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Rosa blinks and shakes her head as the glow in her eyes and horns disappears.  She was okay, just momentarily shook by her shattering of the magical bead.

Colly slurps off my cock and confusedly pick a pebble from out of her hair.  “What wath that?”

“I bit it.”  I swiftly cover for Rosa’s use of magic.

“Bit it?”  She says.  “You crushed thith in your teeth!?”

“Whoo!”  I hoot, genuinely thankful for the break in the action.  “You were just so good!  I couldn’t help it.”

“PBBTT!”  She covers her mouth as she sputters and laughs, her green cheeks darkening with a flattered blush.

“My baby’s a soft boy with a raging beast inside of him.”  Rosa says as she steps back close to me.  She finds me wit her hand and reaches up to take a handful of my hair.  “Which is why he needs a Lady to control him.”

“Ahhh.”  I moan submissively as Rosa’s grip tightens.

“Geez!  I never had a man eat rockth before!”

Rosa chuckles.  “That’s not all he eats.”


“Up on the bed Colly.”  She points.  “And spread those legs.”

“Yeth Ma’am!”  Colly salutes and scrambles backward until her big butt hits the bed.  Leaning back she brings her knees up and spreads her stumpy legs, her pudgy toes wiggling excitedly.  Her huge tits slump partially to her sides.  In the center of her thick dark green bush the lovely purple of her lust enflamed pussy stood out like a beacon.  “Oooo boy!”

Rosa pulls me down into long hard kiss.  Our lips smack loudly as the kiss part.  Whispering into my ear she says.  “Do me proud baby.”

“Yes Rosa.”  I sigh happily.  I could see now that her Lady’s confidence had not been crippled, it was only momentarily bruised.  My worries had been for nothing.

“On your knees.”  She commands.

I drop to my knees.  Keeping her grip of my hair she pulls me forward so that I was on all fours.  Turning her head she finds the speck that was Colly’s makeshift pendant and leads me like a dog toward the horny goblin.  There is no teasing or titillation.  As soon as Rosa feels Colly’s wide, padded foot with her free hand and she gets a sense of how the other woman was positioned she guided my face directly into Colly’s waiting snatch.  Riled up from Rosa’s display of dominance I hesitate not one instant before sucking hard onto Colly’s insanely juicy and unexpectedly sweet tasting cunt.

“Ohhhh!”  Colly moans the moment mouth meets vagina.

After firmly pressing my face into Collywaddle’s sex Rosa lets go of my hair, soothing the spot she gripped with a loving pet, then sits at Colly’s side.  She turns toward her, bringing one leg up with one foot remaining on the ground.  Feeling along my shoulder then down my arm Rosa finds my hand and brings it to her thigh where she holds it tight.  After giving my hand a loving squeeze she continues to hold it as I do my thing.  Her other hand reaches out to begin to explore Colly’s soft body.

My tongue runs up and down Colly’s fleshy purple petals and laps deeply of the slit between.  It was similar to Rosa’s pussy but also different in three distinct ways, beyond the obvious color difference.  First, by Neptune she was was wet!  Not simply moist or dewy.  Full on WET.  I’d only just begun and already her sweet nectar had covered my face below the nose and was now dripping from the chin.  And speaking of that honeyed nectar, therein lay the second difference.  Rosa’s pussy had this wonderful hint of earthy exotic spice to it whereas Colly’s cunny had an overriding one-note cloying sweetness like a plum allowed to ripen just day or two too long.  And finally, and most interestingly, she didn’t have just one clitoris but two!  And they were in spots I hadn’t expected.  The nub of her clits weren’t at the crown of her labia but were right in there amongst it all within her pussy lips, positioned directly at the entrance of her tunnel to the top and bottom.  Anything going in and out of her cooch would necessarily drag directly across both of pleasure buttons.

My lips latched to hers I suck what juice I can as I explore her goblin pussy with my tongue.  By the pitch and volume of her moans I could tell both of her clits were just as sensitive as Rosa’s one.

“Ohhh!  Ohhhhh!  OHHHH!”  Colly groans as I flick at her top clit, then her bottom, the plunge my tongue deep into her tunnel between them.  Looking up at Rosa she says.  “He’th…very good.”

Rosa chuckles as her hand gropes and massages one of the slave’s huge green tits.  “Yes he is.”  Her thumb finds Colly’s wide erect nipple and teases at it.  “Before my man breeds you I expect at least three orgasms from you Collywaddle.”


Rosa’s slender fingers glide down the adorably chubby green flesh of Colly’s belly.  “Orgasms will prime your body to accept his seed.”

“Ohhhhhh!”  Colly’s tone rises.

Rosa’s fingers swirl just below the goblins belly button.  “By the time he FUCKS you that fertile womb of yours will ready for him.”

“OHHHH!”  Colly takes hold of Rosa’s dress and grips it tightly with her near hand.  Her plump little toes beginning to curl and uncurl in time with her slowly undulating body.

Giving up on trying to contain her copious juices I just let it flow freely and concentrate on lapping and sucking, plunging and slurping.

“Ohhhh goodneth!”  Colly begins to tremble.

“Cum for him Colly.”  Rosa’s sweet voice lilts.  “Prove to him that you are ready to be BRED.”

Biting down on her bottom lip Colly lets out a chesty groan.  “GGGNNNNGHHHH!!!”

Her soft voluptuous body jiggles and shudders as a powerful orgasm runs through her.  My mouth is suddenly flooded with nectar.

“That’s it baby.”  Rosa squeezes my hand.  “Eat her out.  Don’t let up.”

“HAHHH!”  Colly takes a big gulp of air and lets out a great gasp.  “OHHHHH GODTH!”

For a few more seconds Colly continues to writhe and cum.  Just as she begins to come down the other side of her climax Rosa whispers to me.  “Ease up now baby.  Be gentle.”

I follow instruction like a good boy.  My dancing tongue easing off of her twin clitties and my sucking lips switching to tender kisses.

“Ohhhhhh my gooooodneth.”  Colly sighs happily.

“Atta girl.”  Rosa rubs Colly’s belly.  “Ready for more?”

“Yeahhhh.”  Colly nods.

Rosa gives me a nod and I ramp up my oral once more.  This time as I eat her out I notice her hand rubbing up and down Rosa’s arm.  In return Rosa cups Colly’s cherubic cheek and gently strokes her face.  It strikes me how compliant Colly was.  There was no wacky banter like when she and Aristocles first had sex.  She had tasted a little of Rosa’s attention and she wanted more.

“Thay more wordth.”  Comes a whispered plea.

“Mmmm.”  Rosa pets her.  “If you cum for him nicely Quin is going to cum for you.”

As she says it the pussy in my mouth gets hotter and wetter.

“Ohhhh Rotha!”

“You want him inside of you, don’t you?”


“Of course you do.  He’s going to cum so hard and so deep inside of you.”

“Ohhhhh Rotha!”

“His young healthy sperm will fill your womb.  He will fill you up!”

“Oh yeth!”

Since humans and kobalos could not breed we all knew that this was all fantasy, but it was a fantasy that had our guest helpless in its grip.

“You will be so full.  But after he plants his seed you must hold in all of his hot, thick, baby making cum Colly.  You must hold it all in.”

“Yeth!  Yeth!  I will!”  She swears with all of her heart.  “I want hith cum!”

“There’s a girl.”  Rosa pats her.

“Wordth!”  Colly begs Rosa for more.  “More wordth!  Pleathe!  Wordth!”

“Your body is so ready.”  Rosa croons.  “Soooo needy and sexy and sooooo fertile.  So ready to for breeding.  You need it.  You need it so bad.”

“FAAAHHHHCK!!!”  Colly bucks hard.  Her free hand reaches down to grab my hair as her drenched pussy pushes hard into my face.  As I look I see a goblin transformed.  Her usual jovial expression now one of focused intensity.  Her dark nipples had become plump, the big tips fully extended.  And a sweat had broken out across her flushed flesh so that she glowed like an emerald.  I stare back into her smoldering amber eyes as I grind my tongue up and down both of her clits.  “F-f-fuuuuuck-ck-ck.”  She stammers as her body jolts with her pleasure.

“Keep going.”  Rosa tells me this time.  “Add a finger.”

Carrying on my slurping and slathering cunnilingus I bring my free hand up under my chin and slip my long middle finger into her very tight, very wet pussy.

“Ohhhhhh Quinnnn!”  She warbles, out of her mind with sexual bliss.  Still holding to Rosa’s sleeve Colly tugs needily at my slave.  “Wordth!  More wordth!”

Leaning closer Rosa whispers into Colly’s large ear while Colly’s eyes stay locked on mine.  “Cum for him Colly and he will FUCK you, like you need to be fucked.”


“He will breed you, like you must be bred.”


“You will cum on his big, human cock and milk out alllll of his hot, fresh semen.  Won’t you?”

“MMMMMMMM!!!”  Colly nods, her moans desperate now.  She was panting, her hips now humped hard into my mouth as she chased her next climax.

“He will cum inside of you Colly.”


“He will make you a Mommy.”


“Collywaddle the Mommy.”


“My Master is going to put so many babies inside of you.”

“How many?”  Colly gasps.

“He is young.  He is virile.  His seed is powerful.”  Rosa says.  “Who can tell?”

“How many!?”  Colly demands.

“A dozen…or more!”  Rosa’s hand returns down Colly’s writhing body to once more rub in slow circles above her womb.  “A whole big litter of beautiful little babies in your tummy.”  Rosa kisses her cherubic cheek.  “Babies.  Babies.  Babies.  Soooo many babies for Mommy Collywaddle.”

Colly’s portly body quivers as her eyes roll back.  Letting go of my hair and Rosa’s dress she flails back and lets out a howl of raw breeding frenzy.  “AAAAHHHHHHH!!!”

My face is awash with a geyser of sweet pussy juices as her snug tunnel grips rapidly against my penetrating tongue.  She had only just begun her third and most powerful orgasm yet when Rosa pulls me forward.

“Now Quin.”  She says.  “Breed her now!”

Chapter 44 


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