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Straddling Winona’s lap I arch my slender frame as her splayed hands reach up under my shirt.  Her hands felt so good groping and gripping up my body.  I pull my shirt up and hold it at my neck to reveal my smooth torso, which makes her smile grow and her pupils widen at the sight of my exposed fair flesh.  Her hands slide down my lats to my narrow waist then out again along the gentle curve of my hips.

“Beautifulll.”  She sighs.

“Mmmm.”  I hum very quietly so the noise could not penetrate the wall behind her.

Her right hand shifts to the front as her left hooks around back.  Her right presses into my lean tummy and starts upward again as her other pulls me in tighter.  Not just in toward her, but in and downward so that my balls pushed harder against her growing cock.  Spreading my legs wider I very gently rock my hips to grind on her.  A most satisfying swell of her arousal accompanies my effort.

I sit up tall, lift my chin, and close my eyes as I soak in the feel of her hands on my hairless skin.  Winona did not have rough, hard hands and yet neither were they supple.  Hers were working hands, accustomed to working with unforgiving steel and rubber and harsh chemicals.  How soft and smooth my flesh must feel in comparison.  It made me so happy to be soft for Daddy.

As her left hand continues to hold me against her tightly, even taking charge of my slow grind, her right finds my pec and begins to squeeze around my nipple to gather what flesh was there into a tiny breast.  She holds it in shape for a moment then lets it go and swipes a thumb across my sensitive nipple.

“Mmmmm.”  I shudder and pull my shirt even higher, my right up under my chin and my elbows tight against my sides.  “Hahhhh!”  I let out a soft gasp as she reaches down to grab my ass, the tips of her fingers reaching DEEP to find my taint.

“Shhhh.”  She laughs quietly.

“Yes Daddy.”  I say, my voice barely above a sigh.

“Good girl.”

Still cupping my ass in a full handed grip in her left her right hooks under my shirt and lifts.  I raise my arms and help her to take my shirt off.  Her one hand firmly massages my ass cheek, her middle finger rubbing so tantalizingly close to my anus, as her other finds its way back to my body once more. She strokes and caresses my neck and shoulder and down my upper arm, the strength in her long fingers held back so as not to hurt.  There was something so viscerally sexy about being touched by a woman stronger than me.  A woman who could easily overpower me yet also could easily contain and direct that strength to let me experience her comforting power in a way that not only made me feel safe, but protected as well.  With my whole heart I believed that Daddy would never, never, NEVER hurt her precious baby girl.  Opening my eyes I beam my love down onto her.

She smiles that bold, confident smile of hers as she reaches up to cup my cheek in her hand.  I push into her hand, turning so I could nuzzle and kiss her palm like some needy puppy dog.  She chuckles softly as lets me nuzzle, all the while she fingers my perineum and keeps my grinding against her now rock hard member.  Feeling her cock so stiff and ready had my mouth water.  Unable to contain myself I wrap my lips around her thumb and begin to fellate it like it were a tiny penis.

“Hmmm.”  I coo at the pleasure of having something to suck.

“You really were put here to suck cock, weren’t you?”  She whispers.

“Mmmm.”  I nod and suckle and bat my beckoning blue eyes.

“Such a good girl.”

“Mmmmm!”  I eat up her praise, I just couldn’t get enough of it!

Her fingers hooked along my jaw she thrusts her thumb in and out of my sucking mouth as I flick it and lick it and suck it with rising hunger.  I was a greedy girl.  I wanted more.  I wanted Daddy’s huge dick stretching my jaw and filling my maw.  But for now I would be happy with a thumb.

Leaning in Winona begins to kiss at my chest and upper belly.  Long sucking kisses are followed by teasing little licks and hair raising nibbles.  Her hard groping left hand leaves my ass to find my pec and form another little titty.  This she devours!  Mouth wide she latches her lips onto my breast for a hot, wet suck.

“Ohhhhhh!”  I sigh, struggling to keep my voice under control.  As annoying as it was the need to keep quiet and the knowledge that Brayden might at any minute walk out gave our make out session all the spicy tingle of being naughty and forbidden, as if we were teens again trying not to get caught by our parents.

Winona’s tongue prods hard into my pink nipple to twist and twirl then suddenly everything is reversed as my tit is sucked back into her mouth hard and the pert little nub rapidly flicked at.  I am wracked by a full body shudder as her sharp teeth find the tip of my nip to send a shooting tingle of pleasure radiating out from it.

I grab onto her head, my fingers sinking through her long, silky black hair, and hold on as she pleasures my boob with her mouth.  Nobody had ever sucked my tit like this before!  Maybe Lauren, Kayla, and Eddie didn’t know how much that boys loved to have their titties sucked too.  But we did!  Especially us boys who liked to be girls too.

“Hnnngh.”  I moan as her thumb leaves my mouth to start to rub and knead at my other pec.

After a furious series of lapping licks to my nipple she kisses across my chest to the other one where she starts all over again.  “Rrrnggh!”  Her ravenous growl drives me wild.

She pulls away suddenly and scrambles to remove her top then is right back on me again, sucking and biting at my very happy little breasts.  My hands glide down her back, her skin so soft and warm and smooth, and on the way back I find the clasp to her bra.  Without even having to think about it my fingers were already undoing it.  Wriggling beneath me Winona frees herself of her bra one arm at a time, not once her mouth leaving my flesh.  She pulls me tight to her, her bare breasts now mashing into my abdomen.

Her mouth continues to lavish attention on my breasts as her hands explore down my body once more.  One strokes up and down my back, savoring the long swoop of my lithe physique as her fingers trace along my spine, as the other finds my arousal to stroke it through my pants.  We were both so hard now, and if she was anything like me there was some precum already starting to leak.

“Ohhhh. I’m so wet for you.”  I sigh as I begin to grind against her mighty denim clad bulge ever more forcefully.  So desperate to please her was I that I was outright trying to make her cum in her jeans through sheer friction, even if it meant not getting to suck it.

Winona was no quick cummer though and she greets my grinding with strong thrusts back of her own.  Tilting her head up she reaches for my lips.  I plant mine on hers and we kiss passionately.  As we kiss she shifts our weight forward and pulls my legs so that they wrap around her.  I hug her body tight with my legs and her neck and shoulders with my arms as her hands find my ass and grab it.


The next thing I knew Winona had hoisted us both right up off the couch into a standing position!  Supporting my entire weight she begins to blindly make her way toward my bedroom.  A table is kicked, a lamp knocked over, and she accidentally walks me straight into my closed door, none of which breaks our wild desirous kiss.  After some fumbling the door is swung open then kicked shut again behind us.  She comes to stand at the foot of my bed, holding me above the mattress, while continuing to grope my ass and suck and tongue my mouth.  Alone in my room we still had to be quiet, or at least I did in my high baby girl voice, we no longer had the worry of being interrupted.  Daddy had me right where she wanted me.

Chapter 69 


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