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My head still spinning from the wild bout of sex I sit up and struggle to my knees.  Keeping my arms tight against me and my wrists together in my imaginary bonds I crawl back into the pool.  Like a blacksmith quenching a red hot piece of iron into water the river cools my steely manhood.  With my blood up from my near orgasm it takes Herculean effort to bring myself back to my calm, submissive state.  It was a challenge I enjoyed.

Walking on my knees over the smooth stones of the pool I glide through the water to return to my position between my Lady’s creamy smooth thighs.  “I am here.”

Reaching out she pats my head lovingly.  Though she acted nonchalant about what had just happened I could see the effects of her orgasm.  A touch of blush colored her fine cheeks and the tenseness in her body had relaxed significantly.  I felt so damn proud to have been responsible for that.

“Come closer my boy.”  She croons as she gently pulls me to one side so that my cheek rested upon her thigh.  Petting my hair she takes a deep breath and hugs me around the shoulders with her legs.  She pulls me in.  My stubbly cheek slides up her sensitive inner thigh sending a little shiver through her.  She brings me up against her soft tummy.  I rest my head upon her and gaze up at her in awe.  From eating pussy and wild fucking to this slow, tender embrace, from the verge of orgasm to this most affectionate snuggle, she had my libido spinning off in every direction at once.  My Lady could still play me as effortlessly as she did her flute and I LOVED it.  With most of my body below the water and her sitting tall on the stones I felt so tiny in her embrace, like a newborn babe resting upon her lap.  It brought a strange yet welcoming sense of deja vu.  With a light stroke of her supple palm she oh so slowly caresses my rough cheek and chin.  “Somebody needs a shave.”  For a moment her control cracks and a look of melancholy comes over her as she whispers.  “I…I don’t know if I can do that for you anymore Master.”


“Shhh.”  She runs her thumb over my lips.  “Continue.”

I kiss her thumb.  “Yes my Lady.”

Her leg hug loosens to give me room to move.  The way she had positioned me I knew what my next task was.  Dipping down I fill my mouth with water and bring it up to the stout shaft of her long and nearly erect cock.  I let the water trickle from my lips down over her member, the coolness hitting her penis and tummy makes her belly dance with a few shivers.  I do it again and again, rinsing it from tip to base.

“That’s nice.”   She coos.  “That’s so nice.  Keep going.”

Tilting my head I softly press my lips to the shaft to give it a sucking kiss.  I nuzzle against it and suck again from another angle.  When I learned my Lady had Amazon blood and thus wielded this fleshy spear far larger than my own I had been humbled, humiliated, and a little bit frightened.  Those days were far behind me now.  I adored her cock every bit as much as the rest of her.  It was beautiful, it expanded the range by which she could be pleasured and give pleasure, it accentuated her dominance over me, and it just felt right.  I was not jesting when I told my Lady that the statue of Venus, for all her divine loveliness, did appear lacking in this boy’s eyes.

“Let me hear you.”  Her fingers run round the curve of my ear.

“Mmmmm.”  I mewl happily.

Closing her eyes her brows furrow.  “I remember the first time I had you on your knees sucking my cock.”

“Nnngh.”  In long strokes I lick up her shaft.

“You looked so nervous but so happy.”  She continues to gently stroke my ear.  “So cute.”


With a soft chuckle she says.  “I remember how you tried to go too deep too quickly.  My greedy boy.”

“Mmmm.”  I kiss and slurp.

Her smile grows.  “And the way your eyes bulged out when that traveler greeted me.”  She giggles.  “They had no idea that you were hidden right there in front of me.  We were so naughty that day.  So naughty!”  Her giggles fade.  “I suppose we won’t be able to do…again.”  She shakes her head and refocuses.  “We’ll make new memories.”  Taking control she grips her shaft in one hand and positions my head with the other.  Feeling across my face with her tip she finds my lips and pulls me in.  That satisfying feeling of her thick knob filling my mouth quickly follows.  “Suck me until I finish.”  She commands.  “Swallow what you can.”

“Mmmmm!”  I moan my obedience.

I settle into a comfortable position and begin to bob.  Her great shaft slides through my tightly sealed lips as I suck steadily and lap at her spongy tip.  Rosa sits quietly with her eyes closed and concentrates on the good feelings I was giving to her.  In focusing on her sexual pleasure she could momentarily escape the worries weighing on her soul.  I do all that I can to make the escape a good one.  I mewl and moan submissively just how she liked.  I lavish all of the pent up lust from my manhood onto her through my mouth.  I suck and lick and slather her mighty lady cock like only a slutty boy like me could.  Both hands on my head my Lady rocks her hips to fuck my mouth back again.

“Mmm!  Mmm!  Mmm!”  I hum passionately with each thrust into me.

Rosa gives herself over to the moment.  Gripping my hair a bit tighter in one hand she brings her other to grope her own breast as her strokes pick up in pace and depth.  Her whole slender body gets into it, moving with a serpentine fluidity as her thrusts intensify.  She knew how deep I could handle her though she pushes my limits just a bit further.

“Ohhhh.”  She sighs.  “Such a good cock sucker.  Ohhhh.

“Glmm!”  I gurgle back with joy.  My body was in protest.  My jaw is aching, my knees pinching among the stones, my back stiffening, my gag reflex threatening, and my dick and ass crying out for some attention of their own, but giving my Lady pleasure fulfilled my very soul.  Loosening my lips just a bit I let my Lady use my mouth and throat like a pussy.  “Glgh!  Glgh!  Glgh!”

“Ohhh yes.  Ohhh my boy!”  She moans.  “Ohhh my sexy…”  Her voice catches as she opens her eyes to look at me…and sees nothing.  Caught up in the winds of passion she had forgotten.  The opening of her eyes to see her beloved boy sucking her was a shocking and brutal reminder of her sudden disability.  “Ohhh!”

Her strokes falter but I am right there to pick up the slack.  Sucking harder I frantically bob to take her the rest of the way.  “Rrm!  Rmm! Rrrrmm!”

However the spell is further broken by the snapping of a dry twig coming from the bushes.  In the blink of an eye my dominant Lady becomes my slave girl.

“Master!”  She cries in fright.  Pulling her dick from my mouth she slips into the water to hide low and clutch to me.

“It’s okay.”  I hold her protectively as my eyes scan about the low bushy foliage between the bank and the gazebo.  “It’s probably just a deer.”

“Make it go away Master.  Please!”  Her voice bordered on hysterical.  Understandably so.  She had never truly been comfortable outside the guarded walls of a city.  And thanks to a traumatic event from her childhood in which she was forced to witness the slaughter of her parents at the fangs of a hydra she had a deep-seated fear of monsters.  Our recent experience with a vicious harpy had surely done that phobia no favors.  And stripped of her ability to see that fear had only been magnified.  “Master…please!”

Not spotting anything right away I look down at my trembling lover.  Her sightless eyes are wide, her green-black pupils shrunken to small points, as they dart about in a hopeless search to spot danger.  Her breath is fast and shallow as her fight or flight instinct overrides everything else.  And the way she clung to me, as if another harpy was circling above us right now ready to carry her away again, it broke my damn heart.  She was so scared.

We had tried to have our fun.  We tried to take a moment to pretend that everything was okay.  Only now do I realize how foolish we’d been to try this out here today of all days.  We’d done riskier things on our trip but that was when my Lady could keep an eye out for threats.  Just as I had grown Rosa had come a long way from that overwhelmed slave girl that had been so afraid of being left alone in the grass just outside of Rome but this had been too much, too quickly.  We should have known better.  I should have known better.  In my eagerness to be her boy again I’d forgotten to be her partner.

My arms loosen.  The imaginary ropes dissolve in the water as boy becomes man once more.

I run my fingers through her soft, lush hair and pull her head to my chest.  “It’s okay Rosa.  Nothing is going to hurt you.  You are safe.”

“I’m sorry Master.  I’m sorry.”

“Rosa, it’s okay.”  I kiss her head.  “Everything is okay.”

There comes a leafy rustle from the same direction that we’d heard the snap.  “Wh-what is it?”  She says at a hissing whisper.  “What’s out there?”

I look up again and focus on the bush I believed the noise to be coming from.  And from that bush I see two eyes staring back.

Chapter 6 


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