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With our pronouncements of love given and received with equal verve our joyous spirits are soaring.  Never did I think somebody would say those words and mean them like she did.  The most wonderful and beautiful girl in the whole world loved me!  And I loved her!

Winona throws her arms around me and lifts me from the ground, smooching my face at least a half a dozen times as she does it.  “I don’t care who knows.”  She says toward the shut window before turning to me again and smiling.  “I found my One and I ain’t ever lettin go.  I love you Avery!”

“He he he he!”  I giggle, feet kicking a few inches off the ground.  I didn’t want her to ever let go either.

She sets me back down and plants another hard smacker right to my lips.  “I know we’re movin too fast but I don’t give a fuck.”

“Me neither!”

“If this is a mistake let’s make it the worst fucking mistake of our lives.  It’s like that drive to Rapid City.  Fuck the brakes and pedal to the metal.”  She says.  “We either make it or we die tryin.”

“It’s not a mistake!  Full speed ahea...mmm!”

Winona was kissing me again, this time slow and deep.  As we kiss she pushes me back until I am pinned to the side railing.  Her hands stroke the side of me head and slide down my neck and rub across my shoulders and down my arms as we taste each other in a long and unhurried kiss.  We part, gaze into each other, tilt our heads the other way, then a new kiss begins.  This happens three, four more times as our tongues become familiar dance partners.  Even inside of our mouths Winona was attentive but take charge, her tongue and lips overpowering and directing mine, and I absolutely adored it.

She pulls away, her glasses now so dappled with moisture she could barely see, and beams warmly as she strokes my face.  “You’re all wet.”

“You too.”  I smile bright.

“That smile…damn boy.  I never stood a chance did I?”  She teases a damp lock of hair from my face.  “Not one chance.”

“Oh Winona.  You’re g-gonna make me c-cry again.”

“Oh no!”  She lets out a hearty laugh and kisses me again.  “Come on you.”

Hand in hand we step back inside, off the balcony and out of the cool.  A shiver runs through me but quickly but with Winona rubbing my arms the warmth settles into my flesh.

“We should do something.”  She says.  “Something to celebrate.”


“Something fun!”


A devilish smirk curls her lips.  “Something naughty.”


“I thought you might like that idea.”  She says as she takes off her glasses to clean them.  “We kinda did my thing last time.  You got something you wanna do?”


“You’re my man now Sprout.”  She states.  “And I look after my man.  I’m old fashioned that way.”

“Oh!”  I swoon.  “Your man?”

“My man.”  She pats my chest.  “And you’re gonna look after your woman too, yeah?”

“Yeah!  Ohhh yes!  M-M-My woman.”

“So what’s your kink Sprout?  What do you wanna do tonight?  I’m game if it’s not too out there.”

“Want?  Out there?”

“We’re way past the first date now babe.  You could bend me right over this table if you want to.”  She sets her glasses down on said table.  “Just don’t bust inside me raw.  I can’t take birth control.  It messes with my shit.”

“OH!  Pfff.  B-Bend you over?”  I titter at her bold and open talk.  “B-Bust inside!?  Raw!?”

“Inside my pussy at least.”  She strokes a hand down my hair and neck.  “You could creampie my back door though.”


She chuckles.  “Is this too much?  Am I coming on too strong?”

“No!”  I smile.  “I l-like it strong!  I’m your m-man!”

“Fuck yeah you are.”  She says.  “But you’ll tell me if I get to be too much, yeah?  I know I can be possessive and…overbearing.  I just…I dunno.  I know what I want.  And I want to have fun without all the dancing around it.  If I wanna bang I’m gonna say so.”

“He he he!”

“But I don’t want to scare you away Sprout.  So you let me know if I go too far.  Promise?”

“I promise!  I-I’m not afraid.”

“Good.”  She leads me to the sofa where we sit down together.  We hadn’t even gotten settled when she pulls me on top of her, guiding me sit straddling her lap and facing her.  “Mmm.”  She hums as she rests back and runs her hands under my shirt and over my belly.  Against my balls I could feel that she was already half erect, which was half less then me.  Spotting my little stiffy she brings a hand down to lightly stroke it through my pants.  “Tell me what you want Sprout.  Name it.  I’ll make your deepest fantasies come true.”

“I like what you like.”  I whisper, trying to keep my voice low enough that Brayden couldn’t possibly hear us.

Winona was not nearly so concerned with my roomie’s prying ears.  “Come on now baby.  You can tell me.”

“Really!”  I say.  “I-I like when you…um…”

“Take charge?”

“Mmm.”  I nod.  “I like that.”

“I like that too.”  She confesses.  “I just don’t wanna be greedy.”

“I-I’ll let you know if I want something or I’m not c-comfortable with anything.”

“Atta boy.”  She pats my pecker.  “Do you want a safe word?”

“Yes please.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”  She says, her finger and thumb tracing the shape of my aroused peen.  “Something cool.”

“Okay.”  I giggle.

“So there’s nothing in particular you want tonight?”

“There is…um…one thing.”

“Name it?”

“For tonight.”

“Go ahead.”

My cheeks warm with a bashful blush as my voice goes even quieter.  I look down at her crotch then slowly up to her eyes again, then bat my baby blues.  “C-Can I be your baby g-girl again?  Please?”

“Aw Sprout.”  She pulls me close.  “I think we could manage that.”  She whispers, her face hovering so close to mine that I could feel her heat.  “Daddy could use a little baby girl tonight.”

“Yes!”  I gasp, downright giddy to be baby girl again.  “L-Let’s go to your place.”

“Mmm.”  She strokes my hair with the back of her fingers.  “We don’t have to go anywhere.  It’s pretty nice right here.”

I shake my head.  “W-We can’t do it here. I’ve got no clothes here.”

“We’ll have to fix that soon.  My girl needs her pretty things.  But I think we can make due for tonight, don’t you?”

“But my cage…m-my clit?”

“We won’t need it tonight.”  She says. “I want you…unleashed.”

“Oh!  B-But…it’s n-not safe here.”

“Not safe?”  Her brows furrow.  “This is your home baby.”

I glance toward the hall leading to the bedrooms and whisper.  “Brayden will t-tease me if he h-hears us.  I d-don’t want him to know about b-b-baby girl.”

“I understand.”  She says.

“B-But I still want to.”

“Then we better be quiet, hmm?”  Her grin was that of both troublemaker and a risk taker.  Pressing a finger to my lips she says oh so softly.  “You think baby girl can be quiet for Daddy?”

“Mm hmm.”  I nod.

“I bet she can.”  She caresses her finger around my lips.  “You’re gonna be so quiet for me.  Shhhh.”

“Ohhh, yes Daddy.”

“And if Brayden teases or makes you feel bad in anyway…you’re gonna tell Daddy, okay?”  Hesitantly I nod.  “I’m gonna look after my…beautiful…”  Her voice fades and her dreamy expression goes dark as her lightly caressing fingers focus in around my left eye.  The tip of her middle finger very gently rubs along the edge of the sensitive bruise.  A flicker of that same anger I saw in her down at the truck burns in her eyes.  But thankfully the shift only lasts a moment and her eyes soften once more and her fingers start to wander again.  There seemed to be something about looking at me the quelled that flame.  She lets out a long sensual sigh as her hand makes its way down my lithe body.  “My beautiful baby girl.”

Chapter 68 


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