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So what I've decided for this story (for now) is that I am going to keep it alive but firmly on the backburner.  Also, previous to this the chapters were about twice as long as SfH's but I am going to shorten that up to make it easier to work on.


“There it is!”  I cheer as I lean up between the front seats to point ahead of us.  “The ocean!”

“The big, wet, blue thing?  Yep.  Kinda hard to miss.”  Hanae quips.

I sit back down feeling rather foolish but still with a huge smile on my face.  Dot sidles closer and puts her arm around me with a smile as big as mine.  “She’s never seen it before.  She wants to feel it on her feet.”

“It’s just a thing I always wanted to do.”  I say.  “Wow…look at it!”

“There’s nothing like it Jo.”  Hanae says.  “The smell, the sound, the surf, the sand.”  Pulling into a shady spot she parks the truck.  “You two go on.  We’ll get the stuff and catch up.”

“Thank you.”  I say, barely able to contain my excitement.

“Go on then.”  Sloane laughs.

Hand in hand Dot and I exit the truck and hurry down the path that lead through the trees and grass of the park to the white sands and azure expanse beyond.  As we peak over the last of the grassy dunes I pause just to take in the moment.  Straight ahead I could see an island or peninsula in the distance, but if I just turned my head to the right…there it was.  The grand old Atlantic Ocean.  Water stretching out so far that it meets the sky.  Wow!  WOW!  I take deep breath of the briny air through my nose and slowly let it out through my mouth.

“Amazing!”  I am buzzing.  “Ahhhh!”

Dot giggles and straightens her backpack.  “Let’s go.”

Quick as I could I peel out of my sandals to feel the pebbles and warm sand on my feet.  Then we start out onto the beach proper.  “It’s a lot wider than I thought.  The beach I mean.”

“Low tide.”  Dot explains, her eyes scanning directly in front of us as mine searched the horizon.  “Keep an eye out.  Might find something cool.”

To avoid the crowds this choice of beach had been perfect.  Except for an old couple going for a stroll off to our left and a young family building sand castles to our right the rest of this wonderful place was all ours.  Taking a meandering route Dot takes us back and forth over the flat expanse.  Though I just wanted to hit the water she seemed far more absorbed by everything else along the way.  And, to be fair, it was interesting.  We find exposed clam beds, fascinating tidal pools, and she even points out a strange creature more ancient than the dinosaurs.

“That’s a horseshoe crab!”  I marvel at the slowly scuttling creepy-crawlie.  “Wow!”

“They’ve got blue blood.”  Dot says.  “I think that’s neat.”

“Ouch.”  I lift my foot and see a jagged white triangle half buried in the sand.  Lifting it out I look at it.  “A shark’s tooth?  A real shark!  This place is CRAZY!  Ha ha ha!”  With that I make a break and run for the water’s edge.  “Come on Dot.”

“Go ahead.”  She calls after me.  “I’ll be there when I find it.”

I didn’t know what she was looking for but right now I didn’t care.  After all these years my dream was right there in front of me.  The warm sun on my head and the salty spray in my face I run and leap and laugh along the way until I take one last jump.  I land with a splash, my feet sinking an inch into the wet sand.  My toes wiggle in the sand and waves lap at my ankles as I drink in the endless blue before me.  It was even more vast and awe-inspiring as I’d imagined it would be.  Like the silt and sand stirred up by my feet deep emotions swirl in my heart.  This was the very ocean my Mom told me about, I was experiencing it now just as she had then.  And if I squinted hard I could almost see the high masted sailing ships of my Daddy’s stories on the horizon.

“I wish you could have been the ones to bring me here.”  I say to my dead parents.  Then, thinking about my mother’s Cybele Sisterhood card and the circumstances by which I found myself in this exact place, I add.  “But I suppose you sort of did.  Didn’t you?”  I walk forward until the water reaches my calves.  “I followed you Mom. You lead me here.”  In the blustering breeze and the soft swish of the tides washing in and out I listen for a reply.  “I know Mom.  I’ve seen it.  I’ve felt it.  I’ve tasted it.  Magic is real.”  Reaching down I touch the water.  “I believe!”  I stand straight again and look to the bright white clouds above.  “Did you bring me here?  Have you been watching me?  If you can hear me, please, please, just give me a sign.”  I look for something, anything, to cling onto but the gentle surf and wind remains the same.  “I miss you Mom.”

I stand soaking it all in for I don’t even know how long.  With this moment alone every doubt I ever had about the move down South is erased.  I might be a fish out of water right now, but I was exactly where I belonged.

“Joanna.”  I hear Charlize’s silky smooth voice call to me.  “I hope you put on sunscreen.  Your lily white skin will burn to a crisp out here.”

“She could use some color.”  Quips Dom.  “I’ve got a lotion if you need though.”

Turning around I could see the pair of sisters setting out beach blankets about a stone’s throw from the water’s edge.  Charlize looked stunning as always in a purple bikini top and matching sarong.  She sat on a blanket rubbing an oil onto her skin that made her smooth skin glisten.  She was clearly here to catch some rays.  Dom had on a blazing orange shirt with a knee length skirt of bold zig-zagging colors.  Beside her was a big picnic basket and cooler packed up for the outing as well.  Still approaching were the others, and what a motley crew they were.

In the center walking imperiously is the giantess Gretchen in a black one-piece and crimson red beach shawl.  She wore dark cat-eye sunglasses and a huge sun hat upon her blond head. Despite her lanky height and small breasted figure I discover she had some nice curves on her nonetheless.  On either side of her were the duo of Sloane and Hanae, one carrying nothing but the smoking joint dangling in her mouth and the other laden with an entire expedition’s worth of supplies.  Trailing behind them by a half dozen strides was Beatriz…I think.  All I could see is a black parasol with a veil that hung down nearly to the ground.  It was quite comical how I could only see her booted feet plodding along beneath the veil.  Way off in the distance off to my left I could make out Dot by herself.  She looked to be on her knees building a sandcastle.

Throwing my arms wide I spin and kick up a spray of water.  “Isn’t this amazing!  Ha ha ha!”

Gretchen swats annoyedly at some flies near her face as she sets out a folding lounging chair that she’d taken from Hanae between Charlize and Dom.  “First Year is easily impressed.”

“She’s never seen the sea before.”  Dom smiles at seeing my genuine excitement.  “Yes Jo.  It is amazing.”

“I’m so…happy!”  I spin and dance.  “I’m so happy Dom!  I love this place!”

She chuckles as the others smile, even the German’s sharp features softening a bit.

Hanae dumps the load of gear nearby.  “Careful with our stuff you oaf.”  Gretchen grumbles.

Sloane and Hanae share one big beach blanket.  It had barely been spread out when the slothful Sloane is already stretching out on it.  Lifting her round sunglasses she looks to Dom.  “Dot found a hell of a good spot.  Nobody’s out here.  Rock out with our cocks out?”

“I don’t see why not.”  Says Dom after looking around.  “Hanae.  Do you mind being look out?”

“Yes Sir, Ma’am.”  Hanae winks.  Squinting off in Dot’s direction she asks.  “What’s she up to?”

“Who knows.”  Dominique says.  “She saw us though.  She’ll come over when she’s ready.  Let her have her space.”

Near the group and yet apart the black pillar that was Bea comes to a stop and lowers in place.  I wasn’t sure if she was squatting under there or if she’d brought a stool but not even a fingertip leaves the sun blocking veil.  I look around at the women that I deeply wished were truly my sisters and I marvel at them.  Witches.  I was looking at some sort of coven of witches.  It blows my normie mind.

And as they start to remove their skirts and waist down coverings the bulges showing through their swim wear remind me of the other reason these women were special.  It blows my horny mind.

On light feet I skip across the sand to join the fun.


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