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Oh no.  Did I pop off too early?  I mean, it happens to everybody sometimes...right?  😔

It appears that changing my payout option and getting off of Paypal was a lot easier than I thought it was.  After a couple of hours of setting things up, as far as I can tell at least, I've now done what needs to be done.  I have to wait a bit of time to make sure everything goes through okay but I think it's all good.  So unless I'm missing something it looks like it is business as usual.  If anything changes I will let y'all know ASAP.

Though it won't really change anything on Patreon it will be awesome to be free from Paypal's puritanical dictums.  Even better, the new payment processor has a much clearer list of what is not allowed and purely written erotica is not on that list.  Hopefully it stays that way.

I am so sorry to have been so melodramatic yesterday but...it's kind of who I am.  lol  Manic?  Maybe just a wee bit.  😁  I wanted to make sure y'all were in the know but in hindsight I probably should have waited a day or two while I dug into things.  Again, apologies.

Okay, I'll quit pestering you now.  Take care all.  ❤



Meat Toilet

Crisis averted! Good to hear!