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“Fuck!  Fuck!  FUCK!”  My girlfriend swears between each sharp, gasping breath.  Clenching her teeth together she lets out a snarl.  “Hrrrrnnnghhh!”

“Relax.  You are so tight my dear.”  Audrey says.  “Am I hurting you?”

“MMMM!  Yes!”  Sadie groans.  “It hurrrts.  Fuckin…stretchinnng meee OUUUTTT….rrrrnnngh!  Fuuuuck!  You’re tearing me up!”

“Do you want to stop?”

“NO!”  Comes the instant response.  “God no!  No!  No, no, no,no…Nnnngh!”  Through her bared teeth rapid shallow breaths his as her lithe form vibrates.  “Ohh fuuuck!  Ohhhhh fuuuck!  God!  I’m cumming!  I’M FUCKING CUMMINNNG!!!”  Her eyes roll back, her face contorts in both agony and ecstasy, her body jerks and spasms uncontrollably, as a low guttural noise belches up from the very depths of her being.  “GNNNGHHH!!!”  I watch in wonderment, realizing that I was watching my girlfriend of years truly orgasm for the very first time.  It wasn’t cute or pretty or accompanied by softly lilting songs of pleasure.  It was raw, base, animalistic sexual release.  “HAAAHHHHHHH!!!”

“Behold Zach.”  Audrey says.  “The birth of a size queen.”

“Wow.”  Is all I can say.  What else could I say?  With just the entry of four inches of cunt stretching girth Audrey had done to Sadie what I never had.  And I realize that with the proper cock Sadie could cum even faster than I did!  I still could not get over seeing the monster cock embedded inside of Sadie’s little pink pussy.  The way her tunnel and lips, strained taut around the beast, could actually accommodate it showed me that my humble pecker only filled a small fraction of Sadie’s capability.  My little ding-a-ling would be clanging around in there like the clapper inside of a bell right now.

“GOD!  FUCK!  HAHHHHH!!!”  Sadie cries out and starts to thrash, her body so overwhelmed by her powerful climax it didn’t know what to do with itself.  “OHHHHH!!!”

“Take her glasses before she breaks them.”

Leaning over her I carefully pluck Sadie’s thick spectacles from her face.  She grabs onto my with both hand and stares up into my eyes lost in a world of her own.  “GOD!  ZACH!  OHHHHH!!!”  She pulls me in to cling to me as she cums on the cock of another.

It felt strangely nice, feeling Sadie cum beneath me like this even if I wasn’t the cause of her joy.  Placing her glasses safely out of harm’s way I hold her in my arms as she writhes through a seemingly never ending climax.  But nothing lasts forever and after a bit Sadie comes trembling back down to Earth.

“Ohhh Zaaach.”  She mewls, holding to me for support and to feel the warm skin of another person against her own.  “Ohhhhh my God.”

“Good?”  I ask.

“Holy shit.  Yeah.”

“You two are adorable.”  Audrey says.  “Climb on board Zach.  Hold your girl.  See how your girlfriend likes a real cock.”  

She takes my hip and pulls me across so that I straddled Sadie.  My body over top of hers, flesh on flesh, I cover her like a blanket.  Sadie welcomed my weight on top of her, her arms squeezing me tightly as she nuzzles in alongside my cheek.  It was as if I was her lover, but that wasn’t my dick inside of her.

“Don’t let me go.”  She begs.  “Please don’t let go Zach.”

“I’ve got you.”

“Alright, open up for me you filthy little cock slut.”

There is motion behind me and I feel a firm lump press up from Sadie’s tummy against my flaccid cock and balls.  It was Audrey!  I could actually feel her cock through Sadie’s lower stomach!

“GAAHHHHHH!!!” Sadie’s fingers claw deeply into my back and she buries her face into my neck.  “Fuck she’s big baby!  She’s filling me up!  Mmmmm.  She’s so…fucking…big…GNNNNGHHHH!!!”

“Tell us if you need to stop.”  I say.

“Ohhhhh!  She’s deeeep!  She’s so fuckin deeeep!  God!  OH MY GOD!”

“Deep?  I’m only eight inches in.  There’s a lot more where that came from.”  Chuckles Audrey.  “That’ll have to do for now I guess.  Hold her steady Zach.  I’m about to rock this bitch’s world.”

Sadie lays her head back.  As if staring into the face of God her wide eyes are glazed with a euphoria that bordered on anguish.  Through swift panting breaths she huffs.  “It’s…incredible!”  Beneath me I feel as Audrey’s hard length pulls back out.  “Gnnngh.”  Sadie groans.  Then pushes back in to a place inside of my girl that no man had gone before.  Depths that I hadn’t even gotten close to.  “RRRRMMM!”  Keeping thing slow and smooth Audrey gives her another stoke.  “Gahhh!”  And another.  “Rrrrnggh!”  And another.  “Hohhhh!  And another.  “Ohhhhh.”  And another.  “Yessss!”  With each even thrust Sadie’s expression of endurance was easing gradually transforming into one of pure rapture.  “Ohhh…ohhhhh…ohhhhhhh fuuuck!”  The strokes get easier.  Sadie was adapting to Audrey’s incredible size.

“There it is.”  Audrey croons.  “Open up for me whore.  Let me stretch you out.”

“Oh!  Oh Zach!  Oh Zach!  Oh my God!”  Sadie moans wantonly as Audrey gradually picks up the pace.  “It’s so good!  It’s so fucking good.  I’ve never…felt…like this.  I never…knew…it could be this good!”  She clutches at me, her chest thrusts up and her small breasts rub into my chest.  “I’m gonna cum again!  I’m gonna…CUMMMM!”  She shudders.  “GNNNNGHHH!!!”  Staring deep into my eyes my girlfriend explodes in another paroxysm of uncontainable orgasmic release.  “AHHHHH!!!”

“Yeahhh.”  Audrey speeds up more, really starting to fuck her now.  “Cum for me you slut!”


“Here’s two more inches for you!  Nnnf!”

“AAAAOOHHHHHH!!!”  Mid-climax Sadie’s rapture bumps up to another level as Audrey rams ten inches deep.

“Ha ha!  I knew you could take it.”  Audrey cheers.  “Yeah!  That’s it!  You little whore!”


If not for my weight on top of her Sadie would have writhed right off the damn bed, but as it was I kept her pinned down for Audrey to ravish her mercilessly.  And Sadie LOVED it!  Out of her mind with pleasure she cums and cums and cums as the monster futa cock reams her cunny.  As I watch my partner pop off a second and third and fourth time in rapid succession and I feel her slender body thrashing beneath me I knew.  Audrey had not been joking when she warned that she would wreck Sadie.  It is not that Sadie’s body would necessarily be permanently altered, but her mind would be.  I’d never seen a woman cum so good and so hard for so long.  I’d never seen a woman so happy.  After tonight…how could she not chase this high again?  How could she possibly ever be satisfied, truly satisfied, with the likes of myself or even Anthony again?  How could she not become addicted to this blissful feeling?  As Audrey had said, a size queen had been born.  And it was beautiful.

“Cum baby.”  I whisper and kiss her on the lips, the pair of us rocking to Audrey’s deep, hard fucking rhythm.  “Cum for her big cock.  Let me see you cum.  You look so pretty when you cum.”


Watching my girl cum so good beneath me and with my body pressed tight against hers, each of us now with a light sheen of sweat across our naked flesh, the pistoning rubbing of Audrey’s cock against mine through Sadie’s belly starts to awaken my recently spent penis in record time.  Already most of the way there my dick springs to full hardness when I feel the cool, wet drizzle of lubricant on my exposed asshole!

Part 12? 



This is actual fire