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I stand and grip the whip as Rosa had told me to.  A great sickening knot tightens in my belly as I look down at Colly looking so small and exposed there by herself against the wall.  I shake my head and focus.  We just needed to get through 20 strokes.

Swinging the flogger about I get a feel for the weight and length of it.  I test it on the wall first to try to get a sense of the force and rangeI whip my own hand to feel the sort of sting I would be administering.  It hit with a tingling bite that warmed my palm.  Not so bad, but I knew from Rosa’s spankings that even the gentlest of strikes build one atop the other.  Even going easy Colly would be feeling it by the end.

I glance to Rosa who stood nearby with her hands folded in front of her staring down at nothing but listening keenly.  Oh what I wouldn’t do for one of her spankings right now.  I deeply wanted to be punished by my Lady for my foolishness today.  I liked knowing that I had boundaries.  I liked knowing that someone was watching me and judging me.  And most of all I liked that she would make feel loved after it was all done.  This was only the second day without my dominant Lady and it I was already missing her.

Perhaps sensing I was looking at her Rosa tells me.  “Don’t leave her waiting Master.”

“Yeah.”  I say.  “Ready Colly.”

“Do your wortht!”  She taunts with a shakes of her big green booty.  “Let’th thee what you got thir.”

Here she was the one about to receive discipline at my hand and SHE is assuring ME that everything was going to be okay.  I was really taking a liking to this vivacious little slave.

“Here it comes.”  I say.  Colly closes her eyes, lowers her head, and grips the wall for support.  I notice her pudgy toes also gripping at her sandals.

I loosen my arm, keep all of the advice Rosa gave me at the front of my mind, then let the first strike fly.  The flaccid leather tails barely tap the bare flesh of Colly’s back.  I look to Lydia in hopes that it would be enough but she shakes her head gravely.  I nod back.  Pulling back again I focus and try again.


With a clumsy strike my unpracticed hand causes the center of the tails to hit off center.  The tips whip around to snap along her more sensitive flank.

“Thhhh!”  She hisses as she feels the leather’s sting.


Colly gives me a nod to let me know she was okay.

“One.”  Lydia announces.

“Right.”  I go again.


This time I err too far the other way.  With a flick of my wrist I pull my strike back at the last second inadvertently causing the tapered tips, and just the tapered tips, to flick hard against her green skin leaving some nasty looking welts behind it.

“Hahh!”  Colly cries as her cherubic face winces in pain.

“Gods!  Sorry!”

“Go easy baby.”  Rosa whispers, knowing just by the sharp sound that I’d messed up.  “The tips hurt the most.”

“I’m sorry!”

“It’th okay.”  Colly nods.  “Dont’ thtop thir, pleathe.”

“Two.”  Lydia says.

I let out a huff of frustration.  Gods how I hated this.  I refocus and try again.  I’d been focusing on her back and coming in from above which, given our massively different heights, meant that the flogger had to travel a long way to get to its target.  Changing tactic I hold the tool low and at my side.  I sway the tails back and forth a few times, my eyes locked on Colly’s fat bottom, then on the fifth sway follow through with an arching upward stroke.

Pap!  The tails land across her plump right buttock sending ripples out through her flesh in all directions.

“OH!”  Colly hops, her eyes snapping open, more taken by surprise than in pain.

Rosa’s ears perk up.  “That’s it Quin.  You’ve got it.”


Perfect!  The strike landed just as intended.  With not much force yet with a nice audible clap to echo off of the stone wall.  Since I could get so much closer to the target before letting it go my precision and my power ended up coming through just how I meant them to.  Sticking to this technique I focus on the other cheek and let fly.


“Oh!”  Colly gasps.

“Sorry Colly, this won’t be long now.”

“It’th…okay.”  She whispers.


Keeping my strokes steady and controlled I take a few seconds to line each shot and strike one cheek at a time, alternating between them to split the pain between them.  Both green buttocks are soon glowing a purple-pink and despite my attempts to be careful poor little Colly is trembling by lash number ten.

“We’re halfway Colly.  You’re doing great.”

“Ohhhh…you too thir!”  She pants with flushed cheeks.  “You too!  Oh my goodneth!”

It is then I notice the glisten of wetness not just beaded among Colly’s dark pubic hair but also streaking down her inner thighs giving them a bright sheen.  I feel my own cheeks darken with a blush.  Colly wasn’t just enduring this…she was getting off on it!

She lets out a heavy breath, her blunt claws scraping against the stone as she grips the wall.  “Keep going thir.  Pleathe!”

A bit shook by this unexpected reaction my next strike falls a just an inch further to the inside than I intended causing two of the tails to err off and snap her wet pussy.

“OHHH!”  Colly cries out, her whole soft, round body jiggling, in what was clearly not distress.  “Ohhh thir!”

Lydia covers her mouth as she laughs and announces.  “Eleven.”

Even Rosa giggles.  “Why Quin!  What are you doing to that poor slave?”

“Shush.”  I grumble to the both of them.

Trying to switch it up I send the next one across both cheeks at once.  The unexpected change only arouses her more!  

“YETH!”  Her stout legs nearly buckle beneath her.  Her right hand comes off of the wall to grasp at one of her big squishy tits.


Trying desperately to stay serious Lydia sputters.  “Twelve.  Pff.”

Colly spreads her feet wider and arches her back to tilt her ass upward as if readying herself to be bred.  The entirety of her soft inner thighs were drenched and trickles of pussy juice roll down the inner sides of her calves.

“Do it!”  Colly gasps, her shoulders heaving up and down.  “Yeth!”

My own blush heats up.  I was glad Colly wasn’t suffering but I felt pretty weird causing such sexual pleasure to a woman right in front of my partner.  For Rosa’s part she showed no jealousy or annoyance, she just stood with a slight smile as she listened.

Pap!  Pap!  Pap!

“Yeth!  Yeth!  OHHH GODTH YETH!”  Colly cries in ecstasy, drawing a few eyes from beyond the open gate.  I could see now that with each lick of the leather the waves of supple flesh rippled not just outward but also right down to her crotch, giving her what was clearly a very pleasant vibration.   “Ohhhh thir!”

“Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.”  Lydia snickers.  “I did warn you she was coming into her breeding years.”

“I’m not sure this was the punishment you intended.”

“I suppose we could call it there.”

“Don’t you dare!”  Colly exclaims.  Her hand sinks hard into her big tit as she squeezes it hard.  “Come on thir.  Give it to me!  I detherve to be punished!”

I shake my head and give Colly the rest of her twenty lashes.  Every clapping impact comes with a cry of pleasure from the lusty goblin and by the last one I had left her a quaking green jelly of a woman.

“Ohhhhh thirrrr.”  Her voice warbles.

I drop the accursed flogger the moment the last lash is counted and hurry to her side.  Kneeling down beside her I take her warm squishy body in my arms and hug her just as Rosa had told me to.  Colly slumps into me, happy to feel my arms around her.  Even through my clothes I could feel how stiff her big prominent nipples had become.

“Good girl.”  I whisper as kiss her broad head.  “You were a good girl Colly.”

“Ohhh thir.”  She mewls softly.  “Make love to me.”

“You know I won’t do that.”  I smile and kiss her head again.  “I’m glad you didn’t suffer.”

“Ohhh.”  She moans.  “Nooneth ever whipped me like that before.  Goodneth!”

“You gonna be okay?”

“Yeth thir.  Thank you thir.”  Her large lips covers my whole left cheek with a kiss.  “I’ll mith you thir.”

“I’ll come visit again.”  I promise her.  “Hopefully at the bronze shop?”

She sighs longingly.  “Hopefully.”

As she gets dressed I stand move to beside Rosa.  Pulling her to my side I look to Lydia.  “Is our business done for the day?”

“Yes it is.”  She says.  “I know our future dealings will be less…dramatic.”

“We look forward to seeing you and your Sir again Lydia.”  Rosa says.

“Yes.  And we you.”  She says.  “Take care of yourselves.”  Then with a pointed look to me.  “And try to stay out of trouble.”

“Thank you again.”

We take our leave from Lydia and Colly and head out to retrieve the handcart.  I look to the sky.  We had just enough time to hastily grab a few essentials and make it home before the light completely left us.

“I cannot be out of this city fast enough.”  I grumble as I hold the cart stead for Rosa to climb onto it.

Rosa looks to me with sympathy.  “It wasn’t all bad though.”

“Hrm.”  I grip the handle.  “Hold on tight.  We’ll be moving quick.”

“Yes Master.”

As I turn the cart around and get ready to leave I notice a lone figure walking nervously down the street toward the tower.  In fresh set of robes and a new haircut a clean shaven Aristocles approaches the still open gate clutching a small chest in both of his hands.  I can just hear as he clears his throat and peeks his head inside.  “Um…hello?  I-is anybody here?”

Oh Venus, you lovely lady.  Even after a day like this my weary spirit warms at the sight of the goddess’ magic.  With a heave I start us on our way.  “I suppose you’re right Rosa.  It wasn’t all bad.”

Chapter 23 


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