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We snuggle a little, we smooch a little, and we laugh a lot as we take a few minutes just to savor the afterglow.  Time was limited but after what we’d just experienced we needed a moment to connect and come down from the heights of passion.  Though it was brief, it was wonderful.

The overhead light is turned on and with moist wipes and tissues, which I was learning Evelyn was never without, she cleans me up first, then herself, and then the car.  I offer to help but she insists on doing it herself.  I am dressed and given some water before she gives a big smooch and a pinch to the cheek.  “My cute lover man.”  Then I am shooshed out into the cool dark night.  Rolling up the blanket she gives it to me and tells me to put it in the trunk then just wait outside as she finishes up.  I do as I am told.

Holding my arms tightly around myself to fend off the chill I gaze up into the glorious heavens and marvel all over again.  How could something so magnificent and so beautiful have been hiding up there all these years?  It had always been there, I simply hadn’t the clarity to view it.  But I did now…thanks to her.  It is only a few minutes until I feel Evelyn’s warm arms wrap around me.  “Come on baby, lets you get you out of the cold.”

“Evelyn.”  I say, my voice softly sighing like the breeze through the leaves behind us.


“Thank you.”  I say.  “Thank you for bringing me to this place.  It is so beautiful.”

“It is.”  She looks up into the stars.  “Even more so when you can share it.”

“Thank you for getting me that job tonight.  Thank you for giving me a home.  Thank you for letting me take care of my sister like I need to.  Thank you for letting me paint.  Thank you for letting me…discover myself.  My real self.  Thank you…thank you for…everything.”  I sniffle.  “Everything good I have in my life…is because of you.  Thank you for…loving me.”

“Aw, my boy.”  She takes my head and pulls it to her shoulder.  She hugs me and kisses my cheek.  “Every boy deserves a Mommy to love them.”  She kisses my other cheek.  “You most of all.”  She kisses my lips.  “Until you showed up I…I thought I might lose myself.  To boredom, to drudgery, to routine, to a lack of purpose.  Just another washed up old woman going through the motions.  I thought I might just…fade away.  You saved me baby, you saved me from all of that.”  She rubs my arms to warm them.  “I am glad you found me when you did.”

I wipe a tear from my cheek.  “Me too.”

“Come on my lover.  Let’s go home.”

She leads me to the passenger side.  Since we were heading home she’d have to be the one to drive this time, which was just fine by me.  She offers me a mint to mask my spunky breath then starts the engine and pulls us around to creep back down the narrow road.  I sit feeling absolutely incredible in that way you only could after a good fuck.  Once back on pavement she pushes the needle a bit, wanting to get back before any suspicion could be raised in Alan.  As she drives we talk as we often do, just about life and things that were on our mind at the moment.


“You can call me Mom you know.”

I smile.  “Mom?”

“Yes baby?”

“Uhhh…we didn’t use any protection.”

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.  “It’s okay.”

“You sure?  What are we going to do if…something happens?  How are we going to explain…well…you know?”

“Nothing is going to happen my boy.”  She drives in silence for a time, her eyes distant, before saying.  “Let’s just say there won’t be the pitter-patter of little feet around the house until you or Eugene give me some grandbabies.  My child-bearing days are…over.”  She sighs and says again, like a mantra.  “I got one perfect baby, that’s enough for any woman.”

Oh my God!  I did not know that.  At her age…I never would have suspected.  So that’s why Eugene was an only child.  Something must have happened.  I could not even imagine what that would have done to a woman like Evelyn.  She lived to be a mother and a Mommy.  It was the core of who she was.  Whatever happened must have torn her damned heart out.  Reaching across I lay my hand on hers.  “I am so sorry.”

She smiles a melancholy smile.  “It’s okay Donald.  It happened a long time ago now.  I found my peace with it.  Or at least acceptance.”

“I love you.”  I say, unsure of what else I could say.

She looks at me and her face brightens.  “I love you too.”  Reaching up she strokes my cheek with the back of her fingers.  “Are you disappointed?”

“No!  Oh my God, no.”  I grab her hand and kiss her soft palm over and over.  “You are perfect.  You are my perfect woman.  I love you.”

“Sweet boy.”  She pats my cheek and returns her hand to the wheel.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s okay baby, really.  There’s no point scratching at old sores.”  She glances to me.  “You just be you, okay?”


The rest of the drive is more muted but just as loving.  It was not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one.  The type of quiet of two people secure in their bond.  We were both lost in thought, both tired from our long day, and both worn out from our intense bout of passion.  As she pulls into the driveway she says.  “We just left the hall.  We were chatting with the others.  I gave you a ride home.  If we see Alan, let me answer any questions.”


She hits the garage door opener.  As the door opens and the lights flicker on to reveal the garage I see at the far right the Thunderbird sat with its cover still off.  It looked just like when I had left.  Had Kitty been able to work on the car?  Or had I messed it all up for her?  There was no way to tell.  Evelyn pulls into her bay and parks.

Taking the wrench from the glove compartment I hold it in my hands and look at it.  “Um…could you tell Alan…”  I sigh.  “Actually, I’d like to tell him myself.”  I look to her.  “Do you think he’s still awake?”

Her brows raise in surprise.  “Well, yes.  He never goes down until he knows I’m safely at home.”

I chuckle.  “Like he thinks a man ought to.  He really is a great guy, isn’t he?”

“He’s no saint, but he has his moments.”

“May I come in?”  I didn’t WANT to see my lover’s husband so soon after cuckolding him…but I knew that I couldn’t rest easy if I didn’t.

She studies me a time before nodding.  “Of course.”

In the light of the garage she checks out the back seat quickly, to make sure nothing incriminating remained, then the pair of us head into the house.

“Alan, I’m home.”  Evelyn calls out as we enter.

“Hey.”  I hear his gruff voice from the kitchen.  “How was the…”  Stepping around the corner his words catch in his throat as he sees me standing at the doorway.  With a stunned look he bristles.  “What are you doing here?”

“Donald helped us down at the drive.  He was a great help.”  Evelyn says.  “We had a talk about what happened.”

Holding out the tool I say.  “I brought you back your wrench.  And…I wanted to apologize.”  I swallow.  “I had no right to talk to you the way I did.  I was in the wrong.  I was disrespectful and rude.  It won’t happen again.”  I hold out my hand for a man-to-man shake.  “I am sorry.”

Alan glances to Evelyn then back to me looking extremely uncomfortable with my heartfelt apology.  Not so much angry or offended, but seriously uncomfortable.  Downright flustered really.  Very unusual for someone usually so stoic.  He wasn’t a touchy-feely type of guy though so I could understand it.  I was just relieved that he wasn’t mad.

“Sure.”  He says with no attempt to approach to take my hand.  “Apology accepted.”  He nods to the table near the door.  “Leave it there.”

I put the wrench down.  “I hope that my stupidness didn’t…”

“Your wife’s getting the car.”  He cuts me off before turning around and heading right back into the kitchen.

“Oh!  Uh, thank you Sir!”  I call after him.

There’s no reply.  Evelyn just shrugs and whispers.  “I guess that went well.”  With glance toward the kitchen to make sure Alan wasn’t looking she looks to me and says softly.  “Good night Donald.”

“Good night Evelyn.”

We don’t kiss but we do steal a little squeeze of our hands.  Even though my opinion of Alan was shifting I couldn’t deny a rush of exhilaration at our secret love.  As I walk around the house the emotions and activities of the night had truly caught up with me.  I was beat.  Walking into our place I lock the door behind me.  My sister was bundled under a big blanket on the sofa, the television was on but she didn’t seem to be watching it.

“Hey you.”

“Hey.”  She says, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  “Have a good night lover boy?”

“Yeah.  The best.”  I confess.  “I heard you got the car.  That’s awesome.”

“Yeah.  I did.”  She giggles.  “Alan…gave it to me.”

“Hey, sorry about the way I acted.  Again.  I shouldn’t have talked to you like that and I shouldn’t have left you there like that.”

“That’s okay.”  She laughs and says in a sing-song tone.  “Your forgivennnnn.”

“Be serious.  I’m trying to apologize here.”

“Uh huh.  He he he he!  I’m serious.”

I chuckle at the way she giggles and how just her beaming face peaked out from the blanket.  “You’re in a good mood.”

“I got a free car!”  She titters and wriggles.  “And I got to work on it.  Of course I’m in a good mood.  He he he he.”  She slumps back and stares up at the ceiling dreamily.  “Ohhhh, I love that big ol’ car!  Best damn car I ever…sat in.  Mmmmm.”

“You’re acting weird.”

“Am I?  He he he he!”

“You better not be high.”

“I’m not.”  She trills.  “I’ve been a good girl.”

I could tell she wasn’t high, thank goodness, but she was definitely acting funny.  I snap my fingers and point an accusing finger at her.  “You!”


“I know that look.”  My eyes dart to my laptop that sat closed on the coffee table.  “I know that look!”

“Mmm?”  She hums innocently.

“Aww Kitty!  Use your phone like a normal person!  And do it in your room for God’s sake!”  I protest.  “What if you hadn’t heard me coming?”

“What if you HAD heard me cumming!?  Ha ha ha!”

“Aww gross!  You better have erased the browser history!”

“Ha ha ha ha!  When the husband’s away, the wife will play!  Ha ha ha ha!”

“You better not be naked under there!”  I wrench my eyes away.  “You don’t have anything under there with you, do you?”  An instant later I exclaim.  “Don’t answer that!  I don’t want to know!  ARGH!”

“HA HA HA HA!”  She rolls and wriggles as she is seized with hysterics.

“Oh my God, get me outta here!”  With Kitty’s ebullient laughter filling the room I retreat into the washroom.  Shaking my head I laugh too.  “What a goof.”

Chapter 105 


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