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What's with that question mark you ask?  Let's just say this chapter took an unexpected turn.  LMAO  It's either awesome or terrible, but I'm honestly not sure which.  There must have been something funny in my coffee today.  lol  Here's what I'll do.  If this gets less than 10 likes I'll rewrite it with less...extravagance.  If it gets 10 or more likes it stays and is officially Part 12.  Let's see how this goes.  😄

Edit: Based on the feedback (and thank you by the way!) I think I'll go with redoing a proper Part 12 and saving the sci fi element for another story sometime.  This was completely out of left field.  lol  It was a fun experiment though.


My girlfriend still creaming on her cock Audrey slows the action down so that she might start rubbing the lubricant against my asshole.

“Look at her Zach.  Look at her bliss.  That will soon be you.”  Audrey says.  “You want to feel that good too, don’t you Zach?”

“Ohhh Zach.”  Sadie sighs through a lust drunk smile as she comes down from another orgasmic high.  “It’s…wonderfulllll.”

Audrey spreads my left ass cheek as wide as it would go to work more lube against my anus.  She had my whole ass crack wet with the stuff, the copious fluid now oozing down my taint and over my balls to drip down over Sadie’s super stuffed cunny.

“I’ll give you the same warning I gave her.  I will ruin you Zach.  Even if Sadie will fuck you again after this she will NEVER truly satisfy you.”

“Let her ruin you Zach…ohhhhh.”

“Once you feel me you’ll never want anything else.  You’ll be a addicted to big cock, just like Sadie is now.”  Audrey says as a finger circles my hole with a firm touch.  “Dildos are nice but they can never replace the real thing.  And for the real thing…you’ll have come to Mommy.”

“Oh!”  I gasp as her middle finger centers in and begins to probe.

“Sure I could hook you up with some local Futas.” She chuckles with a squeeze of my glute.  “But I want to keep your hot little prejac ass alllll to myself.”

“Local…Futas?”  I whisper.

“Oh yes.  We are out there.  Thousands of us.  Watching you.  Walking among you.  Fucking you.  Breeding your females.”  She says.  “But you’ll never find us unless we want you to.”

“Our…females?”  I ask before letting out a grimacing groan.  

“OHHHHH GOD!”  Sadie writhes under me.  “She’s going deeperrrr!   So deep….sooo fuckin deeeeep!”

“Nnngh!”  I echo back as Audrey’s finger begins to penetrate me.  “She’s putting a finger in my butt.”

“Ohhh fuck baby.  Let her have you.  Let her have your ass.  It’s…it’s…it’s heaven!”

“Mmmmm.”  I mewl as her finger pushes through my bum’s fruitless resistance.  Despite the erotic overload short-circuiting my mind a question nagged at me.  One that I simply had to ask.  “How…can there…be Futas?  How can…thousands…ooooo…hide?”

“I shouldn’t tell you.”  Audrey says in that smooth, sexy English accent.

“Please.  Nnnngh.”  Her finger slides through my sphincter with excruciating slowness.  “Please tell me.”

“Ohhhh.”  Audrey croons joyously at my pleading.  “Say that again.”

“Please Audrey?”  I say even more submissively.  “Please tell me.”

“Call me Mommy Zach.”  She whispers.  “I need to hear you say it.  If you do…I will tell you our secret.”  She had asked me to call her that and had referred to herself as that many times tonight but I had yet to say it myself.  In a night of strange sexual experiences it just felt a bridge too far.  Her tone softens and for the first time her dominance cracks.  “Please Zach.  Please.  I’ll treat you so good baby.  I promise.  I might even…keep…you.   Even though it is forbidden.”


At my hesitation her dominance reasserts itself.  “Say it!  Say it you little prejac cuck!”

“GNNNGHH!”  I groan as Audrey punches her hand forward, plunging her long slender finger into me right to bottom knuckle.  “MOMMY!”

“FUUUCCKKK!!!”  Sadie screams at the same time.  Tumbling over the precipice of another orgasm she cries out.  “She’s getting…BIGGERRRR!!!  GAAAAHHHHH!!!”

“That’s it Zach.”  Audrey fingers my previously virgin hole fast and deep.  “Say it again.  Let me hear you.”

“Mmmm!”  I twist and moan atop my cumming girlfriend.  I didn’t quite know how it felt, it sorta hurt and sorta felt amazing, but the hotness of this moment overrode everything else.   “M-Mommy!  Ohhh Mommy!”

“Hahhhhh.”  Audrey lets out a long hiss of ecstasy.  “Yesssss!”

“Ohhhhhmmm.”  A second finger joins the first in her hard and rough finger fuck, doubling both the pleasure and pain.

“I will tell you our secret.”  She says in a hushed voice that had lost it’s accent and gained an inhuman hissing undertone.  “Only for you Zach.  Only for you.”

“What happened to your voice!?”  Looking back over my shoulder I see that Audrey’s eyes had become a brilliant orange with square pupils!  If not for the fingers in my ass rooting me in the moment I would have thought I was dreaming.  “What!?”

“Don’t be afraid Zach.”  She smiles…and just keeps smiling!  Her mouth extends out wider than should be possible, her bared pointed teeth those of a predatory big cat.  “Don’t be afraid of your Mommy.”

“Sadie!  Sadie!  She’s a monster!”


“It’s no use Zach.  She’s ours now.”

“Yours?”  I gasp.  “You’re controlling her mind?”

“Oh no.  Her will is still her own.  But her pussy is mine.  He he he he.”  Audrey’s soft body becomes firmer.  Powerful muscles begin to show through the skin. I could feel the fingers still plunging in and out of my ass get longer and thicker too.  “Why enslave a mind when you can simply enthrall with the flesh?”  A forked tongue flicks from her mouth and her skin darkens to a shade of dusky blue

“Do you really think a tight little slut like Sadie could take a cock this size with just your little thing to warm her up?  Hmm?”  She laughs a low hissing laugh.  “No baby.  Like a parasite who numbs the skin of its host before it feeds our penis’ have glands that exudes a substance that readies our breeding vessel to accept us.  It makes the flesh around it more elastic and yielding and enhances pleasure.  We’ve found human females respond particularly well.”

“GOD!  FUCK!  I…CAN’T…STOP…CUMMINNNNNNGHHH!!!”  Sadie howls as if to punctuate the point.  “OHHHHHH!!!”

“And our precum induces ovulation and triggers orgasms that human men could never hope to produce.”  Audrey says.  “I’m not just cuckold you my precious Zach, we are cuckolding the entire race of Man.”

“OHHHHHHHH!!!”  The wailing cries of Sadie’s soaring ecstasy almost bordered on physical distress now.  Sweat covered her flesh which spasmed in  long hard full body spasms.  She literally could not cum any harder.  “GGGNNNNNGHHHHH!!!”  And then she lets out a frenzied moan that I never, ever thought would I hear escape her lips.  “BREEEEED MEEEEE!!!  PLEEEEASE!!!”



“You tricked me.”  I grunt, trying to keep my focus as my ass was being reamed and my rock hard cock rubbing against Sadie’s sweaty belly.  “You tricked me into bringing her to you!”

“No Zach.  My mission in your city was the wife of a powerful CEO, not a common librarian.  I will not breed her unless you wish me to.”  She says in her hushed alien tone, like two voices entwined.  “No baby.  It was you.  Against all the rules…it was you I wanted.”  She runs her free hand up and down my lower back.  “We used to have men once.  Beautiful men.  Men like you Zach.  Beautiful, precious, pitiful little things.  Too late did we realize that we were breeding them out of our bloodline.  Our rulers said that we didn’t need men anymore.  That they were useless.  That they were a pointless drain on resources and holding our people back from our conquering destiny.  But they were wrong.  Oh so wrong.  It’s all fallen apart.  Wars, strife, petty feuds for power.  Without a man to dominate and serve…what’s it all for?  Without a boy to fight for and possess, what’s the point of it?  I would trade every star system we’ve captured for just…one…perfect… man.”  The thing called Audrey says with a tear glimmering in her eye.  “We want sons Zach.  We want our beautiful boys back.  And for that we need your world.  We need human females.”  With a surprising gentleness her large hand cups my bum tenderly.  “We didn’t realize what we had…until it was too late.”  


Arkend Foss

if there had been some hint that this was comming it would have been fine , but it just feels strange and pulls you out of the story


Honestly, it's a short, and it seems like it's wrapping up, go nuts lol.


I like where this is going but it doesn't feel like this short. I feel like a common theme through out the series was going back and forth on whether the protagonist and his girlfriend are going to stay together and ammend their relationship. We even had that here, when she wanted to share the pleasure with Zack and not be so selfish about it. I'd like a resolution on that narrative point. BUT, I also love the idea you came up with. Maybe split the story and keep exploring that idea while still giving this one a satisfactory ending?


It's pretty funny but it did ruin the sexy for me.


Ya, interesting. I'm gonna have to go with a few of the others on how this was rather random. Didnt seem like a part of this story, just a whole other story. Maybe an idea for another short or something. I like SpamIsNotMyName idea.

Giles Corey

Silly but not hot, I'd definitely prefer this be noncanon.


Awesome feedback all. Thank you so much.


I love that you experiment with ideas and try things out. I love the hell out of the Roman/Fantasy setting of SG for example. With a bit more foreshadowing I think this concept could also work out!

Jason D Fluffer

I agree what Spam said. I like the idea and think it could be fun. But right now i'm so invested in how Zach and Sadie relationship will look like after this. And how or if Audrey will play a part of it