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“Me?  Command you?”  I say.  “No.  That wouldn’t feel right.”

“You’re sure?  Could be fun to experiment.”

“No.”  I shake my head.  “I cannot command you like that.”

“Then allow me to please you Master.  In my own way.”  Wrapping her arm around me pulls herself into my side.  Snugged up right against me, her left breast squishing into my flank and her thick flaccid cock into my thigh, Rosa takes my wrist and pulls my arm around her soft, lithe body.  Then with that same hand she finds my hard dick poking up out of the water and takes it in a light grip.  With her eyes closed she presses the side of her head into my pec and begins to stroke me.  “I cannot do much for you Master, but I can do this.”

“Rosa.”  I whisper.

“Shhhh.”  She says.  “Let your slave girl serve you.”

Her hand was so soft and so gentle as she strokes me neither quick nor slow but at a nice steady pace.  At each down stroke the bottom of her hand touches the water sending out rings of ripples that bend to the slow current moving through the pool.  

“Ohhhh, that feels nice.”

“Mmm, thank you Master.”

Unlike before she looked relaxed and at peace.  Danae had surely lifted her mood but it was more than that.  She had handed the reigns of power to me and that made a world of difference.  She was still taking charge, she was still the steering the sexual encounter, but she was doing so by my leave.  The change in dominance was subtle but all important.  As Lady she felt responsible for me but as slave girl she could give herself over to the moment completely.  I knew well that wonderful freedom of yielding to another.

The strokes stop as she brings her hand to the top of my cock with her just her five fingertips tenderly stroke my dark swollen knob.  Even without sight she knew her way around my dick.  With one finger she rubs down the front until her hand sinks below the surface of the water.  I feel those fingertips again, this time gently digging into my scrotum to fondle my balls.

“Rosaaaa.”  I hiss.  My hand glides up her back to feel along her shoulder and silky smooth neck.  “That feels…incredible.”

“Mmm, I’m glad.”  She nuzzles into my chest and treats me to a series of tiny, sucking kisses.  Below the surface she continues to lightly massage my balls.  “You deserve to feel good.”


“Thank you for letting me pleasure you Master.”

“AH!”  I gasp as one of her fangs nicks stiff tip of my nipple.

“Mmm.”  She smiles at hearing my gasp.  Swirling the tip of her tongue around the areola a few times she then runs it across the center before nipping me again.

“Oh geez!”  My cock flexes hard in her hand as she returns to stroking me.

“Oh Master.”  She squeezes my dick.  “You are so hard!  Mmm.”  She latches to my nipple and sucks on it hard then pulls back until it pops from her plump lips.


“Such a man!”  The pace of her stroking quickens.  “Did bathing your obedient slave girl get you excited Master?”

“Y-Yeah…ohhhh Rosa!”

“You flatter me Master.”  She grins naughtily.  “I live to serve you mighty Lord.”

“I am no…ohhhh…Lord.”

“Mmmmm.”  She gives my nipple a long firm suckle as her tongue dances across it inside of her mouth.  “You are my Lord.  My hero.  My champion!”

“Ohhh gods Rosa!”  I grip at her side as she stokes my passions higher.

Bringing the hand she had around my back up to her mouth she quickly gives her middle finger a long sloppy suck before sliding back behind me.  This time her hand wasn’t going around my waist but instead down to my butt.  Her pinkie finger traces down the crack of my ass.  The next thing I knew her saliva coated middle digit was sliding inside of me!

“Nnnngh!”  My legs waver but I hold my position somehow.  I push back against her hand.  Though my butt was sore from last night a single thin finger I could take with ease.  “F-F-Fuck yesss!  Yes Rosa!”

“Does that feel good Master?”  She asks sweetly.  “Do I please you Master?”

“Yeah!”  My hand rubs all the way back down the elegant curve of her back to find her firm, round ass.  I give it a squeeze.  “Ohhh gods yes!”

“Yes Master.  My body is yours.”  She coos.  “Your hands feel so good on me Master.”

“Ohhhh…hahhhh!”  I massage her perfect behind as my pelvis starts to rock in time with her stroking.  Things were really feeling good now.  I wouldn’t last much longer.

“You have such a powerful cock Master.”  She whispers.  “Your hole is soooo tight.  Your body so ready for pleasure.  You are so strong and kind and handsome.  I am the truly luckiest slave in all the Empire.”

“Nnngh, ohhh gods!”  From her booty my comes up and around her to palm the soft breast not pressed against my side.  I fondle it and play with it as my voice rises.  “Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhh!  Rosaaa!”

She hums happily as the stroking quickens again and her penetrating finger thrusts in time with them.  As her stroking hand comes down her butt fucking finger goes in to bump against that glorious little spot that Rosa never failed to find.  Opening her mouth her long, serpentine demon tongue slithers across my chest to find the opposite nippled where it flicks and laps at it.

Breathing heavy, my orgasm close, I hold to my slave girl as she pleasures me by dick and ass and nipple.

“Ohhhhh!”  I moan, my voice rising with the building pressure.  “Ohhh Rosa!  Ohhh gods!  Yesss!”

Her pumping hand goes harder and faster, her hand now splashing loudly and sending a spray through the air.  Her jabbing finger plunging all the way in with every thrust.  Her licking tongue stops to drill hard into my nipple before drawing back and…SNAP!  Cracking back against it like tiny, fleshy whip.


Her tongue recoils and retracts back through her fangy smile.  “Ohhh Master!  Ohhhh Master Quintus!  Cum for me.  Please Master.  Cum for you little slave girl.”

My whole body tenses and shudders, my asshole grips hard around Rosa’s slender finger, and my hips buck hard.  “GNNNNGHHH!!!”  A great fat rope of my creamy white seed shoots at least a full arm’s length out into the pool quickly followed by another and another as Rosa milks the cum out of me.

“Ohhh thank you Master.”  Rosa coos happily.  “Thank you!”

I hold to my slave girl for support as she doesn’t stop until she was sure that she had dutifully drained her Master to the last quivering drop.

“Ohhhh gods!”  I moan as the orgasm fades.  The long globs of my jizz looked like clouds as they drifted with the current through the clear water.  “Whooo!”

Rosa pull her finger from my bum with a satisfied smile.  “See, that’s not so bad.”  She gives my chest a long, loving kiss.  “Is it?”

“No my La…my lover.”

“Mmm.”  She hugs me tight.  “We can make this work baby.  At least for a time.  I know we can.”

We finish our bath.  I climb from the pool first then help Rosa up to the rocks beside me.  We dry off and I dress us both, at my insistence, as I quite enjoyed doting on her with things like that.  By making me the undisputed Master she could hardly argue with me about it anymore.  A little grin plays at her lips as she stands obediently while I dress her up as nicely as I could.  At the end I let her flowing locks back down to spill over her shoulders.

I go to let her climb onto my back again but she shakes her head.  “May I walk please?”

“Of course.”  I say.  “Just stay behind me.  Let me clear the way.”

“Thank you Master.”  She bows her head demurely.  “Thank you for looking after me.”

“And thank you for looking after me.  Ohhhh baby!”

She smiles an uncharacteristically bashful smile and plays with the tips of her hair.  “Thank you Master.”

“Okay, just hold to my belt.”  I say.  “I’ll go really slowly over the rocks.  Just hold onto me and take careful steps.”

“You lead and I will follow.”

I turn my back and she grabs the sides of my hips at my belt.  The feel of her hands on my hips bring back some very nice memories.  Walking one step at a time we make our way back over the rocky riverbank and return to the garden proper.  The door at the base of the gazebo grabs my attention once more, reminding me of the other door I’d spotted up the side of the slope.  Ahead of me is an overgrown garden and to the right and left dense forest with shrines and gods knows what else hidden amongst the lush foliage.  There was so much I wanted to explore but right now my woman needed me more.  I wanted to get Rosa somewhere safe, contained, and easy to navigate on her own.  And that meant the house.  Besides, the job of clearing it out that I’d started and left behind was already starting to gnaw at me.  There was nothing worse for a farm boy like me than a chore left half finished.

Chapter 9 



Posted 10 minutes before lunch, your timing sir, is impeccable! Story is okay too i guess ;)


very interesting where this story is going.