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Despite my guilt blunting the taste of the food and the joy of the company I still enjoy the meal.  The vibes and the flavors were just too good not to.  Even though I was the new girl and a bit of a mystery to the others thankfully in the hustle and bustle of our eight voices and personalities the conversations never get too deep or the questions too prying.  Right now I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle an interrogation with the eyes of the whole house on me.  The cake is at last brought out and right there on the table we slice it up and dish it out.  It looked every bit as good as anything from a professional bakery.

“Mmm!”  I sit up straight as the sumptuous chocolate and rich cherry flavors touch my tongue and begin to mingle on my palate.  I’d had some good chocolate in my time, or at least I thought I had, but this blew everything I’d sampled out of the water.  The cherries and whipped cream were best in class as well.  But it was more than simply being good, it was mind blowing!  There were extra layers and facets of flavor that I didn’t even know existed.  It was like seeing the color green for the first time while standing in a forest.  As I chew and the tastes swirl I begin to pick up subtleties not just in flavor but of texture and consistency that were each a revelation in their own right.   I look at Dom dumbfounded.   “MMMMM!”

She winks at me.  “I had time to work a bit of kitchen hoodoo on this one.  Glad ya like it Alaska.”

“Oh my God!”  I continue to marvel.  Taking another forkful I go again and confirm it was as good as my first impression judged.  “Mmm!”

“I love magic cake.”  Dot says through her happy chewing.  “Yum!”

The conversation ebbs as we each savor this culinary miracle.  After supper, as the most senior four move on to go relax in the neighboring common room, the junior four are given the task of cleaning up.  Charlize seemed nonplussed being grouped with Dot, Beatriz, and I and mutters some longstanding complaint about how Sloane had only beat her to the house by two days two years ago, but she seems to take solace in the fact that she would be the next to be promoted out of dishes duty.  I go out of my way to do extra so that she didn’t have to do too much.  A spectacular gown like hers was not suitable to such common work as this.  She notes my efforts and silently appreciates it.  In the end it is Beatriz and I who do ninety percent of the work as Dot was constantly distracted and eventually just wanders off altogether.  Working so closely with my creepy housemate as we rinsed the dishes, hand washed and dried the bigger serving items, and loaded them in the washer with the rest was unnerving but at this point I was just too tired to care that much.

When we do eventually join the others we find them lounging comfortably and rather more intimately than any group of friends I’d been a part of.  Hanae was cuddled up beside Dom, her head resting on her shoulder, while Sloane was sprawled out taking up the rest of that long sofa with her red curly haired head using Hanae’s muscular thigh as a pillow.  On the other sofa sat Gretchen in her red leathers, alone but not for long.  As soon as we enter Charlize goes to sit at the giant German’s side.  Subtly Charlize sets her hand between them and just as subtly Gretchen gently rests her gloved hand over top.  Our radiant angel and our crimson devil sat together with a natural ease that spoke to their friendship just as surely as the more showy display of the others.  As a girl severely starved of physical affection for a good portion of my life I thought the whole cozy scene all quite beautiful.  I find myself wishing that I had friends like this.  Beatrix tucks herself in beside Gretchen and Charlize’s sofa at the far end and opts to kneel on the floor instead of sit even though there was plenty of room.  Dot was nowhere to be seen.

As eyes turn to me and they motion for me to make myself comfortable I hold my hands up in apology.  To keep up my bluff I had to be sharp and right now I was anything but.  I also knew I would only end up sit there trying not stare at their dicks as horny as I still was.

“Thank you all so much for the amazing meal and the warm welcome, but I am absolutely beat.”

There is some polite protest but mostly there is understanding.  One by one I look around at these special women dressed in their gorgeous clothes and bid them a good night.  Sloane, of course, makes one last pass at me but I firmly and politely turn it down.  With their voices chatting behind me I head off to my room where I could at last let my guard down.  Being a liar was exhausting!

Once upstairs I hear the rapid fire clickety-clack of a keyboard coming from Dot’s partially open door.  I lightly knock then poke my head in to see her already dressed for bed in a set of pink and white cotton pajamas.  She sits at her computer, her fingers a blur over the keyboard.

“Hey cutie, whatcha doin?”

Though her eyes don’t leave the screen she giggles at my cutie comment.  “Hide and seek.”

“Hide and seek?”  I look at her nonstop fingers and her laser focused eyes and the stream of plain text and numbers flowing up the black screen.  “Looks like an intense game!”

“Not a game.”

“Right.”  I shake my head, even if I asked I probably wouldn’t understand the answer.  “Anyway, I’m heading to bed now.  I just wanted to say goodnight.”

“Already?  It’s not even nine.”

“It’s been a long day Dot.  I’m just going to give my baby a call and hit the sack.”

“Okay.”  She says.  “I’m looking forward to our trip tomorrow.”

“Me too Dot.  It’s going to be fun.”

“I…I really liked meeting you Jo.”

“Truly, the pleasure was mine.”  I smile at the Hawaiian sweetheart.  “Good night Dot.”


I retire to my room and flop down on my bed.  Whoo!  Finally.  I push all of the swirling thoughts and emotions from my mind and just let myself…breathe.  All this sisterhood stuff could wait until the morning.  Some much needed shuteye wasn’t far away now, but there was something I needed even more urgently first.  Making sure the door was locked and the blinds drawn I move my pillow and set out my laptop as I wanted more screen space than my phone would allow.  I shoot Prince a text and just a couple minutes we are video chatting with each other.  I cannot help but smile as I see his cute clean shaven face, deep royal blue eyes and tussled dirty blonde hair.  He had on a snug fitting t shirt that I had bought him, it hugged his slim twinkish body deliciously.  Behind him I see his bedroom door closed, by the look in his eyes I suspected that he had similar ideas to me.  He smiles as he sees me.

“Hey Jo!”

“Hey babe.”  I say, leaning back on one arm.  “I’m missing you already.”

“It goes double for me.”  He says.  “Wow, looking good.”

I smooth out my blouse.  “They had a really nice supper for me.  They all dressed up and everything.  I’m going to have invest some better clothes I think, it was all pretty swank.”

“Cool.”  He says.  There is a moment of silence as he looks at me expectantly before he finally blurts out.  “So?”

“So what?”

“So what!?”  He exclaims.  “So…what happened?  With your roomies?  Going at it?  The girl on girl action.  Remember?”

“Oh geez!”  I laugh.  “That?”

“Yes that!  You can’t just leave me hanging like that then not bring it up.”   He chuckles.  “Did you see anything?”

“Oh my God.”  I blush.

“YOU DID!”  He points at my guilty expression.  “Ha ha!  That’s my girl.  Tell me EVERYTHING.”

I hesitate as I think about what exactly I was going to tell him.  I wanted so much to just spill it all.  To tell him everything I had learned.  I did trust Prince, to a point, but I wasn’t yet sure if he was ‘the one’ or not.  Besides that I had gained my knowledge of the sister’s closely guarded secret by deception.  I genuinely liked these women.  I did not want to betray them more than I already was.  After that kind toast at dinner I was feeling far less confident about what I was doing here.  And lastly, any talk of their secret would take this conversation into places I just didn’t have energy to handle right now.  I wanted some fun, an orgasm or two, and I then wanted to get some sleep.  In that order.

In the end I opt for telling the truth minus the confidential inches.  I tell him about Hanae going down on Sloane, giving him such explicit detail of their bodies that it even got me more worked up than I already was.  I tell him about Gretchen’s stepping on me and her red leather outfit at dinner.  I tell him about how hot Hanae was and how she so easily held me in her arms.  I tell him about my ‘cleanse’ and Charlize’s skin tight yoga pants.  I tell him about Beatriz nearly giving me a heart attack in the shower and how she caught me spying on the others and openly confessed her voyeuristic tastes to me.  And I tell him about Sloane’s open invitation.  All the while images of big meaty cocks danced in my head even though I didn’t breathe a word about them.  Prince being Prince eats it all up with lusty gusto!

“Oh my God that is so fucking hot.  I am hard as a rock right now.”

“Oh really?”  I smirk.  I couldn’t wait to see that.

Snapping his fingers he says.  “It’s a super secret lesbian sex cult!  That’s what it is.  That’s what you’ve walked into there.  The dominatrix is probably their leader.”  His kinky imagination soars.  “Of course, it was so obvious, all the signs were there.”

“HA!”  I guffaw too loudly.  I did not expect that.  “You are nuts, you know that?”

“Are you going to take up the Irish one’s offer?”  He teases excitedly.  “Are you going to let the creepy one watch?  Are you going to…?”

“Prince!”  I continue laughing.  “You are such a perv!”  I swat his direction.  “No, I’m not doing any of that.  It is NOT a lesbian sex cult.  And, as I said before, I’ve got a partner.”  With a sultry look I unfasten the top button of my blouse.  “At least for now.  But if he keeps talking like this…”  I unbutton another.  “…I might have to end this call.”

Prince’s blue eyes flare as he catches a glimpse of chest.  “I’ll be good.”  Leaning back in his chair he slides a hand down and out of sight.  That was my horny honey, straight to the good stuff.  God I wish he was here right now.  I knew just what I’d do with that erection.

I lick my lips seductively as slowly pull the blouse apart to show the smooth skin beneath.  “You better be good or else…”

Knock, knock, knock.

“Damn it!”  I mutter with a scowl toward my door.  “Now what?”  They knew I was going to bed, this was just rude.  “Hold on a sec.”

“What…?”  He asks but I was already dashing across the room.

Taking a second to settle myself I ask in a very polite tone.  “Who is it?”

“It’s Dot.”

I sigh.  Unlocking the door I open it part way, but stand so that she couldn’t enter.  “What’s up Dot?  I thought you were hiding or seeking or something.”

“I’m done.  I wanted to meet him.”  She says smiling from ear to ear.  “I wanted to meet your Prince Charming.”

“Pff, not sure about the charming part.”

She peeks past me and spots the laptop sitting open on my bed.  She calls out.  “Hello?”

“Hello?”  Echoes Prince’s voice, just barely audible from here.  “Who is that?”

“It’s Dot!”  She answers ebulliently.  “Can I see him?”

I sigh again.  “Fine, very quickly.”  Leaning in I whisper.  “Just don’t talk about the big secret.  He doesn’t like talking about it.”

She pouts.  “That’s so rude!”

“It’s just a thing.  You know, fragile male ego and all that.”

“Got it.”  She nods.  “No big secret talk.”

I stand aside and give her the all clear.  “Go ahead.”

In bare feet she pads quickly over to the bed and jumps up into it.  Sticking my head out into the hall I look left and right for the snooping Beatriz then close and lock the door behind me.

Sitting cross-legged, her top thankfully low enough to cover her crotch, Dot hunches in toward the screen.  “Hi Prince!”

“Well hey there.”  He replies in that smooth tone of voice he put on when talking to hot girl.  “Dot was it?”

“Yeah.”  She says.  “Short for Dorothy.  That was my Grandma’s name.”

In five seconds Prince had already learned something about Dot that I hadn’t.  I move in and sit just behind and beside Dot.  On the screen I could see my randy boyfriend very much enjoying the sight of the cute islander.  What an ass.  Good thing for him I wasn’t the jealous type.

I put my arm around her.  “Dot here’s been looking after me.  Since we’re the newest girls we decided that we’re a team.”

“We are going to best friends.”  Dot says.

“Are you now?”  Prince says with a sly smile.  “I heard about how good of friends you girls were down there.  Real close friends.”

“Prince.”  I warn him.

“What?”  He says innocently.

“You know what.”

He laughs and I knew trouble was coming.  Before I can cut him off he says.  “Say Dot, have you ever kissed a girl?”

“Hah!”  She gasps, her cheeks darkening a shade.

“Alright, we’re done here.”  I say.  “I knew this was a mistake.”

“No I haven’t.”  Dot confesses through a titter before I could usher her away then asks right back  “Have you ever kissed a boy?”

“No.”  He bristles.

“Yes.”  I correct him, eager to throw the teasing back his way to teach him some manners.  “You kissed Brody.”

“Hey!”  He protests with bruised pride.  I was cutting him off at the knees in front of a hot girl, guys hated that even if they were already attached.  “He kissed me!  He lost a bet!  It was a gag!  That doesn’t count!”

“Full on the lips.”  I add.  “Held it a long time too.  A really long time.  Tongues and everything right in front of all of our friends.”

“Oooo!”  Dot hoots.

“You liar.  There were no tongues!”

“You were moaning.”  I quip then let out a lusty hum.  “Mmmmmm!”

“I was screaming!  I couldn’t get away!  The dude is twice my size and strong as an ox!  You saw me fighting it.”

“Fighting it?  Is that what you call it?  Looked like you were just getting into it to me.”  I shake my head.  “I was getting jealous honestly.  I wish you kissed me like that.  With such…raw…sexual…hunger.”

“You cow.”  He glowers at me.  “Tell her about the bruise I left on him after.”

“Bruise?  I thought it was a hickey.”


“Ha ha ha!”  Dot leans back into me laughing.  “Did you get a picture of it?  I bet it was cute.”


“I wish.  And yes, it was very cute.”

Prince crosses his arms and sulks, but playfully so.

“So what was it like Prince?”  Dot asks.  “Kissing a man.”

My boyfriend leans in close, his blue eyes dancing.  Oh no!  “I’ll tell you what Dot.  If you tell me I’ll tell you.”  He says.  “What’s it like kissing a woman?”


“But I told you that I never did.  Just my Mom and stuff, not like a real kiss.”

“Well Dot, that could change very quickly.”

“Don’t you dare!”  I warn him, already knowing what he was up to.  This wasn’t the first time he tried to do this with me and one of my friends but until this call just now I never actually realized what a thing girl on girl was for him.  He kept coming back to that subject and his particular interest in it was written across his grinning face as clear as day.  It also linked up with a dozen little comments he’d say over the years that I didn’t think much of at the time.  My secret thing was big hogs, this was clearly his.  The things I was learning today just never stopped.

He continues despite my warning.  “There’s a girl right there beside you.  Ya know.  If you’re curious.”

“Curious?”  Dot whispers.  “Oh!  Oh my!”

“Ignore him Dot.”  I pat her shoulder.  “And you!  You just met this woman.  I just met this woman!”  I point at the screen.  “I am going to kick your butt so bad the next time I see you.”

It was his turn to laugh at me.  “Turn about is fair play.  You know damn well there was no tongue.  Ewww!”  I roll my eyes.  He turns his attention back to my blushing housemate.  “I was just fooling around Dot.”  He chuckles.  “It’s just Jo and I’s weird sense of humor.  It’s what we do.”

Instead of accepting his apology however Dot surprises us both by saying.  “I…I’ll do it.”

Chapter 10 


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