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“Look at him blow!  Ha ha ha!”  Sadie laughs when usually she would moan.  “Prejac Zach does it again.”

“Leaving his woman fully satisfied.”  Quips Audrey sarcastically.


The older woman gives me a smoldering side eye.  “It takes a special kind of woman to be content with a prejac.  Especially a small dicked one like him.”

“Gnnnnghhh!”  I whimper in response.

I am still quivering through the tail end of my orgasm and Audrey is already on her feet and undressing.  As she slips out of her silky bed clothes she takes our breath away.  What a body!  Full, mature, voluptuous it was soft everywhere a woman ought to be soft…and rock hard in the place most women didn’t even have.

“Thanks for warming her up.”  She slaps my bare ass.  “Now make way little man.  Mommy’s coming through.”

With me all used up Sadie too prods me to move.  Pushing at my chest she says.  “Out of the way Zach.”

Not only had she not orgasmed she hadn’t even gotten close.  All those times before she’d been faking it.  She’d been humoring me.  She’d been protecting my pride.  I saw that now, I saw how inadequate I was, and the illusions I’d clung to these past few years of lovemaking with Sadie tumble down in my mind like a house of cards.  The realization of my poor performance was bad enough but it was the falseness of our sex life that really struck deep.  All those faked orgasms.  All those lies.  And making it even worse were the shameful cuckold visions I’d been living out in my imagination just before I nutted.  Visions involving Sadie and my friend.  What kind of man was I!?

Just when I thought I was going to break…two warm arms slide around me from behind and I am pulled back into a soft embrace.  Her large breasts press pleasantly into my back as she holds me and her long erection nestles between my inner thighs to poke out the front.  My empty balls and spent member rests on Audrey’s thick shaft and dribbles on it.  Audrey’s hug was different than Sadie’s.  It was hard to describe exactly how.  She didn’t just embrace me.  She held me.  She held me in a way that let me know that she was in charge yet also made me feel…precious.  I sigh and allow myself to melt back against her.  Her arms hold me even closer.

“It’s just post-nut guilt.”  Audrey whispers into my ear.  She kisses my cheek.  “Don’t succumb to it Zach.  You are better than that.”

It was just a hug and a kiss yet it worked miracles.  I felt so tiny and helpless and pitiful in her soft arms.  And as free as a dandelion seed on the wind.  Looking down at my meager manhood slumped atop her turgid titan I realized I was getting upset for nothing.  So my dick wasn’t built to satisfy a woman sexually.  Was that my fault?  Could I change it?  Was it even such a bad thing?  The sooner I embraced my God given inadequacies the sooner I could make peace with the man I truly was.  I was small.  I had a hair trigger.  And I was a cuckold.  And in Audrey’s eyes…that made me desirable.

“May I continue?”  She whispers.  “May I fuck your girlfriend Zach?”

I nod.

“She won’t ever want your dick again if I do.  Are you prepared for that?”

I nod again and I even smile.  “Yes please.”

“Perfect.”  She breathes and rewards me with another kiss.  Grabbing my arm and shoulder she guides me around to kneel back at Sadie’s side.  “Sit here pretty for me.  You can help Mommy fuck this little slut.”

I sit just as she asks.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.”  Sadie says.  Spreading her legs as far as they go, her knees bent her toes pointed, my girlfriend psyches herself up for her first monster cock.  “Go slow.”

“I’ve done this before my dear.”  Audrey assures her.  “Lube me up Zach.”

I look around and find the lube she had brought.  Opening the tube I squeeze a long line of the clear glistening contents down the center of her cock.  Setting the tube beside me I use both hands to work the lubricant up and down her long schlong, being extra attentive to get every last bit.  The intense way Audrey watched me reminded me that she was here for me, not Sadie.  I couldn’t understand her desire for me.  But I didn’t need to.  All I knew is it made me feel sexier than I ever had before.

“More?”  I ask softly.

“That’ll do for now.”  

What lube left on my hands I rub against Sadie’s hot, freshly fucked pussy.  She was going to need every drop of this she could get.  When I was done both cock and pussy shone.  Slapping her palms against Sadie’s inner thighs Audrey spreads the younger woman’s legs even wider.  “Zach.  Pull those pretty little cunt lips apart.”

I look to Sadie.  The lusty flames burning in her eyes told me that her only care now was getting that beast inside of her, no matter how it had to happen.  Reaching down I use my fingers peel her petals apart.

“Wider Zach.”  Audrey says as she starts to rub her fat knob up and down Sadie’s glistening slit.  I could see a bead of my own cum peek out from her entrance.  “Don’t worry.  She’s not as delicate as you think.”

Pressing my fingers harder against her I pull and splay Sadie’s lips as wide as they could go.  The moment Audrey plants her giant tip against my girlfriend’s pussy in earnest I knew that this was all going to be for naught.  Just like with Sadie’s mouth there was no way Audrey was going to fit into that tight hole.  No fucking way.  The swollen glans eclipsed her whole damn snatch!

“You won’t fit.”  I whisper.

“I’ll fit.”  Audrey says confidently as she adds some pressure.

“She’ll fit!”   Sadie gasps.  A vice like grip takes hold of my ankle and I see Sadie’s other hand grip the blankets on the opposite side.  “Oh my God!  Oh my God!  This is really happening!”

Neither her nor Audrey was ready to throw in the towel yet so I continue to do my job and try to spread that honey hole even wider.

Audrey grabs her shaft to help press it in harder.  She looks to the wide eyed Sadie.  “Last chance to back out.”

“Fuck me!”

Audrey leans her weight forward and her helmet mashes against Sadie’s sex.  For a long, lingering moment nothing happens.  But after only less than a minute the tapered tip begins to make progress!  My eyes widen as I see and feel, as if by magic, my slender nerdy girlfriend’s vagina open up to accept the intruder at her entrance.

“Ohhh…ohhhh…ohhhh fuuuuck!”  Sadie groans, her belly flexes and her grip on my ankle gets even tighter.

Audrey keeps the firm pressure constant.  Her great girth bulges then glides along the edges of my fingers at the fringes of Sadie’s open pussy.  A tiny fraction of an inch at a time her cock crams inward until…penetration!  All at once three or four of Audrey’s beefy inches punch their way past the resistance.  I could not believe my eyes.  Somehow Sadie’s tight young cunny had opened enough to take in a cock thicker than my wrist!  Audrey was inside of my girlfriend!

“FUCK!”  Sadie cries out before her voice clips off.  Her taut body freezes up.  Her stunned eyes bulge, staring at her stretched open pussy, and her mouth hangs agape though no sound comes forth.  It was if she’d been petrified by a medusa’s gaze.  I was just about ask if she was okay when suddenly she is seized by a whole body spasm. The strangest look of what I can only describe as ecstatic agony washes over her.  Her back arches back then forward violently and the hand on my ankle lets go only to slap back down and claw at me with vicious strength.  When she at last finds her voice again…she HOWLS.  “OOHHHHHHH FFFUUUUUUCKKKK!!!”

Part 11 



What does chickadee mean as a tag?


Ha! Whoops. Wrong tag. That was for another story called Chickadee.