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My heart pounding I stand hunched in the dark cramped closet out in the room the six nuns whispered among themselves.  I knew they were talking about me and what they were going to do with this foolhardy dope who had come diving into their room in the dead of night.  Unlike them I was not the religious sort but after being told in no uncertain terms what trouble potentially lay ahead of me by Jenna I find myself praying that they show mercy on me.  Though another part of me, the part hanging between my legs, could not help but be curious about what Bronx meant when she said ‘Let’s have some fun with him.’

After some laughter and a bunch more whispering Jenna finally announces.  “The vote is five to one.  It’s agreed.  Go get him Bronx.”

A moment later the door is flung wide.  A strong hand reaches in and finds my arm then roughly yanks me out of the closet and into the open.  Standing in a semicircle in front of me are the five others as Bronx remains at my side with her thickly muscled arm resting across my shoulders.  They all wore those same long nighties I’d first noticed on the redhead Ariel though Izumi and Phoebe also had night robes on.  I hadn’t caught a look at Phoebe before now as she’d been standing behind me previously.  I could now see that she was a blue-eyed blonde of average height and weight, though just as jaw-droppingly hot as the rest of them.  Where was the church finding these women!?  Unlike the first time I entered this room this time they were all smiles.  From Ariel’s blushing, bashful glances to the grinning Pippa’s bright gaze to the unsettlingly intense stare of Izumi’s dark eyes these gals were now looking at me in a whole new way.  I suddenly felt like a slab of raw meat thrown into a lion’s den.

“Here’s the deal.”  Jenna says.  “We’ve decided that we’ll help you get out of here and nobody will snitch.”  She looks over at Phoebe.  “Right?”

Phoebe nervously looks around at the others.  “I won’t tell.  I swear!”

I got the sense that the blonde had been the one dissenting vote.

“Better not.”  Grumbles Bronx.

“Uh…great.”  I say in great relief.  “Thank you!”



“But…we have to wait until morning.”  Jenna says with a barely concealed smirk.  “There’s no way to get you out of the building without alerting somebody at this time of night.  You’re going to have to spend the night I’m afraid.”

They wanted me to spend the night with them!?  There is a God!  Not believing my luck I look from one gorgeous smiling face to the next and say.  “That’s…more than fair.”

“Isn’t it?”  Pippa giggles.

“Two conditions.”  Jenna holds up two fingers.  “First, you don’t speak a word of this to anybody.  Ever.”

“Agreed!  Yes!”  I say.  “Don’t worry about that.”

“And second, the mask stays on.”

I bring my hand to my face to feel the knit fabric of the ski mask.  “The mask stays on?”

“Yes.  We don’t want to know who you are.  It will only make things awkward if we see you again.”  She says.  “And if you see us you just pass right by without saying a word.”

I ponder her words a moment then quip.  “Just the mask?”

The group of them giggle as one.  “Those are our conditions.  Follow them and we’ll do our best to get you out of here unseen.”  Jenna says.  “Agreed?”

“Yes!  Agreed.”  I say with my biggest and most charming smile.  “So…which bed is mine?”

There are more giggles as all six descend on me and the next thing I knew I was being grabbed and whisked towards Pippa’s bed.  I am made to sit down at the side as the women crowd in around me.  Pressed right in behind me, with just a pillow sandwiched between us, is the buff Bronx.  Her arms she puts around my shoulders and her legs running along my sides.  To my left sits the leader Jenna with her arms around mine and to my right Izumi sits cross-legged, her nearly black eyes staring hard into me.  In front of me a trio of nuns kneel; the blonde Phobe at my left knee, the blushing Ariel at my right, and the beaming Pippa right in the middle.  All along my arms, legs, and chest comes little grabs and gropes as the tittering sister’s treat me like their new plaything.

“Oh!  Uh, hey.  Hi.”  I look back and forth between them.  “N-Nice to meet ya.”  They laugh and smile and bat their beautiful eyes at me.  “You nuns are…awful friendly, huh?”

“So tell me frat boy.”  Jenna says as she slips a hand beneath my sweater to run her palm across my bare belly.  “What were hoping might happen when you broke in here?”

“Oh!  Um, just a panty raid, ya know?”  I say as a shudder runs through me.  “Just for lulz.”

“You were hoping to see us naked.”  Pippa says merrily while at the same time unlacing my right shoe.  “You wanted to see the sexy nun titties, didn’tcha?”

“Well…OH!”  I gasp as Bronx finds the little gap between the neck of my sweater and the bottom of the mask and kisses the sliver of exposed flesh.  “Ahem!  Oh wow.  Movin fast huh?”

“We could stop.”  Jenna chuckles.

“NO!”  I blurt out.  “No, that’s okay.”  There is a chorus of lewd laughter.

“Is it true?”  Whispers Izumi.  “Did you come to see our holy flesh?  Confess your wicked sins.  It will set you free.”

“I-It’s true.”  I say and Pippa and Ariel together take off my shoe.  At the left foot Phoebe was already at work removing the other.  “I wanted to see.”

“Wicked man.”  Izumi croons.  “Wicked, wicked man.”

“Is there any hope for him Sister Izumi?”  Jenna asks, her fingers clawing up my stomach and lifting my sweater as they go.

“Only a passion can cleanse this wretched man’s filthy soul.”  Izumi, her face as blank as a porcelain doll’s but her eyes alight with a holy fire.  “A carnal reckoning.”

“He he he.”  Chuckles Bronx.  “Wreckoning.”

“You two.”  Says Ariel in a worried voice.  “You’re scaring him.”  With eyes like sparkling emeralds she gazes up at me.  “Don’t be scared mister.  We won’t hurt you.”

“Unless you want us to.”  Says Izumi as, just then, the front of my rises to expose the nipple near her.  Without hesitation she reaches out to pinch it, hard!

“Hah!”  With a twist and pull she tweaks my nip and follows it up with a well placed flick of her middle finger.  “HAH!”

“Careful Izumi.”  Laughs Jenna.  “We just got him.”  She grabs the bottom of my sweater on her side as Izumi grabs it from hers and together they start to peel it up and off of me while Bronx slides her hands up under the garment along my arms to hold them high.  I do not struggle.

There are gasps and whispered oooh’s and aaah’s as my torso is revealed.  To say I was flattered was an understatement.  As an active guy in my early twenties I had a pretty good physique but hardly one deserving of such a reaction, especially from a room full of ten out of ten college hotties, yet they gazed upon me like I was top shelf male model material.  Somehow my masked anonymity made this even hotter.  To them I was just some guy, some piece of meat, and still they looked at me in a way that any man would yearn to have a lover to look at him.

For a moment all goes still and quiet as the group of them ogle my body with their eyes.  They were mesmerized by it.  Even the normally cool expression of Izumi gazed with an open lust, her fine lips slightly parted.  I wonder what the big deal was, until I remember that these women were nuns.  It was quite possible that I was the first man they’d ever seen up close and in the flesh like this.  Never in my whole life had I ever felt more sexy.

“See Ariel.  He’s not scared.  He’s playing along.”  Jenna says in hushed voice, her fingers softly touching my chest and running down it.  “You don’t want us to stop, do you frat boy?”

Needless to say I shake my head no.

With Jenna breaking the ice the others begin to feel my pecs, my abs, my sides, and my shoulders.  Their soft hands are all over me!  Feeling so damn good I lean back into Bronx’s strong embrace and let myself be held up by her.  Without even looking I could tell one touch from the next.  Ariel’s were gentle caresses and Pippa’s teasing tickles.  Jenna’s hands were sensual and confident while Bronx’s were firm and grasping.  Phoebe just laid a hand over my belly and held it there while Izumi pinched and clawed at my tender flesh.  Six women, six ways of touching, and one very lucky man in the middle.

The touching is one way however as whenever I would try to reach out for one of them my hand would be pushed back again.  When ever one of their heads got near my lips and I would try to kiss it Bronx’s powerful hand would pull me away.  All I could do is sit there and absorb their attention.

A few of the hands are soon replaced by mouths as, on a whispered dare between them, Pippa and Ariel kneel in to start to kiss and suck at my skin.  As they do so they shoot each other playful glances and giggle at their naughtiness.  Inspired by the the two smallest the biggest joins in and nuzzles into my neck for hard, licking kisses of her own.  Izumi…she bites me.  Taking a bit of skin at my chest between her white teeth she holds it in a nibble and slowly increases the pressure, her eyes boring up into mine as she does so.

The longer it goes the bolder they get.  Though fully clothed they begin pressing and rubbing their breasts against me through the soft cotton of their nighties.  Pippa’s were firm and perky, her stiff nipples easily felt through her clothes.  Ariel’s were so wonderfully big and soft.  On my left arm I feel Jenna’s petite pair slide back and forth and on my right Izumi’s even smaller tits could barely be felt through her nightie and robe.  At my back I could feel Bronx’s sizable racking squeezing hard into me while at my left thigh Phoebe’s supple boobs felt to be right in the middle size wise.

They grope me and smell me and kiss me and taste me and rub against me and make me feel AMAZING!

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh at the combined sensation.

This causes a ripple of excited titters through the women.

“He likes it.”  Ariel whispers.

“Likes it?”  Jenna smiles.  “This boy thinks he’s gone to heaven.”

It was only a matter of time.  My upper body thoroughly explored they were bound to strike out for parts unknown.  With my shoes and socks off, my sweater removed, and my mask to stay on there was only one way forward.  As Pippa continues to smooch and lick at my tummy I feel her fingers feel along my waistline until it finds the buckle of my belt.

“Um…uh…oh!”  I weakly struggle only to be held tight in Bronx’s encircling arms.

“Shhhhh.”  Jenna shushes me as her index finger runs around my soft lips.  She bites her bottom lip and stares into my eyes in a way very unbecoming of a nun.  When my resistance melts away she smiles and whispers.  “That’s better.”

After a moment I nod my consent and Pippa commences to unbuckle my belt.  Their hands still on me the six women fall silent again as all attention drifts downward.

I sit and watch as well quietly hoping for the best.  My momentary struggle was not because I wanted them to stop.  Far from it!  I wouldn’t stop what was happening here for anything in the world.  My hesitancy stemmed from that fact that despite my above average physique, my commendable physical abilities, my academic excellence, my friendly personality, and a very healthy libido I did have one teeny tiny shortcoming as a ladies man…and they were all about to see it.


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