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Note: A bit of a spoiler, but before I get any comments about it I am aware that 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' had tied in the poll to decide Winona's Domme title.  How I'm thinking of working it is she has Avery call her Daddy when he is feeling feminine and Mommy when he is feeling masculine.  They will both be used in time.  Now on with the story.


The stunning elven maiden Althea bows her head, her hands clasped down in front of her, and says in a small meek voice.  “My apologies Lady Ara.  You have seen through my deception.  I was a silly girl thinking I might fool one so mighty as yourself.”

The armored warrior high upon her throne is silent as she looks down upon the timid mage.  “Continue.”

Althea smooths her satiny emerald green robes and shifts nervously.  She glances up, her large eyes defying the light of the red flames to shine through as azure.  She bats her eyes and lowers her head once more.  “I come from a wooded vale to the west of here where my family stands vigilant against the powers of darkness.”  She swallows nervously, her words not longer stuttering but the tremor of her voice gave away her fear.  “Perhaps you’ve heard of my grandmother.  The archmage Shaeladrine.”

“I have.”  Echoes Ara’s majestic voice.

“I am her apprentice.”

“That is well and good, but what has that to do with me?”

“Ahem.  Yes.”  Althea says.  “Well you see, great Lady, a new evil now stirs at our borders and old alliances have eroded.  We are in need of new bonds of friendship with those who stand against the dark forces as we do.  Your deeds of bravery and heroism are known throughout the land.  I have come in hopes of planting the seeds of alliance.”


Winona looks at me curiously for a long moment then whispers.  “Where are you getting all of this from?”

“I’m j-just…making it up.”  I say.  “I’m using my imagination.”

“Mmm.  You’re good at this.  I can’t wait to read your back story.”  She says.  “Just, you might want to clear this stuff with your Fable Master next time.”

“Sorry.”  I smile guiltily.

“It’s okay.”  She winks.  “Let’s keep going.”


Lady Ara within her metal shell is a mystery to the young wizard.  Occasionally peeking up she sees only the unmoving form.  Within the eye lit of the helm there is a blackness that even her keen elvish sight could not penetrate.

“So you come in hopes of allying your people to me and, by extension, The Mayhems.”  Ara says coldly.

“Yes great Lady.”  The elf bows demurely.

“I see the benefit to you.”  She leans in, an elbow on her knee.  “What do I get out of it?”

“You would have our friendship and…”

“Friendship?”  Ara scoffs.  “How many times have I heard this offer?  Look around you, mage.  How many of these so called friends do you see here?”


“I care not for politics or alliances or the concerns of far off elves.”  She says.  “And I have no need for new friends.”


“You think me a hero but you are wrong.”  The Lady sits back, hands upon the elaborate armrests.  “I am an adventurer.  Doing good is good business.”

Althea’s face flinches as she tries to hide her disappointment.  “I see.”

“So I ask again.  What do I get out of this…alliance?”

Althea swallows hard and her slender hands grip tightly at her sides.  After a deep breath she takes a half a step forward and states.  “You get…me.”

The helmet tilts a few degrees to the right.  “You?”

“I have done my research, like any good wizard ought to.”  Althea says.  “And I have learned about your tastes in…wh-whores.”


“And I-I have learned…”  Althea runs her delicate fingers up her body and over her breasts suggestively.  “…that you like women like me.”


I stand five feet in front of Winona running my hands up and down my body while my body bends and sways seductively.  The rich vanilla of the scented candles fill the air, their flickering light throwing dancing shadows behind me.  My heart drums in my ears as I embrace my inner femininity and try as best as I knew how to make my beauty and sexuality work for me.  I felt silly and stupid and sexy and powerful, all at once.  If she laughed at me right now…I would be destroyed.  Utterly destroyed.  Yet I held true to my courage and my character and danced for Winona.

She sits unmoving in her computer chair and watches me.


Althea with the effortless grace of her noble race sways in ways tantalizing and provocative.  While elegant the mage’s movements were halting and unsure, those of a neophyte in the art of attraction, which somehow made it all the more attractive and genuine.

“What do you think you are doing little elf girl?”

“My name is Althea great Lady.”  The mage whispers as she slides her hands back to grab her own ass while lifting her chest to display her pert bosom.  “And I am yours if you wish it.”

In a voice as cold and hard as mithril she asks.  “Why?”

Continuing to dance Althea answers.  “I am the fey speaker of my clan.  As such I must never know the touch of an elven man so that the unicorns will come to me.  I shall never have a mate.  I shall never bear children.  To our line…I am a dead end branch.”  She says, her voice as bright and fragile as a buttercup.  “I was the only one we could spare to offer to your…appetites.”


Winona points at me.  “You are teasing me.”

“Mmmm.”  I smile and bite my lower lip and bat my big blue eyes.  “Am I?”

“Daddy doesn’t like a tease.”

“I wouldn’t tease you…Daddy.”  My voice is as high and lilting as Althea’s.  “I’m a good girl.”

I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.  My lust had gotten the better of my good judgment.


“You nasty…little…slut.”  Lady Ara growls, more curious than offended.  “You trade your body for favors?  You are a whore.”

“Yes.”  Althea whispers, both shame and desire coming through her soft tone.  “A whore.  A virgin whore.”


“This was the other reason I offer myself.  A life of chastity…would be unbearable for me.  I have wants…needs…passions which must be…fed.  Passions I cannot speak aloud to my family.”


“I am.”

“On your knees, whore.”

Althea stops her writhing and lowers herself to the floor so that she was on her hands and knees.  “Please great Lady.  Please accept our offer.”

“He he he.  Ohhh, so needy.  So eager.”  Ara chuckles.  “You offer yourself as if it is a sacrifice…but you want this.  You want this more than anything.”

“I want this.”  Althea whispers, her cheeks pink with humiliation.  “I wish to be your…little elf girl.”

“Does your body ache to be touched?”


“Those little titties just begging to be sucked?”


“Is your tight elf pussy wet for me?”

“Yes.”  Althea nods.  “Yes!”

“Mmm.”  Ara considers.  “Perhaps a small taste, before I make my decision.”

Althea raises her head and peers up at the warrior.  “Taste me.”


As our eyes meet and my lust touches hers the fantasy world melts away around us.  Suddenly it was just me and her and this tiny candle lit suite at the back of this isolated garage.  Without a word needing to be spoken we both knew the Fables of Fantasy game was over and a new game had begun.

“If you are messing with me Avery…you need to cut it out right now.”  Winona says in a hushed voice, her hazel eyes burning in the reflected candlelight.  I could see now, even through the folds of her loose overalls, that her cock was just as hard as my own.  Hard and huge!  My dance had worked, in both worlds.

My voice small and meek I confess the truth in my heart.  “I want you Winona.”

“Oh Sprout.”  In a tone wracked by doubt she says.  “We just met.”

“I know.”

“I don’t…I don’t sleep with anybody the first night.  Ever.  I’m not that kind of girl.”  She says apologetically.  “I’m not like Kayla.”

I nod, disappointed but totally understanding.

“Not like you either I guess.”  She sighs, disappointed in herself.  “Or anybody nowadays it seems.”

“No, it’s o-okay.”

“I get too…attached.  You see?”  She says, her warm voice wavering with vulnerability.  “I don’t trust myself.”  She looks me in the eyes.  “I don’t want to get hurt again Avery.”

“I-I understand.”

“It’s not that I don’t…want…  I…” She clenches her fists for a moment and stops to gather her thoughts.  “Just…I want to be sure first.”  Her voice goes even softer.  “I want to be sure…that you could be the one.”  She shakes her head.  “We’re going too fast.”

“Okay.”  I nod.  “I d-didn’t mean to…m-make you uncomfortable.  I’m s-s-sorry Winona.”

“Oh Sprout.   You didn’t do anything wrong.”  She says with a small but growing smile.  “You look soooo beautiful.”

I sit back, hands on my knees, and take a long breath.  Slipping the purse from my shoulder I push it away.  “I-I’ll go get ch-changed.”

“Wait.”  Winona says right back.  “Just…wait.”

I look at her.  “Winona?”

She sits quietly for a long minute, just staring at me kneeling in front of her, after which I watch as a change washes over her.  She sits up taller.  Her shoulders square and her breasts high.  Her eyes braver and bolder.  She slips her glasses off and sets them to the side.  In a firm, yet still somehow touchingly tender, tone she says.  “Call me Daddy again Avery.  I liked that.  I want to hear you say it again.”

“Um…are you…sure?”

“You heard me baby girl.”  She fixes me with her hazel gaze.  “Call me Daddy.”

Chapter 21