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A hug is a simple thing, bodies pressed together and arms encircling, but this hug was so much more.  The embrace was a snug, warm, living swaddling of fatherly care.  Alan’s great body could hold Kitty’s slender form like few had before.  So strong, so huge, and yet so gentle.  In her time Kitty had met some great kissers, dancers, heavy petters, foreplayers, pussy eaters, and lovers but no man since her Daddy had ever hugged her like this.  Despite his gruff and grim appearance Alan was simply the best damn hugger out there.  In his big strong arms Kitty felt something she hadn’t since early childhood.  Kitty felt…safe.

Holding her tightly Alan lets her cry.  Swept along by her deepest trauma Kitty can only give in and weep.  Bottled up for most of her life the pain of abandonment and betrayal comes pouring out of the curly haired ex-working girl like she’d never let it before.  She had no control over it this time.  Alan’s kindness coming at such a turbulent time hadn’t just unstoppered the bottle…it smashed the damned thing to pieces.

As the tears eventually end an awareness surfaces and the reality outside of the wonderful embrace begins to trickle through.  As thought reasserts itself over raw emotion she remembers where she is, who she is, and who he is.  Alan had allowed the tears of a vulnerable little girl flow freely but the jaded woman that armored that innocent soul was swiftly reforming herself.  In her experience one could not be vulnerable for long.  As she settles herself, clinging to Alan for a few final fading moments of succor, she also readies herself for the consequences of her weakness.  She felt foolish, weak, and so painfully common.  The messed up girl with daddy issues, a living stereotype.  Worst of all…she knew that she had failed her brother.  She was willing to accept the slings and arrows of her actions but she was saddened that this time they would hurt Donny as well.

When Kitty at last pulls away she looks up at Alan’s hard chiseled face…to see it soft and kind.  He was not annoyed or angry or impatient to have this awkwardly emotional moment over with like the few men she’d tried to open up with in the past had looked.  Neither was he teary-eyed or overwhelmed by the occasion’s intensity like Donny would be.  He was a refuge of calm in the maelstrom of resurfaced feelings that Kitty was being tossed about in.

Reaching up Alan gently cups Kitty’s face and swipes her wet cheek with a thick thumb.  He gives her the gentlest of smiles and looks upon her with a sympathetic affection that could not be faked.

“Some guys don’t know what they have, even when it’s the most precious thing in the whole world.”  He says, his deep voice as tough and rich and smooth as well worn leather.  “Your father missed out on a joy that cannot be measured.  I will not feel sorry for him because of what he did to you but I do pity the man for what he lost out on.”

“Alan.”  Kitty whispers as she holds his hand to her face and, just briefly, nuzzles into the meat of his big palm.  “Thank you.”

“Of course.”  His other hand strokes her soft hair once then rubs her back.  “I shouldn’t have pried.”

“I’m glad you did.”  She lets out a quiet sigh as the moment naturally reaches its conclusion.  Ready to face up to her fessing up she lets him go and steps back.

He looks her up and down.  Seeing she was herself again he gives her a sharp nod then motions toward the car with his eyes.  “Ready for the next lesson?”

Looking up at him perplexed she stammers.  “Are…are you kidding?  After everything I just told you?  You still want to…”  She sniffles and wipes away the rest of her tears.  “Seriously?”

“I can listen if you still need to talk, but Evelyn’s always been better at that than me.”  He says.  “You might want to try speaking with her if you feel comfortable with it.”

“But…?”  She is flabbergasted.  “After all of my lies I thought you’d be furious.  I thought you’d be throwing us out to the curb.  I’m a junkie, I’m a whore, I’m a liar!”

“Formerly on all counts I hope.”  He says.  “I’m not going to pretend that I am thrilled by a lot of what you told me but I appreciate that you did.  I just wanted to make sure you weren’t being hurt by your husband, it is not my place to judge you Kitty.”  Putting his hands on his hips he continues to study her.  “I’m probably a soft-headed old fool but I think you’ve got a good heart in there.  Donny was right to bring you here.  It’ll give you a fighting chance.”

“You are definitely a fool.”  She grins guiltily.  “You really ought to wash your hands of us Alan.  We’re trouble that you don’t need.”

“I don’t scare off easily.”

“I wouldn’t trust me if I were you.”

“That’s the difference between us then.”  He shrugs.  “I’d ask you not to lie to me again…”  Once more his eyes flit to empty bay where his wife’s car usual sat.  “…but I’ve learned from experience that a promise like that just turns into another lie.”  He puts a hand on her shoulder.  “I like you Kitty.  You’re a good girl.”

Kitty smiles and even laughs softly.  “Well I KNOW you’re wrong about that.”

He chuckles then nods toward the Thunderbird.  “So?  You still want to fix your car or what?”

She nods right back.  “I’m all yours Daddio.”

Alan is about to comment on the anachronistic slang but decides to just let it slide.  The first thing he does is turn on the radio to an oldies station that fit the mood of working on this classic automobile and then they set to work.  Out from the dark clouds of Kitty’s confessions the mood is brighter than ever.  Both of them having learned a bit about the other’s true character and personality Alan and Kitty felt like they were starting afresh.  Kitty eases off on the ditsy routine and Alan tones down his gruffness.  They each talk more freely, laugh more easily, and their body language becomes much less guarded than it had been.  Alan’s too generous response to being deceived only cemented her already glowing opinion of him.  The tragic past was one thing but he now knew of her issues with drug addiction, her selfishly doomed pregnancy, and her work as a hooker yet none of it seemed to phase him a bit.  She couldn’t understand him but she sure as heck appreciated him.  

Deciding that she was ready for more Alan has Kitty check the spark plugs.  First he has her remove the big round air cleaner to give them room to work and Kitty does so with ease.  She was on top of the world.  Everything about this was just wonderful.  The corny old music, the cool clickety noise the ratchet made, and how with each thing she learned the working of a car became less and less mysterious.  She found that while his knowledge and strength were needed at times some things were actually easier for her to do.  With her slender hands and arms she could reach into the more inaccessible areas of the engine more deftly than Alan could with his big mitts.  Working together they enjoyed the advantages of both.

Most of all though she LOVED how her new fatherly friend would guide her, encourage her, and praise her.  For a gal with daddy issues as deep as Kitty’s Alan could not know just how uplifting and wildly arousing a simple ‘good job’ could be.  He was so sexy.  Effortlessly so.  His confidence and steady temperament was not faked like so many of the fragile bravado obsessed men she’d met before.  This was a king in his own mighty castle.  His hulking body looming in behind her as he watched to make sure she was doing things right had Kitty’s body tingling with a need to be touched.  The fact that he was too honorable and too in control of himself to even make a pass at her only made her want him all the more.

When at one point he leans over onto her, the left side of his body pinning her against the fender, and slides his right hand down along her arm to aid her attempts at loosening a corroded bolt it all becomes too much for her.  Closing her eyes she savors his weight, his smell, the way his hand encompassed her own, and the soft breeze of his breath as he explained things close to her ear.  Despite him speaking clearly she doesn’t hear a word of what he says.  Partially on its own and partially on purpose she very tilts her ass up and very subtly grinds against his tree trunk of a leg.  He does not recoil nor reciprocate, he simply brings his other hand to her hip to stop it moving.

“Easy there.”  He whispers.  Kitty nods and struggles to refocus on the lesson at hand though the fires of her lust had been lit and would not be doused easily.  He was a married man, and she was ‘technically’ a married woman, yet his wise denial only made this forbidden fruit seem all the sweeter.  He backs away from her and heads toward the counter.  Wiping his greasy hands he says.  “Let’s take a break.”

Kitty stays bent over the engine for a few long seconds, praying that Alan was checking out her ass, then slowly stands and turns around to face him.  Leaning back she spreads her arms and holds to the top of the fender.  She stares at him, her brown eyes brimming with lust and infatuation.  Never had she wanted a man more than this man right here and right now.  Her hot pussy throbbed with an overwhelming urge to fuck.  Her breathing a touch heavy through her slightly parted lips she drinks him in as an internal war is waged.  It was her basest desires doing battle with her better judgment.  Alan was so good, so pure, that a part of her didn’t want to spoil that.  Her special relationship with Papi had only lasted as long as it had precisely because they never gave into such bodily urges.  Sober judgment is nearly winning out but as Alan turns back to look at her…and she sees the subtle yet unmistakable shape of a fully hard erection tenting his dark blue coveralls…the battle is swayed inexorably the other way.

Part 5 


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