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Sarah: Friday, 7:36 pm

Feeling an utter fool I cling to my husband as he leads me from the bar.  I could feel eyes on me but stay focused straight ahead and retreat further into Alfred’s arms.  What had started out so well had all fallen apart so quickly.

Alex, the big man who had come and hit on me, was SO scary!  It was fun for a little bit and I can’t deny how flattering it was to be hit on by such a tall and handsome man.  But the fun did not last for long.  His smile was fake.  His moves too aggressive.  His jokes were cruel.  His stories self aggrandizing.  And the way looked at me didn’t make me feel like a queen or a goddess but a piece of filth.  He might have been handsome but under the skin was an ugly, ugly man and I did not like him at all.  But I continued to play along because he fit the part and I could see what it was doing to Alfred.  For my husband and the excitement it was going to bring later I put up with Alex for as long as I could.  But then two things happened in rapid succession that soured everything.

The first was when he touched me, an oh so smooth caress down my bare arm.  His hand didn’t feel nice like Alfred’s, it felt like acid poured down my skin.  And though I knew it was silly as I was as safe as I could be sitting in the center of a bustling bar, that uninvited breaking of my personal space brought with it fears that he might grab me or grope me or worse.  In a flash I realized how much bigger and stronger he was than me and how physically powerless I would have been against him.  Heck, a guy that big would make short work of Alfred too.  I didn’t like that.  It didn’t feel safe and it didn’t feel fun.  I had read that the bar pick-up was a common cuckold fantasy but strangers just were not for me.  Alfred and I would have to find another fantasy to play with.

The second thing that spoiled the moment…was when that shameless woman touched my King’s hand.  That…that…that…WHORE!  The moment her fingers touched his skin…the green-eyed monster took over and I saw red!  I was across the room and clung to him before I even realized what had happened.  When I had the idea to tease my husband by acting like a single woman for him to watch I never even thought about the fact my man would be sitting there all by himself for other women to see and desire.  Hypocrisy thy name is Sarah.

How humiliated Alfred must have been as he shielded me and walked across that bar to collect my purse and pay the bill.  But, as he always did, my King looked after his Queen without a word of anger or blame.

Once we are at the car he stops and pulls me into a big, warm hug.  Kissing the top of my head he says.  “You okay Sarah?”

“I acted like a big baby.”  I pout.  “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“You don’t have to apologize.  What happened in there?”

“That was REALLY scary!”  I look up at him.  “I don’t know if I can do that again Alfred.”

“I can’t believe you did it once!”  He chuckles, and as he laughs I feel the remnants of an erection flexing in his trousers.  His laughter and arousal brighten my mood.  “That was crazy.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when you came out and sat at the bar, without your ring!”

I grin a guilty grin.  “I was feeling naughty.”

“I’ll say!  Oh my God!  You are so bad.”

“You were turned on watching me?”

“Maybe…a little?”

I giggle and rub my belly against his manhood.  “Speaking of little.  What’s this I feel?  I think a certain little fella enjoyed the show at least.”

Alfred blushes the most ADORABLE cuckold blush!  “Well…ahem…I mean…it was…different.”

“I saw you watching me.”  I whisper.  “You tried to act so cool but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Alex and I.”


“Tall, dark and sexy in there.”

“Sexy!?”  He tries to hide it but I see the jealousy flash in his eyes and feel the results down below.  “Of course I was watching.”  He tries to shift his crotch away but I move with him.  “You looked so hot in that dress.  All the guys were looking at you.”

In response to saying that I feel his arousal surge against my tummy.  Hugging tight to my husband and moving ever so sneakily I continue I rub and tease his penis through our clothes.

“Were they?  Were they looking at me?”


“All the men?”

He nods.

“Ogling your wife?  Undressing me with their eyes.”  I glance down toward my revealing cleavage.  “Not that there’s much to undress.”

“Yeah.”  He goes to shift again and again I stay tight up against him.  With a slow, steady sway of my hips I carry on rubbing his now rock hard penis.  He lets out a breathy laugh.  “Wha…what are you doing?”

I gaze up into his eyes.  “Alex was looking at my breasts just like you are now.”

“Well…”  He squirms.  “…I mean, any man would.  You’re beautiful.”

 “You say the sweetest things.”  I smile.  “I have a little confession to make Alfred.”


“Mmm hmm.”  I nod.  “As he was checking me out…I was checking him out.”

“Checking…him out?”  He swallows hard.  He was clearly feeling the effects of my rubbing belly but he was trying valiantly not to show it.  “How do you mean?”

“How do you think?”  I say sweetly as my eyes flit down for an instant.  “I took a peek at his package.”


“Golly!”  My eyes widen as I feel my husband’s erection strain for escape.  “Through his pants obviously.”  I titter.  “The way he stood with his foot up on that foot rail it kinda tightened his trousers at the crotch.  Things were, um, outlined.”


I giggle again at the effect my little white fib was having on him.  Remembering back to a member that I actually had seen in a pair of trousers very recently I continue, my voice dropping even lower.  “I could actually make out the shaft.  Like a big sausage stretching down his leg.”

“Oh my God.”

“I think Alex was bigger than you Alfred.”  I whisper.  “And I don’t even think he was hard.”


“How big do you think it gets baby?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Ohhmmm.”  I mewl.  “I don’t know if I could handle one that big baby.”  I bat my eyes.  “Do you?”

“Oh geez!”  He lets out a snort then looks left and right around the parking lot, looking to see if anybody was watching, then back down to me.  “Sarah.”

“Mmm?”  I continue to firmly and slowly rub, rub, rub against his manhood.  “What’s wrong?”  I ask innocently.  “Something the matter baby?”

“We should…we should think about where we want to eat.”

My poor, poor little premature ejaculator was struggling so hard but too dang proud to admit it.  He looked so cute trying to hold it back that I just…I couldn’t stop myself.

“Mmmm.”  I hum seductively as I rub, rub, rub against him.  “I’d rather think about what happens later.”

“Later?  Wh-What happens later?”

“Mmmm.”  I add a little shimmy to my wiggle, shaking my butt for any passerby to see.  “Maybe another peep show if we’re lucky.”

“Peep show?”

“Crystal said they’d leave the light on for us tonight.”


“I know!”  I titter.  “I’m so bad!”  I run my hands up his chest and around the back of his neck.  “After we watch how a young stud like Cody does it then maybe we can have a little fun of our own.  Mmm?”

“Ohhh Jesus.”  

“You can throw me down on our bed and take me better than Alex or Cody ever could.  Right baby?”


I smile a wicked smile.  “I promise as you make love to me that I won’t even think about those other men…much.”

“HRRMM.”  The muscles of my husband’s stomach tighten and inside of his pants I feel that one of a kind throb, throb, throb of an ejaculating penis.  Right there in the parking lot of this fancy restaurant I watch awestruck as my husband creams his shorts for a second time.  And by God it was beautiful.  What other woman could appreciate this?  What other woman could understand my baby and treat him as good as me?  What other woman deserved my King’s climax?  Not Crystal and not that floozy back inside.  No, this was my man.  My cuckold husband.  And I knew that I had to treat him right.

I look down and then back up at him in mock innocent surprise.  “Oh Golly.  Oh Gosh!  Did I do that?  I forgot how excited he gets.”  I sigh.  “Well…thank goodness for Rocco.”

“Hffff.”  He hisses as his body shudders to a intense conclusion.  “Jesussss!”


Alfred, 8:00 pm

We sit in the parking lot of the roadside fast food restaurant eating our drive-through burgers and fries.  Every so often Sarah and I would glance at each and begin to giggle like we were a couple of smitten kids again.  We laugh at being all dressed up and this being our ‘fancy’ dinner out.  We laugh at the whole scene in the bar.  And we laugh my over-excitement and the embarrassing dark stain that I still sported at the front of my trousers.  Thankfully my shorts weren’t full of jizz as Sarah had so attentively unzipped me and cleaned me up with some tissues along the way, which had been a slightly emasculating though quite pleasant experience in itself, but the wet spot would take some time to go away.

“You are bad.”  I say for the dozenth time between bites.  “You are so, so bad.”

“What?”  She continues to play clueless.  “How was I supposed to know?”

We munch a little more then start to giggle all over again.  God!  When I got this bad girl home I WOULD ravish her like she deserves.  Even after cumming I was still burning up with my lust for her.  Images of her and the tall, handsome Alex continued to flash through my mind.  Especially that moment that his hand touched her arm.  Until I had her back in our bed, until I was inside of her, until my lustful fury was spent on her, I would continue to burn.  It was primal need that had to be met.  We had unfinished business she and I, and we both knew it.  The sexual electricity crackled inside of the car.  This jealousy fueled passion was far more intense than either of had been prepared for.

Once the food was finished and we are back on the highway and on our way I look over at her.  “Did you want to talk about it?”


“About what happened in the bar?”  I say.  “Something happened back there and you’re not talking about it.”

“Oh.  Yeah.”  She looks down and twists her wedding ring back and forth on her finger.  “I never should have taken this off.”


“I felt lost without it.  Alone.”  She looks back at me.  “I know we were just having fun and…I know you were enjoying it but…I can’t do that.  Not even to tease.  Not with strangers at least.”

“That’s okay.  I would never ask you to.”

“Somebody I knew, somebody that I trusted and felt safe with, maybe.”  She says.  “But not a stranger.  I was scared Alfred.  I was really scared.”

I reach across and take her hand.  “We’re just messing around here baby.  I never want you to be scared.  Not for me, not for some kink, not ever.”

“Thank you baby.”  She squeezes my hand then brings it to her lips to kiss it.  “There was…there was something else too.”


“I, uh, I saw that woman…talking to you.”


“The pretty blond.”

“Oh, her.”

“I saw her touch your hand.”  Her grip on my hand squeezed tighter.  “I didn’t like that Alfred.”

“Ohhh, a little bit jealous were we?”  I say in a teasing tone.

“Yes.”  Comes back her dead serious reply.  “Alfred.”  She goes quiet.

“What is it?”

“She…she couldn’t love you like I love you.”  She turns in her seat, pulling my hand to her breast.  “No woman could love you like I love you.  You know that, right?”

“I know baby.  I know.  You are my Queen.”

“And you are my King!  Mine!”  She says with uncharacteristic aggression.  “You’re my man Alfred.  I-I’ll do anything for you.  Anything a woman can do.  Any fantasy, any desire, no matter how…twisted.  Just tell me, okay?”


“Maybe…I could even do that bar scene again.  If I prepared myself…maybe…”

“Sarah.  No, you said you didn’t like it.”

“I know I’m being a hypocrite.  After playing with Alex.”

“It’s okay Sarah.”

“Did you like her?  Did you like that woman?  She was beautiful.  Do you like blonds?  I could buy a wig.  I could wear my make up like her.  We could pretend.  I could…”

“Woah, woah, woah.”  I soothe.  “Sarah.  It’s okay.  It’s you I want.  Only you.  I had no interest in that woman.”

She sighs.  “I’m being selfish again.  Aren’t I?  I’m sorry.”

“No baby.  It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry I’m so needy Alfred.  I try not to be but…I’m sorry.”

“Sarah.”  I say warmly.  “You aren’t.  Really.”

She bows her head, her voice softening to a whisper.  “I’m sorry I don’t always orgasm for you Alfred.”

“What?  Oh, Sarah.  I only asked that because I wanted the truth.”

“I’m sorry I was false with you.  I’ll work really hard on climaxing easier.  I’ll get better at it.”  She says.  “I’ll only climax for you.”

“Come here.”  I pull her into me and kiss her.  “I want you…to be you.  I’ve only ever wanted your happiness.  That’s all I want.”

“I’m sorry.  I’m being…silly.”

“You’re being human.”  I say.  “And stop apologizing.  You have nothing to be sorry for.”

She nuzzles my chest and makes a happy coo.  I hated to admit it, but seeing her own jealousy laid bare like that was surprisingly…touching.  I knew how much she treasured me but I never quite appreciated just how possessive she was of me.  I grin as I think back to a hundred little moments when Sarah would suddenly appear or scooch in closer or grab my attention with some trivial thing when other women were about.  The relationship gurus would surely frown on it but I couldn’t help but feel a bit more special knowing that my wife felt this way.

 She sits back in her seat she looks much more at ease.  Not only at ease, that twinkle had returned to her eye.  “And I’m sorry I made you cum in your pants…again.”

“You are not sorry!”  I laugh and blush in equal measure.  While I did find it funny and kinda sexy, it was still pretty damned embarrassing to be busting my nut like that so quickly and easily.  But this jealousy stuff got me to the brink so fast!  “You naughty little minx.”

“It was just a hug.”  She pats my hand.  “But that’s okay Alfred.  Accidents happen.”

“Accident my butt.”  I scoff.  “Who hugs and wriggles like that for ten straight minutes?”

“It was maybe seven.”  She mutters.  “At best.”

“You tease!”  Twisting my hand I pinch her nipple through her dress.  “You did it on purpose and you know it.”

“Ow!”  She giggles and rubs her tit.  “He he he!  Not so rough!  I’m a married lady!”

“Oh?  You think that Alex would have treated you any better?”

“Oh no!  He’d be much rougher!  Those hands of his were so big and strong.  They’d be all over me.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Mmm hmm.” She nods.  “He might have looked sophisticated and debonair and dashing and oh so…”

“I get it!”

She giggles.  “But if he had gotten me alone the beast would have come out.  He would have torn off my dress and ripped off my panties and had his way with me.”  She leans back with a dreamy smile.  “Just thinking about it gets my coochie all warm and tingly.  Can you imagine?”

“I’m trying not to.”  Truth was that was all I was imagining now.  Lord have mercy!

“Yeah, he’d be rough alright.  And a man like Alex wouldn’t have any…accidents.  He he he.  He’d save it all for me.”  She says.  “I bet he’s a very good lover.  What do you think Alfred?”

“You little…”  I look back and forth between the road and her fantasizing grin.  “So he can be rough and I can’t?”



“I mean…no offense Alfred but…did you see him?  MREOWWW!”  She growls and makes cat claws in the air.  “Looking like that he could bend me over and make me call him Daddy anytime.”

“Daddy!?”  I exclaim.  

“Mmm hmm.  Or Sir.”


“Men like Alex demand respect Alfred.  And they deserve it.”

“And men like me?”

“Cuckolds you mean?”

“Oh my God.”

She titters and shimmies as close as her seatbelt would allow.  “Well first off, at five inches Daddy is right out.”

“Oh my God!”

“Sir is a bit of a stretch too.  Rocco might be a Sir on a good night.”

“Who are you!?”

She laughs at the effect her teasing was having on me.  “At five inches I think Babe is as far as I could go.”

“You are so BAD!”

“But that’s just my opinion.  I could be wrong.”  She walks her fingers up my arm.  “Maybe tonight you can change my mind, babe.”

“Oh you little…MMM!”  My foot presses a little harder on the gas.


Michael Dierks

I love these two. Well, not sexual love, more platonic ... I mean, I love the sex part ... Hum, I should have thought this out. They seem like two friends I know more about than I should, and now I can't stop listening to them talk.