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Note: Crud, I was hoping to get one more SG2 chapter out before I headed out into the wild.  Ran out of time.  If you don't see anything by Monday or Tuesday I was probably eaten by a bear.  😄  Have a great weekend all!



“I can only think of one way to soften a stubborn clitty.”  She says in a sultry croon.  “That’s to make it feel reeeal good.”

“Mmm.”  I nod.  “B-But I-I thought we weren’t…”

“Shhh.”  She presses a finger against my lips.  “I’m not doing a thing.”  She traces that same finger down over my chin, down my neck and chest and stomach, until it arrives at my closer arm.  Taking it by the wrist she lifts it, moves it, then gently places my hand down over my dick.  “You are.”  Her voice lowers to a whisper.  “I just want to watch.”

“Yes Daddy.”  I whisper back, full to the brim of first time nerves, giddy excitement, and overwhelming arousal.  I slip my hand under the waistband of my underwear, grip my stiff shaft, swallow hard, then pull my penis out into the open.  Gripping it lightly at the base I flex for her to reveal the entirety of my five slender inches.

“Ohhh Sprout.”  Her eyes widen.  “Ohhh Sprout!  It’s beautiful!”

“Mmm.”  I smile, my ruddy knob fattening at the compliment.

Kayla had said some really flattering things about my member, Lauren and Eddie some not so flattering things, but none had ever called it beautiful.  That felt SO nice!  My dick wasn’t big, but neither was I.  Most guys wanted to be long or thick or hung or whatever, but not me.  I wanted to feel cute.  I wanted someone to appreciate my petite penis as the pretty thing that it was.  And boy was I feeling that way right now.  Even more than her words it was that way she looked at me that truly made me feel beautiful.  In Winona’s joyful and lustful expression I saw no falseness and certainly no cruelty.  She liked what she saw.  With her clothed and me nearly nude I had never felt so totally exposed, yet I also felt perfectly safe.  I loved how she looked at my body.  I loved how she looked at my private parts.  She didn’t make me feel funny or inadequate, like I sometimes did with others, with Winona it felt…natural.

“It’s you.  It is so you.  It’s everything…I thought it would be.”  She looks up into my eyes.  “The perfect clit for the perfect girl.”

“Mmmmm.”  I mewl happily.  “I…I d-do have a cute clitty.  D-Don’t I?”

“The cutest!”

“He he he!”

“Okay baby girl.”  She says.  “You just listen to Daddy and she’ll make you feel good.”

“Yes Daddy.”

“Loosen your grip.  Real loose now.”  I do as she says, my already light grip easing up.  A smile flashes just for an instant as she watches me obey her.  She liked how I listened.  In that delighted smile I could see the thrill of sexual exploration.  This was as new to her as it was to me.  This was a shared adventure.  “Good girl.”  She says.  “Now…just your thumb and one finger.  Can you do that for me?”

“Mmm.”  I nod.    Three of my fingers leave my dick with only the pads of my thumb and index finger remaining to hold it.

“Now stroke it for me.”  She says.  “Rub that clitty beautiful girl.”

“Mmm.”  With just one finger and a thumb I begin to stroke myself.

Again the smile flashes.  “That’s good.  A little slower.  That’s it.  That’s it.  Good girl.”

“Ohhhh.”  The moan that drifts from my lips was not from the pleasure of my masturbation but from her bewitching words.  “Am I doing it right?”  I ask, greedy for more.

“Yes.  Just like that.”  She says.  “Keep going.”  As I pleasure myself I gaze on her beauty, so regal and elegant.  I had no exposed breasts or pussy, butt or cock, leg or torso to arouse my libido but I did not care, nor did I need them.  She was so hot just like she was.  I ached to see her body of course, but if this is all she would give me for now I would accept it with gusto.  Her watching and me slowly stroking we sit there for maybe a minute before she speaks again.  “Little higher up now.  Work the tip a little.  That’s it.  Be gentle.  That’s it Sprout.”

My cock flares hard as my thumb rubs my knob, a fat drop of precum beads at the hole.  “See how wet I am for you.”

She laughs softly.  “I see it Sprout.”  She lets out a long hot breath.  “God damn.  This is so fucking hot.”

“Yeah.”  I giggle.

“You are soooo sexy baby girl.”

“Thank you.”  I coo.

“Use your hand now.”  She says, her hazel eyes gleaming.  “Your whole hand.  That’s it.  Just like that.  Keep it slow and light.  Slowwww and easy.”

“Mmmmm.”  Up and down I stroke my arousal.

“You listen so good.”  She croons.  “I like it when you listen.”

“I like it too.”

“Maybe…maybe someday you’ll do that for Daddy.”  She glances down toward the action.  “Would you do it if I asked?”

“Ohh yes!  Yes please.”

“I know you would.”  She licks her lips and swallows.

She watches me, she ogles me, she lusts for me, but not once does she touch me except for where her leg met mine.  I could tell she wanted to.  Very much so.  The way her hand would reach out the ball into a fist and pull back again time and again told me that.  But this seemed an exercise in control as much for herself as for me.  Eventually though it just gets to be too much for her.  Bringing a hand close to my cheek she lingers a moment…then touches the side of my neck so very, very lightly.

“Hah!”  I gasp that most tender of bodily contact.  The fine hairs stand up all down my body, my breath catches and shudders, as tingles spread out across my flesh.  “That feels good!”

“Ohhhh Avery.”  She sighs.  Her eyes explore my face, the middle two fingers of her right hand caress my neck.  “Those eyes.  Those big beautiful blue eyes.  Those sweet little lips.  You could…make a girl…lose herself.”


“How can a boy…be so lovely?”


“So soft.”


“I like soft.”

“I like it toooo.”

“But sometimes…”  Her fingers turn and the next thing I knew her hand was around my neck!  Not choking me, but holding it firmly.

“Ohhhhhh!”  My dick twitches in my stroking grip.

She rises and leans over me to emphasize the size difference between us, her face hovering close to mine.  Her other hand grabs my shoulder and shoves me harder against the back of the love seat.  The care was still there but there was also a power burning in her hazel eyes and I am reminded that while I might be soft Winona had some hard edges to her.  ‘She’d chew you up and spit you out.’  Kayla had warned me.  Right now…feeling her size and strength lording me…that didn’t sound so bad.

“Go faster now.  Rub harder.”

“Yes…Daddy.”  I jerk faster, my grip tightening.

“That’s it.  Rub that clitty hard.  Work it until you squirt.”

“Mmmmm!”  I stroke faster and harder, my hips now getting into the action.  “Ohhhhhh!”

“Good girl.  Keep going.”  She urges me.  “I want to see you in your panties baby girl.  I want to see your clitty all locked up and safe.  I want to see you being so pretty for me.”


“Rub it baby.  Rub that clitty.”




“Faster baby.”


“Ohhh Sprout.”  Gazing deep into my eyes she whispers.  “The things I want to do to you.”


Seeing the rising passion in my face Winona urges me on.  “You’re so close baby.  I can see it.”

“Yessss.”  My hand is a blur up and down my shaft, the growing pressure nearly irresistible.

“That’s it sweet boy, that’s my girl, I wanna see a nice big orgasm.  Cum for Daddy.”

Those last three words start me over the edge.  “Ohhhhhhhhh!”

What happens next takes me completely by surprise.  “Stop!”


Grabbing my wrists Winona pulls my hands away from my body and holds them firmly at my sides.  And she picked a heck of a time!  Despite my hand no longer there to stimulate it my dick had already crossed the point of no return.

“NNNNGH!”  I try to stop it but semen had already begun oozing from my tip.  “Ohhhh gahhhh.”  I writhe and moan, my hips thrusting into nowhere, as mentally I shift from holding back to letting loose and I find that wasn’t possible either!  Caught in an agonizing middle zone nut and no nut I quiver and whimper and watch my twitching, dribbling dick search desperately for any sort of contact.  “Hnnngh!  OHHH GNNNGHHHH!!!”   It was unlike anything I’d ever felt.  There was none of that wholly satisfying BURST of blissful release that came with climax, instead it turned into a sputtering, whimpering petering out of the sexual energy that had built up during masturbation.  There is no great shot, the cum that does eke out simply pools beneath my tip.  “PBBPPTTTFFFTT!”

Winona, seemingly as surprised as I was and not sure of what to do, continues to hold wrists and watches my sweet torture.

My dick goes still with my half full balls still lamely trying to expunge more but denied, the smell of spunk fills the air, and too soon it is over leaving me spent but unrewarded.  Instead of that usual warm afterglow I still feel horny, but impotently so.

After a stunned moment Winona lets me go and sits back.  Her hands covers her mouth and her wide guilty eyes look down on my mess.  She looked like a kid who had just smashed her parent’s car.


“I’m sorry!”  She says through her hand.  “I’m so sorry!”

“What was that?”  I laugh.

“Pfff.”  She holds back own laugher.  “It’s called a ruined orgasm.”  She covers her face completely.  “That wasn’t what I meant to do!”

“What were you trying to do?”

“Just…deny you a few times.  I always wanted to try it.  I got the idea and…I just sorta went for it.”  She sputters, her attempt to not laugh only making it harder to stop.  “I’m terrible!  He he he.  I’m so bad at this!  He he he.  I…uh…er…Ooops!”  She clamps her lips shut, looks at me, then starts to crumble entirely.  “Pfff, he he he he!”

I cock my brow.

“Don’t look at me like that!  Ha ha ha!  I’m sorry, okay?  Ha ha ha ha!  But…but…GAH!  You looked so CUUUUTE!  HA HA HA!”

I grin.  “You think so?”

“YES!  The way you were…the way it just sorta…the faces you…that noise you…ha ha ha ha!”  She laughs a good wholesome laugh.  I knew too well the mocking laugh of a bully and this was not it.  She was laughing at the situation, not at me.  “HA HA HA HA!”

I start to giggle with her.  I mean, what else could I do at this point?  Besides, it was kinda funny.  “He he he he.”

“What was it like?”  She asks.  “Did it hurt?”

“Not exactly.”  I say.  “It was…different.”

“Good different or…?”

“I…I don’t know.”  I confess.  Speaking purely physically it had easily been the worst orgasm of my life, and yet…somehow it was great.  Her watching me struggle and holding my arms so that I was helpless made up for the rest.  “It was…kinda…hot?”

She smiles brightly.  “So fucking hot.”

“Well, at least the mess is smaller.”

“Pffft!  Ha ha ha ha ha!”  She slaps my leg, ebullient at my humor and greatly relieved that I wasn’t upset by our little mishap.  “That’ll have to do.”  She gives me a shake and watches my slightly softening sex jiggle.  “Now we gotta shrink that clitty down to size.”

“I’m not sure it’s gonna cooperate.”

Pushing up off the love seat she grabs my hand and pulls me along behind her.  “Nothing a cold shower won’t fix.”


Chapter 40 


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