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“That…was…crazy.”  I whisper as I watch Johnny go about his gardening duties seemingly clueless as to what he had just gone through.  He moved a little gingerly, as anybody would after having over a foot of cock mercilessly rammed up their backside, but he was alert and looked to be in good body and spirits.  I struggle to think about what kind of drug could possibly hit that quickly then wear off that fast.  Beatriz insisted it was a ‘potion’, but this came from a woman whom read witchcraft books for fun.  I knew it couldn’t have been what she claimed but no other explanation made sense either.  I sit back stunned and confused by what I’d just witnessed.

Beatriz slides the peek hole closed and everything fades to dark.  “You didn’t enjoy it sister?”  

“I…I don’t know how I feel about it.  That was…wild.”

“Are you not aroused?”

“Uh…I don’t know honestly.  I’m not not aroused, if that makes sense.”

“You didn’t even get hard.”

“That’s none of your business.”

“I see.”  I could hear the disappointment in Beatriz’s flat voice.  Her hopes for a peeping partner weren’t quite living up to her expectations.

“You got wood?”  I ask, knowing darn well that she did.


“You liked that, huh?”

“Yes.”  Her voice is cool and withdrawn.  

The bond we’d just started to establish seemed to be crumbling already as Beatriz began to suspect I wasn’t quite the voyeur she’d taken me for.  She was weird, she was spooky, she did that weird toe gripping thing that gave me the creeps, I didn’t know if she could be trusted, and she was a shameless peeping Tom.  Despite it all though I didn’t want this fledgling friendship to wither.  I liked how she saw me as a kindred spirit.  Growing up as the only orphan in my cohort I always felt like the oddball, the outsider, the one that other people either teased or had to talk around for being different.  I could sympathize with Beatriz’s desire to reach out and find a friend that understood her.  Also…the way she called me sister, which I found so off putting at first, was really starting to grow on me.

“It was pretty hot, watching them like that, without them even knowing.”  I giggle.  “Goodness!”

Silence.  In the pitch black of the crawlspace I could only guess at how she was reacting.

I continue.  “I think my favorite part was how his dick and balls swung back and forth as she did him from behind.  God it was so cute, he was so cute, wasn’t he?  Such a hottie.”

After a pause.  “Yes.”

“If he knew he had an audience…if he knew we saw him pop his nut so quick…if he knew we saw him get bent over…he he he…what would he think?”

“He’d be…embarrassed.”  I was winning her back over with my talk.  “He would feel exposed and humiliated.”

“Yeah!”  Lowering my voice even further I lean in.  “You want to hear something else…exposed and embarrassing?”

“Yes!  Yes I do sister, tell me.”

“When I was driving home today, in Sloane’s old jeep…I, um, I…”  I titter.  “This is too embarrassing!”

“It’s okay.”  Her cool slender hand finds mine and holds it.  “You can tell me.  I will keep your secrets, sister.”

“Thank you sister.”  I squeeze her hand and shift closer.  “Have you ever been in Sloane’s jeep?”


“Well the old thing barely runs.  It shakes and rattles and…vibrates.”


“Uh huh.  A lot!”  I say.  “More than any spin cycle I can tell you.”

Though I don’t hear a laugh I swear I can sense a smile out there somewhere.

“So I am driving home, minding my own business, and this damn jeep just keeps…”


“Uh huh.”  I nod even though she couldn’t see me.  “As good as any massager.  Hard, pulsing, and nonstop.  And the old style lap belt held me down without any give at all.  Well, I couldn’t help myself.  It just kinda…happened.”

“What happened?”  Her voice is hushed now as she hung on my every word.

“I…I had an…”

“Say it.”

“Orgasm.  I had an orgasm.”  I say as my cheeks warm.  “Right there at a red light.  Right there in the open.  Right downtown.  The damn open top jeep gave me nowhere to hide.”

I truly was humiliated by what had happened to me out there.  Yet sharing it with Beatriz was surprisingly easy.  Not only did it take the sting out of it to confess the moment openly, to own it in a way, it also made it all the hotter in retrospect.  With some distance the memory of it had me blushing in a different way.  The fact that I couldn’t actually see her probably helped too.  The dark seemed the proper place for such private whispers.

“Did anybody see you?”

“Oh my God Bea, so many!”


“I was right in the middle of talking to this old couple that offered me water.  Next thing I knew I was moaning and humping the seat like a bitch in heat!  I came so hard!  It was so obvious!”

She swallows hard.  “Wow.”

“It was humiliating!”  I say.  “People on the bus, in the other cars, these guys on the sidewalk, they all saw me!  I think some of them even caught it on video.  I might be on the internet somewhere right now!”


“I came so hard Bea.  I couldn’t help myself.  It just felt so good.  That stupid old jeep.”

“Knowing Sloane that isn’t by accident.”  She swallows.  “I wish I could have…seen it.  Or even…been there with you.”

I smile at my dark sister’s kinky mind.  “I could draw you a picture.”  I say softly.  “If you’d like.  I could even put you right there beside me.”

“A picture?”

“I am an artist.  I’ve drawn some naughty stuff before, never shown anybody though.”

“I would like that.  I would like a picture.  I would like to see us…there.”

“I can draw you the picture but Bea…you HAVE to swear not to show it to anybody.”

“I swear!  I swear I will keep under lock and key!”

“I’ll do it then.  Just for you.”

“I like you sister.”

“Why Bea.”  I grin.  “I like you too.”

Just then from out in the garden we hear the snipping of Johnny’s shears clipping along the bush just beyond the wall.  Between the snips and his humming Johnny lets out a long forlorn sigh.  “Oh Gretchen…how do I make you love me?”  He says just loud enough for us to hear, followed by a dejected groan.  “How do you court a goddess?”  Beatriz and I stay quiet, waiting for him to pass by before we start talking again.

“Poor guy.  He doesn’t realize that she already loves him.”

“No.”  Says Beatriz.  “He doesn’t remember half of their time together.”

“How is that even poss…?”  I cut my query short, already knowing her mystical non-answer.  “Never mind.”

“It’s sort of tragic when you think about it.”

“Sort of?  It’s downright sad.”  I sigh.  “Star crossed lovers.  We need to get them together.”

“No.  We do not.  We need to leave Gretchen alone.”   She says.  “Do not meddle in her business sister.  She is not a witch to be trifled with.”

“She is a bitch, isn’t she.”  I chuckle.  “Mega-super-bitch.”

“Leave her alone sister.”  She warns, her naturally eerie voice stone serious.

“Are you afraid of her or something?”

“Yes.”  Comes her answer without hesitation.  “And so should you be.”

I did not know quite how to take that.  Wanting to lift the mood again I bring the conversation back to where it had been before Johnny clipped by.

“Now it’s your turn to confess.”  I say.  “I gave mine.  One for one, sound fair?”

There is a long silence as Beatriz thinks about it.  Eventually she could help herself.  “I will confess to you.  What do you wish to know, sister?”

Up to no good, confessing our dirty secrets, hiding away together, I really was feeling like I had a sister and it felt good.

“When we were watching them, out there, you were playing with yourself.  Weren’t you?”  I ask.  “I could hear you I think.  Were you…jerking off Beatriz?”

“Yes.”  Comes her immediate reply.  “I played with my pussy as well.”

“Naughty!”  My smile grows.  “Did it feel good?”

“Yes.  Very good.”

“Did you…cum?  Are you a quiet cummer Bea?”

“I am a very quiet cummer.”  She answers.  “But no, I did not finish.”

“Why not?”

“Because you weren’t masturbating.”  She says.  “I thought…hoped…that you would join me.”


“But you didn’t even get hard.”  She spoke as if she knew that for certain.  Even while the slit was open there hadn’t been enough light in here for her to make that sort of assessment with such confidence.  “How could you watch that and not…become aroused?”

Reaching for a lie I say indignantly.  “You heard me talking to Dot.  You know how small I am.  Just because you can’t see it, just because I didn’t whip it out and start to crank on it…don’t make assumptions.”

After another silence Beatriz says.  “My apologies sister.”

“Accepted.”  I say.  “Not that I was judging or anything.  I didn’t mind that you were stroking it.  I understand, it was so hot!  I’m just sayin.”

“I have another confession.”

“Ooo!  A two for one.  Shoot.”

“I never stopped.”

“You never…what!?”

Without another word Beatriz pulls my hand into her and the next thing I knew the back of it was touching something velvety smooth and hard and BIG!  It felt like a forearm though the supple texture of the skin and the firm throbbing stiffness of the flesh told me that this was no arm against my hand.  The fingers of her other hand brush by from the other side as the realization sets in that this whole time that we’d been talking in the dark Beatriz had slowly and quietly been stroking her massive cock!  In a flash the memory of Beatriz speaking to me in the washroom yesterday flits through my mind.  ‘I’m one of the biggest.’  She had said.  ‘Larger than Hanae or Sloane.  Does that excite you sister?’  At the time I had denied it…but the truth was that it excited me very, very much.

“I was going to stop.  But hearing your story about your drive home…it aroused me.  Very much so.”

“Hah!”  I gasp and pull my hand away from her as if her skin had been red hot iron, though in fact it was quite cool to the touch.  Though I knew it was my imagination I swore I could almost make out a long, thick shape hovering near me like a blotch of lighter black on pure black.  “I have a b-b-boyfriend.”  I blurt out.

“What happens between sisters, stays between sisters.”  She says.  “We keep our secrets here.”

“Bea, I…um…”

“Your boyfriend can’t see us, sister.  Not here in the dark places.  He doesn’t need to know.”


“Aren’t you curious?  Don’t you want to touch me?”  Her quiet tone is downright ghostly.  “I would very much like to touch you…sister.”

“No!”  I shield my fake package from her with my hands.  “Don’t you touch me there!”

“Very well.”  She says.

“And I am not touching you either.  You go too far Beatriz.”

“I see.”  She says softly.  “I understand.”

“I think I better…”

“Will you at least stay and listen?”  She interjects quickly.  “Will you stay with me?”


“Please?  Please listen to me.  I would like that.  I would like to know you’re there.”

“I shouldn’t.  It’s weird.”


Again I find myself in the position where my brain is telling my one thing and my pussy another.  As I was quickly learning there was only ever going to be one winner in that battle.

“Alright.”  I say.  “I’ll stay.  Just…don’t cum on me.”

“Thank you sister.”


Beatriz goes quiet and, I assume, settles into a good fap.  Sitting there in the awkward silence with my new sister just feet away stroking herself my mind uses the darkness as a canvas to paint all of the incredible sights I’d already seen during my short time in Savannah.  Again I see Hanae and Sloane.  Again I see Dot and Prince.  And now I also see Gretchen and Johnny.  So many beautiful cocks!  It was simply too much for a girl to handle.


“Yes sister?”  She asks in surprisingly calm voice considering what she was doing.

“Never mind.”

“What is it?”

“Are…are you sure that…you wouldn’t mind…if I touched it?”  My voice is so low even I could barely hear it, Bea has sharp ears though.  “Just once?”

Instead of answering she takes my hand again, somehow finding it unerringly despite not being able to see, then pulls it it toward her.  My limp arm offers no resistance this time.  And this time she does not bring the back of my hand to her member.  Palm down she lays my hand over her turgid shaft.

“Oh my God.”  I breathe.  “Oh my God!”

I stretch my fingers and thumb wide then, slowly and gingerly, I wrap my hand around Beatriz’s schlong.  With Hanae, Sloane, and Gretchen I had seen cocks as big as those from my most erotic dreams.  While it wasn’t the nearly same I had at least seen big dicks before on the internet.  But here, now, with Beatriz…I now had one physically in my grasp.  Nothing could have prepared me for it.  Beatriz wasn’t big, she was fucking massive!  At full stretch my middle finger was well out of range of touching the opposing thumb.  For a size fetishist like myself this was a near religious experience.

“So big!”  I babble.  “You’re so big!  Oh my God!  It’s so big!”  As I squeeze and massage her meat it suddenly flexes in my hand, flaring to its full girth.  “HAH!  Oh my God!”

“You like it?”

“YES!”  I gulp for air.  With a light grip I creep along her length toward the tip.  She goes on and on and on.  “How…how….how big?”

“Almost twelve.”

“Inches!?  Oh my God.”  I am dizzy.  How could a spindly woman shorter than I was be packing a cannon like this!?  It beggared belief.  “A foot.  A foot long cock.  Ohhh Jesus.  And it’s so thick!  Ohhhhh Christ!  Bea!  What the hell!?”

“Bigger than your boyfriend?”

“Uh huh.”  I whimper, utterly humbled by her gargantuan proportions.  “Bigger than…anybody.”

I’d felt a few dicks in my time and none of them was anywhere near Beatriz’s league.  Compared to her sausage the men I’d held felt like mere cocktail weenies.  Like a tennis ball I grip her spongy glans just to feel its bulk in my hand.  I’d seen dildos at Lulu’s that was close to her size but this was no toy I was holding.  While still strangely cool for a fully erect penis there was life and vitality to this phallus that no synthetic material could simulate.  Larger than life she might be…this was the real thing.

I stroke down her long, thick shaft, feeling every vein and contour along the way while my mind’s eye imagined what it must look like.  When I reach her soft, curly pubes I grip the base hard and tilt it side to side.  Even more than the incredible length and mind-bending girth it was the sheer weight of the organ that blew my mind the most.  She was so heavy!  When I fantasized about such anacondas I never really considered the sheer volume of flesh such dimensions would contain.  She was more than twice as long as Prince and easily more than twice his width.  I remember learning in math class that if you double the size of a thing it ended up eight times the weight, I now knew that to be true viscerally as I had a real life example of that right here in my hand.

“Would you like to finish me off?”  She asks.  “I’m not far off now.”

“Yes please.”

The please just kind of slipped out on its own.  Somewhere deep down in my psyche an instinct told me that I ought to treat anybody packing a beast like this with respect.

I stroke down again, gripping her hard enough to feel me but light enough to allow my unlubricated hand to glide with ease.  I shift closer.  With my other hand I lift her dress so that I could stroke her more easily.  She aids me by holding the dress to her body herself, freeing my hand up for more important things.  With my left I grip higher up her shaft, a full inch between my two hands with dick both below and above, and really start to work her member.

“My God!  Your cock is…incredible.”

I was very aware that my hands were cuckolding my boyfriend.  I say cuckolding because not only was I handling another penis…I truly was enjoying it in a way that I never had before.  It was no fault of his, it was no shortcoming he could do anything about, her size alone just did things to me.

“What a big cock…ohhh my God, you have such a huge cock.”  Hearing those words from my own mouth made my already soggy knickers that much more drenched.  “Such a massive fucking cock.  You’d split me apart.  You’d tear me in half.  Ohhh Beatriz!”

“Don’t stop.”  She whispers breathily

“I won’t!  I won’t ever stop.  I love your cock Beatriz!  I love it!  I’ll pump this fucking big, hard, fat, foot long pussy destroyer until it…”

“Look out.”

Suddenly Beatriz pushes me away.  “Wait!”  I plead as I reach out blindly for her.

So quietly that I can barely hear her Beatriz lets out a long, low breath.  A moment later a splatter on the tiles reaches my ears.

“I can do it for you.  Let me.”  I beg, but it was too late.  She was blasting her load out onto the floor, missing me just like I told her to do.  I sit listening, my fist clenched tightly as they yearned to be the one milking that monster lurking in the dark.  As I hear her heavy wads of jizz hit the tiles and smell her pungent semen in the air all I can think about is having that baby batter slathered over my face and body.  “That’s it.  Cum Beatriz.”  I urge her on in a hushed voice.  “Shoot that big load baby.”

And then…it was over.  Beatriz lets out a contented sigh and I hear her rustle as she puts herself away.  True to her word she had cum exceedingly quietly.  Surely a valuable skill for a peeper.

“I’m done.”  She says bluntly.  “Are you sure you don’t want a turn?  I will watch or listen or help, if you wish me to sister.”

“Huh?  Oh, uh, no.”  Blinking my eyes I come out of some sort of daze.  A sort of cock induced trance.  Only then does it really hit me what I’d just done, what I’d just thought about, and the things I’d just said to this woman I’d only met yesterday.  Back comes that good old blush of embarrassment.  Goodness!  What had come over me?   

“Thank you for staying with me.”

“Um, sure.”  Feeling incredibly awkward I say.  “You won’t say anything?”

“I told you I wouldn’t.”

“Of course.  Me too.  Ahem.  W-we should get going.”

“Agreed.”  She says.  “You go ahead.  I’ll clean up here and see you up top.”

“Up top?”  Oh God!  Doing this in the dark was one thing, but facing her now in the light and among the others?  Yeeesh!  I was cringing just thinking about it.  Not that I was regretting what I’d done, I wouldn’t have traded that experience for all the gold in Fort Knox, but still…awkward!  “Yeah, of course.  Um…bye?”

“Goodbye sister.”

I turn and crawl away from her like I were escaping the scene of a crime.  I feel my way back around the corner then feel along the wall until I come to the hidden hatch that brought me in here.  I trace the latch as I try to figure out all the while muttering to myself.  “Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.”  Not four hours ago I told myself that I wasn’t going to do anything more with the sisters.  That I would make up some titillating stories to tease my man with, but not actually do anything.  So much for that.  I’d just given one my new hung roomies a hand job!  And it was AWESOME!  “Ohhh man.”  I sure hoped Prince really meant what he told me last night.

Chapter 19 



chapters like these are why i always come back to your work.