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After the world’s fastest shower where I scrub sticky mess from my body I dry off and, with only the barest hint of hesitation, slip into the white panties that Audrey had left for me.  To my complete surprise…it felt nice!  Really nice.  The silky smooth nylon was so much softer and gentler than my usual polyester blend boxer briefs.  Not only that, they just held everything in a nice supportive hug.  My butt, my balls, and my pecker were as snug and cozy as I had ever felt them.  And just as I thought, there the sheer white fabric left not one thing to the imagination.  My thumb-sized flaccid penis, slumped to the left, my balls, small and tight against my body after the cool shower, and every last curly pube could be made out as clear as day.  And now that they were on me I could could also make out that the waist band was a delicate lace and that a super feminine pattern of tiny white flowers ran across the rest of it.  It made the solid black underwear Sadie was wearing look positively butch by comparison.

I take a moment just to process what I am looking at.  Myself…in a strange belittling woman’s hotel room…wearing nothing but women’s panties.  Never in a million years would have I had guessed that my path through life would ever lead me here, yet here I was.  Here I was with a big nervous smile on my face.  A burst of laughter from the living room snaps me back to the moment.  By standing here and ogling myself I was missing out on precious seconds with the gals!

I walk at top speed until the corner when I meet the ladies sight line where I slow my steps to a stroll.  Boldly I walk back into the open to see the pair still on the sofa getting along splendidly.  They sat closer now, hip to hip, and the whole energy between them was loose and comfortable.  A familiar flush across Sadie’s nose and upper cheeks tells me that she was already feeling the wine.  She always had been an easy drunk.  With the curtains wide open to the world, the others still fully dressed, and Audrey a still a total stranger, I was feeling my exposure as keenly as if I had done a streak across the field of a packed stadium.

“ZACH!  Oh my God!”

Sadie snorts and bursts into giggles the moment she spots me coming.  Audrey gives me a long sidelong look and smirks.  Making no effort to cover myself I approach them.  Seeing her boyfriend like she never had before Sadie takes me in from head to toe.  Audrey’s blue eyes however linger on my groin.  She’d made me nut twice yet this was the first time she actually saw my junk and what she saw amused her greatly.

Running a hand down my girlfriend’s back in an unmistakably intimate sort of way she quips.  “That’s what you’ve had to settle for?  You poor dear.  It’s even smaller than I thought.”  This causes more snorts and giggles from Sadie.  My soft dick visibly swelling at the insult only makes it worse.  Audrey takes Sadie’s sloshing but near empty glass from her and hands it to me.  “Refill.”

Nodding I take the glass by the stem and hurry to refresh Sadie’s wine.  By the time I returned her giggles had subsided enough to hold the drink steady.  Her glasses slipped partly down her nose Sadie watches me with sparkling eyes as I kneel back down where I had been before being ordered away.

“He’s very obedient.”  Sadie says to Audrey as if I weren’t even there.

“Indeed.”  Audrey says.  With a wave of her hand she summons me closer.  I crawl to kneel beside Audrey’s feet.  There she begins to pet me in long gentle strokes over the back of my head and down my neck as if I were a beloved family pet.  “Once you stop coddling them and humoring their so called pride prejacs are natural submissives.  They can’t help themselves.  Unable to satisfy a woman in the normal way their only option is submission.”

“Natural submissives?”

“Yes.  Look how pretty he sits for me.  Look at the pleading look in his eyes.  Have you ever seen a man so contented?”

“You are wild Audrey.”  Sadie takes a pull of her drink.

“Prejacs can’t get along by themselves.  They need us, they need us far more than we need them.” She looks at me and tilts her head.  She pinches my chin lightly and runs her thumb along just below my bottom lip.  “Men like Zach need a strong woman to truly be happy…”  Audrey then adds at a low whisper.  “…not a selfish little girl.”

“Pardon?”  Sadie smacks her wine colored lips.

“Nothing my dear.”  With a wink my way she carries on with her advice for Sadie.  “You can keep them milked or you can keep them caged, either way they will do whatever they are told.  It’s when they are erect or becoming erect that silly dreams of adequacy might enter their head and they become uppity.”  She chuckles.  Pulling my head to lay over her knee she continues to pet me, casually running her fingers through my hair and occasionally playing with my tender earlobe.  “Thankfully their resistance is easily dealt with.  As you saw, with Zach here it takes less than a minute to pacify him.”  That posh British accent of hers made every word she said sound significant and like well researched objective truth.  “If you treat your prejac right they will obey without a fuss.”

“Geez!”  Sadie titters.  “Obey?  I can’t even get him to do the dishes.  Ha ha ha!”

“Because you do not appreciate what you have.”  Audrey’s soft palm caresses my cheek.  The way she was looking at me, so warmly yet as if she were consoling me, made me feel very, very small…in the best possible way.  I sidle a little closer to the older woman and lightly grip to her calf with both hands.  I get a tiny little smile as my reward.  “If you handle a man like Zach correctly and he will do anything for you.  Anything.”  She lets out a laugh.  “Anything he’s capable of at least, which admittedly isn’t that much.”

My head still on her knee I was gazing up at Audrey’s face as she talked when out of the corner of my eye I swear I catch a twitch of movement from within the folds of the woman’s glossy night clothes.  Both of her hands were in plain sight, one stroking my head and the other Sadie’s shoulder.  I must have imagined the motion.

“Pfff, yeah right.”  Sadie mutters as she takes another long gulp of wine.  “You are so odd Audrey.  So very odd.”

With a wise smile Audrey just shakes her head at the younger woman beside her.  “Well, I’ve got an early day tomorrow.  I suppose we should get around to what we are all here for.”  Leaning back she stops petting me to put her arm around Sadie’s shoulders and pull her close.

“Oh!”  Bowing her head Sadie blushes furiously but does nothing to resist.  Both jealousy and lust burn inside of me at the sight of another person putting the moves on my girl but I stay perfectly still so as not to ruin the moment.  I silently thank God that it was another woman and not a guy.

“Would you care for some cunnilingus my dear?”  Audrey asks in that carefree way she had.  “To get things going.”

“PFF!  HA!”

Audrey chuckles.  “You are an excitable one.”

“The way you speak Audrey!  My goodness!”

“So?  Would you like your pussy eaten?”  Audrey says, totally unfazed by the bluntness of her words.  “We all know why we’re here.  As much I’ve enjoyed speaking with you Sadie we don’t have to waste anymore time with the song and the dance, do we?”

“Um…”  She looks Audrey to me and back to Audrey.  Her horny excitement given away by the sparkle in her eyes.  Setting down her glass she cleans her glasses with a tissue from a nearby box then says.  “Um…I mean…sure.  Sure I would.  Yes!”

Audrey nods to me.  “Then tell him.”


“Yes, him.”

“Oh, he’s not very into…”

“Sadie, he’s a prejac.  Stop treating him like a normal man.  Don’t wait for him to take control, YOU take charge of HIM.  Use him.  He yearns for it.”

“Uh, are you…sure?”

“Sadie.  Tell him.”  She urges.  “If you want oral, make him do it.  Tell him.  Don’t give him a choice.  Tell how you want it and for how long you want it.  He wants to hear it as much you want to say it.”

Biting her lips Sadie slow looks down on me on the floor just a foot away.  “Um…”

Tightening her arm around Sadie’s shoulders she squeezes her close and kisses her cheek.  “Confidence my girl.  It’s all about confidence.  I’ll get you started.”  She looks to me with a stern gaze.  “You heard what the lady wants Zach.  You will eat that pussy and you will eat it well.”  Looking back to Sadie she lightly teases at her hair.  “I want you to get her nice and warmed up for me.”

Part 6 



Peen reveal incoming?