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As I blissfully suck my Lady’s big cock we can hear Cassie out in the hallway relieving some of the tension watching us had built up in her.

“Ohhh…ohhhhh…ohhhhh gods!”  Her moans come in long heavy breaths.  The intensity and urgency of her noises tell me that she had to be stimulating herself directly, most likely using her fingers to rub her yearning pussy.  The fact that she could not contain herself until she left spoke to Cassie being a woman of powerful appetites.  The fact she waited until Rosa released her to do so spoke to her natural obedience, to another woman at least.  Knowing these things made me more eager than ever to involve our neighbor in our play.  “Hahhhhh!”

“Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  Embracing my role I let out soft, lilting, submissive coos as I bob forward and back.  My Lady rewards me with a caress across my cheek.  Her fingers stroke back to run lightly over my brow and across my eyes.  Where her eyes could not see her touch provided a picture of her slutty boy.  “Mmmm.”

“Hah-hah-HAH!”  Cassie lets out a great gasp before there is a long silence…then a low groan of a leg quivering orgasm.  “GNNNNGHHHH!!!”  That didn’t take long!  “OHHHHHH!!!”

Rosa grins as she listens to our guest’s lengthy climax.  “My goodness.  The girl can cum!”

“Mmm.”  I concur.

“Hah!  Hah!  Hohhhhh.”  Cassie’s hard gasps eventually even out to a long breathy sigh.  This is followed by silence.  After a few moments her voice comes from entrance of the room.  Facing my Lady as I was I could not see Cassie.  “May I enter Lady Rosa?”

“You may.”  Rosa says.  “Feel better.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”  She says.  “Much better.  Thank you.”

“Good girl.  Come sit.”

I hear another sharp breath from Cassie’s nostrils at the command.  I knew better than anyone the power of my Lady’s kindly words.  Nobody could give a ‘good boy’ or ‘good girl’ like Rosa.  Cassie return to her couch.  Instead of lounging upon it, as it was designed for, she instead sits upright pushed up as close to the action as she could get.  I look over to her, my mouth full of Lady cock, and give her high hum.  “Mmmmm.”

Cassie, her face flushed and glowing with a sheen of fresh sweat, smiles back at me.  As I continue my work she waits in silence.  Total silence.  She does not gasp or whisper or make further requests or even stir.  She simply sits and watches with her hands folded politely across her lap and a warm smile on her pretty face.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  I hum with each deep stroke, twisting my head and keeping my tongue active to keep things fresh on every thrust.

“Mmm, good boy.”  Rosa croons.  “Ohhh, you’re sucking me so good today.”

“Mmmmm!”  I coo proudly.  From the corner of my eye I catch Cassie’s smile grow.  She was very much entertained by my show, which only spurred me to do even better.  The next time Rosa slips from my lips I don’t even stop to take a breath.  I am smooching and slurping the fat tip and letting out little pleading whines for my hole to be filled again.  “Hahh!  Hahhh!”

“Goodness.”  Rosa says.  “Such a needy boy today.”  She feeds her thick cock back into open lips.  “There you go baby.”

Instantly my body relaxes and coo contentedly.  “Mmmmm.”

“What a performer.”  Rosa giggles.  “I think he’s showing off for you.”

Cassie laughs but says nothing.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  I bob faster, guided by Rosa’s hand at the back of my head.  Drool dribbles form my lips as I snatch breaths when I can through flared nostrils.  With total focus I hold my position and allow my Lady to use my mouth in anyway she wished.  Accustomed now to Rosa’s size and stamina my stretched jaw barely even protests.  I suck and moan and have a grand old time as my beautiful demon slave fucks her Master’s sucking mouth.  All the while I could feel Cassie’s eyes admiring me from her nearby vantage point.  “Mmmmm!”

Rosa fucks my mouth for good while before the slick warmth of her precum coats my tongue and smooth, steady thrusts being to pick up in urgency.  I hold strong and suck even harder hungry for my creamy reward.  With impressive control my Lady’s breathing remains steady and her soft sighs of pleasure never rise nor fall.  When at last she comes it is not the grunting snorts of a brutish man but a gentle and elegant and wonderfully rising song of feminine rapture.  “Ohhhhhhhh.”

A blast of hot savory jizz fills my mouth.  Closing my eyes I seal my lips tight and start gulping for all I had.  I knew how much my Lady could cum and if I didn’t start swallowing now I knew some of it would spill.  “Glrp!  Glrp!  Glrp!”  I greedily swallow her every gooey drop.

“Rrrrlllrrr!”  At the very end Rosa lets out a now familiar demonic snarl, which startles our guest, then finishes with a melodious moan of satisfaction.  “Ohhhhh.”

Only when the final dribble had been supped does she slip from my lips.  I swallow one last time then let out rather loud and crass belch.  “Excuse me.”

The women laugh.  My Lady lays my head in front of her so that she might lovingly pet me for a job well done.  I gaze up at her, worshiping her for all she was and all she meant to me.

Cassie speaks again at last.  Her voice is low, her tone serious.  “I would like to approach my parents about the marriage Lady Rosa.”

“Oh Cassie.  You rush things my dear.”

“With respect Lady Rosa, I am already twenty and my prospects narrow by the day.  I do not say this lightly.”  She says, her voice respectful yet firm.  “You’ve opened my eyes to another world.  A world I will not find anywhere else near here.  You know this is true.”


“I want you.  I want you both.  And…I believe you desire me as well.”

“Mmm, marriage is not simply about sex and desire my dear.”

“No.  It is also business.”  She replies as if expecting the comment.  “I like him.  My parents like him.  Their estate borders his.  His skills are a boon for them.  Mine a boon for him.  You require a girl to aid you.  I can provide him everything that a wife could offer a mate.  And he could provide me everything I could ever want in a husband.  If you were not put here by the fates than the gods do not exist.”

“You are impatient.”

“Lady Rosa…I have already waited so long.”  Cassie says.  “All this time I didn’t even know what I was waiting for, who I was waiting for, but something told me to just hold on.  Now I know.  Now you are here.”


“How long?”

“How long?”

“How long until you knew that Quin was for you?  Be honest.”

“Oh, well…um.”  Rosa looks down to me and for a moment I could see the pain in her face for not being able to see me.  Oh how I wished I could somehow make myself visible for her.  She tenderly strokes my hair…as tears begin to sparkle at the corners of her magenta eyes!  “I knew he would be mine the moment I saw him.”  She whispers.  “I knew he would be my boy.  He looked so alone…so lost…so scared…yet he was so brave.  I knew it was him.”  She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.  “He saved me.  Not just my life but…my very soul.  He let me see goodness again, and beauty.  He showed me mercy when nobody else would.  He showed me love when I did not deserve it.  He was my single guiding star when all the world had gone black.”  She strokes my face.  “I had lost everything.  Home.  Family.  Everything.  And then…there he was.  My hero.  My boy.  My perfect boy.”

“A gift from the gods.”

“Yes.”  Rosa closes her eyes and collects herself, then reaches down to hug my head and kiss my cheek.  “I love you.”

“I love you.”  I whisper back.

Cassie gives us a few moment to cuddle before speaking again.  “My parents will wish to speak to Quin’s family before any arrangement is agreed to.”

“His family is many days away.”  Rosa says as she rises again.

“Regardless.”  Cassie says.  “They will insist upon it if any dowry is to be given.  The traditions they hold to they hold to strongly.”

Rosa sighs as she ponders Cassie’s words.  “Leave this with us.”  She says.  “We will not be harried into this.  When we’ve made our decision and when the time is right Quin will approach your parents.  Only then will you know our answer.”


“You’ve said your piece.”  Rosa says firmly.  “Now patience.  Patience my dear.”

“Yes Lady Rosa.”

Rosa reaches out her slender hand.  Cassie hurries it take it, clutching it in both of hers.

“I understand my dear.”  Sitting up she strokes Cassie’s long brown locks and kisses her forehead.  “We understand.  We will not leave you stranded Cassie.  You are not alone anymore.”

Cassie lets out a shuddering breath and bows her head low and rests it against Rosa’s chest.  “Thank you Lady Rosa.”

Chapter 67 


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