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“He is not your Master!”

“Izumi.  Chill.”  Jenna says.


“Judge not lest ye be judged.”  Jenna reminds her.  “Let her have her moment with him.  This is her time.”

Stewing at what she saw as blasphemy the zealous Asian’s jaw clenches as she swallows her words.  Ariel’s confidence shrinks under the glower of her domineering roommate.  Her eyes fall, her head bows and her fat cock visibly softens.

“Ariel.”  I whisper.

“Yeah?”  She looks back up.

I pat the bed beside me.  “Come here.”

Gentle as the request was Ariel immediately brightens and snaps to it as if it were a hard command.  “Yes Mister!”  She hurries onto the bed beside me and curls up facing me.

I slip an arm around her soft, curvaceous body and my face so close to hers that the tips of our noses touch.  There I hold her and gaze deeply into her glimmering green eyes.  She shudders as I my hand up and down her delectably chubby body.  She felt SO good.  As I feel her I decide what to do with her.  She wasn’t like the others.  She wanted something different from me.  As I admire her ruby hair and emerald eyes and ivory flesh…I decide to try my best to give her what she wants.

“You are mine now.”  I say as my fingers glide up along her neck and over her cheek.  “You are alllll mine.”

Her eyes widen, her hands grip at my chest, and between us her briefly flagging cock surges back to full arousal.  “Oh!”

My hand snaps down to grip onto her wrist.  I rise to my knees lifting her arm as I go.  I pull her arm around to her other side and pin it down to the bed beside her head.  Without even being asked her other hand come up to a similar position.  This one too I grab by the wrist and press down.  I know knelt over her prone form, staring down at her wide-eyed, slack-jawed expression I hold her down with real strength.

“Your heart might belong to him.”  I motion toward the cross.  “But your body is mine.”

“Ohhhh.”  She moans, her hard cock straining with power and her soft body writhing beneath me.  “Yes Mister!  Yes!”

“What did he say?”  Whispers Pip in disbelief.  Though I could not see her I swear I can feel Izumi’s eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

I straddle the awestruck Ariel, sitting straight down on her cock and pressing it hard into the supple flesh of her tummy.  “Ohhhhh!”

Roughly I bring her wrists together over her head and, leaning my weight forward, hold them down together in one of my hands.  The other comes down to grab one of her huge breasts, which I squeeze.  My fingers sink into the fair flesh.  “I am going to have you Ariel.  And you are going to thank me when I am done with you.”

“Yesss Masssterrrr.”  She says in a mesmerized sigh, every ounce of fight draining from her as she submits completely.

My sudden proactive dominance had taken all of the sisters completely off guard.  They weren’t prepared for their boy toy to suddenly have a will of his own.  I had to confess that it felt good to leave them speechless for a change.  That doesn’t last long though.

“Now hold the fuck on there little man.”  Bronx’s iron grip slaps down onto my shoulder as she readied herself to throw me across the room.  “You can’t manhandle us like that.”

“NO!”  Ariel gasps.  “Let him.  Let him!”

“He’s just giving her what she wants.”  Says Jenna.  “Leave him be.”

“Alright.”  Bronx’s hand eases up.  “But if you hurt her…I hurt you.”

Without breaking eye contact with Ariel I say.  “She’s in good hands.”  I then lean down to kiss her hard on the lips.

“MMMMM!”  She moans as I plunge my tongue through her lips.

“What!?  Kissing was an option?”  Pippa chirps.  “Darn it!  I want a kiss now.”

“He’s really getting into this.”  Phoebe says.  “Despite his shortcomings he might be an okay lover.”

“He has experience in the outside world.”  Bronx says.  “Out there you gotta have game.  Or so I’ve heard.”

“I warned you all that he was a creature of sin.”  Izumi grumbles.  “I hope Ariel is strong enough to resist his wiles.”

“You worry too much.  He’s no sin, he’s just some stupid bastard who got caught.  He’s just a bit of fun.”  Jenna says.  “Although…I do like his spirit.  You hear him give me sass after I nutted?  I hate to admit it but it was kind of…cute.  Frat boy here is no wilting flower.”

“Watch yourself Jenna.”  Izumi warns.

“He’s fun.”  Pippa says.  “Ooo!  Maybe we ought to think about keeping him as a house boy.”

As this was happening Ariel was melting beneath me.  As I kissed her she opened up to me, giving herself to me in a way I’d never experienced before.  This poor, beautiful woman had clearly been starving for the controlling touch of a man.  I was only too happy to feed that desire.

I pull up and break our kiss leaving her gasping for breath.  “Take me Master!”

Sidling back I release her cock from under my body.  “Lube yourself my Angel.”

“Angel!?”  She smiles the biggest, brightest smile I’d ever seen.  “Yes Master!”

The moment I release her she reaches around in search of the lube.  A helpful Bronx puts it into her hand.  Scrambling to obey she squirts a big stream of the stuff all over her 13 inch schlong and most of her belly and tits.  Unable to resist the temptation I fondle her boobs and get them all shiny and slippery.  Her soft mounds felt awesome as they slipped through my grip.  As I do this she works her tool and gets it ready for me.

“Like this Master?”

“Just like that my Angel.”  I say.  “Good girl.”


I pull her cock so that it stood straight up like a flag pole, her extreme hardness providing an impressive amount of resistance as I did so.  God damn, this girl could life weights with this thing.  I rise up and position myself over her.  While she was the longest yet her girth was less than Pippa’s so I knew I could take her.  Pressing her bulky knob against my thrice fucked hole…she slips right on in.

“Rrrrrrm.”  I groan as I sink down on top of her and feel that glorious fullness once more.

“Ohhh Masssster.”

Taking her forearms in my hands I lean forward and again pin her beneath me as I begin to ride her.  Her thick, buxom body looked so fucking hot gleaming under me, each minor movement causing her softness to ripple and jiggle.  The flush across her freckled cheeks was so sexy.  And her cock, reaching into areas none of the others had touched, was bliss.  I was getting into the groove now.  Working my ass like I’d seen women do their pussy.  And her dick was one I could relish.  Thick but not crazy thick and long enough to let me savor the ass stretching journey up and down it’s length while probing sooo wonderfully deep.  Having control like I did allowed me to test and experiment and find the angle and speed that I liked.  Moving slowly and rhythmically I get a really nice flow going, gentler than with the others but just as satisfying.  This was just awesome!

Looking once more into those bright, verdant eyes I see such a pure and sweet soul inside of her.  Except for long, hard breaths and the occasional mewl of pleasure Ariel remains perfectly still and perfectly silent.  I was in full control and that is how she liked it.  She just gazes up into me with her wide eyes and blinking every seven or eight strokes.  There was something about the way she looked at me…uh oh!

Her full lips silently mouth the words.  ‘I love you.’

I shake my head no.  Leaning down I slide my cheek along hers and whisper softly into her ears so that the others could not hear.  “I am just here for a night Ariel.”

She buries her face into my neck and whispers back.  “Let me be your angel Master.”

What should I say?  What could I say?  I never thought a woman so gorgeous would fall in love with me.  Without even knowing my name or seeing my face, Ariel had professed those three special little words to me.  Maybe that was why.  Right now I was a blank slate upon which she could project all of her hopes and fantasies.  I was touched, deeply touched, and a little bit sad.  What had this sisterhood done to poor Ariel for her to be so desperate for a man?  But even more concerning at the moment…were my own confused feelings.


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