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Hello my lovelies,

It's end of month update time again.

The first and most important bit of news is that Patreon billing has been paused for one month as of today.  During this time you may see a more relaxed pace as I get a few other things done (though maybe not).  April 30th billing will commence as usual.

During this next month I plan to hammer out the new tiers and benefits.  More news on that once I figure it out for good.  The basic $5 tier will be shifting to getting access to the "active" stories I am working on.  Beyond that though I'm still mulling it over.  I also hope to get some book covers figured out for publishing and maybe even find some time to get to that chyoa story I've got in the shop right now.

Going forward I will be continuing both current Serials, Slave Girl 2 and A Simple Life, and carrying on with the short Panty Raid.  I've got a cuckold story three quarters finished that I might start releasing in the next month as well.  Not sure how many of you are even interested in this stuff anymore though as the Patreon has kind of become a purely futa focused one.  We'll see how it goes.

Ummm, I think that's about it for now.  Thank you all so much for your support and likes and comments and just all around awesomeness.  I hope April treats you well.

Stay kinky, curious, and kind.  ❤




If it's futa cuck I'd be down. 😁


You and most of the others I'm guessing. lol Good to know though. 👍


Not a fan of cuckolding.