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I hope I'm not losing y'all with this plodding, self-indulgent pace.  I'm trying to keep the same day-by-day slice of life feel from the original.


It had been a day of ups and down to say the least but, mercifully, the remaining hours until sundown pass by without any extra worries or surprises to add to the mix.  In that time I am able to finish cleaning the villa of the most obvious refuse and do some organizing around the outside.  I find the midden as well as the woodshed both hidden among the brush along the kitchen side of the building.  During the final hour of good natural light, which came early here due to the thick forest and our east facing slope, I busy myself with transferring the mountain of old pottery to the midden with the help of our handcart.  By the end I felt spent, but in a different way than when I was on the road.  My feet and legs weren’t nearly as sore and my upper body shared in the fatigue.  It felt good.

I would check in every so often to find Rosa getting along just fine by herself.  After getting some much needed energy worked out in that hallway she had continued learning the important areas of the villa and doing what chores she could handle, which actually turned out to be quite a bit!  By limiting herself to a manageable area of the villa there was a lot she could accomplish.  The kitchen was cleaned, every dish and pot and piece of cutlery was gathered and scrubbed, and she’d even gotten to the stomach turning task of clearing out the storage rooms.  Was the job perfect?  No.  Was there an extra broken plate and goblet broken by the end?  Sure.  Were there some stubborn bits of grime that were missed?  Yeah.  But considering she’d done it completely in the dark and the fact that her background was hardly that of a domestic household slave she did a fantastic job.  And all without complaint.  As always I was in awe of her.

Before letting myself relax I take out the stinking heap of trash that Rosa had gathered from the storage rooms and move the lamb into the now usable cool storage.  In such a cool, dry place I could let the meat hang for days before butchering.  And it would taste all the better for it.

“I’d say that was a productive first day!”  I say as I tap away with my flint and steel to get the stove started.  The kitchen was in deep shadow at the indirect light of the evening sky through the boughs provided our only illumination.

“One to remember.”  Rosa says.  Not bothered by the dark she approaches and finds my shoulder then sits down on the floor beside me.  She rests her head against my side.  “I certainly will never forget it.”

I pause and look at her.  “How are you doing?”

“Adjusting.”  She whispers.  “I’ll be taking things one day at a time for a while.”

“Yeah.”  I return to my striking.  “Danae was a fun surprise.”

“Yes!  She’s a delight.”  Rosa says.  “Such a free spirit.  She just comes and goes as she likes.”  She sits up and stretches her back.  “The Cassia’s were a fun surprise too.”

“Ha!”  I chuckle.  “That’s one way of putting it.”

“Especially that Cassie.”

“Mmm.”  I already didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“She sounded…really nice.”  Rosa says.  “You liked her.  I could hear it in your voice.”

“Meh, she was fine.”  I shrug.

“What does she look like?”

“Nothing special.”

“Hmm.  Well I cannot wait to taste the crayfish she gave us.”  She waves toward the pot of water that sat ready atop the stove over one of the open apertures.  “That was so kind of her.”


“And that Granny!”  She giggles.  “She doesn’t beat around the bush.  I like that.”  With a pinch to my side she says.  “Could it be that on our very first day we might have found a good girl for my…”

“They thought I was rich.”  I interrupt.  “That’s it.”

“Mmm, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that.  Don’t you?”

“Nope.  Not interested.  There we are!”  I say as a spark at last lands among the gathered dry moss and begins to smolder.  I carefully start moving the dead grass and twigs closer as I breathe life into the budding flame.  “We’ll be cooking in no time.”

Indeed we are.  It is not long until I have a good hot fire burning inside the stove and not long after that until the water is steaming and bubbling.  After picking out the dead ones with the help of an oil lamp the ill-fated crustaceans are dumped as a squirming mass into the pot.

In the romantic glow of the little oil lamp we ready our fest right there on the kitchen floor picnic style.  I cut the crayfish in halves to more easily pluck the sweet meat from the shell and lay it out topped with sage, lavender, a bit of honey and drizzled with oil.  For myself I never would have gone that extra mile but for Rosa I wanted to make this something special.  Rosa lays out the remnants of our cheese and bread and, with a careful touch, pours the rest of our wine into goblets.  While we might have still been cross-legged on the floor as we were on the road this dinner, with its local ingredients cooked right here in our very own kitchen, felt like the first real meal we’d shared in our new home.  And it was scrumptious!

But the best part…the very best part…is what Rosa asks part way through after having some difficulty prying the meat from the shell without making a mess of it.  “Master?”

“Yes Rosa?”

“Would you feed me?”

By reflex I wanted to say a hearty ‘Yes my Lady!’.  “Of course.”  Is what I say instead as if it were the most natural request in the world.  I get up to my knees and give her quiet bow before reaching across to her plate.  With my bare fingers I pull the warm, savory, sticky slick white meat from the vermilion shell.  For her part Rosa opens her plump lips into a waiting O.  Ever so carefully I place the meat within her mouth.  She closes her lips around my finger and sucks the honey and oil from it then chews the soft flesh.

“Mmmmmm.”  She smiles.  “So good.”  She opens her mouth again and waits.

My subby heart soaring I provide another for my slave Mistress.  My mouth mirrors hers as she takes the meat from my fingers.  Yes!  YES!  Now this felt right.  This felt natural.  This felt soooo good.  Me serving my Lady.  I lick my lips almost tasting it myself as I watch her luxuriate in the epicurean pleasures of fine food.  And as she accepted the morsels and slowly sucked my finger and thumb clean each time I could sense that she too was happy to be served.  A silence descends as each of us finds a bit of that joy that had eventually lead to her collar being around my neck.

When she had had her fill she licks her lips and whispers.  “Drink.”

‘Yes my Lady.’  I mouth but do not utter as I bring the goblet to her hand.

She takes a drink, finishing it, and passes it back.   “Thank you Master.  I am full.”

“You’re welcome.”  I whisper.  “Anytime.”  I then settle back to finish my own meal.

We finish the meal with a dessert of fresh fig.  After the meal we clean up and I close and secure the kitchen window.  Together we retire upstairs with Rosa walking with even more confidence than I was as she counted out her steps through the shadowy halls.  Once in our room I blow out the lamp and set it to the side allow just the moonlight spilling in from the open balcony door to guide my way.  I could barely see my Lady as she undressed herself in the deep shadow, just seeing tantalizing hints of her soft curvaceous body in the dark.

“May I undress you Master?”  She asks softly.

“Yes my slave.”  I say.  I close the door, knowing that Rosa preferred the warmth, casting the room into total darkness.  “I cannot see.”

“Just follow my voice.”  She says in lilting voice that transitions straight into a soothing hummed tune.

My hands out in front of me I soon find the arms and warm flesh of my partner.  In the dark she undresses me and together we crawl into our grand bed together.

“Would you like me to service you Master?”

“No.”  I whisper and hold her tight to my side.  “Not tonight.”

“Yes Master.”  She rubs a hand across my chest and kisses my pec.  “Quin.”

“Yes Rosa.”

“It’s going to be okay.  I promise.”

I let out a long breath, muscles I hadn’t even realized were taut relax with it.

“I know how scary this must be for you.”  She says.  “Twenty years old and suddenly you’ve got the weight of the whole world on your shoulders.  It’s okay be scared Quin.  It’s okay not to know what to do.  We’ll figure it out.  Together.”

I squeeze her tight.  “Thank you.”

She hugs me hard in return.

Still fatigued from our long journey and worn down by a day of hard work and even harder worries the pair of us swiftly drift off to sleep.

Chapter 15 



this story so good


Geez, thanks guys. 💙