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With two of the main paths along with the central fountain area and the gazebo cleared and swept I then move on to clear the two beds that Cassie had indicated were going to be used as vegetable gardens.  The fibrous, prickly weeds and woody shrubs I find to be formidable adversaries but buried among them I find tiny treasures.  Buttercups, violets, daisies, and irises, the struggling survivors of better days, still eked out a presence in these beds.  Of these only the happy white and yellow daisies were in bloom but in the springtime this place must have been a glorious explosion of vibrant colors.  I could imagine this garden looking like a grand mosaic stretching toward the river when viewed from up at the villa.  In these flowers I see the rose of my life.  Delicate, beautiful, but a brave survivor nonetheless.  I spare them for the time being.  The removed weeds I gather into a bundle but leave them on the path where I had deposited them.

The shadow of the hill now covered the whole of the garden.  While still a couple of hours from sunset evening was approaching and I’d done more than enough to quell my deeply ingrained work ethic for one day.  I stretch and feel the welcome fatigue in my muscles and bones.  I would sleep well tonight.  After washing up at the river I trot back to the shrine of Venus to peer into the woods in search of my slave.  I knew she didn’t want to be disturbed but she’d had plenty of time alone to pray now, and she couldn’t blame me for wanting to check up on her after so long.  I do not see her but I do spot the gnarled multi-trunk base of a rather imposing cypress.  That had to be the place.  This is quickly confirmed when I see Danae’s orange head pop out from around the side to look back at me.

I skirt back along the South side of the garden until I find a narrow game trail before entering the wood.  Soon I am approaching the cypress and there laying hidden among the roots and stones was Rosa lying flat on her back.  Speckled over and all around her are tiny twinkling specks of light which immediately scatter at my arrival to drift upward into the boughs.  I might have worried that my beloved had passed out or something worse but the sense of peace I see on her face and in her relaxed form told me that all was well.  As the fox sees me approach she yips then turns and lopes away up the hill, off for her evening hunt no doubt.

“Master?”  Rosa asks softly without opening her eyes.

“It’s me.”  I confirm.

“Sit with me?”

“Yes my…”

She smiles.  “Go ahead.  Just this once.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I whisper with a big ol’ grin.  Boy did it feel good to say those words again.

I sit down cross-legged beside Rosa and peer up at the towering tree that loomed over us.  It was maybe three quarters the size of the great cypress we’d camped beneath on our journey here but still it was an impressive old titan in its own right.  Warm memories flood my heart as I am reminded of that magical night.  We had taken a cone from that other evergreen to plant here in Silvanus’ name but it appeared this land already had a mighty liege watching over the wood.

“Were your prayers heard?”

“I believe so.”

“And did you come to a decision?”  I ask, already knowing the answer deep down.

“Yes.”  She says.  “I will not reject my Papa’s gift.  It’s all I have left of him…of my whole family.  I will find my own way without a teacher.  Even if I can’t do it alone…I have to try.  I have to Quin.”

“Good.  I’m glad.”  I nod.  “It’ll be okay.”

“We are a pair of fools, aren’t we Master?”

“Better a fool than living a half a life.”

“My Master.”  She smiles.  “Wise beyond his years.”

“It will be okay.”  I repeat as if I might will the sentiment into existence just by uttering it confidently.  “We’ll be cautious.”

“My life depends on it.”  Reaching out Rosa rests her right hand on my side and takes a deep breath then slowly lets it out.  “Give me a handjob Master.”


“I feel so relaxed.  So calm.  An orgasm would be amazing right now.  Please?”

“Of…of course.”  I look at my hard dry hands.  “I’ve been working all day.  Let me go get some oil.”

She shakes her head, still not opening her eyes.  “I like it rough sometimes.  I like the feel of a man’s touch.  Especially my man.  Just be careful with the grip baby.”

“Yes!  Thank you!  Oh thank you!”

“My horny guy.”  She giggles.  “You’re welcome.”

Switching gears I sit up straight and rise into a proper Kneel position to serve my Mistress.  I peel her dress up her soft pale legs and lay it over her torso.  I then do the same with her undertunic and pull down the snug underwear she wore to help keep her package in place.  When I see her big beautiful balls and thick flaccid cock slump out into the open air I cannot but take a moment to admire her.

“Nothing fancy today.”  She says with the casual confidence of a customer who had paid good money for a service.  “One hand.  Don’t rush it.  Stroke me like you stroke yourself.  Let me feel your technique.”

I nod though she could not see me.  First I tease at her foreskin sheath and then I tickle my fingertips through her silky pubes before slowly working up to take a gentle grip of her thick, soft penis.  It is just slightly moist from being under clothes all day which made the flesh feel all the more tender against my hard palm.  I felt self-conscious that my big working man’s mitts weren’t as smooth and fine as some comely, waifish city born pleasure boy but she said that she liked it so I had to believe her.  Focusing so that I was extra careful with her I begin to stroke her just as I would myself when I was self-pleasuring.

“Mmmmm.”  Her smile returns.  “That’s my…”  She catches herself.

“Boy.”  I finish for her a wee bit desperately.  “I’m your boy.”

“Mmm.”  She lays still, enjoying my touch.  “My boyyyy.”

I stare intently at her gradually growing penis, relishing the feel as it plumps in my grip and the sight of it as it thickens and lengthens so that the tip of the knob begins to make its appearance.  I consider fondling her breasts through her clothes…but I had not been ordered to and I was going to embrace every precious glimpse I got of my commanding Lady right now.  More than happy to serve I masturbate her as best as I knew how.

“Well?”  She asks after a minute or so.




“Do you like her?”


“I know.  It’s too soon.”  She says.  “We just met her.”


“I do like her though.  Quite a bit.”

“Yeah, me too.”  I confess.  “I think she’s developing a crush on you.”

“I know.”  She says.  “And she is attracted to you as well.”

“I appreciate her but…this is all moving too quickly.”  I say.  “I have to pretend to be interested in her to her family so that she can be here.”

“Perhaps not so much pretending?”

“Rosa…she is great but…this is too fast.”

“She’s a caged bird Quin.”  Rosa says as she takes my left hand to hold.  “Do not hold her wish for freedom against her.  And she is still young and full of verve, just like you.  Her feelings will come to her strongly and swiftly.”  Even as she talked her cock continued to grow, already well larger than my own at full arousal.  “But this is her twentieth year as well.  Her teens are behind her.  That is not to be taken lightly for a Roman woman.  Her prime marriageable years are swiftly passing and she will be reminded of it every day from every direction.”

“Yeah.”  I say.  “She’s already been rejected.  More than once by the sound of it.”

“She didn’t want to trade one cage for another.  Who could blame her?  You were the first man to potentially offer her something different.”  Rosa says sympathetically.  “The pressure must be unbearable.  Family, friends, Janus himself is urging her to move on to her next phase of life but she needs a willing partner to help her through.”  Rosa says.  “She may become rash, even…foolish.  It is to be expected.”

“It’s not fair on her.”

“No.”  Rosa agrees.  “As a meretrix and a demon AND an Amazon I was spared from all of this.  Poor girl.”  She sighs.  “If you reject her I worry she might latch onto the next man to come along, whether he is good for her or not.”

“That is not fair either.”  I say tersely.  “Don’t put that on me.”

“Sorry baby.  I was just thinking out loud.”  She says.  “Ohhh, that is so nice.”

Her erection was now hard and, as big as it was, my single hand felt inadequate to pleasure it properly.  “May I suck you?”

“No.”  She lets out a long breath.  “This feels just right.  You are doing great baby.  Continue.”

Her confident command was every bit as delicious as her mouth watering dick.  My grip as light as I could make it while still keeping a hold of her dick I stroke up and down her length.  Her skin was so soft and so warm, her penis so lovely.  The change of angle and vast difference in proportion forced my technique to differ from when I did it to myself but I was making her feel good sure enough.  As I stroke I begin to imagine Cassie sitting across from me.  Watching me.  Smiling.  A safe audience of one for me to gain confidence in showing off my form and obedience and discipline.  I would make my Lady so proud!  My submissive ego swells a little thinking about what a good boy I could be.

“You want me to marry her.”  I say as I stroke steadily.  “Don’t you?”

“Mmmm.”  She stretches and relaxes back into earth.  “If she turns out to be as nice as she seems…then yes.  I do hope it happens.  Her true self will reveal itself when she is here helping me.  I will know for sure soon enough.”  She says.  “You are attracted to her, aren’t you Master?”

After a long hesitation I say in low tone.  “She is attractive.”

“A full rump and nice big tits.  I cannot blame you.  He he he.  Yummy.”


She giggles again.  “Hey!  Big titties are not to be taken for granted!  They are fun, trust me on that.”

“Yes she has a nice body.  But I do not love her.”

“You do not need to.  Besides, not all love is like ours.  Sometimes love strikes you like a bolt from Jupiter and sometimes it takes time and nurturing.”  Rosa says.  “Even planning.”

“I love you Rosa.  There is nobody else.”

Her cock flexes hard in my grip in response to my words.  “I am so very blessed.”  She whispers and squeezes my hand.  “Even if love cannot be fostered she could still give you children.  Her dowry might include some of her father’s land.  Farmland Quin.  Her family would become ours.  An alliance.  A clan.  We wouldn’t be alone here anymore.”

“I don’t want money or children or connections.  I mean…I do but…”  I shake my head.  “I want you!”

“You already have me my love.”  Rosa says.  “But you deserve so much more.  You have to admit Cassie would be a wonderful spouse.”


“And if love never happens we could allow her other lovers and let her heart find its own way, as long as we’re clever about it.”

“Allow her?”

“Oh yes.”  She chuckles.  “Allow.  I sense Cassie is a girl in waiting.  A sassy girl, but a girl still.  I could be wrong.  Though I doubt iiiit.  He he he.”

I study her calm face, even more radiant than usual from the lusty blush rising in her cheeks from the handjob.  “There’s something else.”  I say.  “Something you’re not telling me.”

Her laughter fades, her playful titter replaced with somber introspection.  I had hit on something I hadn’t meant to.

“You are right of course Master.”  She says darkly.  “I am being a very selfish slave.”

“Selfish?”  I say.  “You…you want her?  For yourself?”

“She is a darling thing.”  Rosa says in the tone of a confession.  “I do enjoy her company.  I like her.  I trust her.  And I sense an affinity between you and her.”


“But…it’s…it’s her eyes that I really want.”

“Her eyes?”

“Her sight.  In the house.  In the garden.  In town.”  Her eyes open at last.  She looks to me though her blind eyes stared off through me into an infinite distance.  Her hand slides up and down my forearm while at the same time I notice a little twinkling dew drop of precum appears at her tip.  “In our bedchamber.”


“I don’t need somebody to watch me Master.  I need somebody to watch my boy.”  Her whisper trembles with emotion.  “Because I can’t…look after him like I need to.  I finally got my perfect boy…and I can’t even protect him.”  She lets out a huff and shakes the dark thoughts away.  “I’m sorry.”

“Oh Rosa.”

She closes her eyes again as guilt continues to flit across her pretty face.  “I told you it was selfish.  Very unbecoming of a Lady.”

“It’s okay Rosa.”

“No.  It’s not.”  She says as she flexes her cock hard in my grip.  “But it is the truth.”

Chapter 35 



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