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Setting down her wine Winona turns and looks at me with scorchingly sultry gaze.  She reaches out to cup the back of my head and slowly pull me in.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh softly through slightly parted lips.

Just half a foot apart she stops and holds me there as her eyes explore my face.  She looks at my hair and my forehead.  She looks along my brow and around my eyes.  She looks at my fine ears then along my smooth cheek.  She looks along my slender nose and then my tapered chin and then pink my parted lips.  She didn’t simply look though.  She caressed me with her gaze.

And as she studies me I stare back in awestruck wonder as the plummy aroma of the wine on her breath mingles with the vanilla on the air to fill my senses.  The warm flickering firelight from the screen made the shadows dance across her regal features.  Over our night together strands long raven black hair had come free to hang loosely to either side of her face giving it a natural frame.  Without her glasses I could see that the bones of her high cheeks and her angular brow gave her a natural and powerful intensity, which in light of a flame was only magnified.  Her nose was wider than my own and had a very subtle downward curve from top to bottom which gave an air of nobility about her.  Her character Ara was a ‘Lady’, and so was she.  Her jaw and chin were feminine and elegant yet so strikingly strong, so much more robust than my own effete bone structure.  Winona wasn’t just bigger than me and stronger than me, she was visibly just plain tougher than me.  Her full perfectly shaped lips beckon to me but I resist their siren call.  She brought me.  She held me.  She was in control.

Once more my arousal strains against its pink prison.  Once more that lust siphons back into the rest of me to light up my body like a bonfire.  If I did not know it was from a television screen I would have sworn the flames fluttering in her wide hazel eyes was coming from me.

Her eyes a bit crossed as they remain focused on my lips she pulls me closer and whispers.  “Sooo soft.”

And then her lips touch mine, but do not yet press.  With just the edges making contact she lets out a hot breath which washes over my cheeks.  Her lips nibble against the edge of just my bottom pouting lip then sucks lightly for a moment before letting go.  She does this again to the my upper lip.  The fingers of the hand that cradled my head gently grip and relax through my hair in an uneven yet natural rhythm.

“Ohhhhh.”  I coo, utterly entranced by her sensual touch.

She turns, guiding me back into the corner of the love seat, and bears down over me.  Pulling back she lets out a hard breath and takes in my face once more.  Looming over me and now silhouetted by the wall of flame behind her with just the pinpoints of candlelight reflected in her eyes to break the umbra’s shadow, the loose strands hair that swayed freely from her brow, she now looked wild and dangerous.  From suave Daddy to fierce huntress in the blink of an eye.  Yet the hand holding my head was just as gentle.  Her strength just as controlled despite her peaking arousal.  She could ravish me right now, she could take me by force if she wanted to, and I would be powerless to stop her.  But I knew that she wouldn’t.  I knew it down to my bones.  I knew that Daddy knew that her baby girl was a soft boy.  But there was something in that knowledge of what she COULD do to me but never WOULD do to me without my consent that made her power not scary, but comforting.  And sexy beyond compare.

With her free hand Winona strokes down my neck, down my cleavage, and down my lean stomach.  Her eyes follow her hand so that she could both see and feel the shape of the lithe body beneath the pretty nightie.

“Ohhhhh.”  I sigh again as her hand leaves a wake of tingling pleasure behind it.  My body moves on its own, leaning back and arching up to meet her touch.  My arms slide up until my wrists cross above my head.  Instantly reading my cue for the submission that it was Winona bring her hand from the back of my head up to take a firm hold of my willowy wrists.  “Ohhhhhh!”  Suddenly she nuzzles up under my jaw to suck at my neck.  “Ohhhh Daddyyyy!”

Her other hand grips at my breast, pulling and groping, the slides down to take a firm grasp of my bare leg.  At my neck the suck becomes a nibble.

“This body was made to be FUCKED.”  She whispers, her hand on my wrists gripping harder.  “Fucked by Daddy.”

“Ohhhhh!”  I swoon in bliss.  “Yesssss!”

Her hand glides up my inner thigh.  With three fingers held tight together Winona begins to rub my pink clit, the tips of her short nails scratching lightly over my scrotum.  As she plays with my clit her mouth finds its way to mine and soon her tongue taps and flicks at my lips like it was a pussy.

“Ohh!  Ohhh!”  Mewling and moaning I try to grasp at her tongue with my lips, occasionally catching it only to have it slip away a moment later.

“You are just going to be just the perfect little slut for Daddy.  Aren’t you little one?”

“Ohhh yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes Daddy!”

Her tongue laps at my mouth as her hand delves lower.  With her palm pressing tightly and grinding slowly on my clit and balls her fingers rub along the sleek fabric of my panties along my sensitive perineum, her long middle digit getting tantalizingly close to my boy hole.  I open my legs wider, like a little slut like me ought to do.  She nips at my bottom lip, holding it in a firm nibble as she pulls then lets it go.  She then bites at my chin, her sharp teeth scraping lightly over my skin.  She pushes harder against my cage as my dick pushes back with all it had from the other side and her middle finger wedges in between my butt cheeks.


She pulls back and lets out a great gasp, her eyes wide and wild.  Panting lightly she huffs.  “Baby…the things you make me want…oh fuck.”  She locks her gaze on mine, staring deep into my soul, and says.  “I want you Sprout!”

“I’m yourrrssss.”  I whimper joyously.

She dives back into me.  Her lips smashing hard into mine.

We kiss.  Really, truly kiss.  Not a titillating peck.  Not a teasing smooch.  A full, honest, passionate lover’s kiss.

Our lips locked her tongue plunges deep into me to find mine.  Even inside of our mouths she was the dominant one.  Her tongue lifts mine and spurs it into life until they are writhing and dancing back and forth within the shared space.  Pinning me beneath her she growls and sucks and kisses me with fiery desire.  Against my side I feel her cock as hard as steel and straining against its denim confines yet free to exert its awesome arousal unlike my own caged clitty dick.  That disparity drove me wild, taking my already soaring lust to even greater heights.  I slide even lower, inviting her weight on top of me, as my arms struggle ever so lightly just so that I could feel her hand holding me helpless.  I mewl and hum in high, soft, pleading tones.  My every submissive sound and movement an act of worship to her superior female power.

But for all the incredible lust there was something else.  Something lifting it.  Surrounding it.  Infusing it.  Something higher and deeper and more fundamental.  Amongst all this kink and lust there were two souls touching for the first time.  Two vulnerable spirits revealed to each other.  A meeting of hearts.  Every other thing about this situation could have been identical, but if this wasn’t Winona Crow on top of me it just wouldn’t have been the same.  It wasn’t her body or cock or dominant strength that made this moment what it was.  It was HER.  SHE made it special.

The joy I feel was beyond compare or description.  If this was not true love’s first kiss…then true love did not exist.

Chapter 43 



Their chemistry is unreal. I love it! Awesome work Grim!


This is lovely. Simple Life is slowly becoming one of your best stories. I love it.


Damn Grim, your communing with the bears last week has really fired you up!


Being denied a keyboard for a couple of days, while torture, never fails to kick my brain into overdrive. I think it allows ideas to stew away in my subconscious or something. I'm heading out again this Thursday so let's see if it happens again. 😄