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“Woah.  This place is niiice!”  My girlfriend whispers, her wide eyes glimmering from the grand chandelier above us, as we make our way across the opulent hotel lobby.  “Are you sure this is the right place Zach?”

“This is it Sadie.”  Looking down I check again that the room key card that I’d been given indeed belonged to this luxurious establishment.  “She must be loaded.”

“Do you need assistance?”  A friendly clerk asks us.  As two overwhelmed nerdy looking twenty-somethings in nice but inexpensive clothes we must have stuck out like Rudolph’s red nose in this classy place.

“We’re expected.”  I tell the man, flashing him the room card.  “Thank you.”

He raises a disapproving brow but nods and wishes us a good night.

Clutching in closer to my side Sadie says.  “I can’t believe she just gave you her room key.  I mean, who does that?  What if you were like a psycho or a serial killer or something?  What if she is!  You don’t even know her name.”

“I dunno.  I think she’s just a lonely business traveler looking for a one night stand.”  I say.  “We talked about this at home Sadie.  You said you wanted to spice things up, right?”

“When I said that I wanted a threesome…”  She pushes her glasses up higher on her nose as she blushes a little.  “…I didn’t actually think you’d act on it!  I was sort of…joking around.”

“And you sort of weren’t.”  I say right back as I push the elevator button, the shiny brass doors slide open immediately and we step inside.  “Listen, this just fell on my lap.  She’s really hot and she’s got this cool English accent.  I mean, it’s kind of perfect.  Right?  A night of fun and she flies off to who knows where.”  I press the ninth floor and the doors slide shut.  “If things get awkward we never ever have to see her again.”

“True.”  She takes a deep breath, every bit as nervous as I was.  “You’re SURE this is what she meant?”

“I think so.”  I shrug.  Minus a few embarrassing details I had told her about my encounter on the subway.  “I’m pretty sure.  We’ll play it as it goes.  She couldn’t have been much more blunt about it though.  I thinks she’s a take charge kind of woman.”

“You must have loved that.”  Sadie quips.  She takes another fortifying breath and nods.  “If we ever do this again I want to choose the partner.”

I chuckle.  “Sounds like you’re already making plans.”

She giggles and pinches my side.  “It’s only fair!  If you get two women to have fun with I should get to have two guys at some point.”

A pang of jealousy shoots through me.  She’d talked about this before but it left me uneasy.  Two women and a man I could get down with, the opposite left me feeling…uncertain.  “Mmm, let’s just see how this goes.”

“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this!”  She says for at least the dozenth time that evening.  “With a total stranger!”

As smooth jazz plays we check ourselves out one last time in the reflective metal of the door.  The pair of us were as plain as a couple could get.  Brown hair, brown eyes, average height, average build, just a regular couple that would blend into the crowd in any city in America.  Sadie wore her gray turtleneck and jeans.  Her shoulder length hair she wore loose tonight and she had touched herself up with a bit of make-up.  As always she wore her thick round spectacles as she was practically blind without them.  For my part I was in my best collared shirt and black slacks.  My hair was shaggy as I was overdue for a haircut but otherwise I was looking the best that I could.

The elevator stops and the door opens.  Taking each other by the hand we tentatively step out and start down the long hall toward room 909.  My heart is beating in my ears, my mouth is dry, and my palms sweaty.  I knew Sadie was feeling the same.  After five years together we had never done anything nearly as sexually adventurous as this.  This was a huge moment in our relationship and we both knew it.

As we pass 907 I say quietly.  “She might say some weird stuff.  She’s really…different.”

“Oh, I got that sense.”  Sadie says, her eyes casting about.  “God this place is incredible.  That’s real art on the walls Zach.”

I smile.  Between my office clerk job and her part-time librarian work we made ends meet and enjoyed a comfortable enough life but we rarely had enough to splash the cash on true luxuries.  Sadie always liked the finer things.  She would dream about trips and cars and shopping and hotels just like this one.  She would buy lotto tickets not on the actual hope of winning but simply to allow herself to dream for another week.  It felt nice to being able to bring her to a place like this even just this once.

“Here it is.”  I say as we come to a stop in front of 909.  I look to the card then up to the door.  “Should we knock or…?”

“You’ve got the key.”

“Yeah but…do we just walk in?”

“I guess.  I don’t know.”

“We should wait until 10.”

“It’s 9:58.”

“Just two minutes then.”


“Alright!”  After grappling with it for a few more seconds I finally tap the card against the lock and hear it click.  Opening the door I cautious stick my head through.  The softly lit suite beyond was unlike any hotel room I had ever seen.  It wasn’t simply a place to sleep this was a place to live.  It had a large open concept living area with full kitchen, living room, and an office work space.  Beyond the open curtains was a stunning view of the city that probably doubled the price of a place like this.  This place was pure class.  Also far larger and WAY nicer than Sadie and I’s cozy little apartment.  I did not see anybody but there was a light on in an adjoining room.  “Um…hello?”  I say, then immediately whisper back to my girlfriend.  “There’s nobody here.  We should go.”

Just a moment later comes that sultry British voice I’d heard on the subway.  “Hello Zach.  I am so happy you could make it.  And right on time too.”

Stepping out from the bedroom steps…a goddess!  In a long sleek nightgown and robe of royal blue she filled the room with her sensual presence.  Good God!  She was GORGEOUS!  Even more beautiful than I remembered from under those harsh white lights of the subway.  The blue of the night clothes made her eyes shine and the cinched belt around her waist bringing out the shape of her voluptuous hour glass figure.  Her long raven black hair cascaded down over her shoulders like glossy silk.  And her face…incredible!  The sort of refined beauty that had not faded but only became accentuated with age.  Seeing such a vision and remembering the humble geeks I’d just seen in our reflections had me having second thoughts.  What was a woman like THIS doing with a guy like ME!?  Something must have been up.

“Well?”  She puts her hands on her hips.  “Are you coming in?”

“Uh…”  It was too late to pull out now.  “Yes, of course.”

Opening the door wider I reveal my girlfriend.  This makes the woman smile.  We step in and gently swing the door closed behind us.  Sadie, overcome by the lavish decor, just stands gawking.

I swallow hard.  “Th-this is my girlfriend Sadie.”

“Hello Sadie.  That is a beautiful name.”  The woman glides towards us as if floating on air.  “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hello Ma’am.”  Sadie curtsies as if addressing royalty.  “N-nice to meet you too.”

The woman throws her head back and laughs, a full and natural laugh that helped put the mood at ease.  “Two of you with manners!  You Americans never fail to surprise me.”  She puts a hand on Sadie’s arm and softly strokes it.  “Zach, you never told me your girlfriend was so ravishing.”

Sadie titters and blushes at the compliment.  “Thank you Ma’am.”

“Please.  Call me Audrey.”  She says warmly.  “Would you like a drink?  Wine perhaps?”

“Oh.  Um.”  Sadie glances to me excitedly, clearly loving how this had started.  The rich surroundings alone had beguiled her with Audrey’s class and charm doing the rest.  Damn, this was really going to happen!  “Thank you.  Wine would be lovely…Audrey.”

“Red or white?”

“Red please.”

“Wine sounds amazing Audrey.”  I grab the opportunity to insert myself into the conversation.  “Red is fine for me too.”

Her gaze glides over to me…and takes my breath away.  Her blue eyes did not simply look at me, they consumed me.  The unmistakable fires of hot lust burned within them.  Never had a woman looked at me with such open desire!  Definitely never one so beautiful!  What did she see in me?  I couldn’t even imagine.  Slowly and longingly she looks up and down my body before her eyes linger on mine.

With a soft yet firm tone she tells me.  “No.”

I swallow and peep.  “No?”

“No my precious little prejac.  You do not call me Audrey.”  She croons.  “You will call me Mommy.”

Taken completely aback Sadie and I look at each other in confusion then back at this strange older woman.

With a casual wave of her long, elegant hand back toward the kitchen she commands.  “Be a dear Zach and pour us some wine.”

Part 3 



Aww yes. The tags have spoken, huge pp incoming.