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Rosa wakes in her own time and is pleasantly surprised to find me still in bed with her.  After a bit of morning snuggling and smooching the pair of us clean up the balcony from our evening meal then go through the routine of preparing for the day.  Even the simplest of things were a treat when shared with one’s true love.  After breakfast Rosa asks permission to go pursue her calling and me being the kindly owner that I am I allow it…and receive a happy head pat in return for being a “Good Master”.

The clouds from yesterday had broken and mighty Sol had returned to rule the sky in all of his sweltering splendor.  Today was going to be a hot one!

The first thing I do is head over to the neighbor’s to make sure everything was still on course for the harvest to begin tomorrow.  While getting through to Horatius I have to navigate the glares of the brothers, the coyly twinkling eyes of the mother, and the outright grilling of the grandma.  Cas tries to contain her mother’s crass questioning, though not too hard.  Granny, not being one to beat about the bush, soon corners me into confessing that I had a dawning interest in the family’s fair maiden.  I was actually grateful for Granny’s bluntness this time.  With harvest beginning tomorrow Cassie and I didn’t have time to pussyfoot.  Though they try to hide it there is a palpable sense of relief runs through the elders of the family, as if they had worried that Cassie might never attract any interest.

Just before I leave Cassie and I take a moment alone as she brings me a pair of shrubbery shears.  “I think you might need these.”  She says.

“Do I ever!”  I take the tool.  “I’ll bring it back with me tomorrow.”

“No hurry.”  She glances back toward the house.  As we look that way we catch Cas and Granny’s peeping heads in a window dart out of sight.  “Hey, um, thank you for that.  What you said in there will make my job a lot easier.”

“You’re still coming over tomorrow?”

“You can count on it Quin.”

“Hey Cassie.”  I look down at the shears, my hands nervously gripping at the handles.  “We were talking last night.”


I look back up to her.  “I love Rosa very much.”

“I know that Quin.”

“And she loves me.”

She smiles.  “Very much so.”

“I just…I don’t want you to…”  I sigh.  “Rosa said I should say what is right in my heart.”

“You have a wise slave.”

“I want to be honest with you.  I like you.  We both like you.”

“And I like you.”

“But…we realized that we are being selfish.”

There is a moment of silence before Cassie begins to laugh.  “Here I was thinking I was the selfish one.”  Before I say more she and touches my hand.  “I am not a fool Quin.  I understand the situation enough to know my place in it.”

“I just don’t want to play with you Cassie.”

“Well that’s disappointing.”  She gives me a saucy wink.

“Ha!”  I guffaw.  “You know what I mean.  With your heart.  With your family.  With your life.”

“I know.”  She chuckles.  “I appreciate it Quin but I am a big girl.  I want to see where this leads.”

I smile.  “Me too.”

Her gaze drifts off toward the dark mass of my forest estate.  “Besides, a rare woman like Rosa ought to be a little bit selfish.  Don’t you think?”

“Hey!  That’s what I…said.”

She grins, her blue eyes gleaming.  “We’re two of a type I guess.”  

“Yeah.”  I say softly.  There’s an awkward pause before I clear my throat.  “Ahem.  She’s alone over there.  I should really get back.”

Cassie then surprises me with a quick peck to my cheek before turning and heading back toward the house.  “See you tomorrow.”

Facing the glowers of her overprotective brothers and the grins of her spying elders I wave goodbye and head off for home.

With shears already in hand I don’t even bother heading into the house.  After a quick peek to make sure Rosa was still with Danae under the cypress I set to work trimming back the verge along the entrance path.  I start out at the road end, stopping to greet the occasional sun wilted traveler that would pass by and offer them a moment in my shade.  Snip, snip, snip.  The tip of one slender branch after another is trimmed back and before long I have the first length of path looking like this place was inhabited again.  I am just nipping away the finishing touches when a rustle close by startles me.  Looking down and to my right I see a familiar plump green goblin picking up the twigs I had just trimmed, her left arm was already full of a bundle of them.


The slave Collywaddle looks up at me and smiles brightly, her face flushed and shining with a sheen of sweat.  She still had on the simple white tunic of a slave but the quality of the garment was far superior than when last I saw her.  The fact she had gotten so close without me even hearing her spoke to the naturally soft tread of her race.  Their reputation as sneaks was not completely unfounded.

“Hello Thir.”  She says casually, as if she’d been expected.  “Hot out here, huh?”

“What are you doing?”

“Picking up thtickth.”

“No.”  I laugh.  Kneeling down I give her a hug and a kiss to her chubby cheek then stand back up.  “What are you doing way out here?”

“I got newth for you.”


“When we were shopping you were talkin about lookin for your uncle’th grave.”  She says.  

“That’s right.”

“Well I thnooped around and I found where it ithn’t!”

“Where it isn’t?”

“Yeah.  It ithn’t anywhere.”  She says.  “He got cremated.  He’th dutht.”


“The remainth were left to a whore houthe.”

“A brothel!”  I say surprised, but only for just a second.  “Yeah…that sounds about right.”

“The ladieth had an orgy in hith honor then dumped the asheth in the river and thold the urn.”

I cannot help but smile and shake my head.  It seemed a fitting end to the old scoundrel.  I still couldn’t get over that my sweet mother had such a wild child of a brother.  The more I heard about him the more I wished I could have met him, at least briefly.

“Well thanks for that.”  I say.  “But you didn’t come all this way just to tell me that, did you?”

“No.”  She confesses, the joy in her face fading.  “You thaid I could come here to hide.”  She thumbs over toward a leather sack sitting on the path.  “I’m thtaying the night.”

“Hide?”  I turn back to face my little friend.  “Are things not going well with Aristocles?”

“Oh no!”  She brightens up again with a swoon.  “He’th wonderful!”

“That’s good.”

“Ohh Thir, he’th tho good to me.  He loveth me tho much.  He hugth on me and kitheth on me all over and he fuckth me all the time.  He he he.  Hith penith ith alwayth THO hard!”


“Like tho hard thir!  Hard ath thteel!  That’th MY guy.”  She was positively beaming with pride and it was absolutely adorable.  “He’th jutht the betht Mathter in the world, if you don’t mind me thaying tho.”

“Sounds like a good match.”

“It ith!  And he thtretched my puthy so I can take hith big thcrumptiouth human cock eathily now.”  She continues.  “Why jutht thith morning he thlapped my puthy and thpread my ath and…”

“Okay!”  I laugh.  “I don’t need details.”

She giggles and jiggles then returns to picking up sticks.

I look to her overnight bag and back to her.  “So why are you here?  Why do you need to hide?”

“Thothe jerkth you beat up are giving uth a hard time.”

My heart drops.  “Oh no.”

“It’th okay.  My Mathter ith gonna take care of them.”  She says.  “He jutht wanted me in a thafe plathe while thingth went down.”

“While things went down?”  I did not like the sounds of that.  “Collywaddle.  What’s going on?”

She stops and stands, her eyes distant.  “Hith shop hath been broken into.  Twithe now.  He knowth it’th them.”

“The guards?”

She shakes her head no.  “He’th gonna catch them in the act tonight himthelf.  He’th got a couple guyth to help.”

“A couple of guys?  Is that enough?”  I ask.  I knew what kind of men they were, I knew the type of man Aristocles was, and I didn’t like the conclusions that I was drawing from that knowledge.  “He’s got enough to deal with them?”

“Oh yeth.”  She says, her tone sounding as if she was trying to convince herself as much as me.  “My Mathter ithn’t big like you…but there’th a lion inthide of him.  He’ll be okay.”  

“Oh gods.  This is because of me.”

Colly smiles a heart-wrenchingly bitter smile and shakes her head sadly.  “No Thir.  It’th becauthe of me.  Me and my green thkin.”  Her brows furrow, her face marred by a pain felt deep inside.  “Mathter wouldn’t let me be there.  I woulda fought for him Thir.  I woulda been there if he let me.”

“I know Colly.”  I kneel down beside her and place a hand on her shoulder.  “And he knows that too.  He wanted you to be safe.”

Dropping her bundle of sticks she spins to cling tightly to me.  “If they hurt him Thir…I’m gonna…I’ll…”

“Shh.”  I stroke her back and embrace the scared little slave.   “It’ll be okay Colly.”  I say with worry growing in my heart.  “It’s going to be okay.”

Chapter 38 


Giles Corey

What's everyone's headcanon pp sizes for the MC's?

Giles Corey

It actually changed as I read. Earlier on I would have said 5 for Quintus 9-10 for Rosa, but as the story progressed that seemed wrong. Quintus became revealed to be less of an everyman and more of a big hunky heroic figure, and Rosa's average cock description has become more markedly huge.(which I love) So now I'm thinking 7-8 for Quintus and something around 12 for Rosa. That way Quintus still has a decently big cock to match his handsome studly figure, but Rosa's is still categorically larger to the point of being awe inspiring.


Good insight, that pretty much checks out for me too. You should probably have posted this nearer to the release of the chapter though. Not as many people reread whilst bored as opposed to just the once.