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Izumi does not leave my challenge unmet.  With a very subtle yet very evil grin she walks around behind me to assume position.



She slaps both hands down, one on each cheek, then spreads me wide.  I grip the ropes harder as I prepare myself.  She spits on my hole more for the insult of it than to actually lubricate anything and the next moment her fist thick knob is tight against me.  I try to relax.  I try to open up for her.  But Izumi wasn’t going to give me any more time to prepare.  One arm around my waist and one hand holding her fat shaft she was already forcing her way in.

“Nnnngh.”  I groan as my anus is rent asunder by this biggest and baddest of all of the monster cocks swinging under this roof.

“Take it sinner.”  Izumi growls.  “Give your heart to Jesus but your ass is ours.”


Sister Izumi was visibly equally thick as Pippa but somehow she felt even bigger.  The slightly different shape, the incredible hardness, I couldn’t say what the difference was but holy FUCK was she stretching me!  And as I feel more inches cram through my taut hole I cannot hold back the agonizing ecstasy.

“Fuuuuuuckkkk!!!”  I growl.  “You’re tearing me uuuuup!!!”

“Shhhh.”  Hiss a few of the sisters.

“Hmmmm.”  I clamp my lips shut, my warbling whimper muted through them even as my asshole screams.  “MMMMM!”

“Aww, what’s the matter?”  Smack!  Izumi spanks my ass.  “Giving up so soon, sinner?  I’m not even half way.”

“Hmmmm.”  I whine and shake my head.

“Beg for mercy and…”

I shake my head more vigorously…then push back to take two more inches.  “MMMMM!!!”

“He’s determined.”  Laughs Phoebe.

“He’s a slut.”  Corrects Jenna.  “Shit frat boy.  Nobody’s ever taken it all.  You’ll be a legend if you do.”

Izumi’s hands grip tighter as she feeds a few more inches to stretch my straining bowels to near bursting.  Word could not express this feeling of fullness.  She told me to give my heart to Jesus but right now I had no room inside of me for the holy spirt.  I was stuffed to the brim with cock!

“HRRMMM!!!”  I force myself back to skewer myself a couple more inches.  “Ohhhhh Goooood!”  My body trembling I am rocked by a hard pulsing orgasm that is entirely anal in its origin and its expression.  “Ohhhhhhhh!!!”

Mistaking my blissful agony for mere suffering Izumi laughs a cold, heartless laugh.  “Beg male.  Beg for mercy and forgiveness.”


Gasps of surprise are let out around the room along with a grunt of annoyance from behind.  Another inch and another and another of ass straining girth pack into my chute, and my God the depth!  I thought she was going to keep going until she came out of my fucking throat!

“I can see it!”  Titters Pippa, pointing at long shape distending my sweaty belly.

“Mrrrrnnngh.”  Izumi grunts as she pushes the final few inches.  As I feel her hips meet my cheeks the sensation of satisfying accomplishment is like nothing else.  In my mind’s eye I can still see that rock hard anaconda, impossibly huge, and now it was inside of me.  Hallelujah!

“Lord Almighty…he took it all!  He actually took it all!”  Says Bronx.

“I knew he could.”  Ariel says.

“Our Tom can do anything!”  Cheers Pip.

“Maybe all men are like this?”  Phoebe wonders.

“Nah, this boy’s special.”  Answers Jenna.  “This one’s a true cock whore.”

From Izumi there is no pride nor scorn.  Having never felt the satisfaction of going full hilt even she had to take a second to enjoy the moment.  “Ohhhh…he…feels…soo goooood.”  Izumi groans as her fully buried cock flexes to its absolute put me on the verge of bursting.

I might of replied if I wasn’t being wracked by another all encompassing anal climax.  “Haaaahhhhhhh!!!”

Izumi couldn’t care less about my convulsing orgasm, she was far too consumed with her own pleasure.  She pulls a foot, a full fucking foot, back and still she was securely snug inside of me.  That sensation of being plunged out by a monster cock leaving me to quiver still mid-climax.  She pauses and builds up her energy…then slams back into me.

Bap!  “Hah!”  Izumi gasps at that special joy of truly being able to follow through to full thrust.  One wasn’t enough though.  There comes another.  Bap!  “Ohh!”  And another.  Bap!  “Hahhh!”  And another.  Bap!  “Mmmmm!

“Ohhhhhh.”  I moan like the shameless slut I am.

“So tight.”  She says.  “So good.”

“Now she understands.”  Chuckles Jenna.

“Ohhh Lucifer.”  Izumi whispers as she presses as deep as she can and flexes to full power once more, sending me over the brink yet again.  “You have defeated me.”

And with that…Izumi begins to fuck me in earnest.  Bap!  Bap!  Bap!  Bap!  The clap of flesh on flesh rings clears as I swing to the hard steady rhythm, my half flaccid cock swaying like a pendulum and dribbling like a leaky faucet.

“…ahhhhh…hahhhh…oahhhh…”  Moaning, drooling, and anally cumming one on top of the next Izumi’s deep delving schlong destroys me body and soul.  I thought my mind had blanked with hard fucking Bronx, and it had, but this was another level.  Already fucked down, fucked up, and fucked every which way by the previous five sisters I had nothing left physically, mentally, or spiritually to give.  All I could do it take.  It is a dissolution of my mind.  I am no longer there.  I am nothing more than a hole to be fucked.  And it is glorious.  Simply put, Izumi breaks me.  “…hhhhaaaahhhhh…”

After Lord knows how many hard orgasms I was flagging badly and after a particularly powerful one my strength leaves me completely.  Mewling and panting, tongue hanging out and eyes staring off into nowhere, my body gives up as my mind had already done.  My weary muscles turned to jelly I collapse.  Only the ropes keep me from face planting on the hard wood floor.


“I think she killed him.”  Come Phoebe’s deadpan quip.

“Shit.”  Jenna says.  “You done frat boy?”

Out of my mind I let out weak mad laugh and shake my head.  “Not…until…she’s…done.  I…always…finish.”

“What a fucking champ.”  Bronx laughs.

Smack!  Izumi lays a spank on my ass.  It didn’t even sting anymore, it only felt good.  “Hold him up.  I’m not far off now.”

The next thing I knew I was in the arms of Ariel, her soft warm body pressed into mine as she tried to hold me up.  A moment later comes more arms and more bodies.  It was all of them!  All five of the other sisters now surrounding me.  Holding me.  Groping me.  Kissing me.  The supple female bodies and hard female penises rubbing all over me.  I am smothered with their support and affection.  Ariel is holding my face and kissing my lips, Pip’s on her knees licking my leg, Phoebe is at my side nibbling my ear and groping my pec, Bronx is on the other holding my weight up in one hand and squeezing my cherries with the other, Jenna is nuzzled into my neck sucking it while rubbing her tits against me and jerking my little pecker roughly, and of course Izumi is behind me gripping my hips and stuffing my ass to it’s very limit.  And in my ears all their lovely voices, soft and crooning, all meld into each other.  “So sexy.”  “Perfect little fuck toy.”  “My favorite cutie dick.”  “Sluttiest cock whore on campus.”  “He even tastes good.”  Though Ariel’s dulcet tones do stand out from the rest.  “I love my Master.”

In the daze of endless orgasms and being engulfed in all this womanly love I know just one thing.  Heaven exists.  And I had found it.

Bap!  Bap!  Bap!  Bap!

Izumi fucks me into total orgasmic oblivion.  The last thing I remember before blacking out is Izumi blasting her massive, hot lady load deep in my guts.


“There he is.  He’s coming around.”

I slowly open my eyes open and find myself on a bed with six beautiful nightie wearing nuns looking down at me with concern in their eyes.

“Wh…what happened?”  I gasp.

“You came in and shouted ‘Panty Raid’ then slipped and knocked your fool head on the window sill.  You’ve been out for almost an hour minutes.”

I blink and think back.  The nuns, their dicks, all that hot, messy sex.  Had it all been a dream!?


“Ahhh, I’m fucking with ya frat boy.”  Laughs Jenna.  “We fucked the shit out of you and you passed out.”

Kneeling down beside me Ariel lays her soft hands on my chest.  “We let you rest while we cleaned you up.”  She kisses my cheek.  “How are you?”

“Mmmm.”  I stretch my wrung out body.  I felt hollow, spent, totally used up, and fucking amazing.  “Sore, but…ohhhhhhh, so good.”

“Mmm.”  Ariel smiles and crawls up to snuggle in beside me.  Putting my arm around her I pull her close.

“I want some of that.”  Says Pippa as she crawls over to the other side.  She cuddles up too as I hug her to me.

“Room for everyone.”  I sigh happily.

Another bed is moved to beside this one and one by one the other nuns, even a reluctant Izumi, join us until we are all a big tired and contented mass of humanity.

Staring up at the ceiling, a smile as big could be on my beaming face, I let out long joyous breath and say.  “Praise the Lord.”

“Amen.”  The six sisters says as one.

After the warm laughter subsides there is a long collective sigh, followed a moment later by Pippa’s sweet voice.  “Can I have another turn?”



10/10 what an amazing chapter! Loved it when they all gathered round to support him :3