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The toy in the washroom sink is dealt with and the big purple bag of sex toys is put away with many of its secrets still intact.  What else could she have in there?  My imagination shuddered to think.  The room looked perfect once more.  Except for the top cover of the bed being missing, as it was in the wash, the room was just the same as when we entered it.  Like a master criminal Evelyn had cleansed the area of all evidence of her infidelity.

It is an interesting transition from bedroom to the world beyond.  Evelyn’s gentle dominance eases and her unbridled softness and openness closes off, just a little.  Meanwhile I stand a little taller, my voice deepens to its natural tone, and the submissive Prince becomes a regular man once more.  It happens almost subconsciously but this time I notice it, and I love it.  Our BDSM fantasy was exquisite and renewed me like nothing else could but being able to leave it behind made it all feel more real.  More substantive.  Even the most beautiful work of art needed a frame or stand or wall to be hung upon, a place for the sublime to touch the mundane.  Evelyn and I were not living in a dream world, we were simply frequent visitors.

Before anything else happens she, of course, takes me to the kitchen.  There she makes me a turkey, cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwich and pours me both a big glass of water as well as another glass of orange juice.  I mention that I wasn’t particularly hungry after my big breakfast but, predictably, it falls on deaf ears.

“You need to regain your strength.”  She insists.  “You worked really hard up there.  Four!  My goodness.”

I just smile.  There was no fighting her instinct to provide and no will to do so anyway.  I eat the scrumptious sandwich and the tangy pickle on the side and I drink my refreshing drinks.

As I finish up I let out a burp and quip.  “You’re going to make me fat, you know that right?”

She comes up beside me and rubs my full belly.  “Then it will be just that much more of you to love.”

I lean into her and let her hug me.  “So…what do you want to do?”

“YOU need to get to doing what you need to do.”  She insists.  “You told me this morning about your plans this afternoon.”  

“But I wanted to hang out with you.”

“I’ll be around.”  Pulling back she strokes my hair and looks into my eyes.  “I adore you Donald and I will take every single minute you give me.  But…you need to look after yourself too.  Do not let me hold you back.  I want to see my boy soar.”  Wistfully she adds.  “And that can’t happen if I’m…smothering you in my arms.”  The way she said ‘smother’ hinted at the fact that that damned Julie’s comment about Eugene was still bothering her.  “I need to let go sometimes just…come back to me again, okay?”

Reaching up I cup her soft cheek in my hand.  “You do not hold me back Evelyn.  You hold me up.”

She kisses my palm.  “Sweet talker.”

With my heart brimming, libido quenched, mind at peace, and belly stuffed all of my needs were fully satisfied.  It was time to get something accomplished!

“I’m going to head down and get to work.”  I say.  “The door is always open to you.  Come down anytime.”

She nods approvingly.  “I will.  I’ll see you soon.”

We kiss.  As Evelyn gets to her business I head downstairs to attend to mine.  I find both top and bottom door literally open and once down I see that every window in the place was as wide as it would go as Kitty had the place fully opened up for the first time.  The flowers I had given her were on the dining table in a tall plastic juice pitcher that she was using as a vase.  I smile.  Evelyn had offered Kitty a vase, she had many beautiful ones upstairs she could have lent her, but my sister had purposely opted for this.  Along with the rest of our hodge-podge decor it was perfect.  You could take the Garcia’s out of the city but you’d never get the city out of us.  The big blousy peonies had filled the fresh air with their sweet perfume.

I stifle a laugh.  “Honey, I’m home!”

Kitty’s head pops out from the open door to her room and she replies without missing a beat.  “Hello darling.”

“You’ve really freshened the place up.”

“Getting rid of the old dead guy smell.”

“Kitty!”  I say, aghast on Evelyn’s behalf.  She laughs and disappears back into her room.  Being a bit nosy I approach and peek in to see her cross-legged on the bed with my laptop open in front of her and her old accounting textbook beside her.  “Whatcha doin?”

“You mentioned looking into schools, I thought I might do that too.”  She says as she pats the book.  “Maybe I try bookkeeping again?  I think I was pretty good at it before I had to drop out.  If I’m going to pretend to be one I might as well start looking at doing the real thing.  It’ll help us for later and in the meantime I can at least pretend I know what I’m talking about.”

“That’s…a really good idea.”

“Right?  This one here is only eighteen months.”  She says.  “Think we can keep this up for a year and a half?”

It bothered me how Kitty thought of this as a temporary state of affairs…even if she was probably right.  “Oh yeah.  Easy.  As long as we’re smart.”

“Cool.  I’m not sure if we’ve got the budget.  This shit’s expensive!”

“If it’s what you want we’ll figure it out.”  I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed.  “I was thinking about picking up a job.”

“You could ask Evelyn for…”

“No.”  I cut her off before she can even say it.  “She’s done enough for us.”

Kitty nods.  “You two have fun?”

“Ohhhh.”  I flop down beside her with a smitten smile across my face.  My aching arid balls still throbbed with the aftereffects of our fun.  “Yes!”

She giggles and slaps my belly.  “That’s my studly hubby.”

“She’ll be popping down later.”

“Surprise, surprise.”  She chuckles.  “You two are ridiculous.  I’m happy for ya.  Enjoy it while it lasts kiddo.”


“I had lunch already.  I stole some of your leftovers.”

I rub my full gut.  “No problem, I’m good.”

“She fed you again!?  Ha ha ha ha!”  She jabs into my midsection.  “You’re stuffed!”

“Gnngh!”  I pop up to a sitting position and shield my overfull gut.  “You’re just jealous.”

“Uh, yeah.” She says, that impish gleam shining bright in her brown eyes.  “It’s been a minute since I’ve been properly stuffed.”

“EWWWWW!!!  Kitty!”

As I squirm she laughs, gleeful and carefree just like a laugh ought to be.  “Need your laptop?”

“Nah, go ahead.”  I wave back at her as I dramatically retreat from the bed.

“Great!”  She says.  “Close the door on the way out.  Let’s see…w-w-w dot porn hu…”

“Ahhhh!”  I slam the door closed behind me and call back through it.  “Erase your history when you’re done!”

“Yes dear.”  She sings back.

I shake my head, a huge smile on my face.  It was SO good seeing her so full of life and humor like this.  Well, that was my computer tied up for awhile.  Looks like I’d be forced to do what I really wanted to do all along.  The paints draw me in with a gravity like force.  Finally!

As I reach out for the easel my hand pauses as in a flash my terrible nightmare from the night before plays through my mind.  All the bad stuff happened the moment I touched my art supplies.  My heart goes cold, my mouth goes dry, my hand trembles, and I have to fight the urge to pull away.  I was scared.  I was scared just like that little boy.  Scared that my whole life would fade away like in the dream and bring me back…to her.  All I had to do is not paint.  All I had to do is run away and the fear and the memories would go away, at least for now.  Cowardice, as always, was the easy solution.  So why not take it?  It’s not like I didn’t have other things I could do.

Closing my eyes I focus.  Around my heart I begin to pull in and wrap the memories of Evelyn’s warm hugs, her soft encouraging words, and her steady loving care.  With my Mommy as my armor against the dragon that was my mother I find the courage to reach out and grab the wooden easel in a hard grip.  I pause a moment then slowly open my eyes.

The room was bright, the colors vibrant, and the air still fresh and alive with the aroma of peonies.  The canvas wasn’t paper, the paints and brushes weren’t crayons, and my life was still my own.  She couldn’t scold me or hurt me or stop me.  She had no power here.  She might rule my nightmares but my true dreams she could not touch.  Not anymore.  I let out a long breath and settle myself.  Annoyedly I wipe the stupid tear that had escaped the corner of my eye then pull my painting supplies over toward the dining table.

Chapter 92 


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