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Sarah: Friday, 3:14 pm

I am still laying on the bed daydreaming when I am startled out of my skin by the sound of the bedroom door opening!  My eyes snap open and I let out a gasp of relief as I see my husband standing in the doorway with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

“You almost gave me a heart attack.”  I say as my racing heart eases back to a normal beat.  “What are you doing home so early?”

He doesn’t answer.  Stepping into the room he approaches the bed and stands over me, his eyes panning up and down my body.

“Are those for me?”

Again, no answer.  Instead he moves along the side the bed and sets the roses on his nightstand.  He then begins to remove his tie.  His eyes never leave me for an instant.

“Um.”  I giggle.  “You weren’t kidding when you said see you soon.”

Off comes the ties, dropped to the floor without a glance.  He unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt then starts on the ones down the front.  I set my phone to the side.  With that look in my husband’s eyes I worried he might throw it to the floor too if it got in his way.  Though my body is bursting on the inside I lay still, wanting more than anything to see where Alfred was taking this.  I smooth out my green ruffle bottom shirt and cream capris, hoping that I looked sexy despite the everyday wear.  Alfred still staring at me roughly pulls his leather belt open.

“I don’t know if I’m overdressed or underdressed.”  I quip to no reply.  This tense silence was driving me crazy!  I felt like a cornered gazelle under the predatory gaze of a mighty lion!  I could literally feel the blood rushing to my loins.  In my sweetest little voice I peep.  “Was it something I said?”

Down come his trousers along with his shorts.  When he stands up again I see his rock hard erection pointing to the ceiling.  Goodness!  He just got here.  Obviously he’d been hard since the moment he got in.  Had he been sporting that since he left work?  Since those morning texts!?  I didn’t know.  I was just happy that he’d saved it for me.

“Ohhhhh!”  I sigh, my eyes widening at the sight of his manhood.  In the unforgiving light of day, having fondled Rocco so much this morning, and having been daydreaming all sorts of lewd fantasies until a moment ago Alfred’s five inch penis looked downright petite ever against his six foot frame, but no less impressive.  He was SO hard!  “Is that for me?”

His face is no less intense as he wobbles from lifting one foot and then the other to remove his socks.  In two minutes at most my husband had gone from fully dressed to completely nude.  Like some gladiator of old he studies his opponent and circles around, coming to stand at the foot of the bed.  My hands clenched in little fists I gaze back into my husband’s lust filled hazel eyes.  In all our time I had never seen him look so stern and…manly!

“Ohhhh.” I coo wantonly as my coochie goes slick with nectar.  I was about to be reclaimed!  YES!

Stepping forward he comes to kneel on the mattress then moves in for me.  Grabbing my legs he brings them tight together and wraps his left arm around them to keep them snugly bundled.  His right hand reaches down and slides under my butt to grab the waistband of my pants and yanks them up around the curve of my ass just enough to expose my sex.  Only as he shuffles forward and angles his penis between his thumb and index finger to enter me do I realize that he wasn’t even going to undress me.  He was so filled with passion he couldn’t even wait that long.  He was going to do me still in my clothes!

The very first sound my husband is makes is a low grunt of pleasure as thrusts into me right to the hilt.  “Gnngh!”

“Ohhhhh!”  I moan as AT LAST my coochie had something inside of it to grip and to hold.  He feels incredible!  “Ohhhhh Alfred!”

Hugging my legs tight to his chest, my feet sticking up over his left shoulder, my hubby starts to make love to me.

“Hff!  Hff!  Hrff!”  With each hard stroke his nostrils flare and a sharp hiss of breath escapes him.  “Hff!  Hff!  Rrff!”

“Ohhh!  Ohhhhhh!”  I sing my bliss.  His dick was SO HARD, it felt SO GOOD pumping in and out of me, and that intense look on his face was SO HOT!  “Ohhhh Alfred!”

“Hrf!  Hrf!  HMM!  Hrf!”

My body is rocked by his short, powerful thrusts.  “Ohhhh God!  Yesss!”

“Hrf!  Hrf!  Hrf!”  He had just gotten a nice hard rhythm going when suddenly he stops.  He snorts and shakes his head.  “Hmmm!”  Inside of me his manhood flexes with all of its power.  He was trying not to cum.

I reach up and stroke his bare arms.  Batting my big brown eyes I mewl seductively.  “My love.  My man.  My King.”

He takes a hard breath and refocuses.  “Hrf!  Hrf! Hrf! Hrf! Hrf! HMMM!”  Again he slams deep and stops.  His dick strains, his muscles heave, and his jaw clenches so hard I thought his teeth might shatter.  It was kind of…adorable watching him struggle so hard to hold it in.  His body was screaming at him to climax but he fought it with all he had.

I give him my bedroom eyes, worshiping him with my gaze.  I sigh and nibble my lip and lightly claw my nails down his arms and clench my tunnel around him as I wait for him to gain control again.  “I love youuuu.”

“Hahhhh.”  He breathes.  Kissing my ankle he speaks at last.  “God you feel so good.”

“You too baby.  Ohhhhh!”  I groan as he resumes his lovemaking, a little slower and a little softer.

“Hahhh.  Ohhhh.  Ohhhh Sarah.”  He sighs.  “I’ve been thinkin about you.”

“Mmmmm!”  His manhood glides so easily and so wonderfully in and out of my wet pussy.  “Yesss!”

“Thinking about…hmm…you and Rocco…hahhh…ohhhh Sarah!”

“Don’t stop!”  I plead.  “Let it go!  Don’t hold it in.”

“Ohhh!  Ohhhh!”  His low gruff voice rises to be high and lilting as his need to release overwhelms him.  “Ohh Sarah!

“Ohhh Alfred!”

Mid-stroke he suddenly trembles.  He bucks once, his face contorting with ecstasy, and an instant later I feel his penis throb inside of me.  He releases his hot seed into my milking womanhood, reclaiming his woman and sending me over the brink as well.

“OHHHHHH!”  Our orgasmic duet fills the room.


Alfred, 3:20 pm

Releasing Sarah’s legs I slump down beside her panting hard, my dick slipping from her pussy as I fell.  I pull her soft body close and nuzzle into her cheek.  I kiss her and let out a long, happy moan.  “Ohhhhhh wow.”

She turns to face me, her flushed cheeks aglow.  She is smiling from ear to ear as she gently strokes the side of my head.  “Ohhh Alfred.  Goodness!  Well that was certainly worth the wait.”

“Yeah.”  I puff.

“This is powerful stuff we’re playing with.  Golly!”

“No kidding!”

“Ohhh Alfred.  That was incredible.”

“For me too.”  I look into her eyes.  “Did you cum?”

The question takes her aback.  “What?”

“Did you cum?”  I ask.  “Did I make you cum?”

She beams.  “Yes baby.  I did.”

I gaze into her, reflecting on how hot and wet her pussy had been and how hard it gripped.  “You really did this time, didn’t you?”


“You…you fake it sometimes.  Don’t you?”  Her face flinches and I see her searching for a gentle fib.  “It’s okay.  I just want to know.”

“Um…well, kinda.”  She says guiltily.  “Sorta.  A little.”

“A little?”

“It’s not exactly faking.  I mean, I don’t always orgasm but it does feel really nice when you release inside of me.”  She cups my cheek in her hand as I stroke her long hair.  “It ALWAYS feels good Alfred.”

“Thank you for being honest.”  I kiss her.

Her smile lights up my heart.  “And hey!  Five minutes!  That’s pretty good.”

I bury head my head in her bosom and laugh.  “You were keeping track!?”

“I know how hard you’re trying.”  She cradles my head and kisses it as she pets my neck and back.  “Five minutes is really good for you baby.  I’m proud of you.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that.”  I chuckle as I feel both humbled and lifted at the same time.  I grab her by the face and kiss her again.  “I’m taking you out tonight.  Somewhere nice.”



5:48 pm

I’m in the bedroom putting on the expensive gold watch my Dad had gotten me for our wedding as Sarah applies the finishing touches to her make up in the bathroom mirror.  We were looking good!  I had to admit that I was quite dashing in my slate gray collared shirt, dark dress pants, and matching black leather shoes and belt but my gorgeous wife was on a whole other level.

Sarah was poured into a little black dress she had bought for an LBD social and fundraiser event that we attended a number of years back.  It was lower at the bosom and higher in the leg than any other dress she owned and for that reason she had never worn it again since.  She felt it too ‘tarty’ for a married woman, though I suspect the real reason was that she didn’t think her body type suited it well compared to taller women.  How wrong she was!  I loved my wife dearly but sometimes she could be so self deprecating.  She had no clue just how damn hot her petite yet curvaceous figure looked in that outfit.  It hugged her just right to show off her hourglass figure, her plump bosom and full heart-shaped ass filled it out to perfection, and the extra bit of smooth, fair skin that it showed at her thigh and chest was tantalizing to say the least.  Her choice of wardrobe would have surprised me just a week ago but in the spirit of this sexual renaissance we were going through I thought it a fitting attire.

“Damn you look good baby.”

She glances at me from the corner of her eye and lets out a bashful giggle.  “Lookin pretty good yourself handsome.”  She steps back from the mirror and gives herself one last once over.  Her face was done up elegantly and tastefully to emphasize her naturally pretty features.  Her long brown hair flowed like silk down over her bare shoulders.  And her earlobes, neck, and wedding finger twinkled with just the right amount of jewelry.  “I’m ready.”

I hold out my elbow.  “My Lady.”

She turns and strides toward me with a natural feminine sway.  Taking up her handbag along the way she then takes my arm and lightly rests her head against my shoulder.  Even in heels she only came up to my chin.  “Thank you again Alfred.”

“No my love.”  I say.  “Thank you.”

She looked so happy which made me so happy.  I sear that look into my memory to remind myself to take her out more often.  In the rhythm of regular life it was so easy to settle into ruts and take those you loved most for granted.  This woman had given her whole life to me, to be my partner and the mother of my child.  She simply could not fathom just what that meant to me or how much her presence gave me life.  No day was ever too long or too hard because I knew I had her waiting for me at home.  Every success I had ever achieved was done for her and because of her.  It was good to take her out once in awhile to let her know just what a treasure she was to me.

I pull her tight and we walk downstairs together.  Though we probably wouldn’t need them we slip into our best jackets.  And just before we leave Sarah admires the roses that sat on our dining room table in a vase.  She looks up at me with a look that told me our first romp of the day would not be our last.  That would certainly add a bit of spice to the evening!

As I lock the door behind us we spot Cody just back from work and jogging around the house.  He meets us at the bottom of the stairs.

“Woaaah.”  He says as he checks us out in our finery.  “Looking good King!  Queen!”

Sarah titters and blushes a little.  “Thank you Cody.”

Being a step higher I am actually looking down at him as I pat his shoulder.  “How’d it go lad?”

He grins, his eyes still panning over our clothes, and answers.  “Um, that Woodward lawyer called again today.  I didn’t want to bother you so I told him you’d get back to him on Monday.  I hope that’s okay.”

“What a pest.  I told him we needed other things to fall into place first.  Wednesday at the earliest.”

“He was pretty insistent.”

“You did good Cody.  I’ll take care of it Monday.”

He lets out a sigh of relief.  “Good.”

“Hey.”  Sarah says.  “I heard you told Crystal about Kenji.  That’s wonderful!”

“Yeah.”  He grins.  “It’s nice to get that out in the open.”

“The truth will set you free.”  I say.  “We’re proud of you Cody.”

He looks up at me with weirdest expression.  His gaze suddenly hardens and drills straight into mine, his brows straight and fierce, and his slightly parted lips lips are frozen somewhere between a leer and a snarl.  It only lasts a second before he lets out a breath and that bright fun-loving spirit of his shines through once more.

“Thank you King.”  He says.

“I really wish you wouldn’t call me that.” I chuckle.  “It’s weird.”

Sarah nudges me.  “Let him if he wants to.  I think it’s cute.”

He backs away from us and points a thumb back behind him.  “I-I should go.  We’re still on for tomorrow?”

“Absolutely.”  I say.

“And don’t fuss too much Cody.”  Sarah adds.  “We’re not picky.  Anything you do is fine.”

“Cool.”  He says.  Then, catching my eyes in his once more, he adds.  “You two really do look beautiful tonight.”  He then looks to Sarah.  “Have a great night Sarah.”

“You too Cody.”  She says.  He spins and disappears around the corner.  “What a sweetheart.”

“Er, yeah.”  I say.  “He’s something.”


6:52 pm

“No reservations?”  The greeter clicks their tongue and shakes their head.  “On a Friday night?  You’re asking a lot here.”

“Listen.  This is the third place we’ve tried.  It was sort of a last minute thing, but it’s special, ya know.”

He nods his understanding.  “I’ll see what I can do.”  With a wave of his hand he says.  “You can have seat in the bar.  I’ll come find you if I can get you in.”

“Thank you!”  Turning around I motion Sarah to join me.  Her face lights up and she hurries to my side.  “Just had to turn on the old charm.”  I say as if I’d just worked a miracle.

She laughs and pats my chest.  “I’m just going to pop off to the powder room for a moment.  I’ll see you in there my love.”

“See you soon.”

I enter into the dimly lit bar and marvel a moment at the upscale class of the establishment.  I had heard about this place from some of my coworkers and their descriptions didn’t do the place justice.  It had a modern aesthetic with just enough old school charm that anybody from a hotshot young stock broker to respected judge would feel at home here.  Smooth jazz played in the background and a real wood fire crackled in fireplace along the far wall.  I find a small out of the way table and slide into my seat, my waitress is at the table before I’d even settled in.

“Can I start you with something?”

I hold a hand up.  “I’m with someone.  We’ll just be a minute.”

“Sure.”  She says.  “Drink specials are on the table.”

I take the little drink menu and pretend to peruse it.  Expensive!  “Thank you.”

I am still checking the place out and looking around on the off chance that I recognized anybody among the bustling crowd when Sarah walks in from a different entrance, the one that lead to the washrooms.  And what an entrance she makes!  God damn did she look good tonight!  I perk up and go to catch her eye but she acknowledges me with a look before I could wave her over.  I sit there smiling…as she completely ignores me and walks to the bar.  What the?  She takes a stool and says something to the bartender.  He nods his head and starts mixing her a drink.  I am about to get up and go join her when she spins around in her stool, crosses her soft shapely legs, and leans back against the bar.  She pans back and forth across the room, her eyes only pausing very briefly as the scan past me.  I tilt my head, befuddled by her behavior.  Then I notice her wiggling one of her fingers.  The ring finger of her left hand.  And as I focus in…I don’t see the diamond sparkle that usually glimmered there.

Her wedding ring was gone!

Part 13 


Michael Dierks

What .... is she playing at?!? 😮 Damn, she is a quick study. I think she has allot of repressed zeal for ... stuff.


Just between you and I Michael, Sarah is COMPLETELY out of her depth right now. But the gal's got spunk! 😄

Michael Dierks

Well, I hate to admit it, but this is very .. engaging. I love sitting in their heads and thinking that exact thing. "Not sure what I'm doing, but this seems exciting". I'm not sure Alfred is ready for Sarah to take someone else home ...