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After a few minutes where I am able to really get a nice flow going Cody suddenly pulls his cock from my mouth.  Saliva dripping from my lips I find myself instinctively reaching out for it as it recedes.

“Ha!  Getting a hunger for it Alfred?”  He chuckles and pats my cheek.  “Good boy.”  Sarah giggles at the use of ‘boy’.  Wiping my lips I look up at him wondering what he had in store for us next.  Using his massive cock like a cudgel he slaps my cheek.  “Go find us some lube, King, we’re gonna need it.  Wait for us in the bedroom.”

I look up at him…and whisper.  “Yes Sir.”

Sir?  The word surprised me even though I’d spoken it.  It sorta slipped out all on its own.  The way he stood over me, the way he had just stuffed my maw with his superior cock, the way he was giving orders…it just felt right.  I might be his elder, his landlord, and his superior at work, but right here and right now there was now question of who outranked who.  And that loss of stature and control was humbling and titillating and strangely…liberating!

With my head bowed slightly I feel Sarah’s eyes follow me as I walk from the room to get her and her young buck the lubricant they’d need.  With her bearing witness to my obedience I feel the burn intensify.  My dick was hard, achingly hard, as I leave the room.  Back in the quiet of the bedroom I find the tube of lube that we would only occasionally uses when Sarah was feeling dry.  Moving Rocco to the side I take the tube and pause a moment to look at the little dildo.  Yes.  Little.  Rocco might have been bigger than me but he was still a lightweight compared to men like Cody.  I wondered…would Sarah still be satisfied with Rocco once Cody was done with her.  Would she still be satisfied with me?  I shake my head.  Doubts were pointless now.  God himself couldn’t stop what was about to happen next.

I walk to the corner and sit quietly on the chair.  It is such torture, my mind spinning with curiosity as to what the others were doing without me, but me and my stiffy wait like the obedient cuckolds we were.



“Mmmmm.”  I moan as Cody pushes his tongue deeper into my mouth.

As he does I press harder against his lean, firm body.  Despite everything up until now, even more than him going down on me, it was only at this moment that I truly felt unfaithful to Alfred.  Not in my heart, not in my mind, but in my flesh.  We were kissing, truly kissing, not around the tip of Alfred’s penis but directly mouth to mouth.  Not for Alfred’s pleasure but our own.  Alfred wasn’t even in the room anymore.

I was already at the boiling point watching my husband and this strapping stud pleasure each other but when Cody established his dominance just now, and seeing Alfred so willingly submit to it, it brought about in me a deep desire to be claimed by this alpha presence.  Whether it was an ingrained desire buried in my primate subconscious or some cultural or personal attraction to masculine power all I knew is that I wanted this man to have me and I wanted it now.  I would never be his Queen but I yearned to be his conquest.  The moment my husband had left the room I was on my feet and in his arms.

“Hmmmm.”  I clutch wantonly at him, my fingers digging into his back, as I rubbed my naked body against his.  His flesh was so warm and soft.   Holding me with one arm, our lips locked and our tongues dancing, his other hand finds my wet sex to rub me and finger me in just the way I needed to be touched.  “Mrrrrmmm!  HAH!”  I gasp as he punctuates his fingering with a stiff little slap of his fingers right to my throbbing clitoris.  The audaciousness!  From a cold start the slap would have hurt, but as excited as I was the rough touch felt good.  Very good.  He goes right back to rubbing my stinging sex, ever harder and ever faster, the pressure increasing at just the rate I needed it.  My hips begin to rock to gring against his fingers as another climax begins to build.  “Mmmmm!  HAH!”  Again another slap that nearly sends me crumpling to the floor from it’s sharp pleasure.

“I’d say you’re warmed up.”  He grins.  “Let’s not keep him waiting.”



A pair of distant female gasps about a minute apart has me gripping the arm of the chair.  What could they be doing out there?  My mind is alight with the delicious possibilities.  I am not left to suffer long though as it is soon after that I hear the approach of footsteps.  Appearing in the doorway comes Cody with my blushing wife cradled in his strong arms.  He strides into the bedroom, our most private sanctum, like he owned the place and lays Sarah down at the end of the bed.  Without needing to be guided Sarah tucks her legs and spreads them wide, her pink pussy glinting with moisture.

Stepping back he places his hands on his hips, his huge manhood looming out in front of him, and without taking his eyes off of my spread out spouse says.  “Lube us up boss man.”

“Uh…yes Sir!”  I bolt to my feet and hurry to obey.

Once between them I look left and right.  To my left, down on the bed, Sarah lay with both legs and arms bent, spread and pulled close to her body in the most overt ‘take me now’ pose possible.  Her big doe-like brown eyes twinkling she watches me.  To my right Cody stands tall and proud, his great cock and perfect body giving him a lot to be proud of.  His rich blue eyes locked onto me.

I open the tube and squirt a bit of the cool, clear lubricant in my hand then reach down to touch my wife’s pussy.  She shudders a bit as I make contact.  Rubbing the slick lube up and down and into her slit I feel my wife hotter and wetter than I ever had before, the flesh of her lips and clit engorged from her wild arousal.

“Mmmm.”  She hums at my touch.  “That’s it baby.  Get me ready for him.”

I add a bit more and really work it in until her cunny gleams with lube.  I straighten and turn to the man who was about to make love with my wife.  After just an instant of hesitation I turn the bottle over and drizzle a long line of the lubricant along the top of his long, thick cock.  He lets out a long breath as I take hold of his member and begin to work the lube up and down and all around it.  I still could not get over the sheer solid mass of the thing.  His hands grip at his hips harder and his abs tighten as I stroke him, but otherwise he makes no move and continues to stare straight into me.  Hovering just to the side of his cock is my own.  I was as hard as I could get yet so meager in comparison to his monster.  As I look down at them I cannot help but think about Sarah’s waiting womanhood.  Could she handle such a difference?

“That’s enough.”  Cody says.  Their eyes come off of me to lock onto each other.  As I go to pull away Cody catches my wrist to keep my hand gripped around his shaft.  “Take me in, King.”

My eyes widen as the realization of what he meant sinks in.  As if this wasn’t emasculating enough, he wanted me to do it for him.  With a hard swallow I nod.  Gripping his hard shaft I begin to pull him forward and down.  Like a tugboat pulling a great ship into port I guide his penis to its destination. I kneel on the bed with my left knee, right foot still on the floor, and bring him to my wife’s pussy.

“Oh!”  Sarah gasps as his thick knob touches her petals.  She reaches down with her near arm to grip my leg.  “Slow baby.  Take it slow.”

I give her a nod.  Gradually I increase the pressure of my pull and watch in awe as Sarah’s pussy lips spread around his tip, as if to suck upon it.  With my hand as his guide Cody leans in to add some weight behind the motion.  For a moment I think the effort is futile.  He was simply too big and she too tight.  But the next thing I knew she was opening up for him!

“Hmmm!”  She mewls as her cunny widens to the advancing intruder.  “Oh!”  With the penetration begun it could no longer be denied even if she wanted to.  Cody flexes his cock to maximum hardness and pushes in, his tool opening my wife up.  Sarah’s grip on my calf tightens as her eyes widen.  “OHHHH!”

“Ohhhh fuck she’s tight.”  Cody sighs as his knob disappears inside of her.

“OHHH!  HE’S B-BIG!”  Her beautiful face contorts at the strain.  “OHH GEEEEZ!  St-Stretching…meee!”

“Relax Sarah.”  Cody whispers, calm and in control.  He had been through this before.  “Take a breath.  Relax.”

“Mmm!”  She nods rapidly

He pats my shoulder then pulls my hand away from his dick.  “I’ll take it from here.”

Mesmerized by the sight of my wife’s taut cunt wrapped fully around Cody’s thick cock all I can do is nod.  It fit!  It actually fit!  He was only a couple inches inside but the full girth of his schlong was stretching Sarah’s pussy!  It was the hottest thing I had ever seen.

Sarah through shuddering breaths pulls at me to come nearer.  I shift onto the bed to kneel at her side where she takes me hand and holds it in a white knuckled grip.  She looks up at me and whispers through shallow gasps.  “He’s big!  He’s so big!  Ohhhh God.”

I hold her hand and stroke her hair, flashbacks of the delivery room flitting through my mind.  “You want him to stop?”

“Mmm.”  She shakes her head vigorously.  “Oh.  It feels good baby.  He feels so good.  Ohhhhh my God!”

“Atta girl Sarah.”  Cody praises her then slowly feeds two more glistening inches into her well lubed hole.

“OHHHHHH!”  She cries out, her back arching.  “Wait-Wait-Wait-Wai…HMMMMM!!!”  Her brows furrow, her eyes narrow, and a look of great intensity seizes her.  Her muscles go tight as her whole body begins to quake violently.  Her eyes locked onto Cody…she cums!  Five inches into his first thrust and Cody was making her cum!  “GRRNNNNNGHHHHHH!!!”

“Oh shit!  There she goes.”  Cody laughs.



Wave after wave after body wracking wave of agonizing pleasure rolls through me as my pussy bears down hard on Cody’s manhood.  Hard as it squeezed though that stretch, that deeply satisfying stretch, would not let up even a little.  And that oaken lack of give only made me cum harder.  Cody was as deep as Alfred could go but it was that FULLNESS that shot me over the edge.

“MMMMNNNGHHHH!”  There is nothing ladylike in my groans in pure feral ecstasy.  “HNNNNGHHH!”

Towering over me two men watch me in my lewd release.  My husband, wide eyed and slack jawed, at the fury of my orgasmic throes.  A fury he had never witnessed.  The man responsible laughing, laughing!  Not from malice but amusement at the ease at which he had just laid claim to my pussy.  Their lusty gazes panning over my bucking body, my bouncing breasts, and my stuffed cooch takes my ecstasy even higher


Hot flashes of pleasure continue to ravage my body and soul as I cum harder and longer than I ever had.  Orgasm.  I thought I knew what that word meant.  I thought it was something I could control.  What an education I was receiving.  He didn’t coax it or finesse it out of me.  Just the entry of his coochie stretching penis was enough to force it out of me.  He wasn’t simply making me cum, he was MAKING me cum.

I never swore because I never needed to, but right now no other word would do.  “OHHHHH FUUUUCCKKK!!!”


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