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Alright gang, I'm outta here.  I hope this isn't too unpolished but I've run out of time.   I'll pop back in to end the polls in the morning and then I am back to the wilderness.  Have an awesome weekend!  


With those three words she lets go of my hair.  Her hands returns to her hips and she stands over me like some all conquering superhero.

Even without the extra support of her hand around the base of the shaft Winona’s Queen-sized cock defies gravity to stand hard and proud!  To see one so huge that was so strong as to be able to stand under its own weight left me all the more in awe.

Slowly my hands raise.  The tips of my fingers flank the thick shaft and very lightly touch it to either side.  My initial contact is tentative as I worried that somehow this wasn’t real and that the moment that I felt her skin against mine I might wake up from this most wonderful dream.  But as I feel the soft warm surface, still ever so slightly moist from being inside of her underwear, I knew that it was real.

My eyes wide and unblinking I slide my fingers up and down the length of her shaft.  She told me to worship her but the words had not been necessary.  My every fiber was telling me to serve and placate such a godly member as this.  Above me I can feel Winona’s eyes peering down on me as she patiently allowed me this moment.  Eddie had always been so impatient for his turn to suck he usually just popped his dick in my mouth right away.  But Winona seemed to understand what this humble position meant for me and was happy for me to luxuriate in it for awhile.  I suspect she understood it because it was doing something for her as well.

With the tip of a middle finger I follow the curling trail of one of her more prominent veins, marveling at how different her cock was from mine, until I hit the base and feel the subtle bristle of her not quite perfectly shaved pubes.  I trace around the stout base then gradually run back up the front

Closing my eyes I lean in and feel the brush up along my nose.  Its weight rests against my brow.  Again I take a long breath in through my nose to take in her pleasant musk more powerful than ever.

“Ohhh Daddy.”  I whisper.

“Look at me baby girl.”  I open my eyes and gaze up at her.  Only my right eye could see as my left was completely occluded by cock.  Winona gazes back down into me and tilts her head just a little.  “Gimme a smile.”  I smile, then giggle.  “That’s my girl.”

One, two, three buttons of her nice collared shirt she unfastens until the fourth is freed to let the shirt hang open.  She had no bra on, she had removed it when she changed into Daddy, and though I cannot see her breasts the gap of fawn skin was as titillating as any flesh I had ever seen.  I gasp as I see her that her skin is also a canvas for a exquisite work of art.   At the base of her sternum, nestled beautifully between the inner contours of her breasts, is the image of a dreamcatcher.  The detail was extraordinary!  At the top it hung from a slender braided string that curved from the dreamcatcher up toward her heart.  The main body of it was a length of willow formed into a perfect circle and held by sinew twine.  Within the circle is a criss-crossing pattern as intricate and fine as a spider’s web.  Below the hoop hung three beaded cords that terminated in long, elegant feathers that looked to be rustling against an invisible breeze.  The feather of the middle strand, longer than the rest, came so low as to just lick the top of her belly button.  There were colors that I could not make out backlit as she was by the fire.  Such was the artistry of the piece that on her tall, powerful body the tattoo wasn’t simply beautiful, it was sacred.

I return my focus back to the member laying over my face.  I nuzzle it.  I sniff it.  I stroke it and I kiss it.  And it responds to the attention!  I smile and giggle each time I make it twitch.  I lick up long one side, adoring how it’s jumbo girth accommodated the whole breadth of my tongue, and the savory taste of cock sweat gets my mouth to watering.  Was there ANYTHING that tasted so good as cock?  Not to me there wasn’t.  Pussy was close and I would never turn my nose up at a nice ass.  But cock?  YUM!

I lick up the other side.  I run my wet lips up and down one side like a harmonica before dipping low to nuzzle in at the base.  I pull the waistband of her underwear lower and greedily nuzzle deep into her scrotum.

“Oh shit!”  Winona gasps as I bury my face in her balls.

I am happy.  So happy.  If she had been like other women I would have been joyous.  Had she a small dick like mine I would have been over the moon.  Had she an average one like Eddie I would have been ecstatic.  But her having this heavy, throbbing cudgel of cock had me in absolute heaven.  The weight of it against my forehead, the way it could lay right from the tip of my chin to the edge of my hairline while covering a third of my face, the way I could smother myself between her massive balls, and the fact that for the moment at least it was ALL mine…I was in a bottom’s paradise.

Sucking against one of her egg sized balls I begin to suckle and slurp as cute needy noises escape me.  “Mmm…mmm…Daddy.”

“That’s it baby girl.  Oh shit.” She gulps.  “Just like that.”

and kiss it before licking right up to the tip.  There I pause.  Looking up at Daddy with a smoky gaze I flick the tip of my tongue up and down at the hole, a move that I’d picked up from Kayla.  But unlike Kayla, I actually had a dick.  I knew what felt good from firsthand experience.  I knew that I could push my tip into the hole for added effect.  What I wasn’t prepared for though was how much wider her dick hole was compared to Eddie’s.  When I jab my tongue in…it actually goes in by a half an inch or more!  Fuck she was big!

Winona lets out a hot, heavy huff as the pleasure I give her send shudders up her long frame.  “Fuck baby!  Ohhh fuck.”

“Mmm.”  I smile and bat my eyes.

“Ohhh baby girl…you look soooo beautiful down there worshiping my cock.”

I gobble up the compliment gladly and with growing confidence.  Normally my insecurities might have left a niggle of doubt but I knew those weren’t just hollow words.  I KNEW how pretty I was right now in my panties and nightie and pretty pink clitty with a nice big dick in my mouth.  But it sure felt good to hear it from her.  I swallow and lick my lips, then give a her tip a tiny smooch.

“Thank you Daddy.”  I coo, batting my big blues once more.

Her brows furrow as she shakes her head.  “Fuuuck Avery.  You are way too fucking good at this.”

Bat, bat, bat.  “What do you mean Daddy?  Isn’t this what you want?”

Keeping my eyes locked on hers I open my lips and wrap them around her huge knob.  My eyes widen as I feel her girth stretch my jaw wider.  She barely fit!  With my left hand I grip the base of her cock, my fingers and thumb at least an inch from meeting around the other side.  There was still so much space between my slender hand and lips.  With my right hand I grip the next bit of shaft and feel the pulse of her heartbeat through the throbbing veins.  Still there was space between my nearest hand and my lips.  And that gap provided me a goal.

I begin to suck.  Slowly and strongly, savoring how her glans swelled against the suction.  I lap and slurp all around its bulk the nibble down with my lips again and again.  This was a trick lip nibbling just the knob I’d learned from Eddie and I knew how amazing it felt.  It filled me pride when I see that pleasure expressed on Daddy’s beautiful face.

“Ohhh Avery.”  She whispers.


Her joy spurs me on.  I push forward until I have her entire tip in my mouth.  I loved how the little ridge of her foreskin tickled my lips.  Wrapping my lips tight I suck even harder and start a very slight forward and back motion.  With the flat of my tongue I grind against her hole firm and steady.  Her cock flexes!  My jaw strains to its limit.  And a blast of pure submissive rapture shoots straight through my soul.  I never knew a cock could feel like this.  It filled my mouth.  It dominated the space so completely that nothing else could fit, as if to say that this place was not a place to be shared.  As if she was claiming my mouth for her and nobody else.

Even though I quietly knew it all along, I am struck with an overriding truth.  I loved big cocks!  I LOVED BIG COCKS!  Feeling one and holding one was so much more powerful than I ever imagined it could be.  That fact it was HER monster cock just made me a slave to it all the more.


With a surge of erotic energy I force myself forward.  I would not stop until my lips touched finger.  Her girth stuffs my maw with all of the cock I could handle, the tip gliding to tease the entrance of my throat.

“Holy shit.  Avery!  Nobody’s ever…OHHHH!”  Winona’s hazel eyes roll back.

Refusing to give up I soldier forward.  My eyes are watering and the hinge of my jaw was screaming but I was so close now.  Just a quarter inch more.  Nothing was going to stop me!

“MRRRMMMM!”  I let out a growling hum of triumph as mouth meets hand.  I gaze up at her with desperate eyes I want only to hear how good I’d done.  Every subby cell in my body wanting, craving, needing Daddy’s approval more than air or water.  Winona does not disappoint.

Her eyes snap back to me to see my mouth stretched so proudly around her cock.  “Fuuuck baby.”  Reaching down she tenderly runs her fingers through my hair and whispers.  “Good girl.  Gooood girl.”

Chapter 45 


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