVERYTHING else down.  Plus there are SO many other shorts I'd like to get to, to say nothing of that little RotL thread I've got going.  Sorry to my cuck readers, I know I dropped the ball on this one.  I'll try to do another cuckold story in the next few months and do my best to keep it contained to the initial premise.  Anyway, here's the final chapter of American Dream.




Sarah only swore when the situation demanded it so when I heard her HOWL the F bomb like the scream of a banshee I knew that a new height had been reached, a new standard set.  A standard I had no hope of ever reaching.  Watching my lovely wife cum so hard on Cody’s big cock made me wonder if I’d ever actually seen her cum.  This was raw and feral and biological, a pure physical reaction, a different thing entirely from the pleasant lilting song that I was accustomed to.  There was simply no faking that.

I also saw in that moment that even a guy with my limited stamina could have made Sarah orgasm had my dick been thick enough.  Cody hadn’t even gotten started and already he had her in the throes of ecstasy.  I watch those throes in a humbled awe, adoring the way her full breasts jiggled to the spasms of her body.  After a long trembling shudder Sarah at lasts comes down the other side of her climax.

“Ohhhhh myyyy God.”  She mewls.  Letting go of me she reaches out to run her hand down Cody’s fit body.  “Wow.”

“Well…that was a first.”  Cody chuckles.  “Never had a woman cum that fast before.  Damn Sarah, that was amazing.”

“Ohhhh.”  She moans.  “It was a first for me too.  Golly.”

“That good, huh?”  I whisper.

“Oh Alfred…it’s not…um…”

“It’s okay.”  I shift closer, kneeling at her side, and stroke her hair.  “I’m okay.  Enjoy him.”

“Oh Alfred.”  She beams.  “I love yooooOOOUUUU!  OHHHHH!”

As she spoke Cody pushes another two inches into her pussy, now plunging into virgin territory.  Touching a part of my beloved wife that had never and would never be touched by me.  I might be able to ‘reclaim’ her pussy like Sarah fantasized about but there was now a part of her that belonged exclusively to him.  It tore my pride to pieces even as it aroused.

“Ohhh yes!  Ohhhh God yes!  Ohhh my God baby!  He’s so deeeeep!”

“That’s it Sarah.”  Cody grabs a breast and gives it a squeeze as he pushes more in.  “Damn King.  I’ve never seen a girl so tight take to big dick so fast.”

“Yeah.”  I swallow.  “That’s my girl.”


“Almost there baby.”  Cody says as the pleasure of my wife’s pussy plays across his face.  “Shit she is TIGHT!  Ohhh fuck.”


And then, in one smooth motion, the final two inches of Cody’s thick veiny member disappears completely!  Somewhere between ten and twelve massive inches…gone.  She’d taken it all!

“OHHHHH GOD.”  She gulps in a hard breath then lets it out in a deafening.  “YESSSS!!!”

“God damn Queen.”  Cody huffs.  “I’ve never felt pussy this good.”

Clawing down his chest she begs.  “Take me!  Claim me!  Fuck meee!”

Three F bombs in three minutes.  This was a different Sarah I was witnessing.  It was a amazing what a big dick had done to her.

Staying in full hilt Cody repositions her a big higher up the bed so that he could climb onto our marital bed as well.  Just in the sure way he physically handles her shows the experience of the young man with the opposite sex.  I move with them so that I could keep my place at Sarah’s side.

Once he has her just the way he wanter he kneels erect and pull her to him, holding her by her soft legs.  And then…he fucks her.  Holding her thighs tight he begins to drive his huge cock in and out of her sopping wet cunny at a firm and steady pace.

“OHHRRMMM!!!”  Sarah arches her back, her left hand clawing the bed as her right grabbed my arm.

“Yeah, you can take it.  Can’t ya Sarah?”


“Yeah you can.  Mmm!”

“OHHHH GOD!”  Her eyes roll back.  “Yes!  Ohhh, stretch my coochie.  Ohhhh God it feels good baby.”

“Oh yeah?”  I croak through a dry throat.

“Soooo deep.  He’s sooo deeeep.  Fuuuuuck babyyyy!”  She begins to shudder once more.  “So good!  So good!  OHHHH FUUUUCK!”

“Watch her King, she’s gonna go again.”


Cody laughs as Sarah cums for him again as if on command.  He licks the fingers of his right hand and starts to rub her clit while his dick fucks another powerful climax from my wailing wife.  Two genuine orgasms in one session, Cody had already bettered my best and he was just getting warmed up.

As I watch Sarah’s soft flesh buck and writhe through another hard spasming climax I am swept away by the beauty of it all.  The perfect pussy, the pale supple flesh of her thighs and tummy, her big bosom rocking to their rhythm, and that out of control look of sheer rapture on her beautiful face…she had never looked more sexy.  The fact it was happening while another man loomed commandingly over her, his dick buried deep inside of her, made my lust for her rage through my body and soul like a runaway fire.  I couldn’t explain it yet it could not be denied.  Certainly not to my rock hard dick.

“Hah!”  I gasp as suddenly Sarah’s hand in it’s groping about had found that rock hard erection.  And the moment if finds it it instinctively takes a grip and begins to stroke. “Mmm!”

“That’s it Sarah.”  Cody treats her to a couple of extra hard thrusts for involving me.  “Stroke that dick baby.”

“Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhh!”  She cries out, her passion robbing her of a proper reply.  “OHHHH!”

“Ohhh, shit.  Sarah!”  I groan as her soft hand dry jerks my dick hard and fast.  I was already so close!  “Baby…baby…mmmmm!”

Spurred on by the sounds of my pleasure Cody grips Sarah’s legs and fucks her even faster.  And I do mean fuck.  They weren’t merely having sex and they certainly weren’t making love, this fucking pure and simple.

“OHHHHH!!!”  Sarah sings for him.

“Rrm!  Rff!  Ngh!”  Beneath my wife’s high treble Cody’s deep grunts provided a beat of pure masculine sexual aggression that on my best day I could only mimic.  “Mmm!  Rmm!  Ngh!”


Watching their nude bodies slam together and hearing their sounds of bliss, the addition of a stroking hand is simply too much for this cuckold.  Completely unable to help myself I blast my load all over Sarah’s bouncing tits.  So caught up in her own rapture she doesn’t even notice as warm, gooey ropes of cum splatter across her breasts.


“NNNNGHH!!!”  Her crying out his name makes me cum all the harder.

“Ha ha ha!  A two for one!”  Cody laughs as he pumps away hard and fast.

As my powerful climax dribbles to a finale Sarah was still coming down from hers.  She continues stroking and milking my dick until at last she notices the mess oozing over her titties.

“Ohhh.”  She sighs.  “Done already?  Oh my goodness.  Ha!  Ohhhhh!”  She lets me go and absently traces her fingers through my seed as Cody continues to go strong.  “Mmm!  Was it…ohhh…good for you baby?”

“Yeah.”  I huff and sit back.  “Yeah.”

“That’s…good…baby…ohhhhhh God yes!  Codyyy!”

And then…my involvement was complete.  With my load blown and my dick wilting the pair of them give each other their complete and undivided attention.  A spent force I settle back to the head of our rocking bed to give them space and watch them fuck.

“Nngh!  Fuck yeah!  Oh shit Sarah.”  Cody falls forward, his hands sinking into the mattress to either side of his most recent conquest as he really starts to drive into her.  “This pussy is too good.  Ohhh fuck yeah!”

“Ohhh!  Ohhhh!”  She cries out, her small hands gripping as his back and his ass as her hips tilt up to meet his so that she could feel every last inch of him.  Only now do I truly appreciate just how short I had fallen of fulfilling her needs.   “OHHHH!  YES!”

Their faces are only a foot apart.  Their eyes only for each other.  The way my beloved wife looked up at him you would have thought him a god.  The way he looked back down on her you would have thought her his personal plaything.  And in that moment, both filled their role to a tee.  It was raw.  It was intimate.  It was…beautiful.

As my fetish fueled lust drunk high fades along with my orgasm a new feeling washes over me.  The burning rush of ecstasy mellows into a strange joy.  I knew that things would never be the same after this but I did not care.  I was so happy for Sarah that she got to feel such pleasure.  I was so grateful to Cody for giving it to her.  Sure it hurt, it hurt that it wasn’t me providing this for my true love, but overriding that hurt was a deeper satisfaction.  I might not have been the one to give this ecstasy but I was happy that she did get to experience it.  My Queen deserved all of the finest things in life.  If I could not provide them I certainly could not begrudge her finding them elsewhere.

With me as a forgotten fly on the wall our young neighbor ravishes my wife like she had never been before.  In missionary he hovers over her and hammers down into her with all of his weight and power.  I would have thought it too hard for my delicate spouse but I would have been wrong.  She takes all he has and begs for more!  He turns her on her side and straddles her lower leg, the other one high and hugged to his body, and takes her sideways.  She loves it.  He flips her over and take her doggy style, the thunderous clapping of his body into her ass ringing off the walls where so many photos of Sarah and I’s life together hung silently in witness as her full, heavy, cum stained breasts swung to Cody’s steady beat.  He then pulls her around and lays down beneath her to let her ride his long, thick cock to her heart’s content.  From behind her I watch her plump, perfect ass bob up and down as nearly a foot of man meat glides in and out of her.

In each position Cody outshines my very best.  His stamina, his power, his sense of when to speed up or slow down or change things up was incredible.  With barely a breather my goofy, good-hearted secretary fucks my wife for over an hour straight.  Somewhere along the way I loose track of her orgasms they were coming so thick and fast.  Had she been texting me the whole damn screen woulda been full of those teasing purple hearts.

My Sarah on her back again is soaked in sweat, her soft body trembling in fatigue and her once throaty howls now mewling and soft.  Cody had taken my wife into deep waters and she was beginning to flag.  I am just about to say something when, sensing it himself, Cody ends it himself.  With a deep growl he pulls his huge dick from her and sprays his virile semen all across her tits and belly.  Even his load made a mockery of mine.

As Cody squeeze the last of his thick jizz onto her Sarah lets out the cutest little sigh.  A sigh of both victory for making him cum and relief for making to the finish line.  “Ohhhh.”



“Ohhhh.”  I sigh.

I was spent.  Every last drop of sensual and sexual pleasure had been wrung from my flesh.  This miracle man had taken me to place I never knew existed then carried me on to realms beyond that.  That beautiful young man just did things to me that would leave their mark on my very soul.  I never knew sex could be that could, and I would not forget it now that I’d learned.  My muscles were flaccid rubber, my spirit a puddle.  I felt used up in the MOST wonderful way.

After the hard non-stop pounding it had received my coochie was tender and sore.  Honestly, too sore to be reclaimed.  But it needed to happen.  I needed it to happen.  Cody had given my body and soul their best fuck ever…but they were not his to keep.  My sexual appetite had be satisfied beyond my wildest dreams but there was something deeper now that must be filled.

With a weak and trembling hand I reach up toward where I knew Alfred lay and find his hand.  “Baby.”  I smile.

“I’m here my love.”  He squeezes my hand tight.  “I’m right here.”

“Reclaim me.”  I whisper.  “Please.”


“You might want to wait a day…”  Cody begins as he rolls to the side to lay beside me.

“Nooo.”  I coo and I beg. “Now.  I need you Alfred.  I need you inside of me.  Reclaim meee.”

Cody chuckles and gropes my nearest breast.  “Go ahead King, reclaim your Queen.”

“Okay baby.”  Alfred says.  “Okay.”

I smile as he crawls past me.  His precious little penis was so hard for me.  I needed him so bad!  The moment he arranges himself between my legs I wrap myself around him just to feel him in my arms.  It takes me three thrusts to even realize he was inside of me.  After Cody’s monster his penis felt like a pinky finger.

“I can barely feel you.” I whisper, gazing into his burning eyes. “But I can!  I feel you baby.  Can you feel me?”

“Mmm!  Mmm!  Ohhh fuck you’re so loose.  You’re so stretched out!  

“I’m sorry.”

“Ohhhh God you feel amazing!”  His face screws up as if in agony as he tries to hold himself back.  I knew it would only be a few more seconds now.  My beautiful cuckold hadn’t the mastery Cody had, and I LOVED him for that weakness.

“I love youuuu.”  I say as I squeeze my gaping coochie as best I can for him.

“GNNNNGHHH!!!”  As I knew he would he plows as deep as he can get, not even half as deep as the man before him, and spurts his love inside of me.  “Shit!  I’m sorry.  Fuck, I slipped out.”  He grunts as his spunk clumsily shoots all over my well fucked pussy.  Him messing up his creampie only made me love him harder.

“It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  I stroke his face.  “That counts.  I belong to you.  I love you!”

He smiles that silly, wonderful, amazing smile of his then kisses me hard.  “Mmmmm!”

With his orgasm spent Alfred pulls Cody into our post-coital cuddle session.  He kisses him.  He kisses me.  I kiss him and then him.  And Cody shines with joy.  He might have been the master of sex but when it came to cuddling nobody could beat my man.

We all knew that after tonight things were going to change.  I was Alfred’s and he was mine.  And, at least for awhile, both of us were going to need Cody to explore our expanding horizons.  As I lay in the middle of these two wonderful men, their mixed cum painted all over me, I looked forward to helping our young lover find himself as well.  Under Alfred’s tutelage I had no doubt Cody would become a better man.  And with Cody’s guidance Alfred and I would find ourselves as well.  Our innocence was lost but in return we found a friend.

Our lives would be a scandal if anybody found out, but who were they to judge?  In this little house, this little kingdom, with its perfect lawn and its white picket fence, we were going to live an American dream all our own.



I wouldn't be too beat up about it. I have no real problem with this end outside of it being a bit brief considering the scope of the story. However as a penis size autist, my fedora has been ruffled. Alfred is 5, Cody was mentioned as being easily/over twice Alfred while still flaccid. Then Cody said "you should see me hard" confirming a significant increase from flaccid to hard. Cody isn't a futa, so his penis size is not sacred to me and I don't mind it being smaller or larger so much, but the standing implications are that he was 11 inches flaccid and 'something noticeably larger' when hard. So all these mentions in this chapter of maybe just ten or eleven inches hard make no sense. Regardless, hot few chapters. The payoff of the story where Cody finally put his massive penis in Alfred's wife's small vagina and she came a bunch were great. Even if it was unfortunately brief, I got what I came for.

Michael Dierks

I feel bad that I may have been the only one to like the way the story went. I hope it was not too distracting for your regular readers. Thanks again for seeing it through to the end. Good writing and style 😀, engaging story for me.