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It is Tuesday at noon.  The brilliant sun is high in the sky and I am dressed to impress with a bouquet of flowers in my hand as I wait in the cool shade beneath the big oak in center of the main quad.  Around me students and professors bustle this way and that on their way to classes.  I scan the crowd looking for the telltale black and white of the woman I was waiting for.

It had been three days since that crazy night with Phi Upsulon Tau Alpha Sorority nuns.  After the coziest and most exceptional sleep of my entire life amongst those six college beauties.  The next morning I was sneaked out of the building in the full habit of one of their order.  At Jenna’s cheeky insistence the outfit had to include EVERYTHING for verisimilitude.  As I walked out, or hobbled out really, with a set of Phoebe’s under things on beneath the robes and my own clothes my panty raid had turned out to be a successful one.  I ditched the habit where I’d been told to and then it was back into the real world.  After that dreamlike evening it was strange returning to classes like nothing had happened.

Back at the fraternity house I am welcomed with rollicking laughter and a million and one questions.  And since they were such assholes to me I decide to be one right back and refuse to answer a single one of their queries.  Despite begging and pleading and downright bribery I let my whereabouts that night remain a mystery.  At first I saw jealousy in their eyes but eventually somebody started a rumor that they’d spotted me at a nearby motel and that became the ‘official’ version.  I didn’t care what they believed honestly.  After that nasty prank that could have ended in some serious consequences on my end I was already planning my exit.

I’d had no contact with the sisters since that night.  I learned before leaving that they weren’t allowed personal phones and male visitors were strictly forbidden.  In fact I was told in no uncertain terms by Jenna NOT to even try to interact with them out in the real world and that if I did it would mean punishments for them.  This order of theirs controlled everything.  It turned out that their lives and schedules were as regimented as a maximum security prison!  Once in the hallway I’d passed by Bronx in the intervening days but she barely gave me a nod of recognition as she passed by.

I couldn’t talk to them but Lord did I think about them.  In fact they were all I could think about.  The first two days my aching ass, chafed penis, and sore balls was a constant reminder of their amorous attentions but even today they were rarely far from my thoughts.  Especially a certain green-eyed redhead.  And when she came to mind a smile would always follow.  She told me she loved me.  She said it too soon and too easily, but damned if I could get my heart to dismiss her sweet words.  Master she had called me.  But would she do my bidding and meet me here as I’d ordered?

As the twelve o’clock chimes ring from the campus chapel my nervousness turns to fear.  Was Ariel simply held up?  Had she forgotten?  Had all those sweet looks and sweeter words just been for play?  Did she really have any feelings for me?  As the final bell tolls my fears begin to congeal around my heart.  I should have known it was too good to be true.  I mean, a girl like that?  A guy like me?  What kind of fool was I?

“Mister!”  Ariel breaks through a group of volleyball players and comes running for me, arms outstretched.  “Oh Mister.  You came!”

“Ariel!”  My heart SOARS.

To my surprise she was not in her black and white uniform but a really pretty floral dress which hugged her voluptuous body beautifully.  No wonder I hadn’t seen her.  Her red hair was radiant under the noon hour sun and her green eyes sparkled like emeralds.  And as she slips into my arms her thick body is just as warm and soft as I remembered it.  We hug each other tight, each of us excited to see where this forbidden meeting might lead.

“Tommyyyy!”  Comes Pip’s gleeful chirp.  “There’s our boy.”

Looking up I see Ariel’s best friend approaching in a short skirt and scandalous yellow crop top!  There was no way in hell that outfit was convent approved.  As far I’d been told they weren’t even allowed to be out of their habits in public.


It is then I notice behind her Jenna in a sharp looking skirt and collared shirt, Phoebe in a breezy blue sundress, Bronx in a tank top and a brazen stars and stripes skirt, and Izumi in a super cool looking quasi-modern kimono.  Each of them, Ariel included, carried with them a stuffed to the brim book bag.  Based on how they bulged I didn’t believe they were full of books.

I look down to Ariel and back to the others as they approach, all smiles.  With the exception of Izumi of course, though there was none of the derision in her from the first time we’d met.  In her dark eyes I now saw…respect.  They pat my back and shoulders and clutch at my arms greeting me as they would an old and dear friend.  Damn did that feel nice.

“Pip!  Jenna.  Phoebe.  Bronx.  Izumi.”  I say, equally overjoyed to see them.  “What’s going on?”

Jenna grips my shoulder, her stormy gray eyes twinkling with excitement.  “If Ariel goes…so do we all.”

“Yeah!  We’re sisters.  Sisters to the end.”  Pippa states.

“If she’s got the cojones, so do I.”  Bronx thumps her chest.

“Meh.”  Phoebe shrugs.  “I had nothing better to do today.”  The others laugh, a nervous yet uplifting laugh.  Izumi remains silent.

“Goes?”  I say.  “What…what’s going on?”

“Ariel’s running away.”  Jenna says.  “To be with you.”


Blushing Ariel bows her head and backs away a step.  In a tiny voice she whispers.  “It’s the only way.”

“Running away?”  I say, dumbfounded.  “You’re leaving the sisterhood?”

Ariel looks up at me nervously and nods.

“Oh my…Ariel!”

“Not leaving.”  Jenna says.  “Left.  It’s already done.”

“You should have heard what I said to Mother Superior!”  Pippa giggles.  “I’ve never seen a face turn so red!  Ha ha ha ha!  I’ve been waiting so long to let her have it.”  She puffs out her perky bosom.  “Then I kicked her right in the nuts!”

“Speaking of.”  Says Phoebe.  “We should really get moving.”

“Moving?”  I say, my head spinning from this revelation.  They all did this, changed the course of their whole lives, because of me!?

“You notice you don’t see women like us out here in the world?  That’s not by accident.”  Jenna says.  “We’re not allowed among the…well, you folk.”

“We gotta run.  We gotta hide.  And we gotta be quick about it.”  Bronx says as she peers cautiously over the crowd.  “Once the bishop finds out, which he probably already has, we’ve got an hour tops before a team is sent.”

“Team?  I don’t understand.”

“We wanna have fun Tom.”  Pippa says.  “We wanna do things other girls do.”

“We wanna have phones and drink and go to theaters and get normal jobs.”  Phoebe says.

“And maybe even have…a family.”  Whispers a blushing Ariel.

“We just want to LIVE.”  Jenna says with passion.  “Really live.”

Pippa spreads her arms and twirls in place.  “We wanna be freeeee!”

“And we want to fuck men.”  Bronx states bluntly.  On this there is collective agreement.

I was flummoxed.  I didn’t honestly know what to say.  Looking to the one who had thus far remained quiet I ask.  “You too?”

Izumi shifts, uncomfortable with the sudden attention.  “You…opened my eyes.”  She takes a long, deep breath.  “You let me…see some things I had chosen to be blind to.”  Izumi looks around at the passers by as if seeing these sons of Adam and daughters of Eve for the first time.  “God is not to be found in words and stories but…in people.  We are ALL made in his image.”  She looks back to me.  “All of us.”

“Uh, wow.  I did that?”

“Yes.  You did.”  She answers, then lets out a huffing confession.  “Besides.  I love my sisters.”

“Aww, Izumi!”  Pippa grins and throws her arms around the bristling Asian.  “We love you too!”  She smooches her cheek.

“What about your studies?”  I say.  “You’re in your last year.”

“Fuck’em.”  Says Bronx.  “We’ll figure shit out as we go.”

“Oh geez.  Do you even know how to live outside the convent?  Do you have a plan?  Contacts?  Anything?”

“Erm.”  Jenna laughs.  “We’ve got you.”


“You’re free to join us if you want.”  She says.  “If you think you can handle a harem of horny ladies.”

“A HAREM!?”  I drop my voice as heads turn our way.  “Are you all crazy?”

“Not crazy Tom.”  Pippa says grimly.  “Desperate.”

“I can’t just…leave.”  I say.  “What about my degree?  What about my future?  What about…about…”

“You don’t have to come with us Master.”  Ariel says, laying her hands on my chest.  “It’s okay.  You should stay here and be safe.”

“Safe?”  I say.  “Wait.  You’re leaving Ariel?”

“Just for a little.”  She says softly.  “But…I’ll get your phone number.  Your email.  And…if I can, I’ll come back to you as soon as possible.”  She smiles, a scared yet caring smile.  “I…I’d still like to be your angel…if that’s okay.”

“You are my angel.”  I say.  I bring the flowers up and hand them to her.

Beaming with joy she takes them and cradles them to her body.  “Ohhh.”  A warm feeling spreads through all the sisters at seeing Ariel receiver her gift.

“Listen.”  I say.  “I sympathize but…I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.  You don’t know the real world.  It’s tough out here.  And I don’t think you can just disappear like in a movie.  Bank accounts, records, all that stuff, you’ll be figured out eventually.  Do you even have any money?”  The women look back and forth at each other, taken aback by my words.  “This is madness!”  I had shaken the good feelings we’d been sharing right down to the ground.  Joy is quickly replaced by choking fear.

“Shit.”  Grunts Bronx as she looks down at her flag patterned skirt.  She rubs the red and white stripes with her hand like she was saying goodbye to old glory.  “If that’s the case we gotta get back while we still can.  Maybe we can plead insanity.”

“After what I said to Mother Superior?  After what I did!?”  Pippa peeps in genuine terror.  “Ohhhh noooo.”

“It’s already too late.”  Phoebe says, even her deadpan cracking with fear.  “We’re fucked.  I can’t even imagine the punishments we’ll…”

“No!”  Says Jenna, hard steel in her gray gaze.  “We’ve made our decision. It’s now or never.  You all can go back…but I’m going.”

“But Jenna…”  Starts Phoebe.

Stepping forward Izumi puts a hand on Jenna’s shoulder and looks around to each of the others.  “We are in God’s hands now.  If we stay true to him and to each other…we will find a way.”

All goes still.  Around us the thinning crowd continues on with their Tuesday as under the boughs of this huge oak a momentous and sobering decision is agreed without a single word spoken.

Pippa turns to me and takes my hand.  “Come with us?  Please?  You know things.  It won’t be as scary if you’re…”

“Pip.”  Ariel says softly.  “He’s not a part of this.  They don’t know about him.  This isn’t his sacrifice to make.”  She turns back to me.  “I will think about you…always.  When it is safe I will call you.  I will come see you.  I promise you I will…if I can.”

“If you can?  If?”

“I’ll miss you Tom.”  Pippa says sadly.  “And your cute little pecker.”

“It’s been a bang bitch boy.”  Bronx slaps my shoulder.  “Thanks for the hot anal sex.”  A passing professor nearly stumbles over his feet almost spilling his armful of books over hearing that, then hurries on with strange looks back our way.

Izumi straightens up and bows, the first Japanese thing I’d seen her do.  “I am in your debt.  Thank you.”

“N-No…thank you.”  I stammer.  We were saying goodbye?  This was all happening so fast!

“Remember.”  Phoebe winks.  “No matter what else happens…I’ll always be your first.”  She pops her finger out of her mouth.  “I got your cherry.”

“Uh, yeah.”  She was saying it like she wanted to be sure that I remembered her.  As if I might not see her again!

“All this from a stupid ass panty raid.  God certainly has a sense of humor.”  Jenna takes my hand and shakes it.  “Before we go. What is your name frat boy?”

The other five gather around her, eager to hear my response.  I stand shaking Jenna’s hand and look around to each of them, each of these beautiful, vivacious, sexy as fuck and hung like horses women.  These six wonderful women that I’d known for just one magical night…that were about to walk out of my life.  Possibly forever.

Continuing to shake Jenna’s hand I say at last.  “Tom.  My name is Tom.”

“Pffft!”  Pippa titters.  “What?  Really!?”

“Well we need aliases, don’t we?”  I smile.  “Mister Thomas Thumb.  Mmm, last name might need some work.”

“Alias!”  Pip’s eyes light up.

“We?”  Gasps Ariel.

“I found my angel.”  I say to her.  “Do you really think I’m letting you go that easily?”

“Ohhhh!”  With tears in her eyes she hugs me tight.  You better believe that I hugged that girl back with all I had.

“Ha ha!  That’s our guy.”  Bronx says proudly.  “You fucking legend.  I knew you wouldn’t abandon us.”

“Our own boy!”  Pip claps.

“Our man.”  Jenna smiles.

“Our savior.”  Izumi nods slowly.

“It’s a harem life for us bitches.”  Phoebe quips as she slides on a pair of dark shades.  “I hope you’re ready dude.”

We all laugh and share a big group hug.

“We gotta move.”  Says Jenna.  “Now.”  She looks to me.  “Do you need to go to your room and get anything?”

I shake my head no.  “I got my car keys, my wallet, and my phone.  I’m good to go.”

“A car!”  Says Pippa excitedly.

“It’s gonna be cozy.”  I laugh as I pull the keys from my pocket and dangle them in front of me.  “But we’ll fit.”

Bronx snatches them up in an instant.  “I’m drivin!”

The whole group of us begin to move.  I catch more than a few jealous looks from some of the guys passing by, a couple of which were from my frat house.  Though I didn’t understand all the details deep down I knew this was a bad thing, being spotted by people I knew with these refugee nuns, but the stunned looked on their faces as they watched me pass with all these hotties around me and with a drop dead gorgeous red-head on my arm made me walk a whole lot taller.  If things went well they would never see me again. I couldn’t even imagine the stories that would be told.

“You sure about this?”  Jenna asks as we hustle.  “It’s not too late.”

Pulling Ariel closer to my side I look over to Izumi.  “We will find a way.  God willing.”

Izumi smiles.  “Amen.”

The End…?



This is my fav short so far! Petition for a part 2 someday down the line! xD


I would also very much enjoy a part 2


I'd like to see an epilogue of sorts from like 6 months later when they've settled into things.


I don't know. I think half the fun would be watching the gang trying to get the hang of regular life. 😆


"And then our main character had his internal organs lovingly bruised by an entire harem of supernaturally attractive women with huge penises every day, forever. The End." But in all seriousness, you always write the happiest endings.


Well that horror CYOA might put an end to my perfect run of happy endings. LOL

clay william

Izumi had the biggest post nut clarity I have ever seen. Awsome stuff as always Grim, now I want more of this group!!!


It was more seeing the image of her crucified savior in 'Tom', but a good hard nut certainly didn't hurt her change of heart either. lol